Chapter 5: This Isn’t Going to Work

1128 Words

Chapter 5: This Isn’t Going to Work He called me first thing the next morning, but I chose not to answer my cellphone. Instead, I showered, enjoyed what I called an “alone breakfast” that entailed two cups of coffee, two sausage links, two sunny-side-up eggs, and two slices of toast. Sometimes I enjoyed a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, but not that morning. Once the “alone breakfast” was finished, I attended a meeting with Luther Coffler, my immediate supervisor regarding a side judge position for the Eagles. The meeting with Luther was at his vintage bungalow on the beach. The place was salmon-colored with too many windows, a wraparound deck, and an attractive view. The summer day was balmy with its low humidity, bright yellow-sunflower sun, and tender wind. Luther’s wife, Jaze

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