CHAPTER 5:  Terry

1534 Words
CHAPTER 5: Terry –––––––– Terry stared at the closed door. Something was going on. Ethan was excellent at hiding his true thoughts but he’d known the man for years and as a lawyer, he’d learned to see behind the masks people wore. “If something happened to her...” Maggie stood and began to pace. “David is going to blame me.” He grabbed her wine glass from the table and went to the bar. He was thankful for the distraction, especially since she was such a hot mess. He had no idea how it’d happened but her hair was even more mussed than earlier. New, thick strands had slipped free from their restraint and rested on her shoulders. His fingers itched to feel that satiny softness, but it wasn’t the time, not yet. He filled her glass with wine and walked over to her. “Relax. Your friend will be fine.” “How do you know?” She accepted the glass from him. “I wouldn’t have been if you hadn’t...” She gulped half of her drink. He took her arm, enjoying the softness of her body as he led her to the chair. “Sit.” He struggled to keep the satisfaction from his face when she immediately obeyed. She didn’t realize it but she was a natural submissive. He couldn’t wait to train her for his pleasure and hers. “She may be in trouble too. Like I was.” She stared up at him, her eyes huge and filled with worry. She was beyond adorable. “I doubt that.” “You don’t know.” “Let’s look at the facts, okay?” She nodded and he sat across from her, letting his knees brush against hers. “She invited you here, right?” “Yeah.” She took a sip of her wine. “You got into trouble because you didn’t realize what kind of place this was.” “Yes, but—” “If you’d known what went on in the playrooms, would you have gone there?” “No. Absolutely not.” He smiled slightly. He’d enjoy taking her in every one of them and showing her the pleasures to be had. “Since this event was only open to members, their guests and some others who have applied to be members, your friend, Vicky, has to be familiar with the Club. She’ll avoid those rooms, unless that’s what she’s into.” “She wouldn’t want....” She took a much larger sip of her wine. He leaned back in his seat, enjoying the slight flush creeping into her cheeks. His eyes dipped for a quick glance. The tops of her breasts were a shade or so lighter than her face. He took a sip of his scotch, grimacing slightly. The ice had melted and it was weak and watery. “She’s not...I mean, she’s a little wild but she’d never want to do anything like that.” She finished her drink. Terry carried his glass to the bar, dumping the contents in the sink before refilling it and grabbing the bottle of wine. “I’m sure she didn’t know what type of place this was either. Someone must’ve tricked her. She’d never want to do...” He refilled her glass and sat. “You can’t be that innocent. You were married.” “What has that got to do with this?” She was in a huff now and it was a glorious sight. Her rapid breathing caused her large breasts to jiggle in her too tight dress. His d**k started to rise, wanting to get its own look at the wonder of her t**s. “This is a s*x club. Married people have sex.” “Not like that.” “No wonder you got divorced.” Her mouth dropped open and her eyes widened. Oh, his d**k was paying full attention now. Her lips were lush and red and would wrap around his c**k so nicely. “That was a terrible thing to say.” She almost huffed her breasts out of her dress. “I told you I was rude.” He leaned forward. “But if all you and your husband did was f**k missionary style it’s probably why he left.” He took a sip of his drink, his eyes roving over her mouth, wondering what it’d feel like, taste like. “I’m assuming it was he who left.” “That’s none of your business. None of this is any of your business.” She put her drink down on the nearby table. “I think I’d prefer to wait by myself.” “Too bad.” He grinned. “I’m not leaving you alone. Who knows what other mischief you’ll find?” “I’m not an i***t. I’m not going to do anything but wait here for Ethan.” She was sitting as stiff as if she were strapped to a post, but her voice had held a hint of breathlessness when she’d said Ethan’s name. “All the same, I’ll keep you company.” He took another sip of his drink, tamping down his irritation at her and himself. He’d never been the jealous type. Ethan liked innocent, young women. He liked experienced women who thought they knew what they wanted, but this time, this innocent woman was his. “I don’t need your kind of company.” “The last time you told me to go away you ended up in a situation that could’ve been very serious.” “Yes, I did.” She frowned, as if in pain. “Thank you again for saving me.” She forced a smile. “Why don’t we talk about something else?” She was a pleaser by nature. Terry liked pleasers. “Who’s David?” “Why?” She was getting defensive again. But he’d break down every wall until she learned to trust him completely. Then, they’d play. “You said David would blame you if anything happened to Vicky.” “Oh. Right. I did.” She took a sip of her drink. “He’s my ex. Vicky’s older brother.” “When I got divorced, I stopped having anything to do with all of my ex’s family.” It’d been hard and lonely. They’d been his family too for more than twelve years. “Vicky and I were friends before David and I married. That’s how I met him.” “Still. Uncomfortable.” Cutting all ties was hard but best in the long run. She shrugged but her eyes sparkled. Mischievous Maggie was a sight to behold—red, lush lips, breasts a man could be happy being smothered by, and hazel eyes eager and interested. Too bad she wasn’t looking at his d**k. “If you think my marriage failed due to”—her hand fluttered—“bedroom issues, what about yours? Same reason?” Her face was red now, but she held his gaze. “Hardly. I wasn’t a member here then but we did more than f**k missionary style.” “I forgot you were a member.” She glanced down. “Do you come here a lot?” “Yes.” He grinned. “I come here very often.” She looked up at him, her brow wrinkled in confusion. Terry knew the exact moment she understood his double entendre. Her cheeks heated and for one glorious second her eyes dipped to his crotch. He’d love to unzip his pants and let her get a good look, but she wasn’t quite ready for that. “That’s not what I meant.” She took the last sip of her wine. “I know. That’s why it was funny.” He grabbed the bottle and leaned over to fill her glass. “I shouldn’t.” She put her hand on the top. “Did you drive?” “No. I took an Uber. Vicky was going to take me home.” He moved her hand and filled her glass. “Then drink up.” “I really shouldn’t. I have to be up early.” “One more glass won’t kill you.” He let his knee brush against hers and her eyes immediately went to their legs. Good. She felt the attraction too. She picked up the glass and shifted, leaning back in her seat and breaking the connection with his leg. You can run, little rabbit but you won’t escape. He took another drink, savoring the chase. Would he taste his little rabbit tonight or would she make him work for it? He couldn’t decide which would be more fun. f*****g her now would ease the ache in his groin but waiting...That was the sweetest t*****e. “What do you do for a living?” she asked. “Safe topic.” “I thought so.” She smiled over her glass. It was the first real smile he’d seen and it was like a massive jolt to his d**k. He didn’t want to wait. He wanted her now. His hand tightened around his drink. “I’m a lawyer.” “Oh, that’s nice.” He shrugged. It was a job and he was damn good at it. “You?” “I’m a hostess at Outback.” She glanced away. She was hiding something, but he’d ferret out all her secrets. Knowing everything about her was the only way to wring every spark of pleasure from her body. “I’ll have to start eating there more often.” Her smile was fleeting but bright, like the sun peeking through the clouds on a dismal day. “Why were you following me?” She held up her hand. “I’m not complaining. If you hadn’t been there...I was just wondering why?” “Do you really want to know?” He leaned forward until he was a few inches from her. “And before you answer, I need to warn you that I don’t sugarcoat anything. Not for any reason. I’ve already told you that I’m rude but I’ve also been called crass and brutally honest.” He took a deep breath. “This is the only warning you’ll get. Don’t ask me any questions unless you want my honest answer because that’s the only kind I give.” She nodded and took a sip of her drink. She seemed to draw some courage from it because she repeated, “Why were you following me?” “Because I want to f**k you.”
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