Chapter One-3

1998 Words
“In fact, they never actually left the city and currently live in a small cell and cage in the company’s basement dungeon until they get tired of it and by then they expect their parents will have ceased grieving and the insurance will be paid and they will take off for some other foreign location,” Nina said. “Yeah, and it takes a lot of work to set it up and make it work, but the company makes a lot of money on such operations and does a few special abductions every now and then,” Cathy added. Leanne was amazed that such things even existed. She always thought that what the government and cops referred to as “human trafficking” was totally involuntary. It had not occurred to her that these things could be arranged and be profitable. Clearly, the video proved that she was excited, but never went over the top. The sorority girls found this unbelievable and eventually let her go, threatening to distribute the tapes if she told anyone. As it happened, they gave the tapes away to several people and soon, after a brief and unpleasant session with the Dean of Students, she was asked to leave the university, shamed and exposed. The sorority had lied and she was upset about it, but she did visit the kidnap company and arranged for a life insurance policy with them as a beneficiary with her cut of the payout eventually being half of the settlement. Feeling guilty, Leanne eventually phoned her father and told him as much as she could. He responded by telling her not to come home but also promised that he would keep a fair working balance in her savings account if she agreed not to let her mother know that she was still alive and the sins she committed, Alone and unwilling to go home, Leanne wandered about Europe, carefully spending as little of her savings as possible, staying in hostels and with unknowing friends until she met and eventually was taken aboard a small charter yacht in Venice as a crew member. The b**m elements on board the yacht more or less suited her and she became one of the crew in more ways than one. She wore her cuffs and collar all of the time. She had a new, heavier nose ring installed and twin stainless steel rings inserted in her vaginal lips. Kept chained when not being used by crew or charter guests, Leanne found the life partially fulfilling until, as in the past, she voluntarily left the charter and took a small flat on the Italian coast, waiting for something to happen. Casco was that something and he changed her life. Leanne found a local female surgeon who specialized in oral hardware and she agreed to install some special hard points in her mouth. These small hooks and tiny stainless steel eyes, coupled with a new gag arrangement fabricated to her specifications, became a new and interesting toy. The beauty of the design was that, if desirable, a variety of gadgets and devices could be mounted in her mouth and removed with minimal inconvenience. When installed, gags, plugs and pony bits in several different configurations could be attached to the stainless steel fittings in her upper and lower jaws. Depending on the size and design, they rendered her tongue useless, filled her entire mouth and stretched her jaws beyond that required for normal speech. Naturally, most of this hardware also prevented any other foreign objects from entering Leanne’s mouth. On more than one occasion, this restriction was a blessing because while she didn’t mind having her oral aperture used as a c*m dump, there were times when she was happier with the locked-in gags. Over time, Leanne acquired more b**m items: a few different and removable bits of hardware on her face and inside her mouth, various lengths of rope and cord, dog collars, several gags, automated dildoes and butt plugs that were both simplistic and complicated. Most of these she found for sale on the internet, including an expensive and complex discipline leather hood that she discovered to be arousing on its own without any other restraints, so much so that just touching it brought wetness to her p***y. The more interested she became, the more she discovered. Over a few years, she collected a large travel trunk full of what she referred to as her “Hobby Gear,” including a large cache of chains, cuffs, locks, shackles, harnesses, belts and collars for neck and waist. The most exciting were those that had complicated locks and locking devices that she knew would be dangerous if she miscalculated in a self-bondage episode when she discovered that she had misplaced the keys. She also remained fearful of accidentally fastening herself in such a manner as to make it nearly impossible to obtain or use the keys for release. Leanne learned that the more threatening her situation was when secured in chains and cuffs, the greater the erotic impact the metal bondage had on her mental and physical condition. The cold pressure of chain links pressing against her skin was a strong aphrodisiac. The degree of tightness of binding chains was what usually pushed her closest to the top. Once, she spent three days snugly and inescapably chained to a bunk in her private cabin on the yacht, unable to move or make any noise to summon help. This accidental situation came about easily enough when as a final act, she closed a pair of handcuffs around her wrists and then realized that there was no way she could reach the keys for any of the cuffs or other securely locked restraints already fastened to her arms, ankles and legs. The heavy chain locked around her waist and stretched with breathless strain through her crotch was so tight that after a few minutes of struggling she realized that getting out of her bunk and crossing the floor to the cabinet holding the keys would be out of the question. Chains, she discovered, were, unlike rope or straps, completely unyielding and unforgiving. Unless she had her indispensable pair of heavy bolt cutters within reach, there was no way to cut the chains or the locks used on them. Leanne knew how to pick most types of padlocks, but actually doing so while securely bound or suspended above the floor was a test she had tried several times without success. Her eventual escape on the one occasion was due to another accident when, in desperation, she tumbled partly off the bed, pulling some of the sheets and covers with her. Struggling to get unwound from the bed covers, she felt a small package that had been in the bed all along, a left-over from an earlier episode. The zip lock package held, she knew, several keys, including a set for the cuffs. Saving herself from such a situation Leanne discovered, was also an exciting experience. The endorphins and adrenalin liberated by the combination of psychological fear and extreme physical restraint sent strange messages to her brain and oddly enough, she decided, triggered completely fascinating feelings throughout her body. Maybe it wasn’t a s****l orgasm, she thought, but it was pretty damned exciting and left her feeling mentally and physically drained. There were other, less obvious implements of the b**m trade that she kept in a separate suitcase and these had nothing to do with bondage: Her most valued item was a magnificent eight-foot horse whip that she accidentally discovered in an equine tack shop that was closing and going out of business. Also, owning several cats-of-nine-tail resulted from Leanne rescuing them from a pawn shop in a run-down part of a foreign city where she wandered one afternoon discovering several shops specializing in kinky garments and toys. This so-called business trip resulted in her having to also purchase new luggage to contain her purchases. She purchased the most expensive hard side luggage she could find: a full set of Rimowa cases, a well-known German-made brand fancied by the jet set and other wealthy travelers. While they were not totally theft proof, the aluminum hard side cases had special locks and beautifully fitted interiors. Leanne learned from conversations with law enforcement members that the cases were usually given special care, so she spent nearly five thousand Euros on the set of black cases. Still, while traveling between Africa and Europe, Leanne experienced some serious, but unnecessary anxiety at customs when she thought they might decide to open these new cases. At Schipol airport in Amsterdam, one of the customs agents, an attractive younger blond woman with a pony tail, noting the cases, stopped her and asked what she might wish to declare. “Jewelry, perhaps,” the agent asked her, smiling and pointing at the three black cases. “Personal stuff. Whips and chains. You know,” Leanne answered. “I can open them if you wish.” “No. Not necessary,” the woman said, laughing. “We get enough of that stuff here anyway. Where are you staying?” “Hotel d’ Europe,” Leanne said, wondering if this woman had something kinky in mind. Leanne had nothing against casual encounters with strange women, so she agreed. “That fits,” the woman said. “If you like, I can drop by after work and you can show me your ‘stuff’” “Oh, that sounds like fun. Just copy my name from the luggage ID tags there and ring my room. Proper dress is always welcome,” “Such as?” the woman asked, making eye contact with Leanne again. “That’s up to you. I would suggest something other than the government uniform though, although it looks good on you.” “Okay. See you later. Shall we say around seven?” “Agreed. My name is Alicia.” Leanne nodded, smiled and took her bags out the exit door towards the taxi stand. She actually doubted that this good-looking customs woman, who was probably the same age, would actually show up at the ritzy old hotel, but if she did, it could prove to be interesting. In her mind’s eye, Leanne considered the possibility of this young, busty blond and her lying in a canopy bed, chained with her wrists locked to the other’s ankles, a double dildo harnessed between then and wearing two of the leather discipline helmets with internal p***s gags in their mouths. Surprisingly, the fantasy came true. It turned out to be an exciting night for them both, once they got their clothes off and hopped into the big hotel bed. Alicia was an experienced young dominant and took to doing Leanne with all of the talent and s****l spirit Leanne hoped for. Her shoulder bag as a treasure trove of interesting rope and leather, mixed with a few specialized metal devices which she obviously knew how to use. She used one device that looked a bit like a navigational instrument. Locking it on Leanne’s slim wrists, Alicia said that they occasionally used this in the customs office on uncooperative prisoners. The device featured two locking circles of steel that crossed the subject’s wrists and kept them easily captured. Leanne had never seen one of these and took to it immediately. It looked a bit like some sort of ship’s nav instrument and once she put her crossed wrists into the twin circles, she realized that there would be no way to use this by herself because the locks had to be closed with a free hand. “Where did you get this thing?” Leanne asked as she tried to free her hands which were secured and locked behind her back. “It was originally standard equipment for customs and immigration and then the Chinese started making them and the price came way down,” Alicia said with a grin while she played with Leanne’s rigid n*****s and pushed her backwards until she fell onto the bed. There’s a larger model for the feet and it’s pretty effective, especially if you want access to the s*x of the subject.” “I must have one of these,” said Leanne, still struggling with her captured wrists while trying to sit up on the soft bed. “It would make an interesting item in my collection.”
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