What Happened Before
Quest Of The Goddess
After thousands of years of choosing not to do very much, Egyptian goddess, Hathor, is approached by the goddess of truth and justice, Ma'at, to aid her. She wanted Hathor to search throughout Egypt, and potentially the world, for four of the gods who were allegedly her consorts - Horus, Khonsu, Atum, and Amun. Ma'at wants the gods to join forces with some of the others in order to stop Seth from spreading chaos through the world.
Knowing where he is already, Hathor first seeks out Horus, only to discover that he hates her because of their alleged connection as mother and son. Eventually, through Hathor's new best friend, Khonsu, the two come to an uneasy agreement and Horus joins their side.
After finding Khonsu pretending to be an old woman, she quickly discovers that she and the moon god have a lot in common, and the two become close friends. Khonsu also starts up a relationship with Horus, which becomes progressively more serious as time goes on.
When it becomes clear that nobody has heard from Amun in a long time, Hathor leaves a message for him at one of his temples. He gets it, and then sneaks into her bed-chamber in order to talk to her. Unlike with the others, Hathor finds herself attracted to him. Amun gives her a spelled ankh which she can use to get him to come to her when she touches it and thinks about him.
Hathor and Khonsu set off up the mountain to go and find Atum and try to convince him to join the cause. Once in his presence, he rejects and dismisses Hathor, causing her to lose confidence in herself and run to an oasis for comfort. While there, she talks to Amun again, and the two get to know one another better.
Meanwhile, Seth is sending Hathor threatening notes and even went as far as destroying one of her temples in Luxor. She sends her priestesses back to Karnak to keep them safe and engages Ptah and his builder priests to fix her temple.
Back at Karnak, Horus finally agrees to join Ma'at's cause and comes over to their side. Hathor and Amun get progressively close. When Ma'at arrives to inform Hathor that Atum has relented and will join them, a celebratory banquet is organised.
Everything goes well until Hathor talks with Nephthys, who reveals that Amun is aligned with Seth and living at his compound. Hathor is left heartbroken.
Trust Of The Goddess
Unable to forget what Nephthys told her about Amun, Hathor confronts him. He tells her that he's tired of them constantly moving against Seth, only for him to carry on doing the same thing again and again. Hathor doesn't deem this to be a satisfactory answer, and sends him away.
Khonsu reveals that Horus is missing. Despite being on bad terms with the god, Hathor agrees to go and find him in order to help her friend. She goes to his temple where she finds one of her sacred cows, and one of Horus' sacred hawks, dead and waiting for her. She's angry, but prepares them for their death rites still. She accidentally summons Amun and calls him out on what the master he serves is like.
When she returns to Karnak temple, she finds a note from Seth telling her that he has Horus. She takes it to the other gods, and they agree that they need to do something about it. Ra reveals that he has a spy called Rhodopis in Seth's compound. Nephthys tells Hathor that she should still trust Amun, and that he's a good man, despite everything pointing to the contrary.
Once they're outside Seth's compound, Hathor calls Amun and asks for his help. He says he doesn't have any knowledge of Horus' imprisonment. The two of them kiss, and then spend the night together. The next day, Hathor volunteers to go into Seth's compound to help get Horus out, along with Khonsu and Rhodopis.
Once they're inside, she splits up from the other two to try and find out more information about what Seth is planning. Amun finds her, revealing he's become uneasy by the way Seth is running things, and has been for a while, but he worries about the other gods/goddesses accepting him back. Hathor assures him it'll be fine. The two of them go to meet up with the others, finding a meeting of Seth's inner circle as they do. They eavesdrop and learn that Seth has an untested device that will remove powers from gods, including their immortality, allowing them to be killed.
They meet back up with Rhodopis and Khonsu, who have found Horus and the goddess, Wadjet. The six of them leave the compound. Once they arrive back at the oasis where the rest of the gods and goddesses are waiting, Rhodopis leaves. Hathor goes to her tent to freshen up and finds a note from Seth thanking her for helping him flush out the spy in his compound. She rushes back to save Rhodopis, but has to go inside the compound to do it.
Seth captures Hathor who used herself as a distraction to let Rhodopis escape. Now his prisoner, Seth forces Hathor to sit through a feast with him, at which point Amun shows up, having re-entered the compound in order to save Hathor. She vows to bring down Seth, no matter what it takes.