Volume - 4 // Chapter - 99

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Day 5 of the Jewish-Enochian Supreme Awakening Possessor's absence. Things didn't seem obscure nor did anything change far resilient and horrendous as everyone observed. Knowing for the fact on how brutally severed his outside body by only just slumbering for more than 5 days without certain reasons for him being injured. Only mental and spiritual actions were the two had been moving through his head eventually, as what Helina Booluck consistently observing for the entire time. That even for herself, couldn't be figured out how to deal with the entire problems given by the Supreme Awakening Possessor, which generally challenges her will and strength the most. By all means, the Church Attendants started to help the Adventurer Knights Medical Head this time around. With their deep insights, commemorating their rosaries and chanting off with audacious act trying to imitate a certain spell; That only a Jewish Enochian People can able to dwell. At this moment, Lina, in which she barely able on moving due to her injuries and constant aching through her body, is also the one having the Awakening possessions suitable for everyone's current needs. Began sincerely and intuitively dedicating herself to trying to heal Levi's inner wounds continuously and vigorously. /Left palm slowly rises from above./ /Right palm gently placing on Levi's forehead./ A few seconds after, a single blink of light surges brightly through both of her palms. And began chanting a unique kind of spell that only her Awakening Race Possessions were able to succeed. And generously hoping for Levi Furiman's recovery as in which every single one of the Church People began worried the longer he slept without being bothered. ~ Meanwhile. Cassandra Smith and Misa Togo had been deliberately acquitted all of a sudden by the Church Pastor. Currently being held restrained into Misa's room and gone urge for telling the entire situation happened throughout the Administration. Since the Church Pastor himself sincerely believing the entire hideous thoughts and actions given by it had started moving in accordance to their greed. He desperately eagers on gaining information gathers by his Attendants momentously and out of his concern. "They want the Statue of the Sea Dragon... As what the Receptionists told into us before they went corrupted." Cassandra bluntly directed as what the Church Pastor wanting to sort things hastily. However, the Church Pastor simply didn't faze nor be surprised as to what Cassandra said with a threatening voice and action. Repulsively being annoyed and left pouted on her mouth as the result. "It was located outside the Village... and nearly outside the Kingdom's main territory as well." Misa humbly nodded with her voice as gentle as a toddle sub-consciously mumbling out of nowhere. And yet, the Church Pastor utterly didn't startle shocked as to what the two beings respond as well. Cassandra and Misa simply began to irritate yet perplexed to the Church Pastor's unusual reaction, seemingly went putting their conscious in random just on trying to sort their minds aligning through his current way of thinking at the moment. "It seems you already know what is happening today, Pastor Ozril?" Cassandra nodded with audacity. Misa couldn't help but listen to their conversation once more. "Yes... From the start." Pastor Ozril humbly responds. "Then you already know everyone's gonna die because of this... Am I wrong?" Cassandra suddenly went aggressive, intuitively trying to blame the Church Pastor for his being silent throughout the entire time and doing absolutely nothing like he doesn't care for anything that surrounds him as what she resolve through her mind. Misa instantly noticed the sudden outburst of disgruntled feelings given by Cassandra, with her Awakening Senses humbly emits throughout her room, she deeply sensed her repulsive Awakening aura slowly being devoured by insanity and malignant forces out of her anger and distraught emotion towards the certain person. On the other, as she prudently observed her Awakening essence relentlessly being uncontrolled for the time being. Another set of Awakening essence she felt momentously coming from a near distance. It was the Church Pastor's awakening Essence that tries to revoke at the very least all of the deep, horrendous Awakening auras tremendously emitted in a random direction. With her Eye of the Awakening constantly sensing a massive force of Awakening essence. She gradually felt a two-sided form of Awakening presence consistently emitting throughout the room. !Cassandra's colors of the awakening presence are dark orange filled with white light and blurry dark sigils! !While the Church Pastor is a bluish-light colored Awakening presence filled with dark and blurry Awakening sigils! That generally causes her entire senses and deep insight to be startled and terrified for a reason. "One is a burst, full of vengeance and rage to seek revenge." "The other one is serene and pleasant like the ones I felt through the spacial spell given by the High-ranking Administration Personnel." She began adamantly the way she tries on comparing both of their powers very prudent and perilous. As the two being intense for a 15-second time frame inside of Misa's room. A slight, humbled slick of words slowly being heard through Misa's sharpened hearing. Moments after she went soar into her Awakening essence trying to repel her uneasiness towards the situation she completely had in. "The Administration... tried to cover their hideous acts by the public and media all around the Kingdom... By putting the lives of their workers and people on the line, trying to acquire all kinds of wealth and power as much as want." Pastor Ozril genuinely reverting the anguish thoughts already maddened through Cassandra Smith very well. "That none of my works nor the Church should be getting involved in that kind of conflict throughout the government itself." He simply added thoroughly and prudently. Cassandra generally understood the fact that there was no obligation nor responsible for them being involved in the problem of others, especially those who seem far larger and death-defying disputes instantly putting their lives on the line in such worthless consideration. Nonetheless, it was way considerate for them to get involved in the problem that every single one of them didn't manage on escaping. Knowing for the problem itself had been growing hastily and vile as what they didn't expect given to it. She started to lower her guard as she slowly understood the general reason of the Church Pastor for not interfering with the problem and humbly went crying out of her sorrow and kind-hearted feeling towards the others' agonies. "What should we do then?" She asked with sincerity and docile to the Church Pastor. "Just do what you think will be good, and be hostile as much as you could." The Church Pastor humbly nodded with a soft smile on his face. Misa is also being told the same thing, knowing for her being involved in such a strange way that he is unexpectedly disbelief for her eagerness on participating. "I know you two had been aware from the recent changes of the Administration's current actions, that results from most of the Adventurers to leave the village due to their harsh regulations and constant cancellation of the Quest contract." "Not to mention, the majority of the Administration Personnel had been focusing on the uncanning insurgencies given by the Sea Monsters... Allowing all of their operations to stopped drastically and currently at the state of inconveniences." "All I want to say this is to keep an eye on every single people out there... Especially to those quests who seemingly directed to the Sea Monsters Quest, that for sure everything's problems and suffering might link it through their Main location and significantly acquiring to the massive treasures and rewards having in there." He sincerely left a word for them with a grim smile on his face, humbly giving them a certain kind of accessory that for him it will given them luck and wisdom for anything that happened shortly. !A bluish-dark-colored stone necklace filled with the Awakening aura of the Jewish-Enochian! *It was a kind of necklace that Levi Furiman forcefully created, originally made for detecting monsters and magic crystals had found inside the dungeon.* The two consciously leaving the Church for a reason, ebulliently aiming for a goal that only a few people shared the same thoughts. That knowing for the troubles and contempt are more imminent and certain. . "So you finally made up your move... Luther... How amusing..." The deeps of insight putting so horrendous inside the minds of the Church Pastor had been disturbing and bothersome to left imagined. Instinctively believing for the Administration's other schemes, consciously being wary for the consequences that putting everyone on the line for their lavish and villainous acts momentarily. !The Statue of the Sea Dragon Itself... Has a kind of key that is ideally made to open the tomb of the Sea Dragon in its sleep! He adamantly nodded with his eyes repulsively sharpened out of anger and distraught towards the organization's lust and greediness. !I know for a certain... This man has been contracted by one of the Supreme Awakeners living in this Kingdom at this moment...! He left stagnant as he went obnoxious on his intuitions. . . . Afternoon at the Willow Village Adventurers Administration. The Administration Personnel had been partially celebrating their triumph over the march of the Sea Monsters. Knowing for their successful operations, deliberately putting their tasks intact and well-performed. Even though some of them couldn't handle retaining their forces to the end and were left being defeated in such an unfortunate fate. Out of 193 combined number of Administration Personnel fighting together as one on that night. At the very least 30 of them had gone unfortunate and sincerely costing their lives in their line of duty. In which 5 of them had died during the fight of the Eastern territory of the Willow Village. In the sense of being acquired on joining forces with the power of the Entity race, one of the 8 Strongest Races that the Balancer of Race entrusted with. The 5 personnel had been valiant to the very end, sincerely putting their everything against the Sea Monsters, that even for the likes of Robert Steel and Malta the Entity had genuinely sincere to their acts and sacrifices for the benefit of many. However, for some reason trying to put the entire existence of the Entities hidden for the time being. The Adventurer Knights Department Head and other people whom he consciously bought during that night had been silent accordingly, earnestly giving not a single hunch of their appearances nor the direct reason for their comrades' heroic deaths voluptuously. Generally hoping for the people to understand their sides whether it is good nor bad insights given by them. Fortunately, the Department head of the Internal Affairs and the Investigations simply understood the Department head of the Adventurer Knight's explanations and redundancy with a thorough response and adamant reaction coming from them. However, most people out there still didn't convince his suppressed response. Especially for the eyes of the Chief Department Head, refutable being apprehended all of a sudden due to him. "You seemed very high and mighty for the things you failed to attain, aren't you?" "Robert Steel?" Luther simply approached Robert with a grim smile on his face, noticeably being suspicious with all of his intuitions trying to made it truce by such unmanly matter. The music stops horribly due to his insane appearances coming from out of nowhere. People inside the building began to stuttered and face for a certain reason. Instantly getting their uneasy feelings as all things hideously hoping for not existing has it seemed the opposite thing very momentous and vile to be thinking. Like a wild, malignant animal that spurs out from its den. Even the High-ranking Personnel couldn't hold to felt such insidious, sickening aura emitted by the Chief Department Head for a long period. Nonetheless, it was all aiming through to the stead of the Adventurer Knights Department Head, as everyone thought about it. The Adventurer Knights Personnel abruptly being terrified towards the Chief Department, simply couldn't be held to glare on his entire appearances, not even a second for putting their guts into audacity. Misho Santa on the other had been closely enacted for the situations they currently held. Simply being observant for some intricate matter that putting the Chief's errands focusing only on them. In which he sincerely thinks about putting all the blame up to them for such lousy accusations without certain prejudice and pieces of evidence. "Depending on your answer, Chief... lies to our lives putting on the line due to it..." He left nodded as his body slowly left cold and shivers out of restlessness. Sam Smeagel is seemingly aware of the entire situation at the moment, simply having the same intuition as what Misho Santa thought as well for an instant. Whilst secretly observing other people who want to put Robert Steel down on his very own existence. As for the difference only to what Misho concerned about his chief. Sam is also concerned not just for his friend, but also for the position that everyone else desperately wanting to reach. Knowing for the fact about his memorandum of reconciliation for his indefinite resignation according to the Chief Department Heads' orders. Trying to tear him down in such a corrupted way and inhumane resonance for his well-being. 'On the Contrary, among all the department branching through the Administration. The Adventurer Knights Department has to be seen as one of the most important and prominent Departments for complying with peace and order given by a certain village. Without the Adventurer Knights, all people and ruffians throughout the village would be frantic and rampant to the point of being lawless and maniac from the hearts of the evil people.' 'And by that given position... Robert Steel is the most capable person amongst the people standing in this building hall for a reason.' 'Could this be the reason for the Chief Department head eagers to put him down by all means?... Or does it something much vile and hideous he did that made the Chief so upset because of it?' As the silent, indiscrete environment constantly running through their nerves. The Chief Department Head simply asking for Robert Steel once again. This time, it was utter regard to the certain kind of beings, that generally surprised all the people who had been heard from it, by such destitute and relentless matter. . . ***To be Continued***
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