Volume - 4 // Chapter - 103

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Cassandra Smith and Misa Togo had arrived an hour during the time the Adventurers Administration's victory and the celebration continues. Other Strong Adventurers being invited had also come to the venue as well. From the thoughts of the people who are invited, it was a pleasure for them to come knowing to the ones putting their invitation is none other than the Chief Department Head himself. Cassandra Smith is included nonetheless. Misa Togo is being admitted on her furthermore. Knowing for the venue who seemingly crowded and full of strong Adventurers gathered in one place. Misa seemed tedious and stuttered, couldn't be held on clinging to Cassandra for the entire time and trying not to separate with her away from the people. As the party continues, the Chief Department Head gladly introduces the people who valiantly accepting the quest. In which regards to the current specialized quest only for those selective few would be managed to accept. 12 Selective people from Willow Village, including the Administration Personnel and Volunteered chosen, Adventurers. 5 other people from different villages, as well as from nearby Towns wanting to participate in such an ordeal for themselves. 3 Vacant people who being selected according to the votes and suggestions were given by the people and the High-ranking personnel of the Branch Administration. The crowd had been cheered up constantly towards them as they initially stepping up to the alley and being held introduced right in front of them afterward. Some Adventurers simply declining the offer and went idled around the corner as to what the uneasiness they felt to be resolved. Cassandra Smith was the first one to be declined. Not because she was supposed to neglect the crowd's offer, but because the request is given by Misa Togo not to separate with her at all. She left nodded with a grim smile on her face as the result. Before that, most Adventurers began introducing themselves with such almighty appearances flexing their capabilities towards the people who gradually saw them vexing. Whereas the most annoying person being introduced is the one having a fixed affair with Misa Togo. "Boooo! Get out of the platform! you scumbag!" "You're done already, aren't you? So get your chubby a$$ out there right now!" The crowd didn't seem likable to the sudden occurrence of getting involved with the presence of Elly Geomanhan, in which every single one of the people having off inside the building had been forced him to come out as quick as they repulsively can. Other High-ranking Personnel simply went nodded right through their stead as the result of the people's vulgar behavior. Some Department Heads had been out for a moment, as they consciously believed it would be a waste for their time having along to them with certain veracity. ~ In the sense of being vivacious and frantic happiness was given by the people inside the building for more than an hour. Misho Santa deliberately approaching Cassandra Smith and Misa Togo in which the two whom patiently sitting around the corner, humbly replenishing their stomach from the gourmet the Administration gave into them for the whole time. Slowly coming into their stead with audacity for his shy behavior when it comes to dealing with people. Especially to a woman who is seemingly gorgeous according to his tight, sensible eyesight. "Cassa...Cassa...Cassandra-san... Misa...Misa-san... How's the Party?" Misho utterly asking with his tongue repulsively twisted and slowly been abasing right in front of the two Church Attendants. "I'm 16... Do you know? ... Flirting is bad to me... Especially to some old dudes like you!" Cassandra was simply disgusted, bluntly telling her thoughts to Misho with an insensitive response and a clear insulted smile on her face. Misa simply went apologetic in front of Misho on behalf of Cassandra's childish behavior. Misho nervously laughed as he consciously being embarrassed, simply accepting their apology in the end. As the three are being held together at someplace where they are isolated from the crowd at the moment. Misho's entire consciousness began solemn and thoughtless all of a sudden, which generally causes Cassandra and Misa to stutter due to it. "What's is your deal... Misho-san? does something matter?" Cassandra deliberately asking out of the restless feeling she had against him. As she prudently believed for his sudden approach towards them might not be dealing with some idle chatters only. But because of some obnoxious conspiracy, intuitively putting out the entire senses of Misho Santa to alarmed and being prepared. Misa felt the same as well, but rather she held calm and observant to the conversation between them as what she resolved towards it. "Remember the remaining 3 vacant people who are being acquired for the quest mission we fought started tomorrow morning?" Misho adamantly commencing their hard-witted conversation. "Yeah... the popularity of their powers and the high-ranking Administration personnel will be having their selection for those people who want to join? So what's the deal with that anyway?" Cassandra went perplexed, the way she tried on understanding what Misho pointed to say. "I do hear very loudly about one of those people who wanting to join our team." Misho carefully nodded. Cassandra couldn't be held on guessing anymore, simply wanted to direct his answer already and immediately heading to the Church as quickly as they possibly can. However, as soon as she tried to stood where she sits thoroughly for the meantime. Her thoughts and consciousness began sharp and malignant all of a sudden, right after she heard with absolute clarity on her ears regarding a certain person she never wanted to hear her name anymore. !Cassandra's older sister had been joined to the squad and relentlessly adding to their forces in such a drastic way! Her eyes went widened, couldn't be believed for being shocked and generally being terrified the moment Misho Santa closely mentioning her name for the entire time right in front of Cassandra Smith. . . At the Church Building. Everyone seemed lively and face full of smiles and joy as they finally rejoice at the awaken of Levi Furiman who getting his deep slumber for more than 5 days. "Levi-san is awake!" "Levi-san is awake!" "Levi-san is awake!" People went glad and grateful for the entire day due to his recovery being held successful through the efforts of Helina Booluck as well as the Church Attendants and other Entities for the whole time. He then gratefully bowing his head in the sense of being indebted to those people who didn't hold on leaving his stead in the means of trouble throughout his entire state of unconsciousness. As dozens of people are being told to tell everything that happens outside of his body whether it is good nor bad, it is his right for being know for the things wanting to be untold according to what the Church Pastor gallantly concluded. "Every time you get some seizures, blood will be spurring out almost the entire body without knowing how to stopped nor will end." Lina adamantly nodded, slowly been teary and sentimental to Levi's gruesome conditions at that time. "Your wounds as well couldn't be managed to close every time we take some healing and other remedies to make you alive... How pathetic you are!" Tisa bluntly putting her deep thoughts and concern into Levi. As Levi adamantly accepting it nonetheless. "Yo! Levi... I heard your wounds are fine already... Let us try some spar against me sometime!" Lock astoundingly being reckless and childish at him all the time. That instantly made Levi please and made comfort on his own by such opposite means. As the people nonchalantly reporting their self intuitions having seen through his previous conditions for the entire time. Tisa from the Knightsmen, Yaka from the Demi-being, and other Entities had finally made up their opportunity for making Levi corner off with their uneasy feeling. Abruptly putting altogether as one, trying to unveil their thoughts in regards to the Awakening sigils constantly glowing throughout his body. "Don't try to forget it this time! We are the predecessors of the 8 Strongest Races... Have a right to know what those kinds of things putting off of your body!" Tisa gradually being imprudent towards Levi Furiman, as she wanted to know every truth about the origin and ulterior description of the Awakening sigils, which causes every single nerve of her body to tingle and sharpened all of a sudden. The same goes for the two other Strongest Races, as they consciously believed the certain location for their uneasiness feeling is coming absolutely from the Awakening presence unnoticingly surging forth throughout his body. "With all due respect, I know it would be selfish for your side, but thinking for the sake of everyone wanting to settle their fears and defiance against their uneasiness, we must know what it is for the greater good." Tisa is sincerely being blatant in from of Levi Furiman. In which Levi himself utterly went destitute towards their ulterior desperation and consolidated expressions. He left nothing but to unveil the secrets very slowly and prudent in accordance for his own identity sincerely irrelevant to reveal as well. The Church Pastor simply left nodded on the other hand, as he consciously observing things that happened from the living room by using one of his Abilities that can retract all forms of living objects that moving throughout its limited ranges, in which he vigorously guarding Helina Booluck on her deep sleep momentously and carefully. "I know how important for the people who wanted to know what is you, young Supreme Possessor... But do remember whom and what you are really after... To the point of revealing one's identity will putting your stead in the glimpse of danger." "Revealing only what the others won't, but not the importance of what you want." As the Church Pastor sincerely putting his thoughts to Levi's reckless acts and behavior. . !Awakening Insignia! The first two words that Levi Furiman bluntly unveiling. Adding to the fact that he slowly putting on his clothes, consciously being naked in front of the people. A vast, malicious form of Awakening sigils had been covering his upper body. At the very least, hundreds of different kinds of signs and Awakening languages had been pierced onto it. Resulting in Levi intimidate and exasperate for some obnoxious reason. That according to him. : It looks like a tattoo to me... How delinquent you are, Unknown being?: That of course resulting in the Unknown Being too annoyed and irritated due to Levi's ungrateful attitudes without thinking for other's good intentions. The 3 different Strongest Races had been terrified nor alarmed for the second time they gradually staring right through their own very eyes. As Tisa and Yaka had instantly been stupefied towards their own volition, solemnly watching the entirety of the Awakening languages trying to answer their understanding at the very least. "So this is the Languages of the Jewish-Enochian Race? Amazing!" Tisa began flabbergasted momentously. Yaka couldn't be held to touch at least one of the Awakening Sigils, that constantly glowing through Levi's upper body. !!?? /Wild, oppressing form of Awakening essence bursting forth in selective places./ By some unfortunate matter; Yaka couldn't be held on touching one of Levi's glowing Awakening sigils out of her curiosity. Not knowing the fact for the things she gallantly made to the sigils she tried to pinch had instantly reacted and being held resisting to whatever disturbed on its placements thoroughly and reluctantly. And generally putting Levi's physical existence to put on harm as the result, as the Awakening sigils that tried on being touched was slowly releasing some harsh, malignant force of Awakening essence that constantly burning those part of Levi's body. That the System notification itself had been alarmed and intuitively being notified to the Supreme Awakening Possessor afterward. . {Status Warning... Opened} ~ Possessor's damaged body parts have been detected. Location: Right Shoulder back, Right Arm, Right, hand. Damage type: 2nd Degree Burn (Temporary) Time for self-recovery: 2 Days (Penalized) Note: Recovery potions and other healing spells are highly recommended to speed up the operation. . As quickly as he instantly noticed for some part of his body was being held on burning like a wildfire. Levi immediately covering his body out of the pain and suffering he felt due to it. Regardless of the ignorance and curiosity of some people being held on exploiting what Levi supposedly didn't want to unveil. He sincerely stopped showing his aching body right in front of the people, as he finally recognized the words and warnings given by the Unknown Being solemnly swearing towards his certain affliction. That even for himself couldn't be figured out how to negate the pain and agony that he felt for the entire time. . In the meantime, like Lina, Nascondra and other Church Attendants cautiously tried on treating Levi's wounds with absolute care and prudent of their own volition. Yaka has initially been traumatized and terrified for an instant of being reckless and imprudent, consciously being comfort by the side of Tisa the Knightsmen and other Entities by their means. "I swear I didn't mean it..." "I swear I didn't mean it..." "I swear I didn't mean it..." Her eyes reasonably went gloom, as her mouth continually telling only 1 phrase for a short period. And gradually being hesitant for her movements that unnoticingly being held on moving. Tisa on the other is slowly being understanding of the current occurrence throughout from the start. As she gallantly noticing the Awakening Sigils that eventually being managing to read; Even though the Awakening Race the two being held are far opposite and inappropriate to be pointed. "I don't know how should I put this... But the truth to be told... Some Sigils that planted out outside Levi-chan's body... was unexplainably manageable to read according to my self-understanding." Tisa sincerely sharing her thoughts towards the Entity people and Yaka as well for a moment of being isolated away from the crowd. In the sense of being different from the other races that she told with veracity on her concern. The Entities and Yaka the Homo-goblin began conclusively on their resolve, putting their ears being lent to the thoughts Tisa the Knightsmen gathering into. "What is it? Tisa-san?" One Entity simply putting her eagerness towards her deep intuition. Yaka seemed to nod with her consciousness partially being made. "There are only two different types of colors glowing through the body of Levi-kid as what as we prudently noticed... Right?" Everyone went nodded with the assurance of their senses. "Those black ones are seemingly the time slowly runs out." "While the white ones are generally the description itself on how things should end..." That is the first thing Tisa the Knightsmen noticing in Levi Furiman's uncanning marks and Awakening Sigils. . . ***To be Continued***
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