Volume - 2 // Chapter - 39

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Levi picked up the magic handgun once and for all as his starter for preparation. Moreover, he went thrilled. Couldn't hold himself but to amazed as he can finally able to use the unlocked weapon once again. But then, it was only usable whenever he cast to the unknown dimensions just like the time he got in and the last time as well. 'It only appearing and is usable whenever I've met the Unknown Being. How sad it is.' Then, as what he kept mumbling. The penalty quest had finally arrived just as what the Unknown Being mentioned to him. [Penalty Quest] - Survive at all cost. - Reason for penalizing: Contract Overload. Time remaining: 5 hours, 59 seconds. He seemed flustered at the moment, thinking it would be some kind of a trick that the Unknown Being already prepared. Baffled and half-prepared, as he noticed a set of monsters and magic creatures viciously approaching him. It was a group of Centipedes that the Unknown Being summoned to perform the quest thoroughly. 12 Huge, reddish-colored Centipedes with a size of 30 meters in length and 9 meters on its with, nonchalantly rushes straight forward against Levi. At first, out of his fear and trembling, Levi quickly stepped back. Knowing that the sizes of the enemies are far huge and bulky to made contact against it. In his current condition, he knows battling towards them would be a long, hard time to deal with. Aside from it, his Awakening Status was surprisingly normal and stable compare to the last one he'd made. {Status Warning... Opened} ~ Awakening eyes of the Possessor's body have exceeded its limit. Minimum Usage: 30% --- 100% Actual Usage: 10% --- 100% Time Usage: 2 Minutes, 20 Second Warning: A certain damage of the Possessor's body is guaranteed and unavoidable. 'Looks like I didn't grant any special treatment this time. It's fine, I didn't need that kind of thing to become strong anyways.' "Do I need to fight these?" Levi simply wondering while running, trying to spare his life away from the enemies. He calmed himself for a bit, trying to understand the rules and instructions given by the penalty quest. "Survive at all cost." The first one he instantly noticed. As for his reasoning from it, all that he thinking about was to evade the magic creatures' attacks and charges towards him. Enough for his spiritual body to survive. More likely, as he tried to land a shot at least one of the Centipedes, not a single trace of scratches had made contact to its thick, reddish scales to be penetrated. As the result, resisting isn't the best possible to happen to win. The Unknown Being foresaw the happenings made by them, couldn't believe what he just saw at the moment. As he kept observing the behavior of the Supreme Awakener, time kept running forth as he continually glancing the hourglass very often. Knowing that the penalty quest itself wasn't able to revoke nor to change the quo status regarding it any more. For the very least, he only wanted to give the duration for just a couple of hours. At least 4 hours to be exact. But then, the Balancer of Race itself had been changing to add another set of hours for the Supreme Awakeners to be penalized. And that was the case of Levi Furiman, being punished by that just recently. {Just survive with that, Kid. It would be helped to dodge those monsters shortly.} He couldn't help but try about him. On the other hand. !s***h! /Blood spilling through the ground./ As Levi suddenly loses focus a little bit. The Centipede who getting the nearest reached against him was instantly reacted and taking its quick draw towards it. With a nimble, agile move made by the enemies. Swiftly enough that the eyes of an ordinary eye couldn't manage to keep up, it would be instant death for an ordinary person to take that hit towards their bodies in a blink of an eye. But then, Fortunately; The eyes of the Supreme Awakening weren't created to be ordinary and looked fragile to diminished. As it was the first one to notice the unusual attacks made by the centipede. However, the possessor who has that kind of power wasn't attentive and payable enough on its surroundings. Causing him to receive mild damages against it. {Status Warning... Opened} ~ Possessor's damaged body parts have been detected. Location: Left Shoulder. Damage type: Impale. Time for self-recovery: 7 days, 14 minutes, 10 seconds. Note: Recovery potions and other healing spells are highly recommended to speed up the operation. He quickly took the pressure to the wound, preventing losing the blood while keeping himself on track from being elusive. !s***h! !s***h! !s***h! !Screeeeeeaaakk! The uproar, anguish voice made by the magical creatures are staggering throughout the surroundings. Constant rumbling to the place was immensely intimidating. 'It would be a long night for me to awake from this.' His thoughts went out solemnly as the situation he came with is began intensely. ~ "Penalty Quest? ... Just what in the world that just came from?" Levi instantly went confused once again, quickly scratching his head out of his confusion. {Hahahahaha! I forgot to say this to you, my bad...} The Unknown Being simply laughed sarcastically. That causing Levi to left pouted into his face, already didn't want this kind of happening. "Just spill it out! I mean, all of it dammit!" He felt irritated at some point. Wanting to finished the things that the Unknown being made towards him. Then, the Unknown Being started explaining. Regarding the Instructions and Regulations, on how it activated and to completing as well. However, regardless of what he had stated, everything seemed fined and understandable at first. Not knowing the fact that the Penalty Quest itself was far brutal and insanely hard for the minds of Levi Furiman to imagined. Even so, his suffering had now commenced. . ~Time Remaining: 3 Hours, 20 Minutes, 9 Seconds. ~Minimum Usage: 30% --- 100% ~Actual Usage: 18% --- 100% ~Time Usage: 3 Hours 2 Minutes, 3 Seconds. Warning: A certain damage of the Possessor's body is guaranteed and unavoidable. ~Possessor's damaged body parts have been detected. Location: Right Calf. Damage type: Impale. Time for self-recovery: 9 days, 0 minutes, 37 seconds. Note: Recovery potions and other healing spells are highly recommended to speed up the operation. As the time ticking fast, hoping for it to running out. Levi's body was slowly putting up to its limit. Already felt exhausted and worn out from constant stress. Even though he constantly using the 'Awakening breathing' cautiously and thoroughly, it still wasn't enough for his body to keep up last longer. The more he used it, the blurry he had seen. Fortunately, it was only on his right eye. Because the Eye of the Supreme Awakening was only been activating on his right part, the most reliable part for him at the moment was on his left. The Right Supreme Awakening was his main eyesight, perpetually predicting all possible movements and trajectories that the Centipedes made against him. While his Left ordinary eye was his stable eyesight usable for the present charging movements that approaching him. Sadly, not all the predictions he'd made were true and calculated. As his body and Awakening status is slowly putting up to their limits, he knew he couldn't last any longer as he resolves. !Screeeeeeekkkk! Another set of charging attacks made by the Centipedes rushing forth against him. Levi tried to step back once again. But this time, he couldn't. As his right calf was already in vain, hardly able to move back whenever he stopped from resting. 'Come on, move! you stupid calf!' He desperately making his move out of frustration. But then, it was too late for him to run. As one of the Centipede's long, terrifying scythe resembling on its arm was already aiming towards him. Levi couldn't help any longer, but summon another set of weapons storing into his Awakening Inventory. However, Instead of the 'Katana' that he supposedly choosing inside of it. It was the Dagger that he always used was unintentionally picking up, due to his pale trembling hands that quickly grabbing the weapons very randomly for an instant. 'What? ... this is not ----' He surprised, couldn't believe what just happened. !Bang! /A loud screeching noise clashing the weapons between the Centipede and Levi Furiman./ !Boom! Levi started to fly away, the moment he deflects the s***h made by the Approaching Centipede. He suffers severe bruises and mild scratches throughout his body after the impact. Luckily, not a single fatal injury he received after he deflect the scythe that nearly putting his life in danger. But then, it was not the end to the Centipedes' rampages. As the monsters still not sparing it's time for waiting for the lone enemy to recover. Consecutively rushing forth with all its might against him. Levi's strength and awareness are still intact and active. But the senses he felt were slowly dispersing, due to the exhaustion on his body that couldn't last any longer at any moment. "Think, I don't wanna die in this place... Think wisely and act carefully." His determination on living was still burning inside, like hoping to a flame that nearly dying to burn once again. . . Willow Village Church The Adventurer Knights Medical team vigorously using all their magic and healing spells, aiming towards the ill and nearly dying Levi Furiman. He suffers countless curse wounds and severe blood loss throughout his body. Unable to breathe properly and tons of dark Awakening presence surging throughout his body. The Adventurers who taking care of him completely agitating and felt restless the whole time. Since the Dark Awakening presence kept resisting on healing towards Levi's body for some unknown reason. 'It can't be helped... This Dark aura is far stronger to penetrate and not a single one our spell couldn't be managed to heal his body... I don't know what's going to happen anymore with these." The Team leader of the Medical team had now started to complain about his unusual condition. Pastor Ozril on the other hand, couldn't hold himself anymore. Unnoticingly aching his heart whenever he saw Levi Furiman being in agony and despair without knowing. He left himself alone and isolated inside his room at the moment. Genuinely sobbing in a corner and humbly praying for the young man's recovery. 'I don't know what to do anymore....' 'How far can you fought until the end?' 'How long do you need to sacrifice yourself to save others you don't even know?' 'I don't even know where you came from, but one thing for sure on me.' 'You are the last and only hope for us to be saved.' As he kept praying humbly inside his room. A frail grim of light slowly blinking inside the cabinet at the front of his bed. Out of curiosity, he stopped his doings all of a sudden and unusually opened the cabinet where the light took its place. But then, as soon as he opened it. He was shocked and astonished at what he saw inside. Mesmerizing the things when he got it and thinking for its owner that he instantly forgot to recovered. "This is...." "Levi's memento!" It was a silver-colored necklace, grind with a bluish-dark-colored stone carved with a light-colored Jewish-Enochian sigil resembling the 8 Strongest Races that the Balancer of Race chosen and constantly glowing like it never-ending. Not knowing the fact that it was Levi Furiman's long-lost necklace that he always wanted to find anywhere he remembered, slowly admitting that his belongings are already gone and completely forgotten as soon as time passes. Until it found out when the Misho Santa, along with his subordinate went investigating to the first dungeon break where he held in, and later on being retrieved by the hands of the Church Pastor. "I wonder what is this thing looked like when I returned it to tots owner." Strong, puzzling thoughts happened inside of Pastor Ozril's head. Didn't waste some time any longer and rushes back to the room where everyone held in. People around the place went despair and frustrated, as they felt hopeless and apprehensive towards the condition that the young man transparently made. "It's no use... There's no other way for this to recover." "The way he used all of his life forms and Awakening presence, was courageously astounding and commending." "What a waste for him to be dead... Just do our best to heal him up!" The team leader of the Medical team simply motivated his frustrated subordinates hoping for a miracle to happen in a blink of an eye. And thus, It went out true. As the one holding the thing owned by an ill person had finally taken his action on helping him out once more. . . ***To be Continued***
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