Volume - 2 // Chapter - 56

2438 Words
~ ~ {Monolith of the Dragon Nest - The Ancient and Legendary stone creation made by the Dragons themselves.} {It is stated to be that, any Adventurers nor People who can succeed to find it must be granted an immeasurable power. However, the power itself is only limited to its duration while the force and pressure of the Awakening remain constant.} {The 8 Strongest Races entrusted by the Balancer of Race cannot be included.} {The most prudent, and highest probability of acquiring its Awakening powers; are Double Awakeners, specifically and accordingly.} {Depending on the Monoliths, whoever, whenever, and whatever the person it might be.} {The person who discovered it, shall acquire the borrowed powers of the chosen dragons no matter the cost.} ~ ~ The phrase and paragraphs read by the Church Pastor inside his room carefully understood the meaning and importance carved by the 'Book of Awakening' whole-heartedly. "I'd never thought this one will ever happen. So early than what everyone expected." His thoughts went out to dim, every time he tried to understand the book specifically. More likely; He felt restless, as the night slowly covering its darkness entirely. At the time his Attendants and Levi Furiman didn't seem to come back to the church since afternoon. Leaving only Tisa, whose the only one who went back in a partial condition. A lot of wounds and scratches on her body, resembling the aftermath of battling against the unidentified Entities through the whole day. "Where are the others? Does anyone came back already?" Pastor Ozril simply asked with concern. Tisa couldn't answer his question very quickly, as she focusing on treating herself resting by nonchalantly eating some foods prepared by the Church Pastor himself, and the ones she bought to the Main Village. Pastor Ozril on the other hand, partially understood the conditions shown by Tisa. Simply didn't want to bother her time instead, and getting back into his restless feeling instead. Tisa startled and instantly noticing it, simply assuring his dubious and worries towards them. The Church Pastor simply appreciating it, left smiling on his face in response to her proud, confident behavior. Not knowing the fact that it was the other one, for terrible and worst than what they had encountered throughout the whole day. Thinking it would be appearing and causing another set of cataclysmic events, that making the minds of Pastor Ozril went out puzzling and rumbling since then. . . . Beforehand; The minds of Pista Rambutan went out blank and dropped out at the moment. Leaving only the most memorable, and unthinkable moments he had along with Nascondra for a short period of having together. "Monolith of the Sea Dragon?" The eyes of Pista suddenly widened with amazement and terrified at the same time. "You haven't seen that one? How unfortunate!" Nascondra simply smugging, sarcastically insulting him with a tease. Pista left irritated, couldn't handle her tease and sarcasm momentarily. Out of his curiosity, as he kept pinching her cheeks forcefully and focusing only the face on a one-of-a-kind beauty. He suddenly noticed a weak, reddish-colored light perpetually blinking and in the interval. "What's that? should we picked it up?" Pista felt intrigued at the moment. Nascondra noticing it, but couldn't hold herself thinking about its existence either way. Then, in a spur of a moment. Pista courageously climbing the monolith, audaciously taking himself on acquiring the red-light thing with effort and risk. "Careful!" Nascondra simply concerning his stead. !Pick! /Pista strongly grabbing the thing that continually blinking./ "I got it! ... I got ---" Pista couldn't finish his early celebrations, went out falling from the monolith all of a sudden. "AaaahhAahhh" He atrociously falling from the top as the result. !Thug! /Loud, pounding noise excessively hearing./ It was at least 30 meters height of the Monolith of the Sea Dragon to be measured. Nascondra went restless, didn't know what to do to help Pista at the moment. However, Pista was already stood up like nothing happened, asking her not to worry about it. She nodded as she responds. But then, on the other hand; The eyes of the two began to widen once more, as they were conclusively unaware and intrigued by the thing that Pista bought from the top of the Monolith. !Red Stone?! As the first thing, they thought about it. Nonetheless, the wonders and curiosity for it haven't seemed gone already. Not knowing the fact that the stone Pista bought still blinking, like a heart constantly beating. "It's still red and blinking, should we break it?" Pista mumbled and nodded towards Nascondra. She felt the same as well, thinking that the rules and orders not to obstruct anything related to their inheritance are already broken and in disarray. In other words; Nascondra and Pista Rambutan is a law-breaker. !Break! /Stone vigorously breaking./ /Red Light surprisingly spreading./ /Surroundings suddenly went dense and the air felt heavy./ After what they'd done to their unlawful deeds. !Nothing happened! As what they'd thought on it at first. Not until the time the lives of each one of them were putting at risk, and already on a brink of danger as well. ~ [Present moment] Back at the unknown rainforest, where the dispute between the Demi-beings and Entities occurring. The consciousness of the lone Knightsmen possessor went out blank and uncontrolled all of a sudden. As his Eye of the Awakening unnoticingly Activated like a bird forcing itself to fly out of its cage, and viciously emitting some wild, anonymous Awakening Aura completely and in the compact. The Entities felt and gradually noticing it, simply taking stepped back each one of them out of their perplexed and restless feelings against it. The leader and strongest Entity of their pack, simply commending the sudden changes of atmosphere, is utterly thrilled and astonished by the way he watches it conclusively. From what he saw on it at the moment; The Awakening presence given by the lone Knightsmen possessor had seemed to evolve and its appearances drastically changing, like a cocoon patiently waiting for its turn on becoming a butterfly. His right eye turning into red, whilst the other one didn't see changing at all. The right eye pattern of the Knightsmen Race doesn't seem to change as well, rather the appearance of its color had to turn into red instead. "A Double Awakening Evolution." The first thing that he observed on it, simply felt a dense, leaden pressure the longer he stares against it vigorously. !!!??? All of a sudden, At least 2 relentless Entities wickedly taking their way on attacking Pista on the right side where he stood up horrendously. The same side where they bury Nascondra alive and unconscious. "Dumbass... Don't!" !s***h! !s***h! /Blood spurring through the ground./ /Wind suddenly stopped and immediately dispersed./ In a blink of an eye. Pista Rambutan instantly killed the two Entities in a split of a second, slightly faster than a blinking on the eye of a person. With only a short, rusty knife and a string of a fishing net, he used against it. The reddish-dark-colored blood of the Entities had been scattering throughout the ground, like a mud pool filled with blood and despair towards the enemies. The Strongest Entity simply shocked and startled on his own, couldn't believe the turn-table of events happened within a few seconds. So was the other Entities who instantly sensing the dark, peculiar Awakening aura emitting by Pista Rambutan. Surprisingly went stunned and felt absurdly trembling on their bodies due to that. As the night goes by, the pressure of the atmosphere had slowly getting dense and heavier, the longer Pista staring at the stumbled and half-passed Nascondra on the other hand, couldn't make himself continue to fight accordingly and completely. He simply putting Nascondra on his lap, patiently moping all the wounds and scratches she received away from the Entities. And asking for a cease by each other sides to ensure that nobody wanted to die in a meaningless manner. "You're safe now, Nascondra-san... I'm here to save you." He simply nodded at her with a soft smile on his face. Nascondra slowly opened her eyes out of pain, graciously felt ecstatic and hope to her life that finally assured and rest with ease. Along with a ray of moonlight, illuminating all the darkness and despair she received towards the enemies that silently putting her into insanity, upbringing her into a glimpse of hope once again by the side of Pista Rambutan at this moment. "Your... eyes... looks elegant and beautiful to be seen..." Nascondra instantly noticed the changes of Pista's eye appearance, simply went charmed and delight as what she resolved. Pista himself didn't like it. "My eye... wait... what happened to my eye by the way?..." He felt annoyed and perplexed by what she compliment as the result. . . . On the side of Levi Furiman. The bouts and a constant number of attacks are made staggering everywhere, to the point that every single launch of their shots had caused the entire surroundings to crumble. !Bang! !Boom! !Thug! The surroundings and atmosphere itself had been changing constantly as well, to the point that the System Notification had been notified towards Levi continually and in intervals. . ~System Notification Message... Opened. A strong, magnetic force created by a certain race of an Entity had been detected. Time sent: 2 minutes, 10 seconds. Area of Exposure: Unidentified. . ~System Notification Message... Opened. A strong, magnetic force created by a certain race of an Entity had been detected. Time sent: 10 minutes, 20 seconds. Area of Exposure: Unidentified . ~System Notification Message... Opened. A strong, magnetic force created by a certain race of an Entity had been detected. Time sent: 18 minutes, 30 seconds. Area of Exposure: Unidentified . Levi slowly getting his awareness of the time whenever the surroundings began changing. !8 minutes and 10 seconds.! As what he resolved from it, to remove the sudden restless and uneasy feelings towards them. He wisely hurting himself, gently slashing his wrist to make his mind focusing only on the pain and not the hallucinations themselves. While taking his attentions to the incoming rage of aerial attacks launched by Lylia the Entity. "Catch these... If you can!" Lylia vivaciously giving her threats against Levi. A huge, unyielding fireball numerously levitating in the air. Focusing through the depths of the ground, and raining horrendously up from the sky. Levi didn't startle at all nor being hesitant not even a single glimpse, taking back his initiative on firing all the raining fireballs mid-air. Trying not a single one of it to be fallen into the ground. !Bang! !Bang! !Bang! /Loud, eerie gunshots firing back momentarily./ /Bluish-dark Awakening Aura astonishingly overflowing over the left hand of Levi Furiman./ People and Adventurers instantly getting the chills on their bodies, as they felt unusable and inferior to the works of the unknown person battling against the enemies that seemingly indisputable to be fought. Nonetheless, it was not the case for him. As they noticed every single time the Entities wanted to launch their attacks. It was instantly dispelled, perished into emptiness, and gone as absolutely nothing happened. Other Adventurers and people who getting hyped and already healed from their recent battle, wanted to help the unknown person to fight as well. By casting all of their magic spells, chanting some of its magic defenses, and trying not to be a burden towards him out of their conscience. But then, in some unprecedented moment. The minds of the people whose putting its jealousy over cooperation had been stagger and rampant, since the time Levi Furiman finally appeared on behalf of their stead. "Who is this kid?" "I haven't seen this one before!" "This inferior one reminds me of that young boy living in the faraway village church." "Such Showy bastard... who did he think he could manage to fight those strong enemies... He will end up dying for sure!" "If he dies, there's no way for me to helped that boy out here... Hahahaha" "Hiding himself through that filthy black mask on his face?... I thinking he is a fugitive for what I guess from it." People and other Adventurers had been seen ungrateful and vulgar towards the efforts given by Levi Furiman at all, causing to have a short dispute and commotion against those who had a concern and defending on him at the moment. Especially to the ones who already knew about his appearances the most. Robert Steel, along with Misho Santa and his subordinates didn't seem unjust nor tolerant to those acts coming from the people. Conclusively ceasing their unfair deeds with accordance and justice towards the situations they'd in. With a loud, strong voice audaciously standing in front of the people. Misho Santa and other Adventurer Knights Personnel had stood themselves to hold each one of the people's attention. Regarding what filthy deeds they'd done just recently. "Showing no signs and Gratitude and Insignificant behaviors, was that all the point of giving him at least a little bit of 'Thank you for all he had done to save us?" One Adventurer Knights valiantly shared. "Do you guys even called yourself an 'Adventurer'? When you cannot even appreciate the things and actions given by the others?" Another one simply added. "If that would be the case, then you guys are nothing but a shame to do such thing be called 'Adventurers'?" Misho added with a conclusion. People and other Adventurers who listening to them had felt guilt and distraught for their feelings in an instant, some of it completely regretting what they had done. But most of it cannot. Instead, they atrociously doing it much worse. Far opposite than regret and distraught to what they had felt before. !Bang! !Boom! !Kabang! /Magic spells and other range attacks nonchalantly aiming towards Levi Furiman./ /Grounds suddenly shaking dramatically./ Levi on the other hand, went out startled and shocked all of a sudden. As he couldn't believe what the people and other Adventurers had done against him, that causes his movements to slowed down repulsively and horrendously. "Wait... what happened to them?" "Why are they started attacking me?" As he kept puzzling on his head for a minute. He instantly noticed some eerie and odd sensation happened towards their bodies, which making his System Notification alarmed and popping up due to it. "Those eyes just now..." "..... Are dead already?" His eyes went out widened, as he couldn't believe what exactly happened on his rear at the sidelines. He went stunned and off-guarded on his stand as the result. . . ***To be Continued***
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