Rodin folded the paper, placing it back in the envelope, then made the envelope disappear into a trouser pocket. He got his jacket and put it back on. As he reached his hand out for the door, he heard the locks click open. Rodin left, knowing he would be watched for a while longer. He knew Borinoff was interested in where his drugs ended up, and he no doubt knew Rodin didn’t take anything like C-18 himself. Borinoff would want to cut out the middle man, go straight to the end user. But Rodin wasn’t going to make things too easy for him. He’d see Jorren tomorrow morning. Not the man’s best time of the day, but he’d be easier to convince then. It would also give him time to consider the meaning of the message. Rodin thought best when his body was busy. When he exercised, he allowed his m