Dragoona Island - Episode 34 - Cassie

2102 Words

As Blane and I walked back to my bedroom, the anxiety and fear within me kept building. I felt so guilty, I was the reason that all this was happening. If I had not come in search of my father, then my grandma would not be facing the wrath of the council. I had no option now, even if I were to run away, not return, Hector said the council would still put my grandma on trial regardless. My mind was working overtime, not only did we have to formulate a plan, gather reliable witnesses and dragons from other clans to testify for my grandma…I had to shift. Me. I could barely connect to my dragon right now, let alone shift into one.   Although. Blane and I did not fully trust Hector, he seemed to really care about my grandma. I may go as far to say he acted towards her like a mate, almost lik

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