Volume - 4 // Chapter - 97

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As the redemption and retrieval of the lost territory continue. 35% of the process had been made succeeded so far for the past 3 hours of retribution given by the joint forces of the 3 Departments throughout the Willow Village Adventurers Administration. In the sense of having an operation being successful, mistakes and miscalculated actions had been rampant and inevitable following being unwary towards the current situation. As the result, unwanted casualties and uncanning misunderstandings had occurred relentlessly and unnecessarily. Still, the movements and actions given by the majority are undoubtedly unyielding and unanimous towards everyone's own volition. And so forth, the outrages of the human being's forces had been frantic continuously throughout the entire night. . Pista Rambutan mercilessly killed the remaining 6 Sea monsters, as both of his hands bathe with the monster's blood, repulsively pungent through smell. After he cut nonchalantly their heads as all of them seeing trembling on its feet very hideously, that moving around to escape would be unnecessary to enact. His eyes went dull the moment he strikes his sword through the monster's nape, relentlessly being insensible to the consequences of putting things inhumane and violently. And yet, his entire emotion was completely dull and miserable, due to the Eye of the Awakening dramatically changing all of a sudden, which instantly left his heart into nothingness. Only hatred and lust of killing had been seen thoroughly through his eyes and his heart as the result of drowning in madness. "Let's go, Pista..." Misho solemnly nodded to him, genuinely understood his actions as very repulsive and unkind. By seeing him stagnant and stunned, yet being motionless and Expressionless. He knows something is wrong with him at that moment. Pista simply responded without saying anything. His consciousness is still intact and active that keeping his mind continuing the said objective is a must and much important. Having along with other Administration Personnel, they easily began startled and intimidated, as they believed in their senses in which regards on how Pista aggressively emitting his Awakening essence without noticing. They went distanced into him due to a certain threat and fears constantly alarming throughout their consciousness as the result. But then, they couldn't be held to run away from him. knowing the fact that the safest place believing their lives to be spared were the ones taking place beside the presence of both Misho Santa and Pista Rambutan, also for the dangers lies whenever they get separated and eventually encountered the Sea monsters in such unfortunate way. They vigorously believed their lives would be assured for the time being, until the task they'd assigning will be completed. "Don't be too much idled on thinking, keeping your mind sharp as much as you can!" Misho bluntly scolded them with audacity and dignity, horrendously being strict all of a sudden that giving the vibe of the Administration Personnel to annoy and perturb. The squad of Misho and Pista combined had been reached peacefully to the Territory post, far similar to the guard post that the Adventurers firstly being held before. They adamantly arrived at the very least 20 minutes by maximizing their physical bodies to the extent, and constantly running without stopping nor resting. The difference was the color and it is distinguished itself. A guard post is a small, magic building hut covered with green magic dust and emits brightly during the night. While the Territory post is a huge, magic building similar in size to a regular small house, which formed along with small fences covered together with blue magic dust and emits brightly during the day. Nonetheless, the Territory post generally emitted brightly during the night with the help of a certain kind of magical material, infusing nor amplifying towards the magical materials constructing into the Territory post's inner layers. Sapphire-colored magic crystals --- Only acquired for the dungeons ranking 'A' and above. By gently putting the sapphire-colored magic crystals carved into an orb to the magical incinerator. The Territory post began glowed flamboyantly and elegantly until for a certain given time that the power itself eventually runs out. /Territory Post shining glamorously./ /Fences simultaneously glowing./ /Trees, bushes, branches, roots extensively glowing./ On the contrary, the glowing effect of the Sapphire-colored magic crystals would last only 5 days over time. "It is good... Let's head back..." A soft, gentle word given by Misho Santa. As seeing them being ready and fully prepared for a very long run backing forth to the command base. Genuinely seeing their faces at ease for completing a very dangerous mission, seemingly impossible for hurdle all by themselves and being proud towards their will in a very reasonable way. Knowing for a given amount of time they spent, nearly 10 minutes at resting. Genuinely wondering why does everyone hardly saw nor felt the Sea Monster's absurd presence momentarily, that generally went up putting their minds to flustered and perplexed out of curiosity. "Perhaps we are just lucky for this night to be spared our lives from these monsters." One personnel nodded with a soft smile on her face. Misho silently listening to the novices' chatters as the night elegantly luminate to their current positioning. "Or maybe those monsters scared of us... Just as how Misho-senpai and Pista-senpai fought eradicated to their very existence... Maybe they chickening out already... Hahahahaha" The other one seemed jesting around to the people's uneasy feelings. He seemed vexing to the other one's comment. The other went out gullible on his problems all of a sudden, causing Misho to laugh at his mind inadequately. The other two female personnel submissively admitting for their feelings of whoever the person they loved, allowing Misho to be intrigued and putting his attention towards it for a moment. !!!??? /Branches breaking in the dark./ /Wind surges violently./ /Trees dancing in synchronization./ /Air mass went denser and heavier./ As the loud, joyous reminiscence having along to the succeeded people for a short time. A sudden course of wild, tremendous forces of dark magic aura surging forth from a distance, intuitively reacting into the sharp, malignant senses of Pista Rambutan that instantly alarmed for the other Administration Personnel on preparing accordingly. "Times up... Let's moved out..." Pista obtusely nodded, with his voice seemingly weakened yet solemn as his Eye of the Awakening had constantly released to the point that both of his eyes were nearly at the state of being injured. Not knowing the fact that the way he continually activating his Eye of the Awakening for a long period would eventually cause him mild to fatal injuries. In such cases, the worst and the gravest consequences of having those kinds of penalties exceedingly putting on its limits, were temporary to complete blindness, depending on the usage and amount of time being used aggressively. "But... senpai... your eye?" One concerned Personnel adamantly noticing on his current condition. That is generally needed for medical treatment as quickly as it should. Misho had nothing but to be silent on his remorse towards the Investigation personnel's current situation. Simply left following all of his words without utter complaints and tentative actions that they heard completely and repulsively. "Should we be held back already?" One personnel simply asked with worries for everyone's life. "Think what you asked... you know already the answer." Misho blatantly replied. Thus, his intuitions had made a truce. As he seemed didn't faze nor be startled to the sudden response given by Pista Rambutan towards the Sea Monsters who seemingly approaching into their location. With his Eye of the Awakening consciously being released in the last moment beforehand. He instantly noticed the number of the enemies facing forth against them. And genuinely attaining himself on following Pista's movements following anything that can sequencing voluptuously. . . At the same time; The specialized team formed by Robert Steel, along with Malta the Entity and her fellow kindred, had successfully acquired at the very least the majority count of the Village Territory post. Knowing the fact that it was near 40% for the total number of being captured by the insurgencies of the Sea Monsters. Located Eastern part of the Willow Village, Malta astoundingly putting most of the forest into her hideout and homeland. Knowing for the place where she and the people of the Church Village forcefully teaming up on defeating the Sea Monsters in a decisive result. She gratefully desiring on owning a part of the rainforest into her name by generally residing all of the surviving Entities from the previous battle as a mode of triumph for their kinds of sacrifices. Moreover, she solely putting a small tomb of a graveyard in the middle of the forest, for that kind of certain reason, she held it being secret and none of the races nor monsters, including the 8 strongest races would unlikely dare to destroy within it. . Robert simply putting himself in silence as what he hardly heard about it. Especially to the Administration Personnel whom he bought along to have a battle. They were aggressively shocked and reacted frantically at first. Knowing for the fact of being held seeing a pure kind of Entity right in front of their very eyes in an instant. -- Bodies consciously floating for a few inches from the ground. -- Clothes and dress generally in white and stainless. -- Skin of their bodies are pure pale and evenly white without certain blemishes on their faces. -- And the color of their hair is repulsively black and white bases accordingly to their specified genders. "Those beings... are much frightening compared to the monsters themselves." One Personnel adamantly putting his thoughts towards the Entities. Other Administration Personnel does the same thing as well, knowing for their utter ignorance and intriguing gestures they developed into their minds. They simply left flabbergasted and adamant as the result. Not to mention, the scenery of the entire surroundings had been changed dramatically for an instant. As what they have extensively seen right through in their very own eyes. *Unified form of reddish-colored light lamps glowing straight through around on its path. *Tens of ethnic/unfamiliar houses and undiscovered flowers and trees had been seen elegant and glamorous on its form. *A serene mimicry form of villages filled with Entity people had been found domestically inside the dense forest. Seemingly wild and lively with all Entity people gathering to the said place and went peaceful in such orderly way. People began amazed yet terrified at the same way, as prudently remembering their thoughts and consciousness submissively thinking for everything they seen entirely wouldn't be existed nor an utter hallucination that drives through to their stress conclusively and haphazardly. "If you guys still seeing it won't be true.. Then cut your eyes into two and see it as a result..." A soft, whispered voice being heard by the Adventurer Knights Department Head. Bluntly dares to his comrades on fixing their resolves into truce for once and asking for their absolute resonance towards their guilt for the time being. The Administration Personnel simply gulping their throats out of being restless for testing their courage in such an obnoxious manner. Malta on the other hand, humbly welcoming to the humans who managing on visiting their land, sincerely knowing for the gist of having disputes and war against the Sea monsters on their resorts. Henceforth, she is bluntly wary of their lives being wasted. She solemnly responding to the Adventurer Knights Department head for the sole reason of choosing the place whom way isolated and far maddening to reach. !Is because they are the strongest one amongst the 8 strongest races who are capable of defending their bases and territories! Thinking the fact on how the Entity people being carefree and thoughtless to the entirety of the happenings surrounding them by seeing outside into their appearances at first hand. Not mentioning for the other side of their abilities that instantly reacting their senses into boisterous, uncanning resolute. That is generally one of their components for being called 'Strongest Races'. Malta instinctively putting a lot of sapphire-colored magic crystals as well, as she consciously eavesdropping on almost everything about the conversational meeting to be held a few hours ago. Conclusively enacting on her own on behalf of her own kinds' safeties and preparatory measures as its best. "By the way, Robert-kun... What does this kind of glowing rock be able to use against these kinds of monsters?" Malta genuinely asked out of her curiosity. As she constantly grasping a magic crystal on her right palm for several minutes, trying to gain the opportunity on answering her unwavering ignorances. However, by some unfortunate fate. "I'm truly sorry, Malta-san... Even I didn't know about it either... Maybe I should ask what is kind of very important thing to the Chief Department head whenever I meet him... Hahahahahaha" Robert left laughing due to his utter incompetence. "Oh... I see, how unprofessional you are... Disgusting..." Malta left pouted as she slowly getting distanced towards him. "Have you meant to ask anything I don't even know just for you to insult me?" Robert vaguely understood what she meant for it. Undoubtedly being annoyed with her as the result. As the high, lively ambiance generally being intended for a certain purpose. Robert Steel suddenly noticing the Entities' ulterior behaviors preparing for something so colossal that seemingly facing up against a wild, formidable foe very shortly. Especially for a kind of music that consistently tuning with all their heart's content. Yet being peculiar and horrendous for some refined hearing senses like for instances; Human beings. As Robert Steel, along with the subordinates he bought in instantly felt some tremors around their bodies, skins momentously shivering and their minds started losing out of nowhere. "Malta... What's the meaning of ... this?" Robert disturbingly asked, generally wanting for his assurance for the things that the Entities eventually plotted. "Oh... So you finally heard about the music... At last..." "You don't know about it? How pitiful you are..." "Doesn't it obvious? Of course, you don't know... (Baka! / Japanese word for i***t)" "That sound you just heard..." "Is the sound of our redemption..." Malta conclusively replied to the frustrated and agitated feelings mixing through to Robert Steel's entire consciousness. . . ***To be Continued***
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