How the tables have turned

1452 Words

Hallie’s P.O.V I woke to an empty bed, Deacon must have left already. My head was pounding, I never drank enough to get a hangover, so why does it feel like I have one? Maybe it is the lack of sleep, maybe it is cause Deacon’s used all my energy up with our four our f**k session. I still don’t know where the man gets his stamina, he has no problem going for hours, and maybe he has secret stash of Viagra or something. Think it is a good thing he isn’t here cause he gets really horny in the morning and I don’t think my body could handle him again this morning. I checked my phone, seeing if I have any missed calls or texts but I never, then again it was still early, it was only 9 a.m. At least I never slept in too late. I pulled myself out of bed, pulling my dressing gown on since I was com

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