Volume - 2 // Chapter - 54

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[The Fifth part of Sam Smeagel and Pista Rambutan's unknown and unvalidated Misadventures] The same night, that Levi Furiman and other villagers take in. Sam Smeagel, Pista Rambutan, along with Yaka the Homo-Goblin and other Demi-beings had started relocating themselves. After some informant started to arrive at their hideout, responding the report is made through the whole time of scouting. "The Entities... are coming towards us!" A strong, terrifying voice reporting itself to the elders and leaders of the Demi-beings. Constantly trembling on its feelings and senses seemingly unstable, to the point that his body was nonchalantly shaking. A simple report that cause every single one of the people to made alarm and panicked. Knowing that a certain kind of conflict will emerge if one of the Strongest Races started to confront. As what they've resolved, they simply retreating, scattering to a different place far unknown than the ones imagined. By diverting the attention of the enemies. Yaka, Sam Smeagel, and Pista Rambutan were the ones heading straight towards the unwanted enemies. Some elders and other leaders of each Demi-being race had taken to their activities as well. By heading the opposite path far distanced away to the battle place, knowing that the hideout village they'd once residing in will no longer be safe and concealed against the eyes of the enemies. "They're near... and fast approaching!" A strong, certain intuition, conclusively taking warnings towards the other Demi-being attacks given by Pista Rambutan. Not knowing the fact that amongst all the People charging forth against the unjust enemies. Pista Rambutan was the only one can manage to sense the Awakening auras emitting by the unknown Entities. Aside from that, the Smell of their auras and their senses are odorless and colorless, causing the entire system of the Demi-beings unusable and uncertain. Only the people and possessors of the Knightsmen Race were the most compatible and reliable races to fight and to deal with it. Especially for the situation, they had just recently. "How far?" Sam viciously asked, completely aware of the worst possible situation that happened at any moment. His eyes and entire 5 senses of his body went out sharp, slightly sharper than Yaka whose being aware of the entire surroundings as well. Rushes into the direction where the informant stated unto them. In a dark, mossy rainforest similar to the ones they'd reached to the Village. Accompanying with a strong pack of only 10 persons, including the 2 Strong-willed Adventurers voluntarily involving in the disputes creating by the Entities. As soon as the Department head started to ask about the position of the enemies. The eyes of the lone Knightsmen went out widened, looking in front of his surroundings that had been seen different than the eyes of the Demi-beings. "So dark... The more we go further, the Darker the surroundings I'd saw!" Pista felt traumatize and shaking all of a sudden, as he is the only one sensing the Dark Awakening aura emitting by the Entities. Causes him to slowed down whist carrying Nascondra on his back. "Afraid not, besides... We're just here, to draw their attention... It is fine for us you need not join..." Yaka nodded with assurance. "Aside from that, theirs Nascondra willing for you to hide... And your entire body had been already concealed... Theirs nothing to worry about!" She added with pride. Pista went ashamed by the thoughts and scolding, trying to push himself to the utmost limits and being used to fight alongside them. Nascondra simply smiles and delights without being noticed. !!!??? /Loud, eerie noise explode./ /Wind constantly surging./ /Ground went shaking all of a sudden./ In a spur of a moment; The moment that the fears of Pista Rambutan waiting for had finally come. As he unconsciously noticed at least 3 Entities standing at the top of a tree, wickedly waiting for their unpleasant arrival as the start of their confrontation. "Chief! ... At your right!" He shouted, causing the other Demi-beings to be alarmed as well. !Bang! /A sudden flash exploding mid-air./ Of all the people being startled and shocked during the moment; Yaka was the first one to react, in a few milliseconds before his command. By jumping forth towards the enemy's location, she vigorously attending herself to fight against the first 3 Entities in her stead. !Clang! /Metallic weapons colliding with the sharp, stone-like weapon./ "I will follow later on ... You guys, find others!" She asked valiantly and proud, showing no signs of fear and terrified towards her bodies against the formidable enemies. "Yeah!" They proudly responded, shouting for a warcry and screaming for the battle had been commencing. Moments after, another set of Entity people nonchalantly appearing. Surrounding the entire position they'd made, inside the dark isolated forest, far away to the known nearby villages. Pista quickly stopped out of his shock, instantly recognized the eerie, alarming Awakening aura that spurring out anywhere he could sense. "Stop! ... They're already here...! Pista paused, couldn't hold his feelings to move forward furthermore. Sam and the other 6 Demi-being people do the same, started to feel strange sensations towards their pale, sensitive bodies. "How many are they?" Sam simply asked out of his preparation. Pista didn't respond at first, heavily glaring in one direction towards the strongest Dark Awakening aura that he solemnly felt for the whole time. Surprisingly preparing himself out of the blue, cautiously casting his spell out of his instincts ready for the upcoming battle against the strong, intimidating enemies. While his Eye of the Awakening is still activating, he patiently putting both of his hands to the ground, causing it to flicker some leaden light and started illuminating the surroundings in a short span of area. !Summoning Magic! !Weapon Storages ... Released! /Tens of kinds of Physical weapons and other items scattering through the ground in very random order./ /Orange-colored torches and other orange-colored crystals spreading through in a limited casting area./ In a tentative, confident gesture given by Pista Rambutan. The morale and will of the other Demi-being people started to boost and eager to fight against them once more. "If you want to change the surroundings to made it to yours, please take these up as well!" A loud, provocative voice insulting the capabilities of the Entity race of their own volition. Sam on his side, didn't understand the feelings that his subordinates had given. All that he completely saw on his actions, was that; "He seemed like a cat very wary to the things he'd made towards a mad dog being distraught and irritated against him." And so, his intuition made out false. As the incoming attacks and other ranging spells went out obsolete and invisible to be seen in the eyes of the Demi-beings, had been launching already towards them. That only Pista could be able to see all of it. In a matter of seconds. Tens of scrawny, terrifying explosions scattering through the ground. Causing the Demi-being people to hide beneath the trees, felt restless on their own and, patiently waiting for a moment to do a counter-attack. Leaving only Pista and Nascondra at the center, virtuously receiving all the incoming attacks made by the Entities. "Are you ready? Nascondra-san?" "Uhhmm... Yes!" !!?? With that response, tens of physical weapons started to levitate on their own, focusing their tip and fangs towards the Enemies' location. And ordering only a single command for all of it to be followed. "Seek them! ..." A strong, forcefully command, ordering his weapons thoroughly. Thus, another set of magic spells made by Nascondra infusing to the weapons as a mode of combinations they'd made before the battle started. !Demi-Being Magic! !Concealed Sealer! /Weapons that Pista Summoned slowly turning invisible./ /Both Auras that the weapons and Demi-being concealed buff had gone and disappeared./ "Charge!" A soft, scream was made by Nascondra ordering the weapons to launch, even though it was not her place to command it. But then, surprisingly; The Weapons went through, flying away towards the Entities whose positioning above the huge trees, and constantly attending to the Approaching weapons relentlessly. The eyes of other Demi-beings especially to Sam Smeagel, went out surprised and astonished at the moment. Thinking for the unlimited possibilities will surprisingly existing and be adamant to be discovered. Like the ones, they'd seen just recently. "Amazing..." His impression couldn't cope up instantly, went out thrilled and suspense for the happenings that Pista and Nascondra had made. Left nothing for himself but to be isolated in a certain tree that easily caught up to the attention of the enemies. As the result, 2 Entities instantly taking up their appearances towards him. "Chief!!" Pista immediately noticing his Department head to the left disturbed, quickly dispersing his Awakening aura into nothing and sending it into an unknown dimension along with his enemies. Suddenly loses his focus on controlling the weapons against the agile Entities as the result. "Pista-kun... Don't get distracted!" Nascondra went affected as well. Making their combination attacks get disrupted, causing it to be seen completely by the eyes of the Entities. And easily wiped out in an instant as what they resolved. The same happened to the other Demi-being people, as they went out separating to a different dimension utterly and completely. Leaving only Pista and Nascondra behind, taking the rest of the Entities in their stead. More frightening and intimidating than before. "Whe...Where... are... they?... I... can't... feel... them?" Alarmed and terrified, as what Nascondra felt the way her kindred started disappearing. She starts losing her focus and ran wild into her mind, as the insanity and despair starting to eat everything she had momentarily. Causing her to act thoughtless, vile, and unpleasant. "AaaahhhAahaaahhhhhh" Pista went startled and worried about her condition. Couldn't make himself focused on the fight completely, making him ceasing the bout against the enemies at the moment. The Entities, whose gallantly watching their foe slowly eating by despair. Knowing that wasting its time is unnecessary, tried to vexing out Nascondra to worsen her feelings unfairly. . . Meanwhile, Yaka on the other hand. Who seemingly thrilled and enthusiastic to her stead for the whole time. Knowing the fact that 3 of her enemies weren't good enough to fight against her in a hand-to-hand combat situation. Every time the Entities changing the place and dimensions, just to favor the Advantages on them. The fewer chances for them to win. Thinking that the spells and abilities that perpetually activating and changing from time to time, make them felt less terrible and frightening to fight against the other 8 Strongest Races. Like the ones that happened by Tisa the Knightsmen and 3 unknown Entities. And so, the same happened to Yaka the Demi-being against the 3 unknown Entities as well. !Bang! !Bang! !Bang! /Continuous inaudible explosions scattering everywhere./ /Ground shaking and crumbling indefinitely./ Even though the number of people fighting around is the ones in favor of the Entities, they didn't seem to gain an advantage in dealing with the attacks against the lone Demi-being. As they instantly noticed that none of their attacks and charging towards her had immediately deflected nor evading thoroughly and ease. Without being pressured and able to provoked at the same time, causing them to felt irritated and exasperated the more they think about it. "Oh? come on, Is that what you guys got? ... How pathetic!" Yaka simply provoking the enemies, as she noticed her enemies slowly changing their morals into despair. That started to implode anytime they're running out into desperation. Thus, by knowing that. The more she provoked, the powerful the enemies threw their power against her. Resulting in the entirety of the surroundings getting tighter and heavier for her to move. The ground had vigorously shaken, more fragile to stepped in. The air of the surroundings got thinner, the heavier for Yaka to breathe at her speedy pace. As well as the Gravity of the dimension got lighter and spacious, to the point that her jump was astoundingly higher than the ones her usual. At some point, Yaka consciously noticing it. Calmly remembering the exact movements she'd made while constantly evading the incoming and approaching attacks given by the Entities. Without stopping from provoking some insulting words and despicable gestures she casually prepared against them. . . . On the side of Levi Furiman. At the Administration Building. People inside and outside the place had started regaining their consciousness, by the time Lylia deactivating the magical spell that made them unconscious and unwary to the recent happenings. Levi on the other hand, thinking the same way as if he was still worried and concerned about the conditions they'd felt at some point. . ~System Notification... Opened. An Unidentified number of personalities with the race of Entity had been approached. (Distance - 7 meters) Note: Avoiding the commotion amongst the other races would be significant. Time sent: 9 minutes, 10 seconds ~System Notification Message... Opened. A strong, magnetic force created by a certain race of an Entity had been detected. Time sent: 1 minute, 30 seconds. Area of Exposure: 30 meters. . Instead of being relieved and ease towards the conditions of the people and other Adventurers being alive and well. Levi felt agitated and restless, as the System notification unconsciously reacting all of a sudden. Nonchalantly popping its messages like it was the ones sensing some inevitable threat coming from out of nowhere. "Yo Lylia-chan... you'd came!" A loud, exquisite voice spurring out from a distance, casually approaching towards them like the ones didn't know what's happening. Likewise, Lylia cheerfully replied. Levi on his side felt out of his place for a while. Left himself spacing away from them to have their time together. Moreover, he couldn't go anywhere easier. Not knowing the fact that Levi himself was already on the verge of having a trap spell made by Lylia, causing most of his movements to restraint and went out his body restricted whenever the distance between him and Lylia was not more than 10 meters away with each other. All of a sudden, as the Entity people went keeping themselves in touch with their kind. An absolute restless feeling they'd tingling in their body, conclusively emulating towards a certain kind of person at the moment. "Is that one... The Supreme Awakener?" One Entity people simply asked with thrilled. "Yes, and I got him..." Lylia nodded innocently. The Entity people went out shocked and astonish by the efforts given by their leader. Simply admiring her deeds to what she has done accordingly. That causing Levi to felt irritated and annoyed every time he saw them ecstatically. Out of the blue; As the conversation keeps out deeper. 5 of the Entities are eagers to have a request on Lylia, about a selfish and fluctuant favor. That making Levi too startled and flabbergasted at the same time. "Would you mind sparring us with the Supreme Possessor, Lylia?" One Entity courageously asked with patience. Lylia simply agreed, thinking the same way as she also wanted to see the power of the Supreme Awakening that Levi Furiman possessed. She asked back towards Levi for his confirmation. But then, in a precedented moment. Levi also thinking the same thing, as what they recently wanted to ask from it. . . ***To be Continued***
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