Strange Pool

664 Words
Suddenly a small panel appeared in front of him showing a small map. Jaden followed the map and after literally dragging his body toward that direction, he appeared in front of a pond. The pool, about 10 square meters in size, was located in the middle of the cave, filled with a rainbow colour fluid which looked just like a liquified rainbow. It was calm and glittering. The area around the pool was very different from the entrance, it was filled with different plants and vegetation. There were different types of flowers and herbs, that were filled with vitality. Jaden Shiba stared at the pool with a surprised face. Just by standing in front of the pool, the pain he was feeling get reduced. "...Must be the pool!" With an excited expression, he started moving forward. Jaden Shiba managed to calm down. He was quite surprised by this strange pool, just by standing near it his pain reduced and he started feeling better. "Vex, is this the place where you find the energy fluctuation. Can this pool really help me". Jaden asked Vex, as he moved towards the pool. [Beep, yes Mr. Jaden. This pool can help in curing your injuries] When he got closer to the pool, Jaden Shiba suddenly found something strange. The liquid in the middle of the pool was clean and thick, but he couldn detect the magnificent fragrance of the liquid. Jaden Shiba was full of curiosity and thought that there must be something weird in the pool. Step by step, one after the other! Under the calling of the pool, Jaden Shiba finally went up to the edge. He stared at the small pool; the scientific side of his character had been triggered. He said excitedly, "Let's see what you have to offer, small little pool!" Then, he jumped into the pool. ******* A sudden change occurred in the pool! As Jaden Shiba stood in the middle of the pool, the liquid was already up to his waist. However, the liquid in the pool started to move around as if it was alive, creeping up and down his body like vines. Seconds later, his whole body was tightly bound and covered with the strange liquid. The rainbow liquid in the pool was like vicious snakes, untiringly wrapping around him until it formed a cocoon. A wave of intense pain spread throughout his body. Jaden Shiba felt as if his brain was being sliced into pieces. It felt even worse than death. It was as if tens of millions of tiny worms were drilling into his body and squirming around in his arms, legs, bones, and viscera; eating away his blood and flesh. Jaden Shiba couldn't see anything. He wanted to scream, but couldn't make a sound, and neither could his body move. A strange liquid started flowing slowly along his ribs like a small stream and tore open his veins wherever it passed. Then the liquid rapidly accelerated and separated into many strands, madly surging into the seven hundred and twenty meridians within his body. He felt that his seven hundred and twenty meridians had enlarged significantly, as they interchanged between feeling scorching hot and biting cold. It felt extremely uncomfortable. The pain in his head grew stronger, in his dazed state, Jaden Shiba felt some weird changes happening within his meridians. Soon after, his meridians turned into, madly, swirling little cyclones. A small amount of the bright liquid infused itself into every cyclone and was swiftly absorbed into them. After absorbing the liquid, the cyclones enlarged and the process sped up. It may be because of the intensity of the pain that was almost unbearable, in his dizzying state, Jaden Shiba felt that his body was like a huge vessel, filled with the strange liquid. It was transforming him in ways he couldn't possibly imagine. Specifically, they were changing the seven hundred and twenty meridians in his body! As this thought flashed through his mind, he fainted.
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