Chapter 3

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-Ladon- “Just let me have a look at it.” “I’m fine, Carter,” I sneered, pushing his hands away. Ashes was pacing back and forth in front of me, seething with anger. Mefan took Carter’s place and leaned forward. I was seated in what could almost be called an infirmary. Mefan possessed unbelievable healing abilities, and now that Carter was connected to him, so did he. However, I could still get hurt. While I healed fast, it wasn’t instantaneous. “I told you we should stay together!” he exclaimed. There it was—the lecture I had been expecting. “Let me help him heal first,” Mefan interjected. “Then we can discuss.” “Lucky me,” I remarked. Mefan reached out to the burned skin on my face. He didn’t possess direct healing abilities, but he was knowledgeable about concoctions that aided in healing burned skin. It stung fiercely when he applied it. Whatever the humans had used, it had been effective. “There,” Mefan announced. “Now, let’s discuss what happened.” “I had one of them trapped,” I began. “And how did one manage to overpower you?” my brother inquired. “It wasn’t her.” “Her?” “Some redhead,” I explained. “It was the individuals she was associated with. I thought I had driven them away, but they returned for her.” “Wait, they came back?” Carter questioned. “For one person?” I nodded. “I found it odd as well, but she must be someone important,” I said. “She has to be, or they wouldn’t have come back.” “So, we are in search of a red-haired woman,” my brother summarized. “Shouldn’t be so hard to find,” Carter remarked. I rolled my eyes. “She has green eyes as well.” “Well, that narrows it down,” Carter teased. I shook my head. “Anything else? Anything that will make her stand out from the rest?” my brother inquired. “She will most likely have a limp now,” Mefan added. “Her leg was crushed by a tree, or maybe it will be completely gone.” “It’s possible,” I confirmed. “Doesn’t help much,” my brother admitted. “Wasn’t Rathilion and Valindra attacked a year ago?” Carter interjected. My brother nodded. “Didn’t they mention a redhead as well?” Ashes glanced at me, and I shrugged. To be honest, besides my brother, Carter, and Mefan, I wasn’t interacting with many people. “Maybe they can tell us more,” Carter suggested. “I will talk to them,” Ashes said, before pointing at me. “You stay back.” “Why?” “Because until we learn what the f*ck they used against you, I am not risking you flying off on your own again.” “Don’t be ridiculous, Ashes,” I retorted. “I am not. You are being foolish by always going on your own. You insist I bring backup, but you are the one really putting yourself in danger,” he said. “Well, I am not a kid anymore. I think I can very well take care of myself.” “And I am the king, and I am telling you to stay put until I find our mystery woman!” he said, his voice changing slightly. That little voice change could easily scare others, but it just annoyed the s**t out of me. I looked away as Ashes stormed out of the room. Then I got up from the examination table I was sitting on. I was about to storm out of there as well when Carter got in my way. “He isn’t wrong,” he said. “Yes, he is.” “You are putting yourself in dangerous situations all the time.” “And I get out of them as well,” I countered. “Half of your face was almost burned off, and we have no idea if it’s going to heal properly. You’re lucky none of your eyes got hurt.” “I would have survived either way,” I simply stated. “Ladon, you’re playing with your life here.” “Wouldn’t be the first time,” I replied, pushing him out of my way. “Just do as Ashes says,” Carter called after me. “Or what?” I challenged, turning around. “Do you really want to find out? You live with a god,” he warned. Mefan stood beside Carter, his eyes conveying an unspoken promise that he would prevent me from leaving if necessary. “When did you become my parents?” I sneered at them. “We are just looking out for you,” Mefan stated. “Well, don’t. I can look out for myself.” Turning around, I walked out, fed up with the conversation. -Rivanna- There were many ways to express that a leg was in bad shape, but they all boiled down to the same thing: my leg was in bad shape. After being brought back to camp, it was evident that I needed proper treatment. Kirr didn’t have the necessary supplies or expertise. All he could offer was something to dull the pain because I had a long journey ahead of me. I needed to reach another town where a physician could provide the help I needed, further diminishing my leg’s chances of survival. “Don’t let them amputate my leg,” I pleaded, gripping Tristan’s arm tightly before Kirr administered the sedative. “Ri—" “Don’t! Don’t allow it! I need this leg!” “It might be your only chance at survival!” he reasoned. “I don’t care,” I insisted, tightening my grip on his arm. “Don’t let them do it.” “Ri, if it’s a choice between your leg and your life, I choose your life.” “Drink this.” I pushed Kirr’s hand away and held on even tighter to Tristan. This was no joke, and he needed to understand that. “Promise me!” “Ri, I can’t.” “Yes, you can!” I exclaimed. “This is about your survival.” “And what good will I be to the cause without my leg?” I questioned. Tristan glanced at Kirr, but remained silent. We both knew the answer. Without my leg, I would be worthless. “Promise me!” “Fine,” he relented. “I promise.” Then I allowed Kirr to administer the sedative. I needed it for the journey to be more manageable and to keep still. Movement could jeopardize my leg’s survival, and I was determined to see it through. Damn The Dragon Prince. The next time we crossed paths, I swore to end his life.
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