
Burning Desire, My fiancee's Father

friends to lovers
enimies to lovers

“Is it true?”

“Tell me the truth now!” Lucas Rudding bellows, fully provoked. His damned nails digs into his fiancée’s shoulder—he had hoped to marry her. She was supposed to be a church girl, saving herself for marriage…he refuses to utter the accusation in his chest.

Elena Carter doesn’t say a word. It could be the sharp pain of his fingers or it could her own admission.

“Is it the money? Is the fame? I could have given it to you. What sort of a conniving w***e are you?” Lucas elucidates. Sweat tips from his forehead, this woman was supposed to be innocent, a virgin and unblemished to him.

“Did you sleep with my father?” Lucas emits the question that weighs heavy on this tongue.

This is a mess. Elena had one plan and it wasn’t to fall in love with her fiancée’s father, Michael Rudding.

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Prologue. "What could be more dangerous than a forbidden romance?” It’s the kind where a man dares to claim a woman who isn’t his. A bold, reckless passion that crosses boundaries—like Michael Rudding's hands sliding where they shouldn’t, his lips staking claim on the woman meant for his son. Elena never loved Lucas, the son—he was nothing more than a stepping stone, a means to exact her revenge onto his father. Elena trembles as she adjusts the painting on the wall. She is balanced precariously on a ladder, fixing one of Michael Rudding’s latest acquisitions as the lead interior designer. Today, Michael’s visit to inspect the progress of his new enclave holds ulterior motives. Yesterday, the day before and the present—his thoughts are relentlessly occupied by Elena, his son’s fiancée, who has been defying every boundary he set. From his vintage point, Michael cannot help but be drawn to the curvature of her form. He is not a man who leads by the flesh. Yet, he takes note of the generous sweep of her hips and the way her skirt stretches over her buttocks. With each subtle shift, she was distracting. Michael’s thoughts, usually so disciplined and controlled are under siege by Elena’s presence. It has gotten to a point where he can no longer banish the illicit thoughts from his mind. Therefore, he has come here to unleash his will despite knowing he is a man, old enough to be her father. All of a sudden, Elena wobbles on the ladder but before she can descend into disaster, Michael’s instincts, honed by years of military discipline, takes over. He lunges forward with veined hands, snatching her from mid-air and pulling her down to safety. Elena eyes are wide with shock. Not him again. She came here to escape his gaze and the unspoken tension between them— the kind that smoulders beneath the surface, waiting to ignite. If it wasn’t bad enough that he was her long sworn enemy, Michael Rudding is also her fiancée’s father. Elena flinches her hand from Michael's beating chest. But his gaze, dark and fervent, bears into hers with hunger. Without hesitation, his wicked mouth descends upon hers, consuming every ounce of the air between them. His mouth is full of suppressed desire and forbidden longing. Michael Rudding has never coveted something that belonged to his son. Elena is the first and the last. “Lucas is—” She moans. “Lucas is where?” Michael interjects, biting her lower lips and lifting one of her legs for easy passage. “I am your son’s fiancée. We shouldn’t—” Her words trail off as she grabs onto his bulky arms, knowing her fiancée is somewhere in the estate, unknowing of the relationship she has begun to share with his father. Elena closes her eyes; this affair is bad but what happens when Michael Ruddings finds out what she is truly after? ******* Elena Carter. I am Elena, the young woman who is about to singlehandedly ruin the lives of the Ruddings and anyone who dares to be connected to them. Five years ago, I lost a friend and sister to a regiment of soldiers who marched into the local city in which we lived—suggesting that a notorious terrorist had taken refuge there. These military men moved by the orders of a man called Michael Ruddings, a high-ranking military officer, a colonel, known for his ruthless efficiency and strict adherence to protocols. He ordered the soldiers to sweep the city thoroughly, leaving no stone unturned. The soldiers were heavily armed and on high alert, they evoked tension in the city. That day, I and Emma were leaving our part time jobs…we found ourselves in the midst of the chaos. And in the midst of it, gunfire erupted. The terrorist opened, it whizzed past us, accompanied by explosions. I managed to dive behind a stone wall but when I looked back, I found Emma lying on the ground, motionless. My best friend, I regarded her as my sister—we stuck on each other’s hip ever since we joined the orphanage. I shared every dream and every hope with her. Yet, I watched it drain from her eyes. In the midst of grieving, I needed someone to pay for it. I needed someone to suffer for it and it all pointed to the man who gave the orders in the first place. The man who did not think the repercussions of his authority. When it seemed like all was lost, I was granted admission to attend a prestigious university in the bustling city of Glenhaven. Glenhaven was a world away from the quiet life I had known—a city of towering skyscrapers, vibrant streets, and endless opportunities. The scholarship felt like a lifeline, a chance to escape the sorrow of Emma’s death. However, my heart was still heavy, determined to the honour the memory of Elena’s death and give her justice. Once I settled into my new life at Glenhaven University, fate began to have other plans. The campus was vast, filled with students from all walks of life, yet one name kept appearing in the most unexpected places: Ruddings. I soon learned that the Ruddings were a well-known conglomerate family whose influence shuddered the city. And there, I met the son of Michael Ruddings. Lucas Ruddings. He was everything one might expect from someone with his family’s background—charismatic, confident, and seemingly untouchable. Well, not for me. I have always been aware my beauty. It wasn’t just the rich tapestry of gold on my skin and how it caught the light. Nor my hair, a cascade of midnight velvet—it was everything else in between. In Glenhaven, I stood out like a rare gem and I wielded that power as I wanted to. Lucas was the golden boy of the university, the son of a powerful man and a reputation that preceded him. But I wasn’t intimidated. I heard whispers about him, but I am not one to be swayed by gossip. One day, as our paths crossed, I decided to make a move. I gazed at him and he stopped. He just stopped. Why? Because I have such a power over men. Lucan began to show up, almost subconsciously at first—finding excuses to be where I was, lingering in places I frequented. However, I have always been one step ahead. I allowed him to draw closer. I knew he was falling for me—it was a trap. After I graduated from the University of interior design, Lucas proposed to me and I said yes. However, you see—his father is the catch. And today, Lucas will introduce me to the man that I want to destroy. “Nervous?” Lucas inquiries, placing his hand on my waist, moving lower until they graze my behind. His lips are slightly parted and a smirk plays at their corners, revealing his flammable passion. "Lucas, stop. You know what my beliefs are. You can only touch me—” “When we are officially married? Elena, please…I engaged you in six months, bought you a car, a f*****g penthouse in Miami. And now, I cannot even touch you?” Lucas cuts me off, frustrated and I roll my eyes. I don’t know how I have survived his urges all this time. I told him that I was a church girl and I believe in purity before marriage. While all of that could be true, I did go to church back in orphanage but my perception has somewhat faltered after the death of Emma. I am determined to never sleep with Lucas. “We’ve talked about this.” I say, lifting my gaze and pursuing what he calls ‘innocent eyes’. “I simply cannot wait. I cannot wait to f**k you.” He murmurs and this time, my eyes flash at him. "Did you just say 'f**k'?" I question and demand. Lucas chuckles and tries to correct himself. “No, I mean… make love to you.” he softens his voice, attempting to regain his standing. But again, I roll my eyes. I reach down to smooth out the creases he has formed on my charcoal gray, pencil skirt. My fingers adjust the fabric around my bum, pulling it back into place. “He’s gonna like you—” Lucas encourages. “Hopefully, he doesn’t like you too much to take you away from me.” He adds and I blink in utter confusion at Lucas’ words. Before I can rail him about it, a distinguished butler comes out of the door. Along with this butler comes a man of the wild. He’s got a hunting gun strapped across his chest as if he were a hunter. He is wearing a brown shirt, a frayed one at that. His forearms are thick, bulging in rolled-up sleeves. The stock of gun around his shoulders are solid, a long barrel which he so carried effortlessly as if it were an extension of his own body. He’s filthy tall, with windblown black hair and dark brows. The line of his jaw is strong and covered by a dark stubble. His eyes are the shade of gold-flecked onyx, the contrast is unsettling. This man’s features are so harsh, carved by a banter of proud Greek gods. If an artist were to draw him, they would spend at least a year on his mouth. I have seen a lot of men but now, it all look as if they were made from him being the sample. A diagonal scar bisects his left eyebrow and marks the corner of his cheek. Who is he— “Dad.” Lucas says, stepping away from me. He lifts his hand, a motion to embrace the man he just called father. With his hand in the air, an embrace does not come. Michael Ruddings, towering and formidable, remains still as stone. There is no softening in his gaze, no inclination to return his son’s gesture. Lucas exhales, dropping his hand and gesturing towards me. “This is Elena Carter, my fiancée.” Lucas introduces. It is a gesture meant to bring me forward but I do not move. Not while he has that gun around his shoulders. Michael Rudding’s eye settles on me—a mesmerizing gold, like the setting sun. Thinking I have decided not to come any closer just because of his weapon, he begins to unstrap the hunting gun from his chest. He takes it off like it’s nothing. His forearms bulges as he removes the gun and once it is free from his chest, he hands it off to the butler. After, he begins to remove black leather gloves from his hands, one finger at a time. The sound of the leather snapping free from his skin echoes softly in the room. Michael Rudding is taking his time, as if he’s got the whole world in his hands. He hands that over to the butler once again. Now, he passes by his son. His broad chest is unburdened by the gun but his sense of power is not undiminished. “Elena Carter.” The cadence of his voice is a call to obedience. His adam’s apple rises and it is a distinct shift beneath the skin of his strong, corded neck. “Y—yes.” I stutter. Why did I stutter? Why can’t I utter a simple ‘yes’? He extends his hand towards me in a formal manner. It is an open invitation for a handshake. I stretch out my hand and I am struck by the roughness of his skin. His fingers, envelopes mine—they are solid, like something forged in the fires of conflict. “A pleasure to meet you, sir.” I say, directly looking into his eyes but my chest is actually thundering in my chest. We let go of each other’s hand, almost at the same time. Thankfully, Lucas breaks the silence that exists. “Father, Elena is an interior designer—a rather brilliant one, in fact. She has joined some of the most prestigious projects in the city. She was part of the designers for the new Central Civic Center, she also recently completed a major renovation of the Hartwell Estate.” Lucas says, clearly eager to impress his father with my credentials. “Is she the one you bought the car for? The penthouse too? If she is so successful, why are you spending my money?” Michael redirects, his voice is hard as steel, nonchalant, ignorant and superior. “Um—father,” Lucas says, completely embarrassed by his father’s indiscretions. “You want to marry him?” Michael Rudding voices, bestowing this question at me. The man regards me with an unsettling detachment. First, it is his gaze—devoid of the usual awe or reverence that I have grown accustomed to from other men. Most men are rendered speechless in the face of my beauty. But not Michael Ruddings. He sweeps over me with the indifference of a seasoned strategist assessing a mere pawn on his chessboard. To him, I am not the captivating figure that could leave him fumbling for words. No, this bastard looks at me as though I am insignificant. His dismissal, as if her very existence held no more consequence than a fleeting shadow. “Yes, sir.” I answer, biting the exterior of my lips. “Do you know you are not the first woman he is bringing to meet me? The first was a stripper….the second was a bartender—” “I didn’t propose to any of those women.” Lucas cuts. “Oh, was it a threesome then?” Michael stares at his son in cold blood, adding to the accusation and Lucas pushes his hands through his hair. After, he takes a look at me again. “I already know about this, sir.” I lie. Lucas looks at me in shock. He is behind his father. “You do?” Michael directs. “Yes, I do. I am in love with your son." I lie. "I came here because he wanted to introduce me to you before the rest of his family. Please, do not try to break us up.” I defend Lucas whose dirty ways I know nothing of but I can just guess it. “Oh, so you are stupid like the rest of them.” Michael emits and the defiance in my eyes have been transferred to my fist. “Dad!” Lucas explodes. “Don’t raise your f*****g voice in my house!” Michael Rudding hisses. Lucas takes a step back and his shoulder collides with the butler who is still holding the rifle. In a fit of reckless defiance, Lucas snatches the gun from the butler’s hands. “The only thing you care about is your rifles,” Lucas spits, lifting the weapon with a careless bravado. The butler’s voice quivers with concern, “Sire, be careful with that.” But Lucas pays no heed, he is solely focused on making his point. He raises the rifle, intent on making some reckless analogy. In a flash, the gun discharges with a deafening crack. Michael Rudding moves faster than I can comprehend. With a forceful shove, he pushes me out of the bullet's path. I am caught off guard. The sheer momentum of his body driving us both to the floor. I gasp at the weight of him on my chest—I don’t know if he is shielding me from harm or if he is going to kill me with his form that is beastly. I can feel the rapid beat of his heart, the scent of leather and earth on his body. Or is it the roughness of his hand gripping my shoulder. Michael Rudding’s breath is hot against my ear and I move one knee, only to feel the weight of his groins.

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