Chapter One-5

1943 Words
“This is yours?” Marianne asked, somewhat suspiciously, assuming that anyone owning such a grand yacht and accompanying launch would have crew or servants helping them and wouldn’t deem to run everything by themselves. “Yup. All mine… and of course, the Bank of England,” Casco replied, expertly easing the boat alongside the larger vessel without even bumping the black fenders that hung along the yacht’s flawless side. “Oh,” said Marianne. “And you run it all by yourself? “Sure. Most of the important stuff is automated. I just push buttons,” he said modestly. “I suppose that’s pretty normal, isn’t it,” the girl said. “I mean the financing. No one can afford to just go out and buy something like this. I’ll bet this little launch cost as much as a house, not to mention the yacht, right?” “Well, yes,” Casco admitted. “But the real reason it’s financed is because it’s my second home and the beloved government allows me to take the interest on the boat loan as a tax deduction because of that. So it’s practical as well as mutually beneficial,” he added, smiling as he helped Marianne up the short ladder to the immaculate deck, all the while admiring the long legs, narrow waist and perfectly rounded, nearly naked ass. “What happens to the little boat we came in?” She asked, pointing to the launch. “You’ll see,” he said. The rest was easy. They sat on the cockpit and watched the other boats, talking about their different lives and eventually ended up f*****g their mutual brains out on the cushioned seat. Marianne was no virgin and demonstrated that she had enough s****l experience to provide Casco with a few new twists that even he, as the itinerate bachelor, had not previously encountered. Their enthusiasm for each other was clear and Marianne agreed to spend the night, but said that she probably should let the inn know that she wouldn’t be back until the next day. In her mind, she was already reviewing the scenario of Casco and her sailing the Med on this luxury yacht, hanging out in Monte Carlo and maybe the Greek Isles. “I’ll take care of that,” Casco said. “You have a phone here?” Marianne asked, suddenly recovering from her fantasy day dream. “Yes. But it’s charging right now and I’ll give the inn a call after sunset when the network is a bit less congested. The local cellular system leaves much to be desired. But don’t worry,” Casco promised. “Let’s have some lunch. I did some shopping ashore this morning before we ran into each other and we can have some cold langoustine and a salad, if that’s okay with you. It’s all very fresh.” “Fine,” Marianne said. “Is there a bathroom on this boat or do I have to go over the side to pee?” “Head,” Casco said laughing. “Head what?” she asked, looking puzzled. “It’s called a head and there are three of them. The biggest and best is through that door and on the left. Just push the button to flush. You can shower there too if you want. Get that road dust off that pretty little body. Plenty of towels in the locker. And remember: nothing goes into the head except body waste. No tissues, no paper. That goes in the little trap on the side that says ‘paper’ in six languages. Don’t be surprised that when you put anything in, it sprays a bit of disinfectant, so take your hand away quickly.” “Okay,” laughed Marianne and she headed for the head. While she was gone, Casco gathered a few important items for his plan and as soon as she came back, he asked her outright if she had any bondage experience. “How odd for you to ask that,” she said, looking him directly in the eye. “The answer is yes. Guess the n****e rings gave me away. Are you a kink too?” “Oh, I’m somewhat inexperienced because most of the women I meet aren’t into it, or at least not willingly, but yes, I’d like to tie you up and keep you as my galley slave. You can cook can’t you?” he asked, smiling brightly, eyeing the twin gold rings on each still rigid n****e and making no move yet. “Galley slave?” Marianne said, plunking herself down next to Casco and poking him in the chest with an extended, perfectly manicured finger. “Galley slave? No, I don’t cook. And if you think that just because I nearly ran you over with my bike you can just move right in and keep me chained in your kitchen, you are very much mistaken. You’ll have to come up with some other plan for a cook, Captain Kinky, ‘cause this girl can’t even boil water.” “Good enough. You meet the requirements for s*x and bondage slave though. As far as keeping you chained in the galley, I have some other ideas, but they do involve chains. And why, if I might ask, the double rings?” “You mean the tit rings?” she said, flipping the left gold nip rings with the same well-manicured finger that she had just poked him in the chest with. “I liked the first ones, so I had two more put in. There are some interesting things one can do with this setup. Maybe you’ll figure it out.” “Such as?” Casco asked. “Give me an example.” “Well, it all happened on the second day of the cruise when some blue-nosed female passengers decided that they were not pleased with me sun bathing topless on the Lido Deck or whatever it’s called. They summoned a female purser who was obviously a dyke and she told me that I had to cover up my nips. At dinner that night, I sat next to a middle-aged couple and the man said that they had witnessed my encounter with the purser and he thought that he had a solution to my problem.” “What was that?” Casco asked, staring intently at Marianne’s chest. “He said that he and his girlfriend operated a tattoo and piercing parlor in Los Angeles and that if I wanted, they could put a ring in each n****e and that would technically pass as ‘coverage.” “Doubtful,” Casco said laughing. “So you did it?” “Sure. Always wanted rings anyway,” Marianne responded, once again flipping the left boob’s rings lightly. “It was nearly painless and I like the feeling of them moving now and then. They healed very quickly and I discovered that they make exciting anchorages for things.” “Anchorages?” Casco asked. “Yeah. I’m sure you can figure it out, but I spent a whole night last week with both boobs fastened to the pair of reading lights over my bunk.” “Really?” “Yeah. I was lying in bed after one too many shots in the bar at three in the morning and got carried away. I dug out some gear, did myself properly and then, as an after thought, used some spare shoe laces to tie the rings to the lights. To complete the job, (my feet were already hand cuffed close together), I put a pair of hand cuffs on behind my back as I often do. It’s sort of a delay element and keeps busy fingers from messing around, if you know what I mean,” she giggled. “So, you were fastened by your t**s to the lamps?” Casco said, now thoroughly fascinated. “Quite. But getting free was another story. I often sleep totally restrained. It makes me horny as Hell by morning, but I slept fine that night. But in the morning, the young Indonesian Cabin Attendant came in and found me. He’s very good looking and athletic and asked if I wanted to be freed and I shook my head….because I was gagged of course.” “Of course,” Casco added. “Gags always help.” “Right,” Marianne said. “So we bopped awhile and when he left, he untied the rings and let me free my hands and feet after he was gone.” “You can get out of hand cuffs behind your back without help?” “Sure, I just slip my hands past my ass and then over my feet. Simple daily exercise takes care of that.” “Wow,” Casco said. “I’m impressed. I’d like to do you right now; if you don’t mind….or would you prefer to be coerced a bit?” “Coerced?” she asked, wrinkling her nose. “I can force you or you can cooperate.” “Force me,” Marianne said. “I like aggressive men. But don’t hurt me. No harm, okay?” “Agreed,” Casco said. “I just happen to have the right ingredients here under the cushions for just such an eventuality.” He reached under the seat and came up with a handful of chain and cuffs. “Ah, just a minute Captain Kink, I’ve changed my mind,” the girl said. “I don’t want to do this.” “So now,” Casco said, “I’ll just have to force you… and probably f**k you afterwards.” “Oh no, Kinky Sir. Please. Not that,” she whimpered, putting her hands up in front of her chest and trying to get out of the seat. Casco responded: “Behave or I’ll cuff your hands to your tit rings,” he added, tweaking one n****e lightly. “Now, put your hands behind your back and lean forward,” Casco ventured, displaying a set of hinged black handcuffs that had been hidden between the seat cushions. “My, aren’t you the prepared one?” Marianne giggled, leaning forward so that one breast naturally dropped out of the tiny bikini top with the black ribbon still looped through the rings. She went to reach around to restore the untanned boob, but Casco had both her hands gripped in his own left hand and quickly snapped the cuffs on both of her tiny wrists. “Not too tight,” Marianne said. “Not too tight….not yet,” she added, ignoring the exposed boob and wiggling seductively against him. “Are you going to screw me again like this?” she asked. “Perhaps,” Casco said. “But first I have a few other things to do to you and you will find them exciting, I think.” “Such as….” Marianne started to ask, but the huge red ball was already being stuffed into her open mouth. She noticed that it wasn’t the usual style ball gag because the ball had a p***s-like extension that went into her mouth first and slid over her tongue, lodging in the back of her throat. Marianne’s first inclination was to vomit as the p***s end of the gag was triggering her vomit reflex. “Take it easy and just swallow. Threat it like any other c**k you’ve had in your mouth,” Casco said, soothingly as he pushed the ball deeper into the girl’s mouth. Marianne gave token resistance; the gag was soon seated behind her even, white teeth and secured with the leather strap behind her head, the p***s probe deep in her oral cavity. Casco noted this and thought to himself that he was pretty sure this young woman was accustomed to having things other than food going down her throat. “Huhhh, uhu, oooo…” was Marianne’s only response. Casco showed her a small silver padlock and then she heard it snap shut behind her head. “There,” he said. “Now that that’s taken care of, I think we need to do your feet as well, but your suggestion about another quick f**k has had its effect on the Second Mate here,” he said, rubbing his nearly exposed, stiff c**k. “As you will note, so let’s get rid of these rags and see what you can do, without your hands and mouth. By the way.” He said. “Riding around town undressed like this will sooner or later get you raped or worse. You like showing off, right? But you gotta respect the local customs. Dressed as you were won’t make you any friends and the worse ones will be the old maids who still resent the fact that you have a fine body and theirs has turned to s**t. You got that?” “Uh huh,” The girls burbled from behind the gag.
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