Forbidden comfort

1172 Words
KABIR'S POV I couldn't distract myself from her. Since yesterday, she has not left my mind even for a microsecond. Her touch, her body, her heavy breaths, her heartbeats, her innocent scared facial expression when I was inches away from her as if she was totally pure and innocent. Her soft gestures, the way she subconsciously pins her hair strands behind her ear while she talks, the way her angelic eyes shine at her slightest of amusement. She was the most perfect girl I had ever seen. She was hot, her every curve was in right place, making her damn hot. She was a perfect combination of hotness with innocence. After I came across her instantgram profile yesterday, while randomly scrolling through it, my breath got struck by looking at those angelic eyes. I thought she might be a temptress who lures rich men. But after chatting a bit with her, I found that she nowhere like those girls who will do something to impress any man. She proudly remains herself. Men are automatically drawn to her and she pushes them to their limits because, actually, she doesn't need any f*****g man to complete her. When I saw her at the club sitting alone, seemingly disinterested in anything and everything around her, I immediately recognized her but when I approached her, she didn't recognize her at once. Eventually, she understood, that I'm the same guy from instantgram. This was very new for me as everywhere I go, all the girls already know me and readily throw themselves on me. We talked for a good while and for the first time in my life I felt that I was happy. She has something that makes my heart beat faster. Her fragrance was still lingering in my mind. I leaned back on the sofa and palming my face and breathing deeply. I rewind everything that happened yesterday in the restroom. I shouldn't have done that. I am married to Aanya, I shouldn't feel this way for Kaya. This is wrong. Moreover, Kaya, unlike any other girl who will fall for my money. She looks like she's the godamn queen of her own castle. She was terrified when I cornered her and kissed her. What if she won't talk to me ever again? Should I tell her that I am married? How will she react then? These questions were flooding my mind continuously. ... I was having dinner with my business associates when my phone rang. I excused myself from the table, when I glanced at the caller's name, immediately a groan escaped from my mouth. My dear brother never calls me just to say hello, there's always something wrong. Mostly when he has messed up things such that they are no longer in his control and he needs my lawyer or money for his bail. Although our father tried his best to keep us away from his family of mafias, we have this in our blood. I never get engaged in any such activity, but I have to be always there to help my brother whenever he needs me. After my father's death, our paternal relatives begged us to retie the bonds which were broken earlier. So, we have good relations with them now because Krish forced us to do so, as he has this fantasy to rule the underworld one day. 'All my uncles are old now, they are not much into this mafia business as others have overtaken them.' This was told to my mother so she agreed to retie the old broken ties with them. Mom was totally against Krish's idea of being a gangster one day, so now he does all those little acts of gangsters, but without letting mom know about it. Standing out in the hallway, I answered his call. Before I could say hello, his slurred voice filled my ear, "Kabir... I have been in a car crash." Sobering up immediately, I anxiously brought the phone closer to my ear. "Are you hurt? Is it serious? Where are you now?" "I'm fine. I bumped into someone else, that man might have serious injury Kabir...what do I do now?" I relaxed slightly when I heard that my brother was safe. "You are drunk?" I asked and he didn't answer, giving me all the information I needed. "Tell me where are you? I'll deal with it." "I'm in the emergency room of the city hospital. Kabir, hurry." I went to my car, unbuttoned the top two buttons of my shirt, trying to calm myself. I made several phone calls hoping to understand the situation further and find a solution. Krish has always been a pain to me, but he is family, so I have to help him, no matter what. He wants to become a mafia leader one day, but he doesn't have the ass to be one. ... I returned home at 1 A.M., after clearing all the mess that Raman had created. Luckily, that man was not dead. He had his leg broken with some injury to his brain causing him hemiplegia. I made my lawyer look into the matter, the accident scene and make it look like it was not Krish's fault. I directed my men to pay for the treatment of that man and take care of every need of his family. The situation was under control. Aanya was not home yet as she was at her friend's birthday party, this is what she had told me. This is the usual thing, every other say she returns at home late at night. We don't have anything like a normal husband and wife. She is busy in her life and I am busy in mine. Without thinking twice, I sent a text to Kaya, hoping that she was not angry from what I did yesterday - Kabir: Hey beautiful! To my surprise, I got a reply from her within a minute. Was she waiting for me to text her? Kaya: Hello Kabir. Kabir: It seems that you were waiting for my text. ;) Kaya: Haha...there's no crime in assuming things that make you happy. Kabir: Ouch, I'm hurt. Kaya: What you doing? Kabir: Just returned from office, struggling to sleep. And you? Kaya: I was just trying to study. Kabir: I shouldn't disturb you then, doctor. Kaya: No it's okay. :) Kabir: Shall we meet someday? Kaya: Like a date? Kabir: Yeah! Kaya: I'll think about it. Kabir: When can I get the honor to know your answer ma'am? Kaya: I'll let you know Kabir. Kabir: Okay doctor. Kaya: Good night. Kabir: Good night! It was an awkward chat, maybe because of the kiss. We were very comfortable yesterday, but today she sounded somewhat different. But it was soothing. She was soothing. At least I got to know that she's not angry with me. She comforts me without making any effort. This comfort is forbidden for me.
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