Chapter 23-1: The Mating Ceremony

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Hidden Moon is not a large pack, so using it as a place to gather forces in the middle of a public mating ceremony is quite a chore. Alpha Clayton clears as much open yard as he can to allow for tents and campers and readies all the empty residences throughout the territory to house as many important guests as possible. The guest rooms of the pack house are all filled, and many pack members offer whatever spare rooms they have available. And still, the gathering armies are dispersed wherever they can fit in nearby hotels, campgrounds, and parking areas. So that the other Alphas do not have to worry as much about bringing the bulk of their warriors with them and leaving their home packs vulnerable, Alpha Magnus sends installments of his warriors and enforcers to each of the allied packs. Even with so many left behind, he still brings the largest army with him to Hidden Moon, which is the farthest north he has ever traveled. Despite the encounter with Alpha Preston at Tall Pines, there have been no other indications of heightened tensions with Black Moon. Alpha Clayton even reports that the number of Black Moon warriors who roam the woods that separate Hidden Moon from the territory that once belonged to Scarlet Dawn has decreased in recent weeks. Though he’s glad for the reprieve, it worries him what it could mean. Alpha Jonah decided that one important use of their new scouts is to covertly keep an eye on these areas between Hidden Moon and Black Moon and its allies. It seems to be paying off already when he feels a buzzing in his ear that alerts him to someone connecting with his earpiece. A moment later he hears a voice that sounds like Kylie’s friend Pete. “Alpha, just a heads up that there is a group of four leaving Scarlet Dawn. Nothing more to report yet other than that this seems odd. It’s not how they normally do patrol sendoff.” “Have they seen you?” Jonah worries. Not that having scouts placed in the woods that do not belong to any particular pack is a problem per se, but in the same way that Alpha Clayton gets nervous when Black Moon patrols wander through there, Black Moon might perceive it as a threat. “Negative. And they won’t,” Pete promises. “Okay, keep on them,” Jonah orders, knowing that simply heading into the woods in a nontypical manner isn’t enough to act on just yet. “Will do.” The buzzing feeling subsides, indicating that the connection has been terminated. It’s breakfast time the morning of the mating ceremony, which is set to occur in the afternoon. The entire Hidden Moon Pack as well as Evelyn’s and Alpha Clayton’s families have been invited to a celebratory buffet-style breakfast in the pack dining room. Alpha Jonah sits at a table with his Luna along with Kylie, Adam, and Tian. His sister seems to have noticed him mumbling to himself and gives him a questioning look between bites of her fluffy pancakes. Just your friend reporting in about a strange sendoff from Scarlet Dawn, he explains to her over mind-link. She nods and returns her attention to the speech being given by Alpha Clayton’s brother, a younger, stockier version of Alpha Clayton who reminds her a lot of Marc. He has that same playful, energetic demeanor to him. Jonah’s update concerns her, but since he didn’t feel the need to say more about it, she assumes there’s not more to be said presently. Just under an hour later, Jonah’s earpiece buzzes again as Pete checks in. “Alpha, if I had to guess, these guys are seeking out the Hidden Moon patrols. They seem to be placing themselves deliberately in their path, not even bothering to try to stay hidden.” “I’ll send reinforcements just in case. Give me their position,” Jonah responds, concerned by the strange behavior. He alerts some of his own warriors to have them join up with the Hidden Moon patrols and heads out of the packhouse to speak with some of the other Alphas about Pete’s report. Alphas Edward, Zane, and Damon are together out back overseeing ceremony setup, so he pulls them aside. “What’s your take on a group sent from Scarlet Dawn who seem to be doing nothing except seeking out Hidden Moon patrols?” he asks, mostly to Alpha Zane. “Seeking out as in ambushing?” Alpha Zane asks for clarification. “No, just blatantly intercepting. Nothing has happened, but one of our scouts has been following them.” “Hmm,” Alpha Zane considers it for a moment before responding. “My guess would be either it’s a decoy to grab our attention while something else goes down, or more likely, it’s an attempt for a parley.” “In case of the first possibility, I sent reinforcements. That way no post will be abandoned to bring them in,” Jonah explains. “Good. That’s what I would advise. Another instinct might be to reinforce patrols all over, but the problem with that is that it wouldn’t go unnoticed, and again, it could pull men away from other areas, which could be the goal. I’d say reinforcements to the location is the best course of action. Plus, we should alert Alpha Clayton.” “Agreed, though I’ve lost track of him.” Alpha Zane looks around to see if there is anyone they could grab to ask about Alpha Clayton’s whereabouts, and then he remembers, “Your sister can mind-link him. Contact her.” Jonah chuckles, not realizing that she could do that outside of their family. “Is there anyone she can’t mind-link now?” Alpha Zane shrugs, shaking his head. “She hasn’t tried it with me, but I don’t doubt that she could. It’s not a bad thing, considering what we’re doing here. I think only you can link her back, though.” Jonah does as he suggests and passes the information along to Kylie, who alerts Alpha Clayton. Then she receives a call from her Aunt Evelyn’s number almost immediately after. “Kylie, it’s Clay,” Alpha Clayton greets her, and doesn’t even wait for a response before continuing. “One of my patrols just alerted me that they’ve spotted them. I told them to go ahead and apprehend them. You said Alpha Jonah sent more men that way?” “Yes, that’s what he said,” she confirms. “Where are you?” “In my bedroom. I’ll be right down, though.” He pauses, and she hears some mumbling in the background. “I don’t care about fittings anyway. It’s a cloth that wraps around. It’s adjustable. This is unnecessary,” he starts ranting, and Kylie giggles as she realizes he is talking more to someone there in the room with him than to her. Alpha Clayton and Jonah both meet up with her and are together when Pete checks in again. “Hidden Moon patrol intercepted the suspicious group. Orders?” “Return to your post. I believe Alpha Clayton has it from here,” Jonah informs him. “Copy that.” The connection again goes dead, and Jonah smiles at Kylie. “I like your friend. No nonsense, just does his job.” “Yeah, it’s weird. I’m more used to him goofing off with me behind the teachers’ backs,” she reminisces fondly. “People grow up, I suppose,” Adam cuts in as he joins their huddle. “I would wager a guess that he’s not used to seeing you doing most of what you’ve been doing lately, either.” Kylie leans against him as he comes up behind her, kissing the side of her forehead and then lower on her neck. “What’s going on?” he asks, assuming there is a reason for the three of them to be gathered like this. “Patrols have intercepted a group of Black Moon warriors that left from Scarlet Dawn. They headed right for them and said they just want to talk,” Alpha Clayton explains. “It’s odd timing. Be on your guard, because Black Moon could be planning something else for while we’re distracted,” Adam cautions him. “I know. I sent reinforcements to cover their absence,” Jonah assures him. “Which is great, but I’m saying we need to be careful not to devote too much of our attention to them either,” Adam clarifies. “I would say just Kylie and Alpha Clayton, plus some enforcers. Everyone else continues to man their positions. It could be the sort of diversion that is meant to distract us by looking one way when something else is happening the other way. Get my drift?” “Got it. I’ll go back to my post and listen out for the scouts,” Jonah dismisses himself. “Link me if you need me,” he tells his sister, squeezing her shoulder as he walks away. Alpha Clayton leads Kylie and Adam to a nearby tent where some of his warriors are taking a break and asks them to help him prepare the space to receive some unexpected guests. The warriors immediately rise to their feet and clear away their card game and the trash from their snacks, and then without even being asked, two men assume posts outside the tent and three remain within to guard the Alpha. “Your men are impressive, Alpha Clayton,” Kylie compliments him. “Thank you. They are fine young people,” he agrees with her, knowing that his group of warriors are within earshot and not wanting to pass up an opportunity to praise them publicly for a job well-done. “Obedient, disciplined, strong, and with good heads on their shoulders. My pack’s pride and joy.” A short while later, the patrol they have been waiting for arrives with their unexpected visitors. Kylie stands behind the table with Alpha Clayton, while Adam waits off to the side with one of the warriors. The leader of the Hidden Moon patrol group comes in and holds open the tent fabric so that the Black Moon visitors can follow him in along with their Hidden Moon escorts. Alpha Clayton is surprised by the look of the third man who enters from Black Moon. He is older and graying and does not look as physically fit as one would expect a warrior to be. Kylie and Adam also notice him apart from the others. She gasps and calls out, “Papa!” at the same time that Adam says, “David?” questioningly. Neither can believe their eyes, and David is in shock himself, not expecting to be brought directly to his long-lost daughter. Not only that, but she is a full-grown woman who looks so much like the way he remembers her mother. “You … know them?” Alpha Clayton wonders. “Not them, him!” Kylie clarifies, moving from her spot next to Alpha Clayton and starting to make her way over to David. Adam puts out an arm to stop her, quietly cautioning, “We don’t know why he’s here or what he’s been through, Kylie.” “Alpha, we have been sent to bring this man in hopes that you will allow him into your custody,” the man who seems to be in charge of the Black Moon group speaks up. “Your patrol has already searched us and determined that we have no hidden weapons or other objects on our persons, and we are no threat to you.” “Is that true?” Alpha Clayton looks to his men to answer. “It is. My only concern is this backpack because other than the clothing, I don’t know what most of this is,” the Hidden Moon leader explains. “He says he’s a shaman and these objects are used for healing, but I decided to bring it so those casters could look it over.” “Good idea,” Alpha Clayton praises him. Kylie mind-links Tian to request the warlock, Eramund. His sister is quite obviously the more powerful of the two, but he seems the more compliant and trustworthy one. “Now I wonder, why have you brought this man? Mind you, I’m not asking why we would be interested because that seems apparent to me, but I am asking why you would bring him? What do you want?” Alpha Clayton questions the Black Moon leader. “That is the other reason we have come,” the man replies. “Our commander is known as Kyle Lowan. I have been told to ask for a man named Tian, who should know why that name is significant.” Actually, we need you as well apparently, Kylie mind-links Tian. The Black Moon warrior says their commander is named Kyle Lowan and you should know his name. He is the Council contact who rescued your mother, and I am on my way, Tian responds. Do not mention anything about his involvement with The Council, he adds as an afterthought. That is only for your information. “Kyle did not come himself because that would look too suspicious, but he sent us as an envoy to alert you to his plan,” the man from Black Moon continues to explain. “We are on your side, Alpha. He felt you needed to know that. Do not incorporate us into whatever plans you are making because we cannot promise how we will assist, but just know that we will when we see an opening to do so. In the meantime, Kyle is keeping up appearances. Do not ask him to jeopardize that. And this man here,” he gestures to David, bringing him forward so that Alpha Clayton can get a better look at him. “He has suffered enough, and Kyle wanted to return him to his family.” “Why would this commander take that sort of risk?” Alpha Clayton questions suspiciously. This sounds too good to be true and seems exactly like the sort of thing Adam warned him of. “Because Scarlet Dawn was our home, and what Alpha Preston did to our people is unforgivable. We weren’t the only ones, either. The man is a menace, and his pack a disgrace. We’ve been keeping our heads down, but if you’re coming for him in force, we’re with you.” Tian and Eramund arrive, crowding into the tent with the others. The backpack is passed off to Eramund, who suggests that he take it outside in case it does contain anything dangerous. One of the Hidden Moon enforcers goes with him to supervise. “Kylie?” Alpha Clayton asks for her thoughts on these men and their truthfulness with that one word. “They’re telling the truth as far as they know,” Kylie confirms. By this point both she and David are restless to close the distance and hug already, but neither is willing to create a problem by acting too soon. That’s my Papa, Kylie explains to Tian, indicating David. Tian makes his way to him, looking him over. It has been some time, but he does recognize the man. “Do you remember who I am?” Tian asks him, and David nods. “I remember who you were, at least,” he confirms. “Would you mind if I search your mind and put to rest any concerns that you’ve been compromised?” “I do mind, but I am willing to allow it,” David agrees. “If it will help.” “It will,” Adam assures him. “It is good to see you again, David. You have been missed.” David does not get a chance to respond because Tian wastes no time creating a connection with him and searching through his memories. “So, what am I to do with the rest of you if this man turns out to be what he says?” Alpha Clayton asks the Black Moon leader. “Do what you will, but it was our hope that you would allow us to return to our post with Commander Kyle. It is understood if you do not feel that is appropriate, however. No action will be taken against you no matter what you do. We knew the risk in coming,” he explains. “But considering that Alpha Preston still considers us his men, despite this being an unauthorized visit, if he were to catch wind of us being taken prisoner, he might use it as justification to move against you. It would not be our commander’s will, though.” Eramund re-enters the tent, holding the backpack. “There is nothing but what he says in here. This is all healing magic and herbs. And a charm, but it’s not malicious. It has protective magic woven into it. My guess would be it’s his, or for someone he wants protected. All in all, these seem to be the personal belongings one would expect of a nomadic shaman.” Kylie reaches for the backpack, now feeling possessive and protective of it since it belongs to her Papa. “Thank you, Eramund,” she says gratefully, smiling at the warlock. “You can return to whatever you were doing.” “I think I’ll hang out just outside here and wait for Tian, if you don’t mind,” he responds, a blush rising to his cheeks in response to her gratitude, which to him feels a bit like a compliment. While Tian is busy with her Papa’s mind, Kylie takes a moment to look over the three Black Moon warriors again. They return her curiosity since she is not Alpha yet and seems not to mind. It’s good to finally lay eyes on the young woman they’ve been hearing so many rumors about. That is until her mate decides their eyes have lingered long enough and gives them a warning growl. Kylie turns to Adam with a look of annoyance, since his intervention caused them to become more guarded, making her task of gaining insight into them more difficult. Sorry, he apologizes discreetly. Nevertheless, she was able to glean enough from them to feel relatively certain about her initial impression. They seem genuine, and she relays that to Alpha Clayton once again. Finally, Tian pulls his hand away from David and turns to Kylie and Alpha Clayton with his report. “He is still David. My only concern would be the amount of time he spent in the direct custody of the dark witch, though it seems he has kept his wits about him and does not favor her. Tolerates her, would be more accurate. His experiences with her have given me a great deal of insight, however. I can confirm that she is indeed gifted with foresight. I am troubled by one thing she said to you, though, David. She warned you when she sent you into the commander’s custody that it would ‘take you into the thick of things,’ implying that you would have to engage in some of the fighting. Has that occurred already?” “No, though Commander Kyle has been whipping me into shape with his training regimen. I haven’t seen any actual fighting, though,” David explains. He looks a little unsteady on his feet, and Kylie rushes to his side to help him support his weight. He smiles at her, leaning his head against hers and feeling a contentment he hasn’t felt in decades. As she helps him into a chair, Tian continues thinking aloud. “That is concerning. If we are to bring you into our custody, then it would mean that the commander would no longer be ‘taking’ you into anything. He sent you here, that should be his last action regarding you. I am not someone used to interpreting the signs granted through foresight, but I am cautioning you all that she may have meant that there is a fight coming to us today, which David will be part of because Kyle sent him here instead of keeping him there.” “Are you aware of any such plans?” Alpha Clayton questions the Black Moon warriors, his tone taking on a harsh edge. “No, Alpha. Our orders were to intercept a Hidden Moon patrol, which we spent a few days tracking and observing so that we could do so, and then come straight back, should you permit us,” the Black Moon leader insists. Alpha Clayton looks to Kylie, and she nods her confirmation of his truthfulness. “No hints of deception, but again, that only means that he believes what he says. He could be ignorant of some greater plan.” “That’s my fear as well,” Tian agrees. “Stay with these men,” Alpha Clayton directs his enforcers, and then motions for Kylie to join him outside. He feels a need to get some air and put eyes on what’s going on around them instead of hiding out in some tent. He feels relatively secure about leaving the Black Moon warriors with his own men since so far, they have been compliant and respectful. Adam and Tian follow them out of the tent, knowing that when Alpha Clayton invites Kylie, he assumes their attendance. Eramund trails after them, uncertain whether his presence is welcome, but not wanting to be left too far behind considering that Tian summoned him and has yet to dismiss him. “Your Papa, that is your step-father?” Alpha Clayton asks her. “Yes, and Jonah’s biological father,” Kylie confirms. “He can stay, but I want someone monitoring him for now,” Alpha Clayton decides. “Not that I don’t trust your opinion, Tian, but as Kylie said, we don’t know what these men don’t know, and that could hurt us just as much as what they do.” “Understood, and agreed,” Tian responds. “Just be sure that whoever is monitoring him doesn’t treat him as a prisoner. He has endured enough of that.” Kylie grits her teeth together and unconsciously clenches her fists thinking about Black Moon holding every single unaccounted-for member of her family hostage all this time. First her Mama, now this, and her father still has her sisters as far as she knows. It’s understandable, but you need to reel that anger in, Kylie. Too many people about here, Tian cautions her in her mind. “Yes, of course,” Alpha Clayton agrees to Tian's request. “I also feel I have no choice but to send those men back, and no reason to keep them anyway.” Jonah cuts in with a mind-link to Kylie, alerting her that, Our scouts have spotted a large mass of men approaching from the Dark Woods side. As she is opening her mouth to pass on his report to Alpha Clayton, shouting is heard at the far end of the path that leads to the camping area. “Vamps!” a woman is screeching. “Intruders!” shouts another man. And almost instantly, the hustle and bustle of the ceremony preparations reduces to chaos as people start running this way and that trying to get away. Kylie feels Adam grab her around the waist as she is scanning the area to figure out what is going on and where the intruders are, only to discover that they’re using the same vampiric teleporting ability that she has become all too familiar with. She feels a rush of adrenaline surge through her when she realizes their location is surrounded with clusters of enemy vampires and werewolves, and more are appearing each second.
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