Volume - 3 // Chapter - 80

2779 Words
Ability Re-Allocation ~Allows controlling the caster's momentum of power through temperament and behavior. ~Depending on the amount of expression as well as the emotions, the power of magic the caster created is severely allocated. ~If the caster is anger --- The power is extremely destructible and tremendously forceful ~If the caster is calm --- The power emitted is serene, yet more powerful than most expressions made. ~Hence, if a caster controls mixed emotion, the ability itself will be nullified and undone. . It was the said spell that the Chief Department Head continuously using in. Since the time the selective people started to arrive in the first place. Some of them were frightened, while most of them began adamantly to believe yet being held to amazed. As they sincerely believed that only the strongest Adventurers and Awakening Possessors can be able to deal with the said technique. "That massive Magic essence we felt earlier... was that the Ability name you'd made before?" Misho Santa sincerely asked out of his curiosity and eagerness to be informed. Other people do the same thinking, yet didn't have any courage to ask due to the Chief's intimidating presence standing right in front of them. Knowing the fact that among all people gathered inside the meeting room, only Misho Santa possessed the Awakening race of a Knightsmen. Not to mention he is the least close person aside from Alicia Madrid during the moment. "Hohohoho, you're right... Novice! That was a part of the Abilities that you lot felt thoroughly." The Chief simply replied and relieving. Everyone didn't seem surprised nor startled to the said revelation that the Chief splendidly mentioned. Yet, all eyes and attention given by them are focusing towards the action and procedure on how to attain the 'Ability Re-allocating' very hastily and prudent. Fortunately, the Chief simply granting their request. In exchange for doing some lewd things right in the middle of training. (Every single one of them began restless and insolent towards the Chief's perverted attitude... Even they do know how jesting he'd made into, their second thoughts and perception coming from him are still disturbing and mind-blowing.) As the result, they simply declined his unfair and lewd exchange conclusively. ~ !Dark Magic! !Ground mass! /Dark, vicious black mass spurring out to the ground./ /Everything from below to the surface began devouring slowly into its nothingness./ The Chief Department Head simply casting out one of his magic spells. Knowing that all forms of Abilities and a magic spell that the Chief ables to cast was terrifyingly powerful and utterly destructible to be imagined. Some people and Adventurers began startled as they instantly noticed the sudden force and presence coming from his dark magic spell. "The spell he cast is seemingly weaker." Misho astoundingly noticed. "Thought the contrast and volume of the spell were still intact, the pressure itself seems to remain. But what is this kind of intimidating fragile essence that I felt?" Sino slightly felt different compared to Misho at the same moment. As the thoughts and similar conspiracies explaining by them to the casted dark magic spells tremendously. Alicia Madrid, one of the Department Heads. Completely noticed differently than what the others felt around it. "The Chief's eyes... Is constantly brighten." Her eyes seemed flagrant, couldn't hold to stopped staring due to being amazed yet frightening at the same time. She then asked involuntarily against the Chief's action, without prior hesitation, and completely out of her league. With her sudden reaction given to it, the eyes of other people also nod the same thing as well. Relentlessly, all reactions coming from them were the same as what Alicia Madrid did firsthand. Then, by that time; The Chief slowly releasing the spell he demonstrates upon them. He began explaining about it, telling some proper parts and instructions trying to perform perfectly and inadequately without certain failing. With that given amount of explanation in an actual scenario and absolute guidance sharing by the Chief Department Head. The people and Adventurers having their hints on how to attain it. Yet, various forms of mistakes had been seen completely and improperly. "Haaa... How could we managed to handle our feelings if we do only have at least 1 emotion to process?" Elly utterly complaining about his current situation. Knowing for the arrogant and high-mighty behavior he had ever since childhood, most of the spells and abilities he tries to cast are absurdly abnormal and impatient. Misho seemed normal and sub-controlled of his abilities on the first attempt at some point. Cassandra does the same thing, as she is barely able to conjure her spells thoroughly and times that suddenly went forceful in accordance to her action. Alicia did frequently and easily, completely changing her eyes in a voluptuous way, and went silent moments after she changed. Everyone seems amazed and startled by the sudden transformation given by the Internal Affairs Department Head. Simply began adamant and eagers to attain as well with no time and impatience. However, the Chief itself solemnly stopped their night training and consciously asking for them to sit on their chairs accordingly. Others went complaining about how difficult the said ability to be mastered, unwantedly asked directly to the Chief without consolidating their words, and acted selfishly in a spur of a moment. /Dark, unyielding presence scattered horrendously./ /Candles resembling their light instantly burnt out./ /Vile, wicked essence spurring into one's emitted energy./ The Chief utterly didn't like the tone of their mouths, as he instantly triggered his deep senses without holding back against them. The entire room slowly covering up with absolute darkness, blackened from any corners, and left absolutely nothing but malice towards it. At first, the people who messed with him began apologetically to their indiscrete behavior. Utterly bowing their heads through the ground and asking for forgiveness very sincerely and whole-heartedly. But then, all of a sudden; Misho, Alicia, and The Chief's faces began joyous and laughable. For some known reasons coming from them, they simply understood the reasons why did the Chief unexpectedly doing it without prior noticing. Cassandra, Ethel, and the others also began noticing it pretty late. Yet, they felt stutter and stagnant in their movements as well due to the Chief's random behavior, which they couldn't handle to predict. "It was the attitude of anger given by his 'Ability Re-allocating'. You guys made sure to look at his eyes on a gist." Misho simply explaining with an assurance of their safety. "Hahaha... How insolent are these fools... Just think about what you guys had to say before you speak... It can merely cost your lives very unlikely." Alicia simply nodded. The Chief on the other hand began calm, as he saw the faces of the people he jokingly threatened into their very existence for a second. And sincerely began solemnly once and for all. As everyone seemed ready for another topic to be handled in the same evening. ~ According to Pista Rambutan's report. "The monsters we're facing into are the Terrifying Sea monsters. And also according to him, it is a new type of being that ignores almost every single form of enemies that they're facing against." Misho boldly commemorates the meeting with a brief word written on a paper. It is simply the thoughts and observations given by Pista Rambutan to the people who wanted to deal with it. Generally describing the monster's definition, behaviors as well as the actions and weakness having to it. Even though Misho was also the one fighting menacingly against the Sea Monsters that particular night. He simply couldn't justify his thoughts and what he saw very entirely than Pista himself. It was out of his scope on investigating the terrifying creatures without proper knowledge of them. Leaving the work of Pista to subdue and obtaining greater values of information with ease and concealing. As the result, on behalf of Pista's convincing absence. Misho solemnly read at least every single file of the report he made entirely and conclusively. 'Sea monsters? Did he just mean the one Pastor Ozril and other 'people' fought in that night?... Just how troubling these monsters are?' Cassandra began thoughtless on her mind, simply stuttered on her chair and slowly getting out of the pace of being distracted momentarily. Ethel utterly noticed Cassandra's sudden inattentive. Couldn't hold to stare at her and act suspiciously towards it. !They are insanely strong and nearly unstoppable whenever they reached water.! !Hence, began weaker and fragile overtime whenever they land on the ground.! !Most Stronger Sea Monsters can be able to land powerful magic spells, that is nearly on par with the 'Double' Awakening Possessor with the race of Providence according to his utter assumption.! !Regardless, it became weaker and seemingly deflatable whenever the monster itself began frail and repulsive.! !The first one appeared located at the North-western part of the Willow Village when a certain villager on our territory suddenly encountered a vast number of Sea monsters swarming throughout the forest.! By that phrase, Misho suddenly noticed the said person that Pista gallantly mentioned on his report. Allowing Misho to felt intrigued and indulged to believed that the person who went out on his mind, was the one he genuinely gratified. 'Heeee... So he includes Levi-kid in his report? How careless is this guy...' He felt vexed and prudent to his action at the moment, trying not to catch up on his involvement throughout the said report. Cassandra quickly noticing about it in her minding. Aesthetically putting herself unattended for a while and trying to presume everything with certain accordance. While everyone patiently listening to the report taken by Misho Santa the whole time. The Chief Department Head sharply noticing the stuttered expressions given by Cassandra, Misho, and two other people who seemingly held silent throughout the entire happening. That he is greatly able to notice it both physically and spiritually. 'These 4 people sitting right there, must be hiding something bigger than what I expecting... The way they act, the actions they expressed seemed showy for the eyes of a sharpened.' !The tune of Misho's vocal cords... are elaborately stagnant, like he tries to hide other information but he couldn't out of restless feeling and being uneasy to what he could read.! !Eyes and trembling foot given by Cassandra, the way she heard the reports given by Pista Rambutan... Is always reacting to her consciousness to the extend of being wary of the people mentioned in his report.! !While these two folks sitting at the right corner of the table... Every time Misho mentioning the word 'Sea Monsters', they instantly triggered and went palpable towards their own volition.! 'Just what exactly happening in this current situation we have in? That everyone instantly went divided into two selective positions.' !One is for those who do know the actual happenings, yet be wary of the consequences for revealing the thoughts and everything that knows from behind.! !While the others are completely subtle, ignoring the fact that none of their minds and consciousness are being wary and undetermined for what matters to happen very shortly.! A satire move created by the Chief Department Head, utterly couldn't hold himself leaving those people who being speculated from knowing the possible situations that absurdly happened. He simply notified it on his mind, trying to determine whoever telling the truth behind those people he would suspect. 'There are two options I will recoup my attentions furthermore. 1. Is Misho Santa of the Adventurer Knights. 2. Are the two suspecting Adventurers from the corner. One thing is for sure about me. Those guys know what is happening.' He simply concluded his thoughts with a soft smile on his face. And thus, after the meeting; Exactly 10:30 PM (Still not related to the time on the story, I was just resembling their time when it happened :)) ) The meeting of the Selective Adventurers had been concluded peacefully. Everyone began leaving the Building with well-informed in their minds to the enemies they're facing in the next few days, simply couldn't wait to handle themselves fighting up against it. Not known for the actual enemies that will scorn upon them throughout the entire villages at the same moment. . . . At the command base; Approximately 10 minutes after the conclusion of the Selection Meeting; Everyone else from the monitoring team and the commanding team began panicked and went restless, as they fearfully received countless reports regarding the current activities they held through the specific guard post they were supposed to reach in. Out of 12 guard posts the formed alliance aiming to retrieved against the hands of the Sea Monsters. Only 7 of them managed to conquer. 3 of it in which located in the Northern part of the Village Territory, still barely enough to succeed. Even though most people from the vacant guard post had taken their assistance coming from it, the might and forces given by the Sea Monsters are more ferocious and intimidating to be faced as what they presume firsthand. 1 of them completely withdrawn from capturing the said guard post. Aside from being too far from the nearest vacant guard post which is located approximately 2 kilometers from its distance, the strength and forces given by the Sea Monsters are far stronger than what they had entirely. That causes the team Leader itself to withdraw from the mission and abandoned the guard post with a certain humiliation and absolute embarrassment in comparison to other's competence. Only 1 team hasn't been reporting for their output since the time they left to the Starting point. It was assumed that all members of the said team had been annihilated and killed on the spot by the favor of the Sea Monsters. "What coordinates are they located in?" One High-ranking official grieving asked the monitoring operator, absurdly being anxious and teary for the loss of individuals having it dealt with the end. "They're from the Western territory... The grassland part where the farthest guard post is located." The operator simply responds, couldn't hold her grieving thoughts while continuing her duties inclusively. Not knowing the fact that one of the people who is killed, was her lover and supposedly held married in a month after that evening. Though, most people manage for being relieved and at ease on their own accord, knowing that the lives and properties that the monsters greatly disrupting their everyday lives had been spared and retrieved by the efforts given by the Adventurers and Administration Personnel. They're some others that don't feel glad nor grateful for it. In some of which have their greatest loss that any forms of material cannot be replaced at all cost, had been taken away in just a blink of an eye. The High-ranking personnel adamantly ordering all units from various guard posts to retreat exponentially. Utterly giving his utmost deliverance on putting their lives at stake, simply greeting their arrival with absolute pride and glory towards one's resistance. Even though some of them receiving numerous counts of injuries with a certain level of severity, others ended up dying in vain as it counts for their numbers of dealing casualties. Most people who went back at the command post generally suffered mild to severe cases of traumas and insanity given by the experience of fighting against the Sea Monsters. That proper medication and rehabilitation could be a thing for their need for a long period of resting. "That would be it... Let's called it a day..." One sincere High-ranking Personnel understood the value of pain and agony that they suffered completely at the moment. Immensely releasing a certain kind of magic spell, allows him to treat the arriving Adventurers and People's wounds very prudent and gently Other High-ranking personnel thought the same as well, intuitively began helpful for the approaching people who badly needed help with sincere and tactful. As the night is silent and remorses genuinely, the tensions being held between the people and the Sea Monsters are suddenly went ceasing and stagnant for the meantime. Allowing the people on their side to help and aid the wounded and alleviating the pain they suffered against it, making them feel at ease and relieved in some sort of ways trying to forget everything they'd experienced thoroughly towards it. In the same case; One concerned Administration Personnel suddenly went noticed someone that seems out of everyone's presence and held being absent throughout the whole time. "Where... is Robert Steel?" "That dumbass, carefree i***t! He just left the field without saying!" And so forth, A new sort of problems having by the High-ranking Personnel had been started. . . ***To be Continued***
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