Volume - 3 // Chapter - 78

2387 Words
At that time; As the night started to crawl onto its horizon, began concurring the light through its deep, solemn darkness. Fears and anxieties had made profounded through the minds of the people living on the outside, as the incursion given by the Sea Monsters had been commenced horrendously and sickening. The Adventurer Knights already advising all people to evacuate before the sun settling down. However, not all people around had been able to be notified nor knowledgeable of the dangers that lie upon them. As the result, all units from the entire Department had been settled to guard the Entire Willow village into its maximum capacity. To secure the lives of the people peacefully living throughout the said territory. It was at least 30-Kilometer circumference to be measured according to the Administration Personnel, including the huge volume of rainforest located in the northern region and dense grassland which is located in the south-western part. Aside as well from other rivers resembling for the end of territory from one Village to another. For the contrary given by the Department head of Adventurer Knights to the Adventurers and people wanting to protect its properties against the might of the enemies. Robert Steel, one of the main facilitators of the battle procedures, initially grouping the people and other personnel into groups, guarding up through their assigning places with audacious command and prideful consideration. Knowing that the monsters there, unfortunately, facing into, he sincerely putting up everything in a larger quantity of people. Following one's strengths and unique abilities thoroughly. A total of 200 people and Adventurers were voluntarily risking their lives for everyone's safety and peace. Another 100 Adventurer Knights and 40 Administration Personnel for the side of the Village official. With that certain number of participants gathered in one place, the cowardice and discouraging thoughts given by most people began to perish all of a sudden, thinking for hope on achieving one's triumph in a one-sided victory. Not knowing for anything that inevitably happened in one spur of a moment. By gathering all people throughout the open field, Robert Steel along with other high-ranking officials from various departments had commenced the selection of each people with a prudent decision and sincere action. !20 People, Adventurers, and Personnel per Guard post.! !A total of 12 guard posts had been posted throughout the Village's territory! !5 Groups consist of 10 people who had been assigning as a medical team. In which 2 of it would be filled with Provident-type Possessors to roamed consistently throughout the entire vicinity.! !2 Groups consist of 10 people will be assigned for monitoring. In which all of it would be filled with Demi-being-type Possessors to be held through the shadows.! !And the final 3 Groups consist of 10 people will be the frontline. Whereas the strongest few with be gathered in one group to deal against the Monsters.! "Our mission is to retrieve all Guard post that the Sea Monsters mercilessly destroyed. Not to mention, some informants said that other people still didn't manage to go outside to their homes due to fear of the said Monsters. Aside from destroying the properties and lives of everything that putting on its paths, the Sea monsters themselves are the sole reason for closing all borders that entering to our village, and causes other Administration Villages to put their high alert and intensive security towards the selected territories." Robert Steel valiantly explaining the entire situation that happened to them. "Much worse than that, all activities and actions given by the said monster are focusing only on our Village Territory. That forcing us to take action on retrieving all of it at once." He simply added with sincerity and solitude. It was a temporary invasion that putting into their minds at first, knowing for some amount of areas that the monsters are taking over had been invaded like building on its bases. They simply felt stagnant due to a certain shock of being disoriented. Not knowing the fact of how strong and intelligent the enemies truly are, countless forms of inducing second thoughts had been staggered into their heads, and bodies were made trembling abnormally as the result. As fears and terrifying feelings astoundingly devouring into their sense. One vigorous Adventurer with a soft, gentle voice like an angel falling from heaven suddenly stood in front of the crowd with audacity on her stead and bravery towards liberty. "Fear not, Everyone! We Adventurers do are even more powerful enough to concur things against the insuperable enemies. We must take ourselves to deal with and win this war with all of our strength!" She repulsively asked for courage for one's utter resolve from being dispirited. The High-ranking officials who solemnly listened to the female Adventurer's sudden ovation left nothing but nodding into their steads conclusively. Robert Steel wondering the same as well. Yet, his mind still keeping on puzzling as if the total uneasiness he gradually felt hasn't been seen from the lives of everyone putting on its risk very miserably. But wondering about the true intentions given by the Sea Monsters on why the Willow Village is the first one they picked up to invade. Where there are some villages surprisingly near to any others. 'I don't know what is going on? But for this entire happening that made... Gives me a clear vibe for something huge will inevitably happen to come from behind the scenes.' He simply mumbled inside his head with a clean smile on his face showed from the outside. On the other hand; People began coping, and high-tense once more. As the words and encouraging thoughts are given by the female Adventurer began stimulant towards the people's sensible minds. Astoundingly preparing for their weapons, binding their equipment throughout their bodies and nonchalantly taking its formations without prior order coming from the selected commandants. The bands and squads all over the squadron had been formed and compile in a very surprising way. To the point that the High-ranking officials solemnly asked on her to the things, she had made with a certain gentleness and absolute curiosity. Unfortunately, the said woman didn't show the complete details nor personal information coming to them. With that utter suspicion already intact by the most, Mateo Goldvict, one of the High-ranking officials from the Internal Audit Department. Sincerely taking his entire suspicion on revealing her true thoughts and intentions furthermore. As the people, Adventurers and Administration Personnel completely lining into their specific formation. As well as the objectives are already prepared and ready to perform. The sole order and command given by Robert Steel will be the last call to commenced their missions thoroughly and hastily. !Dedicate your Hearts! !Commenced Pursuit! With a strong, courageous roar, boiling up the blood of the Armies' cold nerves. Robert Steel insanely deliberates the peace and liberty through blood and sacrifice coming from the other's shed with all their hearts and soul driving into it. /Loud, screeching noise had been heard through the deep darkness./ /Countless loud stomps had been rumbled through the dark./ /Movements and synchronization coming from people's departure had been seen menacingly with pride and voluptuous./ In just a few minutes of everyone's departure taking on its assigned places in various specific directions. The place in which they first took in began silently once and for all, only a few torches and remaining tents and horses had been seen into the High-ranking people's eyes in a very conclusive manner. Leaving all the tensions as well as a courtesy given from the brave ones into their behalves and praying for a certain amount of casualties that inevitably seen coming from it. Inside the tent; Some officials had started to take their parts as they attended on monitoring the movements and action dealing from each group by the help of a special kind of paper infusing with magic elements, that allows them to observe all selected leaders' areas and vicinity from a certain amount of distances. Most other officials tinkering their ground and actions by one's current situation beforehand. Repulsively enacting for the worst possible scenario that might occur coming from the front lines. And Robert Steel himself still couldn't make up thinking properly, as if someone nor something had been made bothering into his consciousness throughout the entire night. The moon had unpleasantly risen from its deep slumber and the cold wind of night had to breeze through his skin with tenacious feeling and chilly spike into his senses. 'It is so big... and round... Illumining the dark, hideous place deriving into the abyss.' He seemed joyous, reminiscing the silent night with empty-handed and off-guarded. Thinking for something, hoping it would be erroneous to happen. Robert Steel slowly getting back into reality after he suddenly noticed a soft grin of light repulsively blinking away through the distance. That generally putting up on his curiosity and quickly running away into the place where the light approaches. . . . As the confrontation between the Church Pastor to the Adventurers Medical Head continues. Pastor Ozril began dubious, intuitively asking with whole-hearted assurance towards Helina Booluck's commemorative response. On behalf of the reason for her sudden shock and astonishment to Levi Furiman's current introduction. "Are you sure he's the only person in your entire life seeing and touching the Supreme Awakening Possessor by your own two hands?" He sarcastically asked with ascertaining discontent on his feeling. Helina, not knowing his sole purpose in answering his unreliable question. Simply responding half-asserted in the end. "By seeing other people Possessing the same stages like this kid having into, Of course not! But touching them ... not gonna happen! Hmmph..." She seemed pouted with slightly being insulted momentarily. (((( Btw ... To all readers figuring out from the word 'Touching' ... What I meant for that is 'To heal' or 'Able to help in various aspects regarding her field of specialization' ^_^ ... No other meaning nor any forms of lewd things I'd made from that... Anyway, back from the action :P )))) The face of the Church Pastor still having his disbelief and unoriented towards her blunt response, simply left smugging in front of her that cause Helina to blushed intensively like slowly getting red and utterly embarrassed. "Was that the sole reason? I don't think so for that..." He simply teased and comical even more. Yet, being held solemnly and sincere to his questions coming from her. Helina instantly noticing about it, by just listening to the sudden change of tones given by the Church Pastor's voice. Admirably admitting the main reason for everything that Pastor Ozril wanting to seek all this time around. "I certainly aware for you that not all Supreme Awakening Possessors existed today are childish and young brats like him... To put it frankly in my own personal perceptive. 'He' is the youngest and most modest Supreme Possessors that I saw for the past few years since the first one came into this world." "Due to some personal behaviors and actions coming from the Supreme Possessors, none of the people surrounding them had made contact directly in a pleasant manner, that includes me when I first met some Supreme Possessors living inside the Kingdom. Nonetheless when regards to the livelihood they had thoroughly, in which some managed to seek nobility and royalty from the certain kingdoms all over the world from where they started to exist. Some of it started roughly from scratch and gain alliances and connections from the people surrounded and wanting to be surrounded by them. Hence, they're some unfortunate ones who startled from nothingness and striving enough to survive from the depths of the shadows and cruelty driving from the society." She briefly extending her thoughts and shared astoundingly with the Church Pastor. Making Pastor Ozril to nodded extensively, calmly sitting beside Helina while silently listening to all words and deliverance coming from her mouth the whole time. "What about Levi Furiman? ... The man holding the greatest hope of the entire Human existence into this whole world? By taking the greatest burden of acquiring the Jewish-Enochian Race, in comparison to any other Supreme Awakening Possessors you've expendingly seeking... Any thoughts about that?" He felt helpless for a second, couldn't be made imagining for some selfless act on comparing the lives having on Levi to the others living on their own. Helina simply shook for a cause, basically went apprehensive towards the Church Pastor's cunning statements that neither hers couldn't be handled to answer. Knowing the fact that it was her second time seeing the person he certainly mentioned. She didn't mean to misjudged one's personality by seeing through it for a few instances only. "Don't answer it... forget what you heard everything." Pastor Ozril's sudden aggression went too far to the extend. Due to his utter frustration for things he couldn't handle anymore and left being held on taking full responsibility for everything he'd done entirely. Saddened and mortified, as it goes slowly devouring through the deep senses coming from the Church Pastor. His face couldn't hold nodding but stare only at the ground where he sits, eyes went gloom and darker like the ones losing hope for living in insanity. Helina noticed about it. Yet, She didn't know where to start comforting him for a moment. Knowing that her hands are both laying on the Supreme Awakening Possessor's staggering wounds, she couldn't lay but to cheer him up verbally and thoughtfully as what she resolved. "Hey... Hey... Can't you see? It will be fine! His wounds are slowly closing! Amazing... I never thought I did make it! Hahahahaha" She even tried to fool Pastor Ozril by telling false hope against him. He surprisingly smiles without being noticed, astonishingly getting her touches of humor up to his sleeves and trying to cheer himself up as well. "Dumbass... If you were fully aware of the structures of his body... There's no other way for you to close his wounds with that kind of healing method." He sarcastically replied on her jesting attitude. "And what do we have to do to make him alive and well, then?" She intuitively asked out of curiosity. "Let's just wait for him to wake up... A week after these." He gallantly replied with a greater hope on his feeling. . . ***To be Continued***
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