Chapter 20:

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~Winter's Pov~ I smiled as we pulled up to the mansion. I got out and went inside with Angel beside me. when we got in the house was lively as ever. I smiled and laughed as some of the children ran around me playing tag with one another. I jumped as someone suddenly hugged my led. I looked down to see scarlet. she was holding her blanket in one arm and her fingers in her mouth. he other arm was around me. I smiled as she looked at me with her big pink eyes and freckles and white haired curly pig tails. I smiled and picked her up and rested her on my hip. I smiled and she layed her head on my shoulder smiling showing her cute dimples. I walked around holding scarlet as i looked for Javier. I smiled as I started reminiscing about when I found Scarlet. she was only a year old. well she will be tomorrow. ~10 Months ago~ I smiled as I was driving with Jameson, Amilea and Amelio. we were going to a street race to test out the new car i had built. i was so excited. i made sure to trick out eaavrything her top speed is 400 at the lowest when i tested it but im sure she could go 600 or more. i smiled as we made it to the spot. it was dark out being night time. the glow the moon had on the cars was beyond beautiful. i smiled and set the car up for eavryone to see as i leaned on the side of it. I looked as Jameson and amelia came back with some bets. Amelia: "we got some bets so many have bet against the car because they think it won't be fast enough" Me: "That's Awsome" Jameson: "why is that Awsome?" Me: "because if we win they all owe us beside we know this beautiful thing will go fast." I smiled then got my phone and looked as the race was about to start. I handed the phone to jameson then got in the car. I smiled and git to the starting line. I put the hood down and turned on the under glow lights and the head lights. I smiled and waited with one hand on the wheel and the other on the stick shift. once the whistle blew Startin the race I shifted to drive and steped on the gas. I smiled as I got ahead of eavryone and got side by side with damien. he was always winning races and not the right way. I smiled as I looked at him then pushed the gas more and took off. I yelped as someone hit me from the back. I felt the back go to the side. I smiled and turned the where making the car turn with the truck in the back and shifteed to reverse. I smiled as I drove backwards looking at the driver behind me. I looked as a turn came up and did a 180 turning the car back around and put it in drive shifting gears and took off. I smiled as I pulled back up to damien and pushed the gas more and went around him. I looked at the soundings as I drifted in a turn and looked at damien behind me. I smiled and kept driving as I saw the finish line. I slowed down some and looked as damien sped up and looked behind me. I smiled then drifted the turn before the line as he kept going straight. I smiled and crossed the line first the turned the car to the side and stoped it putting it in park. I smiled and got out fixing my skirt and shirt as damien ran over. Amelia smiled then hugged me I smiled hugging her then hugged Jameson. I smiled taking my phone and looked at the recording. I started last and made it first the drifts and eavrything was realy smoth with the car. I smiled at the video. Jameson had a hell of a lot of good angels it'll make the advertisement video for the car amazing. Me: "well done Jameson you did amazing on these clips" Jameson: "well I mean you did most the work did ya think the car would ride that smooth" Me: "hell nah I'm actually shocked how smooth and well it did on thos race. it had more turns then the practice track. plus this looked Hella nice I bet." Amelia: "I made sure to get some pics of it driving." I smiled as Amelia handed me her phone and I looked at the picture. I smiled as I saw the electric purple car and the gold race stripes. I then looked and saw the trail of colors fallow behind it and underneath it was also at the tires as well I didn't much lights in tires it was like a strip on the inside behind the hood caps. so you can see it but not as much as you see it underneath. I looked as damien stoped over and I handed Amelia her phone back. I smiled as he stoped infront of me. I crossed my arms over my chest then waited for him to speak as I looked at him. Damien: "you built that?" Me: "yea I did" Damien: "I didn't think that 1990 Cameron would beat my Shelby. I don't think anyone thought you wine against something they bought a suped up." Me: "no many people thought I'd win if anyone but I don't blame them hell they didn't know I built her up using parts." Damien: "you did well and are a worthy challenger. think we can build one up together?" Me: of course I smiled and nodded looking at him. he smiled then handed me a duffle bag full of prize money. I smiled then put it in the trunk of the car. I looked as Amelia and Jameson got ready to go. I smiled and Said bye to damien after giving him my info. once I got in the car me, Jameson and amelia started heading back to the house. after a few minutes we pulled into a gas station so I cab fill the car. Amelia and jameson wanted to get something to eat. I smiled as they raced inside to find food. I started filling the car and smiled as I sat on the hood waiting for the car to fill. I played on my phone. I looked up as I heard a sudden scream fallowed by a cry. I got up locking the car then ran around the corner to the noise. I stoped in my tracks looking down an alley way. I sniffed the air smiling blood then slowly walked forward seeing a woman on the floor. I gasped running over and kneeled by her. I checked for her pulse. i could feel it fading. i lookedas the girl gaspedand grabedmy shirt as i called for an ambulance on my phone.. I looked around as I heard a cry and the women spoke. Women: "please take care of my daughter she's by the dumpster" I was about to speak when the girls hand fell and he body went limp. I no longer felt her pulse. I froze then layed her flat and closed her eyes placing her hands over her chest. I got up and went to the other side of the trash where i heard the cry. I looked seeing a small baby with pink eyes and white hair in a scarlet red blanket. I slowly picked her up and held her in my arms. she had a giant scratch on her arm. I started Makin my way back to the car as I calmed the little baby when Jameson and amelia rounded the corner. I looked up at them. Jameson checked me for wounds as he saw the blood on my clothes. Amelia slowly took the baby from me and I relunctently let go. Jameson: "love are you ok" Me: "im fine it's not mine." Amelia: "then whose is it and where did the blood come from." Me: "I heard screams and crys then came running but when I got here she was almost dead said take care of my baby then died then I found her." they looked down the as finding the dead girl. jameson looked. then turned to me. i could see the panick in his eyes. amelia looked at the women as she heled the baby. Amelia: "did you call the ambulance" Me: "yea i did" Jameson: "did they say theyll be here" Me: "yea in like the next 30" Jameson: "and you didnt see who did it right?" Me: "no" Amelia: "we have to go then" i looked at the girl once morebefore going off to the car. once we got to the car i removed the pump then hopped in the car. i then drove off to the mansion as amelia held the baby and jameson was calling midnight. i hurried to the mansion and pulled into the drive way. i turned the car off and got out. i went over and took the baby from amelia as she started crying i slowly calmed her down as i hummed softly. i looked and smiled as she stoped cyring and opened her pink eyes looking at me. i then walked in the house and was met with midnight who then started healing the babys wounds. i looked at the stairs as javier and jefferson ran down the stairs. Javier: "what happened" Jefferson: "are yall ok." Me: "we are fine. we just came acouse a lady and a baby" Javier: "wheres the girl" me, Amelia, and Jameson all looked at eachother and I held the baby. Jameson: "she... she's dead. we found hee half way gone she used her last breath to say take care of my daughter." Me: "I made an anonymous call for the ambulance" Javier: "we have to be prepared they may come here to find you if thay saw yall on camera" Jefferson: "it would only be for questioning though" Javier: "You are right but still. were a mafia/ mob family thats bad either way" Midnight: "make sure its one of ours that do the questioning then. we have officers on the in side most of them are ours and know winter." Jefferson: "she is right if not then we can jest have them to moddify the notes taken and take care of it." Javier: "ok true but what do we do about the baby" Me: "im gonna do what i said. take care of her. i'll take her to one of our doctors to check her and then she stays here as my resposability." Jefferson: "are you sure about this sis" Me: "im posative. plus we know how the orphaneges and homes are around here better then anyone. i... i dont want her going through that. shell fall through the system cracks." Javier: "she has a point. we all know what its like being alone and we know how f****d up those orphan homes are. we cant put a lil baby through that. she wont live depending on what home she goes to and we cant controle that." Midnight: "ok winter you can keep the baby. but what will you name her and ill help when needed." Me: "i dont know why but i wanna name her scarlet." Amelia: "it would suit her verry well." I smiled looking at scarlet as she looked at me with a cute dimpled smile and her cute freckles. i sat down and she played with my hair. i dont know why but i feltconected to her. i couldent explain the feeling i had but i would do anything to make sure she was safe. ~Present Day~ i smiled as i held scarlet on my hip. Angel looked at her and smiled. scarlet hid her face in my shoulder acting shy. Angel smiled looking at her then looked at me and tilted his head. Me: "she likes you. shes my daughter" Angel: "you have a kid!?!?!" Me: "techinacaly yes. shes my daughter because i adopted her well found her when her mom was killed." i held scarlet in my arms as she was on my his her head on my shoulder. angel looked mouthing oh then rubbed scarlets back and kissed her head. i smiled and she looked at him and reached her arms out to him. he looked a little unsure. i nodded and he slowly took her in his arms and rested her on his hip. she smiled hugging him not letting go of her blanker. the same scarlet red one we found her in. i smiled and went over to javier as he was looking over some papers. i looked and saw they were orders for some cars. Me: "are we getting in a new shpment" Javier: "yea theres a family that wants us to make personalized suped up cars for one of their events and if they like them theyll pay 1mil for each onf them" Me: "are you serious?!?!" Javier: "as serious as you when you took in scarlet" Me: "damn that is serious" i smiled looking at the designes they had and nodded it would take a couple months to do these depending on how i wanna do it. if i get help itll be like a month if i do this feom the end of school to sundown and over the wekends. i smiled and nodded once more Javier: "you think you can do it with in three months time." Me: "i know i can do it. ill have them built in 2 months top. and with some help from damien, jameson, angel and the twins i can have it done in less then a months 3 weeks maybe." Javier: "realy that quick" Me: "yea you know me i can do that s**t with my eyes closed and a few extra skilled people can help me get it done quicker." Javier: "you are right" Me: "i know i am" i smiled then went over to angel who was playing with scarlet. they had looked so cute right now. i smiled and went over then kissed his cheek. i then texted damine asking if he would help me with the project. id split the pay equaly among eavryone of course. i smiled and sat by angel as scarlet tackled him and he pretended to fell back to the ground and act like she got him. i smiled looking at him. Me: "do you and jameso wanna help me modify these cars and stuff for a families event." Angel: "of course baby ill help you " Jameson: "ill help you with the cars to love." Me: "thanks you two." after i asked amelia and amelio to help me with the cars. thank gods they said they would help. i jumped as the door rang and scarlet ran over to me playfully. i smiled and picked her up then looked at the others. they all noded and shook their head. signifying they werent expecting anyone sophia literaly 'said dont live here so' i smiled and set scarlet down. i looked as she wouldent let go of my hand. i smiled then kissed her chick and let her hide behind me. iopened the door then froze as i saw tony. i quickly called angel over and handed scarlet to him. she cried as she reached for me. it broke my heart hearing her cry and call for me i looked at tony my eys going dark. Me: "what the f**k do you want" Tony: "im..." Javier: "hese here to help you with the cars. he knows a lot about them and i know you have 6 people on it but i thought a 7th would help." Me: "no f*****g way javier" Javier: "WHY THE f**k NOT." i steped back as he yealed. i couldent tell him why i held back from reaching from my arm and side. javier calmed do then sighed looking at me. he took a step closer and placed his hand s on my shouder. Javier: "look kid we need all the helo we can get to get this as early as posible if you want. ittl give you e frre time and time to spend with you r daughter. i looked to Scaelet as she sobbed reaching for me. he was right it would give me more time to spend with my daughter and i would love that so much more than anything. where she was related to by blood or not she was my most adored and loved princess. i sighed then frowned" Me: "fine i'll work with him but we do it by my rules deal" Tony: "deal' ~Tonys Pov~ i smiled as i had got a call from javier askingme to helpwith a job. considering how he didint sound mad so i figured that he didnt know about what me and my father did to Winter if they did the alience would have ended long ago. he i cintemplated as i was on the phone it would give me time to spwnd with Winter. i quickly acepted his offer then headed over to the Valenteno estate rigt away. we made arangments that id stay there untill the project was done. i smiled saying by to my parents and went off. once i arized i walked to the door looking at it i could laughs and giggles. i knockedon the door causing the house to go quite after some time Winter opened the door with a white hared child with pink eyes that loked about one holding her hand as she hid beind her. she then quicly little go and handed the child to angel he quicky too the child and the chiled started crying for winter saying mama. i looked at the child then turned to winteer and she started questioning me. ass soon as i was about to answere javier came out of the kitchen answering for me" Javier: "hese here to help you with the cars. he knows a lot about them and i know you have 6 people on it but i thought a 7th would help." Winter: "no f*****g way javier" Javier: "WHY THE f**k NOT." i looked as winter instantly steped back in slight fear avier sighd as jameson and jeffeson stareddaggers at he walked closer and put his hands onnher shouders. and spoke to her so only she could see. she sighed then nodded. i looked as she turned to me. Winter: "fine you can help but under my conditionsdeal" i looked and nodded instantly. Me: "of course whatever you ask" Winter: "leave" Javier: "WINTER LILLY CORTEZ" I looked as she held back a growl then turned away. she then looke at me her eyes dark. Winter: "you fall each and evry last bluprint and design of the car exactly no more no less unless i say so. and you do not and will not touch my daughter" Jefferson: "thats fair" Javier: "i can deal with that" i looked as she walked away and went to the child the baby was then handed to winter and instantly calmmed down as she was held by winter. i was still shocked that she said daughter thst kid was no older then a year and she still smelled pured even though she was still pure. so how did she have a daughter and why. i looked as winter dissapered into the kitchen. i looked at angel and the otheres as they stared dagers at me. Jefferson had a blank stare but i could tell he and midnight were tinking of all the ways to hurt, torture and kill me. i took a deep breath then then looked as javier left and jefferson instanty mached up to me and poked his finger to my chest. Jefferson: "you do anything to hurt my sister and i will kill you i do not care if i start a turff war." Anger: "hurther and i promis you jameson will be the last of your problem me and jameson will be hunting you down and make sure you wish for death." Midnight: "just know i can curse you and the twins well if they go crazy nothing can help you." i gulped slightly then looked as javier returned. jefferson instantly tossed his arm around my kneck and and smiled at me welcoming to the team. the otheres also welcomed him to the team and smiled. i looked as they smirked staring slight daggers then smiled at javier. Javier: "imglad yall are getting along" Angel: "oh yea better then ever man right Tony" me: "um yea of course were getting along just fine" Javier: "awsome i even talked to Winter and told her to be nice." Me: "thats alsome" Javier: "so why is she mad you?" Me: "i had um forgot to go to her cheer practice like i plomised." Angel: "yea that would do it" Jameson: "yup. hell remember how mad she was at us when we missed her perfomance for the talent show in 9th grade." Javier: "she was mad for months. well lets get some sleep and yall can start on the cars first thing tommarrow Winter is feeding Scarlet in the kitchen so ill see yall tommarrow." i looked as javier shook his head and left and went up the saire. midnight gave me some sheets then went upstires with jameson to go to bed. angel to jeameson to rest and hell keep an eye on winter and the baby he called scarlet. i looked as they split ways then went to a extra guest room. i made the bed then turned on the tv going to bed. ~Winters Pov~ i smiled as i finished feeding scarlet and angel came in then walked over and huged me. Angel: "lets go to bed love youll be with me tonight ok baby" Me: "ok" i smiled and burped Scarlet then went to the room with angel behind me as scarlet fell asleep on my shoulder. i smiled then layed her in the bed and put on my bed cloths and layed beside her. after Angel had changed into some bed cloths then layed on the otherside of scarlet and held us both in his arms. i smiled sweetly as i feel to sleep holding baby scarlet.

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