I never thought my life would be like this. I always dreamed that my life would turn out like the fairytales in the books everyone reads. Such a dream to have from a young age but no, this is far from it. Every little girl hears stories about a prince coming to save the princess. As they get older it turns to finding love and getting a house with a white picket fence.
As I float to the bottom of the lake, I look up to the light coming in through the ice. As the white light turns red, I think about how I got here. The journey wasn’t easy, to say the least. It was difficult, a lot of trials made me realize all of the stories as a kid were just that… stories. My life isn’t what you would call a fairytale or even come close to it. Blood, sweat, and tears fill my life.
I feel myself start to warm as the freezing water numbs my body as I sink deeper and deeper into the abyss. This isn’t how I wanted to go. I always thought I would have my mate by my side as we were old and gray. But that now is just a dream. Sometimes fate can be cruel. My last thoughts before everything goes black are of my family, friends, and… HIM.