A terrible blind date

1400 Words

Hallie’s P.O.V I was heading out for dinner with Penny and Cillian. Why I had to come out with dinner with them and be a third wheel I do not get? Who wants to be a third wheel especially with them too, they are so touching, feely and one of those couples that seem to love showing PDA. I never really needed this “Tell me again why you both insisted of me coming to dinner with you? Should this not be like a date?” I laughed as we walked into the restaurant Penny looked at me, a look on her face that looked guilty…Cillian seeming the same. What are those two up to? My question was soon answered when some guy came towards us, smiling “Hey guys.” He smiled It was then I knew what exactly they were up to, they were setting me up on a date…a date that I made clear to them that I never w

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