Volume - 4 // Chapter - 101

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In some unexpected and unexplained happenings. Levi Furiman surprisingly woke up, with a tenacious flow of Awakening essence bursting forth throughout his entire consciousness. His right eye was astoundingly glowing, with his Eye of the Supreme Awakening extensively releasing while his left remained constant and partially active. Nonetheless, it was still injured according to Helina Booluck. A vast amount of bluish-dark colored Awakening presence horrifyingly emitting afterward, and constantly glowing throughout the entire surroundings. "What... Is... Happening?" Lina was horrifyingly startled, as she was the one being nearest to Levi's stead at the moment. Moreover, knowing the fact that the Awakening race possession she blatantly possessed were noticeably the same as what Levi Furiman had, by noticing a lot of Awakening Sigils continuously emitting at the very least everywhere throughout the room that instantly believing he would be the same Awakening race possessing as what she currently did. She was gradually amazed yet horrified at the same time, thinking he would be exploded any time as she imagined. "I've never seen nor felt such intimidating aura in my entire life?" Helina adamantly disbelieved and flabbergasted for the second thought having on her mind, as her face completely shocked and eyes initially widened as if it was her very first time seeing something that seems rare to appear. Not to mention, the soft, squishy touches of her body suddenly went hardened out of being shocked and terrified, like suddenly went turned on for some obnoxious reason into Levi's very own appearance. "Levi-san?... What are you anyway?" Tisa intuitively felt the same thing as well, in which she carefully noticing the amount of Awakening essence he randomly bursted had been continuous for more than 30 seconds. Generally thinking for his entire existence all of the sudden that made her intrigued and curious as to the result. The Church People and other beings who worriedly waiting outside the room instantly felt the strong, unusual flow of Awakening essence surging inside, that instinctively putting their entire sense to alarmed and notified as well. Yaka felt the uneasiest feeling amongst the people having around at the same moment. Even the strongest Awakening emission which is the Knightsmen had been far distinguished and renown for their unique characteristics had been easily managed to surpassed even from the difference of their capabilities. As she consciously felt shivers right through her senses, generally enacting for being alarmed and prepared for anything obscure happens at any rate for being restless and undefined situations. Even for the depths of her mind thinking for a fight that not gonna happen. Her body still couldn't be held on listening and nonchalantly being alarmed despite everything that things have seen peace and calm in general. The Entities, however, had been made slightly different from what Yaka currently did. As they prudently prepared for anything in regards to their uneasy feeling directing through the clinic whereas the Supreme Awakening Possessor gallantly resting. That instantly referring to the moment when they first met Supreme Possessor itself right through their consciousness. "The way the Awakening aura surges through the surroundings is quite intimidating." One Entity abruptly nodded. "How can this human being like him manages to score a vast amount of Awakening essence, far repulsive than ordinarily imagined." Another one adamantly added into one's subjective thoughts. "At any rate... we should not be letting our guards down due to this!" One sincerely concluded into his mind. Amid crisis, in which every single one simply having their minds putting all together in such an audacious manner. There is one sarcastic fellow who always spoiling everything by the means of their own will by doing such hilarious acts that cause everyone's plan to tear up into dust. "Well, well, well... How the things had been turned.. I've never thought the Entities are so much alarmed by some unusual flow of Awakening Aura unexplainably being uncontrolled and unwary." Yaka bluntly nodded with a sarcastic smile on her face, generally held up jesting the Entities' preparatory action by insulting every single thing they made just to ease their uneasy feeling throughout the entire happenings momentously. The Entities simply went tiltled and triggered due to it. Solemnly swearing for making Yaka paid for her audacity and vulgar acts tenfold. . /Bluish-dark colored awakening essence relentlessly stopped./ /Levi's sub-conscious glare repulsively closed./ In an exact matter of time, given by only a minute of his unusual call of appearances. The room had been consciously silent, relatively thinking for everything had happens given by some unexplained situation coming from out of nowhere. Lina, Tisa, Helina were conclusively unwary for the most recent situation that they held. But still couldn't be held on coping their entire consciousness at the moment. All that matters in their mind, was to heal Levi Furiman's internal wounds through the power of the Jewish-Enochian-infused method of healing. Not knowing for some unprecedented reactions given by the Supreme Awakening Possessor's body that surprisingly reacted without utter knowledge for anything. /Levi eventually opened his eye for the second time./ /People surround him began startled and terrified as well./ The three instantly made up their mind on distancing against him away out of their fears and unsolicited feeling. With their eyes drastically began solemn, the three closely observing Levi Furiman from a distance. At least 2 meters away from him to be exact, as what Helina forcefully calculate between their distances. Moreover, the moment they stare through his body at the very close ranges. Tisa, in a state of her Awakening form, firmly noticing another set of changes on his body, insignificantly emulating through his deep insights that spread dramatically coming from out of nowhere. "His body... Is covered with Awakening Sigils!" The first thing she noticed after she held being focused furthermore. It is a mixed color of bluish-dark and bluish-light form of Awakening Sigils horrendously covering through his entire body. Moments after, Levi finally reached the point of being conscious. Stupendously went active and genuinely asking about the entire situation that warily occurring. Moreover, his face suddenly felt remorse, frantically being regretted being treated nor interrupted on his deep slumber without being resilient for the other side doing for such ordeal and a purpose. "You guys, seemed terrified like seeing a ghost for the first time? Does something the matter all about?" He insensibly asked the people's waning thoughts and feelings without asking for everything that horrendously happened. "Like a ghost? Does something put in your mind seeing us as a joke? You dumbass ungrateful bastard!" Tisa aggressively responds to Levi's obnoxious reactions. Lina seemed silent yet relieved for his utter recovery at the moment. Still couldn't be held for herself on easing the restless feeling constantly piercing through her senses. As she prudently noticing her hands significantly trembling throughout the entire time, abruptly trying to stop from shaking as much as she possibly can. She couldn't be held as well telling from the other people about her undefined condition, thinking for their worries and concern about her that might end up being a burden as what she utterly resolved into her conscience. Helina on the other solely didn't wait for the Supreme Awakening Possessor's ulterior awaken. As everyone around the room including Levi to understand truthfully in regards to her efforts and importance on helping into their stead throughout the week, sincerely putting herself at rest inside the room and kindly sleeping on the bed where Levi firstly held into it. As soon as he woke up to the bed, gently rising himself trying to wake Helina up from her rest. The three audacious Church People began to head out through the room, very silent and serene. . Outside the room; People around the Church and its neighbors gracefully approaching Levi as they went worried about his condition that had been staggered throughout the entire time. Tears and laughter had been seen into their faces, as what Levi consciously nodded into their deep, sincerest feelings. Far graceful and thoughtful compared to the ones he held for the first time since he first came in. The Entities elusively taking their distance against him at the moment, knowing for his Awakening essence still being emitted far unnoticed and unusual than any other could fell. Not to mention, Yaka and Tisa generally do the same feeling as well. Sincerely trying to take their utmost consideration for not being intimidated at this point. By knowing Levi Furiman according to their knowledge and assurances coming from the others. They simply want to take part in his identity for their purpose and necessarily conviction. Aside from it. Yaka and other Entities had finally noticed about the Supreme Awakening Possessor's uncanning sigils horrifyingly covering into his own body. Moments after he voluntarily preparing some black liquid-like tea and humbly distributing each one of them in such pleasant happenings. 'Bluish-dark Jewish-Enochian Sigils, carved into his body?... How could this be?' The first thing Yaka closely staring into it, instantly began adamant and flustered about the sudden changes into his frail, weakening body. "Thank You... Levi Furiman-dono" Yaka simply went gratified into him with her smile bluntly faking thoroughly against it. Not knowing for the fact that Levi himself veraciously being notified, by glancing prudently sharp and hidden amongst the people gathering around the Church Building. Levi instinctively observing every single one of the people he has unusually seen throughout his entire consciousness. Especially to the people who seem unfamiliar and uncanning to put their entire senses to alarm. It was a 'Coffee' that he gracefully distributed to the people gathering around the entire time. That sends every single one that he gave to felt ecstatic and joyous as it likes their first moments having those kinds of beverages that are seemingly unique and peculiar to the minds and consciousness of an ordinary villager. Though for some ulterior reason, The Church Pastor, Tisa, Lock, and Yaka didn't seem surprised nor amazed by the coffee he humbly created. Whereas the majority of the people had been seen ignorant as they slowly observing the black, suspicious form of liquid that was consistently bitter to drink and greatly auspicious on its aftertaste. Generally put on Levi's mind to assume for other's prudent awareness and momentous experience they voluptuously acquired a long time ago. He simply asked for the commendation of his beverages to the person he utterly focusing his deep insightful intuitions to the one he rarely sought the entire Church Building the most. "So... How's the 'Coffee'? does it seem bitter to handle in your very sensitive taste? ... Yaka-san? I guess." Levi deliberately taking his first step towards Yaka the Homo-goblin. As he slowly approaching her seat, facing right in front of her face and asking for some obnoxious enactment taken by her in a meantime. Yaka simply didn't react nor faze to the Supreme Awakening Possessor's oblivious approach, gently taking it upfront into him on purpose by sipping nonchalantly to the coffee even though she not Levi didn't put the sweetener inside of it, simply trying to act accordingly as if everything is inappropriate to happen. "What do you mean? Levi-kid... What's the point on getting my attention even though it is rather meaningless nor pointless to deal with." She humbly asked for reconsideration of his numbskull and childish-like behavior against Levi Furiman for s second thought. Bluntly sipping the coffee continuously without taking any sweetener on it, that eventually causes her sense of taste to rigged. Levi simply went nodded with a grim smile on his face afterward. Out of nowhere, one bold Church Attendant submissively asking the Supreme Awakening Possessor about a thing that even the minds and curiosity having by the Church Pastor simply couldn't be held to ask towards it. !About the Awakening Sigils astoundingly convening throughout his body! It was Lock the Knightsmen whom the ones wholeheartedly asking without ulterior hesitation on his behalf, and seemingly unsuspicious as what Levi thought about him. Though the two had been the closest friend amongst the people around the Church for the whole time. Levi didn't see Lock as a threat rather than his dearest friend knowing for their age closely related towards each other, and his consciousness who had seemed ignorant mostly about everything that generally putting him in such curiosity. He genuinely responds it on behalf of his curiosity and willingness on pertaining such goals and achievement, that he truthfully wanting to have at least one at the moment. But then, by such ridiculous and unprecedented happenings. Levi repulsively forgot about the thing that gradually implanting throughout his body, with a vivacious response and veracious words given by him. He solemnly apologizing to them through the bottom of his life, despite everything that held every single people around to startled and terrified due to it. The Church Pastor, who witnessing the entirety of the occurrence that happened from the living room, left nothing but to take a smile on his face. "This kid... is kinda amusing!" He simply likes the coffee as he continuously sipping for it until it dies out and utterly wanting to refill it furthermore located in the kitchen room of the Church Building. Yaka and other Entities humbly taking their stakes on challenging the Supreme Awakening Possessor in the meantime. Emersively trying to test their skill and strength against him, as well as to put themselves on refining their abilities by the means of fighting towards the other monsters nor enemies shortly. On the Contrary, Levi also thinking the same thing as well. As he gratefully accepting their challenges right on the spot, knowing for his physical absences slowly being tedious and remorse the way he takes any sorts of movements thoroughly. That instantly telling his mind to the body to train physically as well, not only for the spiritual and mental practices to concerned with. . . ***To be Continued***
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