3. Put the armor on

2010 Words
There's no greater glory than love and not greater punishment than jealousy. . VIOLET ‘I’ll be back tomorrow, sweetie,' I promised as Hailey refused to loosen her hold on me. I patted her small back, a smile curling up my lips when her fingers only tightened around mine. ‘Please, stay.’ She signed, her eyes pleading. But as much as I wanted to, staying with her will also mean staying with Kevin and I didn't want to do that. ‘Hayley, you know we—” The loud honking noise broke into our silent conversation and I looked over my shoulder from where I was crouched in front of Hayley on their porch. For a split second my smile widened to see the red Ferrari which meant Alex was back but then I remembered what he had done and I scowled. The car door opened and Alex stepped out, his green eyes falling on me and he smiled that good for nothing smile of his. And I wondered if I should use my fighting skills on him that he and Mad had been teaching me. “You coming, beautiful?” I winced knowing he used that term because he had heard Kevin saying that to me. He was such an arsehole. I turned to Hayley and signed, ‘I have to go, sweetie. I promise to stay an extra hour with you tomorrow. We will go out to have ice cream.’ She beamed at me at that and held out her pinky finger. ‘Promise?’ I nodded and promised her. Kevin told her to go inside and walked with me to where Alex was waiting. When we were a few feet away from Alex, he paused and turned to me as he asked, “Will you be okay?” For a moment, I didn’t know why he was asking that but then everything I was trying to forget while I spent my time with Hayley now came rushing back to me. Cole. He was back. ‘I will be fine.’ When I started to turn away, Kevin grabbed my hand, stopping me and I turned to face him. A flash went off in that moment and we both turned to see Alex grinning at us with a stupid glint in his eyes. I had literally lost count of the times I had seen him taking my pictures like he was documenting everything I was doing so he could report back. If I didn't know better I'd start to think that he was obsessed with taking my pictures, but I knew better and there was only one thing I could think of that he was using these pictures for. If it was someone else I’d be too uneasy to think that there were pictures of me in someone’s phone but it was Alex Carter. Kevin said, “Violet, I could only guess why he is here and if it was me I wouldn’t even have left but, I don't want to lose you to him. Even if it’s taking you so long, I’m ready to go slow at your pace and I don't care however long it takes I’ll always be here for you.” He licked his lips and added, “I don’t want to hurt you by bringing this up but you shouldn’t forget what he did and how you were after he was gone, you can’t forget everything just because he’s back.” I gently pulled my hand back and replied, ‘I haven’t forgotten anything, Kevin. But please, don’t do this...’ I gestured at him. ‘I told you I like you, and it’s difficult for me to think about ‘us’ but you can’t force your feelings on me. I have to go now.’ He raked his fingers through his hair, agitation clear in his move and sighed. “I am sorry if I scared you. But... I just...” He shook his head in frustration and then asked, “Will you come tomorrow?” I nodded. ‘Of course, I will. I promised Hayley.’ “Is that the only reason?” I swallowed and then honestly answered, ‘No.’ Even though his emotions sometimes unsettled me, I can't deny that I liked him and his sweet nature, the way he was so soft with me and his daughter. But no matter how much I liked him I couldn't ever force myself to take a step forward. There was an invisible line between us that I couldn't cross. I made my way to Alex’s car and rounded the front to take a seat in the passenger side. When I sat down and closed the door, Alex got in and commented, “That was a long good night conversation.” I narrowed my eyes on him and said, “You brought him here.” “So we are using words now?” He asked as he controlled the steering wheel with one hand. “Why, Alex?” I questioned, choosing to ignore his comment on my selective speech. “I brought who?” He asked nonchalantly as if he didn't know of whom I was talking about. “You know who.” I gritted out. “I have no idea.” When I didn't say anything for a long time and chose to remain in silence until we were close to the Carter house, he finally said, “You left me no choice, Vi.” This time his tone wasn’t flippant, but serious as he added, “And he wasn’t living the best of his life so I gave him a push.” “If you are trying to soften me for him, don’t.” “Oh no, darling, I won’t ever do that now. Why would I, where’s the fun in that?” He parked the car in front of the house and turned to me. “Instead, why don’t we give him a show that he can’t ever forget.” I frowned at him and then looked out of the windshield to the house. Alex said, “A pretty little birdie told me that Mom invited Cole for dinner.” “What? Why would she do that?” I asked, my voice going out of proportion with my emotions. Alex shrugged. “That’s Mom for you, she easily forgives and she took him as a son so there’s that.” “But—” I swallowed my furious emotions and said, “Then take me back to my studio.” Alex shook his head. “No can do.” He stepped out of the car and said, “Remember, you promised to be strong no matter what. Come on, it’s time to put the armor on and enter the battlefield.” . COLE I maintained my smile for Mrs Carter even as I could feel Maddox glaring daggers at the side of my face. He was really pissed and rightfully so, and he was also influencing Bree to keep her distance from me. She had given me an apologetic smile when I had greeted her and stepped back as if she didn’t want to give into her desire to hug me and welcome me back. And besides them there was Dominic who just nodded his head at me and went upstairs, I could hear the slam of his bedroom door and noticed the pained look on Mrs Carter’s face. She hated to see her son in so much pain but I could understand it because I felt the same way when I went to New York after putting distance between myself and my princess. In my case it was my stupid choice to leave and in his case, Kiara left without a word to him. “What the hell is he doing here, Ma?” Maddox demanded, his arms crossed over his chest while Bree stood beside him with a sleeping baby in her arms. They had another son, a sweet little boy that I got a glimpse of because Mrs Carter was holding him. Chris, was his name. “Where are your manners, Mad, we don’t talk to guests like that.” Mrs Carter said. He scoffed. “Guest.” Then with a cold glint in his eyes he added, “Perhaps you are right, because he’s no longer a part of the family.” His words hurt and the next ones cut deeper. “And let me see you say that to the girl you adore when she walks in through that door. I wonder if she’ll be so welcoming to your guest.” He hissed the last word. Mrs Carter sighed and Mr Carter said, “We will have time to discuss all that but lets just put it aside for tonight and have a peaceful dinner. Alex is joining us.” Maddox looked at his father at that and asked, “Did he find her?” Mr Carter shook his head, his green eyes conveying his emotions regarding his son. Just then we heard a car approaching the house and Mad clapped his hands as he said, “That must be Alex. Let’s see what he has to say about our unwanted guest here.” I wanted to really grab him by the collar and punch him for taunting me, I didn’t know for how long he’s going to treat me like that but I knew it won’t stop until I confront him and we come to blows. It was the only love language Carter Brothers understood and I’d have to rely on the fact that once they thought of me as one of them too until I left without any explanation. I didn't just f**k up my relationship with Violet but I ruined it with everyone in the Carter family by breaking their trust and now I’d have to earn it back along with their forgiveness. The double wooden doors opened behind me and I turned to face the man who had made it impossible for me to sleep at night with his insistent messages that made my blood boil and photos that he sent to rile me up. And he succeeded. But Alex wasn’t alone, he was with her. And what had my teeth clenching and my heart beating hard against my ribcage in total rage was that he had his arm around her, my princess, and she was smiling up at him like they shared a secret joke no one knows about. Mrs Carter and Bree walked to greet Alex as he hadn't been home for the last two months. Bree said, "You came to get her before you came home." Alex shrugged, his arm tightening around Violet's waist. "You know she always comes first." Maddox moved toward them, intentionally hitting my shoulder with his as he muttered, "So she is. The last time they were together, alone for a long time, something happened between them." I glared at him. There's no way of anything happening between them, not like Mad was implementing but then my eyes went back to Alex and Violet, and doubts filled my mind to see her at so much ease with him. Mr Carter ordered Alex to wash and come down for dinner and I watched as the f*****g bastard brushed his lips on her cheek before he made his way to the stairs to go to his bedroom. And then he paused at the foot of the stairs and looked over his shoulder at me as he said, "And, hey Cole." When I arched a brow, he continued, "Welcome back. A lot has changed but I'm sure you'll be fine." And with a wink he climbed the stairs. . . . Are you guys ready? Hopefully yes! If this is the first time you are reading my book, you have to read His Broken Princess before this and you can also read completed series Carter Brothers Books and a completed Duo series CAGED-A DARK BILLIONAIRE CAPTIVE ROMANCE and TRAPPED FOREVER- A Dark and Twisted Happily Ever After. Thankyou ♡ A. Gupta
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