Chapter 2

2598 Words

Chapter Two Amun gently pushed me through the door, then checked for anyone following us before slamming it shut and locking all of the bolts. He turned around to find me standing there with a raised eyebrow. He simply shrugged. "You can't be too careful," he admitted. "Everyone is out for themselves here." "It didn't seem that way at the feast," I muttered. Amun snorted. "Perhaps not, but most of the gods and goddesses out there are here by choice. And the ones that aren't are even more dangerous. They'll sell out anyone if they think it can get them freedom." "Does it ever work?" "Not that I've ever heard about," he admitted. "Sit, please?" He pointed to the low cot he must use for sleeping. It was big enough for two, but still oddly simple compared to my own bed back at Karnak.

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