Chapter 5: Black Moon

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Alpha Preston sits with his feet up on the desk, toying with a rubber band wrapped around his fingers. Beta Jameson sits across from him and the two have been having a friendly conversation for some time now, with a bit of work mixed in. The fact that they have been close friends since childhood shines through during moments like these. They are completely at ease with one another, formalities discarded since no one else is in the room with them, and their conversation seems to flow from one callback or inside joke to another. Preston’s office is regal and impressive, meant to blend taste and comfort with a touch of intimidation. As with any room where he receives guests, no expense has been spared and the décor has been coordinated by professional decorators. His enormous desk cost more than most people would be willing to spend on a new car, which is why his wife would probably murder him if she walked in now and saw his feet on it. He finds it important to flaunt the success of his pack to all who would dare to challenge him, or those who desire to join him. Either way, they need to know that he is good at what he does. This pack Alpha is so successful he lives in a proper mansion, not some communal packhouse like the rest of them. “I would say we’re sitting pretty securely with what remains of Scarlet Dawn,” Jameson responds to his question. “I think we’ve reached the point where whoever fancied himself a rebel has shown himself already. It’s been peaceful over there lately. I’m content to leave it in the hands of an Elite commander now and resume my duties here.” Preston nods and smiles at his friend. “Great. I could really use you, especially with all this drama my own brother has been stirring up. He really thinks I had something to do with his ‘mate’ disappearing?” he scoffs, shaking his head in frustration. “What a joke. He should know damn well that I have no interest in her. He has no one to blame but himself on that one. Somehow it doesn’t surprise me that he doesn’t know how to satisfy a woman.” “I didn’t believe it for a second that you were involved,” Jameson agrees. “I know how you feel about her. Though, I have heard that you’re holding his daughters hostage.” “Of course I am,” Preston doesn’t even bother to deny the accusation. “He ran out of here like a mad man when he discovered that Regina was missing. Obviously, he didn’t care much about his girls until he decided that it’s me who is to blame for his misfortune. Not my fault he left them behind, and in my custody at that. They’re better off here anyway. He was just hiding them away. They need to be properly educated and prepared to fulfill their duties as kin to the Alpha.” “I can’t say that I disagree. And now that the elder has come of age, rumor has it that this is the pack all unmated Alphas are keeping their eyes on.” “I do have some ideas about that.” Preston pauses for a moment as he receives a mind-link, then continues. “Speak of the devil, apparently Alpha Byron is here requesting a meeting.” “You had Byron in mind for the girl?” Jameson asks, seeming to find the idea somewhat appalling. “Not Byron, his son. His son is of age now and in need of a strong mate. Apparently, his true mate was some fragile Omega girl and not suitable to the position. Emily is not wolf-less like her mother, so she’s exactly what they’re looking for. And we get a willing ally out of the deal. It’s win-win, assuming Byron proves to be useful.” “Hmm,” is Jameson’s only response. A few moments later, Alpha Byron arrives at the door and knocks gently. Alpha Preston invites him in, removing his feet from the desk. Byron has been in this room before, but it still takes his breath away momentarily when he enters. He attempts to mask his reaction, not wanting to let Alpha Preston see how easily impressed he can be. Alpha Preston gestures to the available guest chair next to Beta Jameson. “Good to see you again, Alpha Byron. What brings you here today?” Alpha Byron clears his throat before responding. “I recently attended a meeting I thought might interest you. Alpha Mitchell called together all members of the Northwest Regional Alliance, which totaled ten packs in all. It was something my father agreed to, not me, but I have humored the agreement up to a point. I have to say now I’m glad that I did, or I wouldn’t have been invited to this little gathering to get an inside look at what they’re up to.” Alpha Preston feigns offense and pouts, “Black Moon is from the Northwest region. Where was my invite?” Alpha Byron chuckles and shakes his head. “Well, I can’t speak to why Black Moon was excluded originally, but I can say that the current membership doesn’t like you much. Alpha Mitchell tried to make it look like his point in gathering everyone was to announce that he finally has an heir to challenge him, but it seemed like the true purpose was to complain about Black Moon.” “Was there any talk of moving against Black Moon?” Beta Jameson asks with concern, sitting forward in his chair. “Not overtly, but there was -” “Hold on, take it back a minute. Who is this heir he has suddenly? I thought he has only wolf-less daughters with no mates,” Alpha Preston interrupts him. “Yes, well,” Alpha Byron begins to explain, seeming a little flustered by the change in Alpha Preston’s tone. “Apparently, his eldest has some children. They’re grown now, and one is a young man who is challenging for the title. Alpha Mitchell didn’t give details about how Abby came about having these children, and she wasn’t there either. They were definitely related to the Rivers, though. The boy is a spitting image of his grandfather, and the girl looks just like Abby used to.” “When is this challenge happening?” Alpha Preston eagerly presses for more details. “Today. Honestly, it could have happened already. It was to go down about noon.” “And the boy? He looked strong enough to win?” “Most definitely. A couple inches taller, broader, and in better shape than Alpha Mitchell ever has been in his life. I imagine he made quick work of him.” Alpha Preston is quiet for a moment, pursing his lips together in quiet contemplation. Finally, he asks, “Which sibling is older?” Alpha Byron seems surprised by the question, but thinks for a couple seconds. “They didn’t say, but I’m betting it’s the girl. I can’t tell you why she was even there, or why she was with some vampire she seems chummy with. The girl is a clairvoyant, though. At least, I think that’s what you call it when someone knows things they don’t have any business knowing?” “What do you mean by that?” Alpha Preston is quite intrigued now. “She was somehow able to sniff out that I wasn’t there for the same reasons as everyone else. She as much as accused me of being your ally. But I promise you, I did not do or say anything that should have led her to believe that, and my Beta didn’t say anything at all, yet she somehow knew what he was thinking too. I can’t explain it, but the room quickly turned on us and I made my exit before things got heated.” Alpha Byron watches nervously as Alpha Preston considers what he has told him, jaw clenched and shoulders tensed. He can tell he is not pleased and worries what this might mean for their alliance. “I do wonder,” Alpha Preston speaks at last, “could you tell if the girl was an Alpha?” Alpha Byron is taken aback by the question. It was not at all what he expected, but he considers it, nonetheless. “She may be. I couldn’t promise it because I never saw her shift, but she had that air about her, yes. And she is Abby’s daughter, so it is possible. She’s not wolf-less, though. She definitely smelled like a wolf.” “But have you heard of Abby mating with an Alpha?” Alpha Preston asks, glancing at Beta Jameson to be sure that his friend doesn’t give away the truth. They both know that Abby and Regina are one and the same, but Preston is certain that these older children were not fathered by his brother. After piecing the timeline together, he worries at the implications of the girl being the elder and an Alpha. “Honestly, I haven’t heard much about Abby in a long time, so I cannot answer that,” Alpha Byron responds, wondering why it even matters. The strong young man challenging to become Alpha seems of greater concern to him, but he will humor Alpha Preston by considering it seriously. “But, considering her, ah, condition,” he continues, “it would not surprise me if her children were the result of some illegitimate affair with an Alpha whose identity we’ll never know. Not that Alpha Mitchell cares anyway. All that matters to him is that they’re his grandkids and that Tall Pines finally has a new Alpha.” “Yes, well, I appreciate the update,” Alpha Preston drops the topic, shifting instead to thinking about the threat that a reinvigorated alliance against him could pose. “Was there anything you were able to glean from the conversation before you were excused?” “Hidden Moon is worried. I don’t know if that’s intentional on your part, but Alpha Clayton confessed to being unsettled by how close your territory draws to his own. He’s worried about your witch as well. And the alliance as a whole seems to share his concerns, though he appears to be closest to doing anything about it.” “Doing what exactly?” Beta Jameson interjects. “He just said he’s been getting nervous. He seems smart enough to know better than to declare war on you just because he’s getting nervous, though. I don’t think he intends to do much about it at this point, he just wants to make sure other packs have his back if you try anything.” “And did they seem to?” Alpha Preston wonders, hoping maybe one or two of the other Alphas could be swayed to shift their allegiance. “I think so, especially now that Tall Pines is in order again. But even if they all move against you, they’re no match for your forces and mine. Besides, I wasn’t getting the sense that any of them want that. I think they’re thinking defense, what to do if you come for them.” “Yes, well, it’s a pity that you can no longer serve as our eyes and ears, isn’t it,” Alpha Preston comments bitterly. Alpha Byron swallows nervously at the threatening tone Alpha Preston has adopted. Frantically searching his brain for some response to offer him but not knowing what to say, he decides all he can do is try to plead his case again. “I am beyond sorry about that, but I swear it was not my doing. The only thing I said was that I would support Alpha Clayton if his pack was attacked. Other than that I was quiet, just listening. I don’t know how I could have done anything differently.” “And I believe you,” Alpha Preston assures him. He actually does. If the girl is Abby’s daughter, it does not seem so far-fetched for her to be clairvoyant. Ever since Emily’s first shift, she has developed a gift of telekinesis, which her Uncle Preston has encouraged her to keep to herself. He even hired her a tutor to help with that. “I’m simply saying it is a shame because it is,” he continues. “I seem to be running low on informants who can keep an eye on my enemies these days.” “Does this jeopardize our agreement?” Alpha Byron is nervously wondering about their deal which keeps his pack protected and would secure a suitable mate for his son. “Not necessarily. You have proven yourself to be loyal, and you did come and share what information you could. Don’t think I’m not grateful for that. We just need to find some other way to make you useful again.” The three continue to discuss the situation, with Alpha Byron updating them about what he believes the other packs have going for them and where he suspects their weaknesses lie. Alpha Preston offers to send one of his trainers to help Alpha Byron get his warriors into suitable shape to be able to stand with his own forces if the inter-pack tensions ever were to come to war. They add some supplements to the trade agreements they already have in place, with Alpha Byron offering far more than he receives in return. He is content just to be considered an ally, though, knowing that his pack is just as vulnerable as the rest should Alpha Preston decide to turn against him. No matter what he must sacrifice, he considers it well worth it to stay in Black Moon’s good graces. About an hour after Alpha Byron arrived, Alpha Preston dismisses him and is once again left with just Beta Jameson in the room. He can sense that Jameson is troubled about something. “Alright, Jamey, out with it. What’s eating you?” Preston demands of his friend, though his tone suggests that he asks because he cares about him. “You seemed awfully interested in that girl, Abby’s daughter. Why was that?” Jameson asks suspiciously. Preston sighs, realizing that he should probably just tell his friend what has been on his mind since Alpha Byron mentioned the girl. He knows Jamey can be trusted to keep his secrets. “No one can know this if I tell you. Do I have your word?” “Of course,” Jameson swears. “It never leaves this room.” Preston inhales deeply, preparing to reveal the only secret he has ever kept from his best friend. “Remember when I told you that Patrick’s Regina, who we also knew as Abigail, is who I discovered was my true mate back when we all met her at Tall Pines?” “I’ll never forget that,” Jameson seethes. “That was when I realized that Pat didn’t just seem like a prick. He actually is one. What a power move to track down the mate you rejected and go claim her for himself.” “Right. Well, speaking of pricks, turns out I couldn’t control my own for a bit there. Once I met her, I couldn’t get her out of my head. I was torn about rejecting her. Part of me really, really wanted her, but I already had Summer. People love Summer. I love Summer. But you know how that stupid mate-bond works. It gets in your head and makes you obsessed with the person that ‘destiny’ forces on you, and my wolf wouldn’t leave me alone about her. So, after we left Tall Pines, I stupidly decided to drive back there in the middle of the night and bring her back with me.” “Oh, Prez,” Jameson interjects, shaking his head. “You didn’t.” “Yeah, I did. It was stupid, and I was dumb enough to keep her here for a few weeks while I decided what to do. Eventually, I couldn’t take it anymore and went so far as to be intimate with her. When my father found out I had been hiding a girl here, he didn’t care who it was or who she was to me. He told me to ‘get rid of her’ to make sure I wouldn’t have any illegitimate children by some insignificant female I couldn’t keep my hands off. Of course, that meant to make sure she was good and dead. I couldn’t. My wolf wouldn’t let me. She was my mate. So, I drove her far, far away and dumped her off, but I did make sure to reject her properly like I should have done in the first place.” “So, you’re thinking the girl could be yours?” Jameson winces as the connection occurs to him. He knows that it could turn out to be a big scandal if anyone else found out. “I do wonder. Initially I was hoping the boy was the elder, so if he were mine, we could use that to our advantage somehow. But since it’s the girl, well, it just concerns me that she could be mine. Although, I suppose she could also have been fathered by whoever fathered the boy. Some Alpha way out there, I’d imagine, and none of us would have heard about it. I do wonder if Patrick knew about any of that when he went and picked her up, though.” “Knowing him, if he did know, he would have disposed of the children to make sure they never threatened his little fantasy life,” Jameson responds bitterly, then pauses thoughtfully. “You know what I wonder? I wonder why Abby’s children suddenly showed up at Tall Pines right after she disappeared from Black Moon.” “Ugh.” Preston puts his hands over his face and drags them down dramatically, showing how much that idea stresses him. “You’re right. And you know what else? Putting the boy in as Alpha to renew the faith of their allies is clever. Now, they could potentially have a loyal army if they were to convince everyone to act against me. And with that, Abby can come for the daughters she left behind.” “You think? Do you think they’re hiding her there at Tall Pines?” “Not likely. They wouldn’t keep her somewhere they’re holding public challenges and inviting all sorts of people to attend meetings. But Alpha Mitchell may have been involved in her disappearance, if he somehow got word that she was being kept here.” Jameson sighs, then looks up at his friend with a serious and weighted expression. “So, what do we do?” he asks quietly, worrying about the answer. “I say we prepare and be ready for anything. We proceed with care, keeping our eyes and ears open. But first and foremost, we need to bring Patrick back into the fold. I can’t be at war with my brother and with the rest of the region all at once. Track him down. He and I need to have a conversation about his chosen mate’s children. All of them.”
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