Chapter 8: Battle of love and bands.

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~Winter's Pov~ I had woke up feeling pain in my arms and legs as I cried in pain. I gasped for air as the pain grew. I slowly relaxed as I felt warm arms wrapp around me and looked as two hands took mine. I heard humming then fell back onto a hard surface as I controlled my breath. it felt warm but cold at the same time. I felt my pain slowly fade and I looked over my shoulder to see Jamesons face with his hair in a heap of messy and disheveled curls. I smiled looking at his grey and black eyes. he kissed me softly as I looked into his eyes then relaxed more. I knew he was using his powers to calm me down. I'm usually against it but they always made me feel come when I was at my worst and today was one of thos days. Jameson smiled as he saw I relaxed then mouthed its ok to me. I looked as his eyes clouded over. shortly after his eyes went normal Midnight and Melody walked in the room. they froze seeing me and Jameson. Midnight: "oops sorry" Melody: "Are yall a thing now?" Jameson: "stop its not like that" Melody: "dont you love her though?" Midnight: "if it's not what it looks like considering she's wearing your hoodie and your shirtless what is it then" Jameson: "nothing just f*****g work your magic so that we can get ready for school today Is that battle of the bands thing and Winter is performing." I smiled looking at Jameson blushed. no we didn't sleep together like s*x bur he did let me sleep in his room and hoodie last night. I smiled and layed my head on his shoulder as Melody and Midnight tended to my wounds and numbed the pain. I smiled and slowly got up after the finished. Jameson looked making sure I wouldn't fall. he smiled then got up and went to his bathroom to shower. I smiled then slowly made my way to my bathroom that was in my room and washed up. I looked at the bandages on my side and my arms. I looked at my wrapped leg then sighed. they were gonna leave permeate marks. I looked up in the mirror then fell back seeing the image of a angry Tony and Tyson wrapping there claws around my neck. I turned and looked seeing no one. Midnight walked in and looked at me. she ran over and huged me tight rocking me back and forth as I cried some. she ran her finger through my hair then examined the faded bruise on my neck. she sighed softly then put my chocker on me and put foundation on that the ribbion chocker couldn't cover. I smiled looking at her then noded letting her know I was ok. she helped me to my bed and went to my closet pulling out a red pleated skirt and a whit zip up crop top that had black quater sleeves and a cut out heart on the chest. she smiled and handed me the cloths. I smiled at the outfit then huged her she huged me back then sat on my bed. Midnight: "how are you feeling sweetie" Me: "scared, weak, kinda pathetic I no longer feel as strong as I used to be including since I can heal right now. Midnight: "you are the string girl I know Winter" Me: "its been almost a week were on day 6 and the best done is that the bleeding slowed." Midnight: "I'm sure the bleeding will stop by this weekend and your wounds should start scaring over after." Me: "I sure hope so" I went to my changing area and pulled the cuteness closed then got dressed in black lace panties and and put on some dance shorts then put the rest of my clothes on. I came from behind the curtain and heard midnight clapping. Me: "you sure I'll be better soon?" Midnight: "of course now let's go downstairs before Jefferson leaves." Me: "He's still here?!" Midnight: "yes" Me: "why didn't you say so sooner" I smiled and ran downstairs to Jefferson with Midnight yelling for me to be careful as she ran behind me. I smiled and jumped on his back when I saw him. he laughed then looked back at me. Jefferson: "hey baby sis" Me: "hi big brother" Jefferson: "how are you feeling about your performance and stuff today" Me: "I feel ecstatic" Jefferson: "awsome" Jefferson smiled as I got off his back and he turned and looked at midnight his smile growing bigger he went over to her and kissed her deeply wrapping his arms around her waist. I always loved how cute they were together. I wanted something like what they have. Jameson came downstairs and cleared his throat as he wrapped his arm around me. looking at midnight and Jefferson. the couple pulled away from there kissing session then looked at Jameson who was holding my guitar. Jameson: "are yall gonna come catch us performing today" Jefferson: "yup" Midnight: "I heard Javier was closing shop just see yall." Me: "really!?!" Javier: "of course really I wouldn't miss yall performing for the world" I looked and saw Javier then ran over and huged him. he smiled hugging me. I looked as Amelia and Amelio sit at the table eating. Amelia: "I think Winter Is gonna knock all of those fakes out the water." Amelio: "Nah if anything I'll win" Jameson: "keep dreaming cat boy." Amelio: "I got stuck as a cat once" me: "for two weeks may I add" Amelio: "no baby cakes don't join in on them bullying me" Amelia: "stop trying to clame her im surprised JJ hadn't tried Killin you" Jameson: "it'll come one of these days" Amelio: "JJ loves me to much" Jameson: "since when?!" I smiled looking at eavryone and made a plate of smoked sausage, beacon and pancakes and ate as I heard my friends bicker. they stoped when Javier spoke up. Javier: "any ideas on what yall doing for your birthday" Jefferson: "thats a good question" Midnight: "yea we are celebrating all 4 of yalls birthdays tomorrow even though yalk are a week apart" Jameson: "they always agree on party thems." me, Jameson, Amelia and Amelio all looked at each other. realizing we haven't Done any planning this year. Amelio: "let's throw a giant party at the mansion and invite the whole school and our alies." Me: "the whole school?" Amelia: "is that smart. we may be bringing enemies into the same territory" Jameson: "Amelia has a point. plus don't you remember that quite a bunch of kids bully Winter on a daily." Me: "its only a matter of time before paint is dumped on me" Amelio: "let's do it at a neutral Territory then ya know like that club or the hang out we found on the neutral territory last year." Jameson: "that could work." Me: "it could" Amelia: '"how about this we have a group of vips that can hang with us and then the rest will party and come and if they f**k up we have a bodyguards kick them out." Jameson: "that's perfect" Me: "im fine with that" Javier: "it's settled a party then" Jefferson: "looks like it" Midnight: "give us a them by romantic ok?" Me: "will do" after we all ate and talk we headed out to school me and Jameson rode upfront with Amelio and Amelia in the back. I smiled as Jameson laid his hand on my thigh. I smiled looking at him then kissed his cheek I heard Amelio gag and Amelia laugh at her brother. me and Jameson laughed then pulled up to the school. Jameson helped me out as Amelia and Amelio got out and grabed their bags. we walked inside to our lockers and put our stuff up then headed to Mr. sangs class to set our instruments down. Jameson put his arm around my shoulder protectively as Victor came in the room and set his stuff down. Victor walked over earnig him a growl from Jameson. Victor looked at Jameson not caring then stepped closer. he reached his hand out to touch my cheek then was instantly flipped. Jameson: "you apparently can't listen. so let me break it down for you. Don't. f*****g. Touch. Her. you popas ass. Victor: "she's not yours at least I don't see a mark. besides she's free game since Tony is with Erica." Jameson: "what?!" I looked at Victor processing his words then looked at Jameson who looked at me with worry in his eyes. I held back tears then took off running down the halls pushing past eavryone. I bumped into someone then fell back on my arms and whimpered in pain feeling shoot through my arms. I looked up and saw Sarah and Jackson. they looked at me I then hurried up and apologized then started back running and made my way out of the school and into the woods and to the meadows. once I got far enough away I fell to the ground landing on the soft grass then let out a loud scream and held myself as I cried. I could feel snow howling in pain. my heart was breaking and I hated it. I layed in the grass as I cried silently admiring the flowers. slowly zoning out as a memory that was long forgotten played in my head. ~12 years ago~ I sat with my mom and sister Savanna in a meadow playing with the flowers. Savanna was teaching me to make flower crowns. I smiled as I made one just like my sister taught me. I had set it on her head and she smiled. I then played with her red and blue hair admiring how pretty and soft it was. I smiled and started making a new flower crown with different color daysies that were a verity of sizes for my mom. I smiled as Savanna helped me in picking and braiding them. I smiled when the crown was finished and we went over to mom. I handed her the crown and she smiled brightly then turned it into crystal. mom had the power to turn anything and everything to crystal. I smiled and played in my mom's hair it was just like mine and I loved it. she had told me one day I will learn to use my powers. I smiled as my sister and mom chased after me. I was caught by my dad and giggled he then handed me to my brother Chase. I smiled and looked at my dad and brother. we were having a wonderful day. Present Day I smiled as I looked at the memory slowly fade and I continued crying. I wish they were alive. ~Jameson's Pov~ I looked at Winter ran out after hearing what Victor said. I looked at Amelia then stood over Victor. I looked at Victor and growled. I punched him knocking him out. I looked at Amelio. Me: "take care of the ass" Amelio: "got it" Me: "look for Winter after dropping him off at the nurses office" Amelio: "got it. oh Jameson. kill that asshole when you see him" Me: "of course" I ran down the hall in the direction I saw Winter go. I continued speed walking down the hall then stoped as I saw Jackson and Sarah. I was about to approach them then heard them talking. Jackson: "He's soo f****d. I told him not to go with that girl. no dude just has to get his damn d**k wet." Sarah: "he had to reject her if he continues like this. Jackson: "I agree S but this will break her" Sarah: "she already fears him Jack." I looked then cleared my throat. they jumped then looked at me. I tensed as I felt pain then looked at the two. Me: "where is she" Sarah: "Winter. she went out the doors." Jackson: "She looked realy broken what happened" Me: "she knows Tony has a new girl." Sarah: "we have to find her come on" they booth looked in shock then ran to the door. I fallowed behind them with Amelio behind me. ~Winter's Pov~ I sat up as I heard my name being called. I looked behind me and saw Amelia. she ran over and huged me tight. I cried and held on to her. she hummed then stoped apon hearing foot steps. we looked and saw Jameson, Jackson Amelio and Sarah. Jameson looked at me then ran over as Amelia let me go and moved aside. I held my hands out for him. Jameson pulled me into his arms and huged me tight. I cried and stayed in his arms. he then started humming fly me to the moon. he kissed my head then looked at Jackson and Sarah. Sarah looked at the scene and wanted so bad to hurt her brother right there and then. ~Winter's Pov~ Winter cried as she held onto Jameson. Jameson hated seeing her like this. he knew he'd have to use his powers if she kept crying. Sarah and Jackson looked at each other then walked off. "Well be back." Sarah said. Sarah and Jackson rushed back to the school and sniffed out Tony. they made their way to the second building and to an empty room. Sarah picked the lock and opened the door. Jackson walked in and growled at what he saw. a brunette with olive skin was kissing Tony. Tony had his fingers up her skirt on her thigh. Sarah let out a deep growl causing the two to break apart. Tony looked at his sister and cousin with an annoyed look. Sarah: "what.. WHAT THE f**k ARE YOU DOING. DO YOU NOT FEEL THE PAIN YOUR PUTTING HER THROUGH." Jackson: "She's in the woods balling her eyes out and yiur making out with Erica." Tony: "Erica is my girlfriend. she came back last night after being gone for two years." Sarah: "you were supposed to leave her. you're mate is hurting" Tony: "So what she dosent love me she fears me" Sara and Jackson kept arguing with tony then gave up. Sarah left slamming the door behind her. she pulled out her phone then called up her dad. Meanwhile in the meadow. Winter was still crying she hadn't calmed down. Jameson sighed and held onto Winter as he started using his powers to relax her. she slowly relaxed and fell into him. she looked up at him and smiled slightly as a few stray tears fell from her eyes and down her cheek. he eyes weren't their bright purple anymore. they looked so dull and so life less. Jameson knew she was broken. Jefferson most likely knew now to. Amelia looked at her broken friend wanting so bad to cry. Amelio was livid he wanted Tony's head on a mantle. Winter slowly sat up Jameson got up then picked Winter up and rested her on his arm. he held her with one arm and started walking to the school. Amelio and Amelia behind them. they went upstairs to the giant gym that was on the second floor and set the stage up. James set Winter on the stage and looked at her. Jameson: "do yiu still wish to sing my love." Winter: "I've practiced so long for this of course. besides you can't sing the song alone" Jameson: "true and I wouldn't want to sing it with anyone other then you." after a 3 hours of setting up the principle made an announcement says for eavryone to go to the second floor gym. Winter smiled as Mr. Sang came in and smiled looking at the decorations. "this is perfect" he said happily. once eavryone who was participating came into the gym they started rehearsing their acts. Jameson smiled at Winter as she hummed and played her guitar. he knew she was gonna rock this stage. after rehearsing the bleachers and chairs were filled with family members of those who would perform. ~Winter's Pov~ I smiled looking at the stage Mr. Sang had announced me first I smiled and put on 1950 by king princess and played the notes on my guitar. I smiled as I started singing Me: "I hate it when dudes try to chase me But I love it when you try to save me 'Cause I'm just a lady" I smiled looking at the crowed as I sang getting lost in the music. I then smiled looking over at Jameson as I played and sang to the music. Me: "I love it when we play 1950 So cold that your stare's 'bout to kill me I'm suprised when you kiss me" I smiled bitting my lip as I thought of when Jameson kissed me and I played my guitar. Jameson sat in the audience by Javier and Jefferson. I smiled as I looked at him and started back singing. Me: "So tell me why my gods look like you And tell me why it's wrong So, I'll wait For you I'll pray I will keep on waiting for your love For you I'll wait I will keep on waiting for your Did you mean it when you said I was pretty?" That you didn't wanna live in a city Where the people are shitty" I smiled as I was singing letting the music take me over and I sang my heart out. I smiled as I looked at Jameson then my family and kept Singing. Me: "I like it when we play 1950 So bold, make 'em know that you're with me Stone cold, will you miss me? So tell me why my gods look like you And tell me why it's wrong So, I'll wait For you I'll pray I will keep on waiting for your love For you I'll wait I will keep on waiting for your" I smiled looking at Jameson in the eyes and blushed softly. I always felt so nice around him like he was made for me. I smiled looking at him lip sing as I sang. Me: "I hope that you're happy with me in your life I hope that you won't slip away in the night I hope that you're happy with me in your life I hope that you won't slip away I hate it when dudes try to chase me I love it when you try to save me 'Cause I'm just a lady" I smiled as Jameson ran down to me as I got off the stage and kept singing as I stepped my guitar down and he picked me up. I smiled putting my hands on his cheek as our foreheads touched and I sang the last of the song as his arms snaked around my waist. Me: "So tell me why my gods look like you And tell me why it's wrong So, I'll wait For you I'll pray I will keep on waiting for your love For your love (For you) I'll wait I will keep on waiting for your" I smiled looking up at Jameson and he kissed my nose. I smiled giggling then heard claps and looked at eavryone. me and Jameson went to sit down. as other people sang and alot of them were good but JJ will always be the best singer to me. Amelio and Amelia were amazing and I hate saying it but so was Victor and surprisingly Stacy. didn't know people who sucked d**k most of the day could sing. Mr. Sang then called up Jameson so he could do his performance. Jameson smiled and grabed my hand and we made our way to the stage. I smiled looking at him. I stayed back stage until he waved me over. "I would like someone very special to sing with me. I've known her 10 years and I would sing this with anyone but her." He said as he looked at me. I smiled ans walked up on the stage and stood next to him. the song in the name of love began playing and I smiled sweetly. Jameson: "If I told you this was only gonna hurt If I warned you that the fire's gonna burn Would you walk in? Would you let me do it first? Do it all in the name of love" Me: "Would you let me lead you even when you're blind? In the darkness, in the middle of the night In the silence, when there's no one by your side Would you call in the name of love?" I smiled looking at him then we both started singing. together as we harmonized balancing each other out. Both: "In the name of love Name of love In the name of love Name of love In the name of... In the name, name In the name, name Me: "If I told you we could bathe in all the lights Would you rise up, come and meet me in the sky? Would you trust me when you're jumping from the heights? Would you fall in the name of love?" Jameson: "When there's madness, when there's poison in your head When the sadness leaves you broken in your bed I will hold you in the depths of your despair And it's all in the name of love" we smiled as we sang looking into each other's eyes as we circled around eacher. we got lost in the music as if it was only us in the whole gym. Both: "In the name of love Name of love In the name of love Name of love In the name of... In the name, name In the name, name" I smiled as we danced then turned our backs to each other and took steps in the opposite direction as we sang. Me: "I wanna testify" Jameson: "Scream in the holy light" Me: "You bring me back to life" Both: "And it's all in the name of love" Jameson: "I wanna testify" Me: "Scream in the holy light" Jameson: "You bring me back to life" Both: "And it's all in the name of love" we turned and looked at each other as we sang and walked back to eacher and locked eyes. he took my hand and twirled me then pulled me close holding my waist with his free arm. Both: "In the name of love Name of love In the name of love Name of love In the name of... In the name, name In the name, name In the name of... In the name, name In the name of..." I smiled looking up at him and blushed. he set the microphones down then pulled me closer and kissed me deeply. I kissed him back as I weaped my arms around his neck as we kissed. we pulled away and he cupped my cheeks. we heard clapping and smiled at the audience. he blew a kiss to the crowd smiling. I admit it made me slightly jealous but I didn't mind I smiled and did a slight bow. we got off the stage and looked at Mr. Sang was wiping his eyes. I smiled then looked as me and Jameson sat down on the bleachers with our friends and family. once our teachers had composed themselves Mr. Madin announced Jameson as the winner. Jameson smiled then kissed me deeply. he blushed looking at me then ran down and jumped up on the stage. he couldn't believe he won. he was now the one to perform at all the school events. I smiled looking at him. once eavrything was finished we stayed behind to clean and headed home at about 8 o'clock. we haven't seen Tony at all today. come to think of it I didn't see Sarah and Jackson after they left the meadow. once we got home we ordered pizza and Chinese food dinner to celebrate Jamesons win. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~☆Anouncment☆~ Gods this chapter is sooo long. it's a bit longer then my normal. on a up note. Plot twist. so as you've picked up. Jameson and Winter have loved each other for who knows how long. (oh wait I know but I won't tell ya yet.) and to top it off Tony and Winter are losing their spark. is Jameson gonna be Winter's new love. WHAT THE f**k happened to Tony. will be even be able to get Winter's heart back or has he lost her forever. also warning next chapter will have mature content you can read it or skip it you just may be lost in the chapter after or not but like I said keep an eye out for those warnings. untill next time. I love yall ?
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