Volume - 2 // Chapter - 41

2181 Words
'What kind of life did I want?' 'How far should I walk through this path of insanity?' 'Every time I tried to reached something, death was following.' 'Yes, that was it.' 'DEATH WAS ALWAYS FOLLOWING ME.' Levi's thoughts rummaging in his mind were now in despair and the depths of regression, that putting in his head on submitting his life by the wrath of the Centipedes. Sitting submissively, both arms and feet are aligned in front and relentlessly doing nothing while waiting for the scythe of death, rushes forth towards his body. "There they are." !Bang! Ground crumbling as the impact exploding in. Dust and debris from the aftermath are spreading everywhere. The Unknown Being, whose being fascinated to the happenings they'd made from the start. Couldn't hide the excitement and thrill he felt on the sidelines. "Amazing, He got trapped by that attack in an instant? Looks like he always wanted to die in a hard and brutal way, isn't that right? Young Levi Furiman?" As the fog and dust kept disrupting the sight and views of the surroundings. The Unknown being had no other choice but to release his Awakening Senses, to sense and felt the situations happening between them. Without seeing it physically and relatively aware. As what he felt from it for a minute. The Awakening aura that Levi emitted had slowly run out, couldn't be felt on his feelings nor at least able to make tingling through the senses of the Unknown Being, making it to felt nervous and worried about him as the result. As he expected, he presumes that the charges and attacks made by the Centipede were able to deal lethal damages to Levi Furiman's bodies. Much worse than that, he assumes he was already dead because of it. But then; All of a sudden. On the side of Levi Furiman. As he patiently waiting for his death. His head went tilted to the left, surprisingly evading the approaching scythe made by the Centipede all of a sudden. 'What, was that?' 'I thought I was ready for that moment?' 'But my body was reacting nonchalantly? What's going on.' As his mind and thoughts went shocked by the sudden movements made by his body. He knew he couldn't waste time anymore. Stumbled up and down, kicking the face of the Centipede forcefully to make a slight distance against each other. He somewhat managed to escape the Centipede that approaching him at first. Then, the second one strongly appearing from the dust. Ready for incoming charges against Levi. Levi's consciousness knew he didn't see it coming, but his eyes and his senses already knew about it a few seconds ago. !Left! He heard a loud rumbling from his left side. Constantly jumping forth and evading the attacks coming from it, out of his instincts. !Right! A scythe approaching from his right rear had fast appeared. But then, he instantly evading it at ease. Levi felt shocked and uneasy at the moment after he constantly evading the attacks made by the Centipede without knowing and unnoticed. He then started running back to buy time to recover and thinking relative to the condition he had in towards the situation. He was surprised and astonished as well. Couldn't believe that the wounds and impale he received against the enemies had slowly healing like regenerating and his senses went sharper all of a sudden. The way he evading the Centipedes before comparing to what he made recently, was astoundingly unimaginable. The Unknown Being on the sidelines, not knowing for the happenings inside the dust fog. All that he felt, was the presence emitted between Levi Furiman and the Magic creatures moments prior. "Oh, that kid's alive... Thank goodness." He seemed relieved for some reason. As he felt the Awakening aura emitted by Levi Furiman, still alive and always ready to fight. And so, as for what he saw towards them; Centipedes - Black aura. Levi - Bluish-dark Aura. Speaking for Levi's aura. He noticed that his aura began weaker, yet transparent and not showing any signs to emit stronger and terrifying than before. 'Wait... A minute....' "That aura... Couldn't be---" He surprised and Astonished for a moment. Constantly emitting and went shaper all of a sudden, that made him more terrified to imagine as his first glance towards it. ~ "There are some things that have always wanting to say and some of it wanted to hide from saying. I ought you understand that." A frail, mumbling word quietly telling Helina to halt her curiosity towards the happenings that she encountered. Helina couldn't believe she didn't know everything from him and the existence of Levi Furiman as well felt intrigued even more and purposely pursuing herself to made involved with them. She then asked him about the methods of healing they made, Rather than using the Black potion that instantly getting healed from a severe and lethal wound for a certain terrible condition. "Not gonna happen, because we once used it on him and something terrible happened." Pastor Ozril simply declined the offer that Helina made, even though the prize for it was completely free on charging. "What happened? tell me!" Helina startled, scolding him out of her curiosity. The Church Pastor tried to divert the conversation they had already, knowing that it was already late for him to change the topic. He cautiously answered her questions and went wary for his response at her as the result. Even though the only answer for it was that; *The effects of the Black Potion will last for at least a month and never be used again for the second until the effects from the first one will perish and went expired from the time it is used.* But then, the Church Pastor already knew the side of the Adventurer Knights Medical head. He knew that those kinds of reasons didn't change the face of curiosity and intriguing expression she made once she got interested in something from it. Especially when it comes of medical and scientific-related topic towards it. As the Dark Awakening Aura slowly dispersing into nothing, like a barrier that protecting what's on its inside. Helina tried to inspect the body of Levi Furiman, as the Church Pastor told her to. She did it slowly and with courage, unexpectedly noticed the upper part of his body. "The wounds... had the same spots and marks from the first one he got injured!" She went shocked and astonished, couldn't believe what she saw just now. The scars and wounded marks due to the recent battle and fights that Levi Furiman made, had relatively opened and began spurring with blood as if it reacted to the starters for his agony and despair during the time the contract activated. Out of her anguish and perplexing feeling towards the situation, she unnoticing grabbing the Church Pastor's coat and began irritated to not knowing everything about the happenings, since the time they held in. The Church Pastor already knew the best and the worst possible happened between them, simply left calming himself and asking back at her patiently and with caution. And the reason why the two left the room where everyone else held themselves on keeping Levi's body at the moment. Knowing the fact that the answers she wanted to know, was a far confidential and risk-taking move for the likes of those people who want to know the truth of Levi Furiman's existence. ~ . ~ Penalty Quest Time Remaining: 30 Minutes, 9 Seconds. ~Awakening Minimum Usage: 30% --- 100% ~Awakening Actual Usage: 9% --- 100% ~Time Usage: 5 Hours 50 Minutes, 33 Seconds. Warning: A certain damage of the Possessor's body is guaranteed and unavoidable. . ~Fatigue: 10% - 100% . ~~System Notification ... Opened. [Inventory] 1. Grangers Black Raven -- (Released) 2. Black Senbonzakura -- (Active) 3. Cross-bladed Dagger -- (Released) 4. 5. . As the constant body of Levi Furiman kept changing drastically and regaining back into its normal momentarily. The System notification also changes its status unexpectedly. "I got light, so light that I can jump higher than the usual." He seemed glad as he comparing to what he achieved before. !Bang! Then, he tried to fire a shot towards the Approaching Centipedes out of his curiosity. Surprisingly, the magic shot that he made was astonishingly powerful, enough to pierce through the toughness of the Centipedes' scales. That caused the enemies to move slower than before. However, it was still not enough for the damage dealt by his magic handgun to take down completely towards the magic creatures. That making Levi Furiman put up into his mind to make a plan on counter-attacking against the Centipedes one-by-one and with caution. Aside from his Awakening senses began sharper all of a sudden. His left eyesight began much clearer and denser than ever, able to see completely so was the same as what he saw in his right eye. Whereas the Eye of the Supreme Awakening takes place right in. But then, as what he felt on it. He knows that his left eye still not transforming into an Eye of the Supreme Awakening, by just sensing his presence patiently and thoroughly. 'My left eye is like a calm river... So calm that I could hear the noise coming from the other side of the river.' He kept his thoughts on his mind while closing both of his eyes in a midst of the battle. That caused the Centipedes to overseen the opportunity for them to attack against him. Thinking that it was a complete wide open for their turn of attacking. !Screeeeeeeeekkk! A loud charging noise is made by them, symbolizing their odds, and turn to make a move towards it. The Unknown Being, on the other hand, couldn't hold his hopes on watching the Supreme Awakening Possessor hone his talent all by himself. Had nothing to say in his words but to be amazed and terrified as well coming from him. "I see... So that's what it is..." "The Aura of the Supreme Awakening had gone transferred into his Left Eye." "The Right eye is the Base activation on his Supreme Awakening powers, while the Left part is the finishing output... To put it simply..." "The ones he reacted just now and the weak yet unyielding Awakening presence that I just felt, was his Left eye's all doing." He suddenly smiled out of his impression towards him, waiting for the best possible happen to be predicted in no time. The dust of the Surroundings finally perished and was wiped out; As all of the Centipedes, nonchalantly rushing through Levi Furiman at once. Recklessly and murderously glaring intending on killing Levi with a purpose. Levi's appearance went menacing, slowly opened his eyes in a half and showing absolutely no signs of openings throughout his body. "There it is..." The Unknown Being suddenly went ecstatic, yet terrified of his feelings as well. !Screeeeeeeeeekkk! The first 3 Centipedes were the ones attacking against Levi as if another round of battle had finally started. !s***h! !s***h! !s***h! Continuous Charging and Slashing forth in any form of directions made by the Centipedes towards Levi's small and flexible body. Grounds throughout the surroundings began crumbled and trembling as the steps of the Centipedes were made heavier and stronger. As what the magic creatures did to approached Levi. Levi on the other hand did the same thing as well. As he also fearlessly charging himself towards them, not showing any signs of desperation nor trembling on his body while approaching it. He constantly evading all slashes and other sorts of attacks made by the enemies against him, with ease and effortlessly. Like dancing on the brink of despair, gladly accepting the darkness within his raw body and going the flow towards it. As the thoughts of Levi Furiman coming to his mind, the time he graciously accepting the power of what he had already come from out of nowhere. 'I can see... All of it' 'Their attacks, movements, even their intervals, and form of the Centipede's breathing... I can see through my left eye...' 'The moment they moved, the actions they anticipating, the pressure and intentions they made against me...' "I can say it." As his thoughts completely putting into one once again, he knows he didn't have much time to waste on it. As the movements made by the Centipedes had creates a clear path that can be seen through Levi's left eye. Resulting in him abusing every single piece of it and using a tool against them. Whereas his keen senses are already on the highest point, on par with the ones he first made up against the Unknown Being long before. Together with the 2 of his 3 only weapons, he had on his storage Inventory. He is now the one pressuring the Centipedes right from their stead and pushing himself on evading and blocking from their approaching attacks, and charges as well all at once. Until the time itself had run out to make it stopped. . . ***To be Continued***
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