Dragoona Island - Episode 26 - Cassie

1672 Words

I stretched and was delighted to feel nothing, no aches, no pains, I felt well rested and invigorated. I turned over and smiled expecting Blane to be lying next to me, but there was just an empty space. I frowned. Had he seriously taken off without even a goodbye? Not the best way to make a girl feel special the morning after a night of passion. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a folded piece of paper lying on Blane’s pillow. I reached for it and unfolded it, my heart racing at the thought of it being bad news.   Morning beautiful,   I did not want to wake you, especially because you look so angelic and peaceful. It took every ounce of willpower to leave you in my bed, but I have patrol duty this morning. Get some breakfast, put on something warm and I will collect you from your

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