Part 28

3231 Words

Theressa’s POV (Blue Moon’s Bite) After we found a possible suspect, I handed off Caly to Aggie and Tree. I knew she wouldn't want to hang with me today, she has barely spoken to me since Thursday night.  It bothers me that the Queen is still upset about the tracker, I should have told her outright. That way I could have made her understand my reasons. Caly was practical, she would have listened. I bullheaded my way through, treating her like I would have treated the guys I was trying to wolf-up, and that was my bad. A really big bad. I'm hoping she forgives me eventually. I mean, it is literally my job to protect her. Thankfully she didn’t take it off, but I still want to know if she intends to. Nonna seemed to have caught on to the tension right away, she is a perceptive old bat. Frid

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