Volume - 3 // Chapter - 83

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Sunrise at the Willow Village. Peace and harmony taking their place and symphony towards one's ulterior consciousness had been seen thoroughly. People who are affected by the march of the Sea Monsters still couldn't be managed on returning to their homes, regardless of the entire disaster and war that expectedly occurring against it, they seemed understandable yet downtrodden at the same situation. As long as the threat of the said monsters had been there, their lives and livelihood are greatly affected and in grave danger. That no one else is capable of predicting when the surge of the Monsters will be concluded permanently. . The Adventurers Administration of the Willow Village had been packed with people and other travelers wanting to hear the news regarding the huge incident that happened that night. Reporters and Newsmakers all around the Town had surprisingly emerged in one single place. Tons of newspapers filled with information about the sudden monster invasion had been seen in-demand and on-the-topic, that anyone else written other than the incident are left ignored nor disregarded. And so forth, the Public press conference had commenced. Lots of photographs filled with magic that allows capturing pictures are scattering, Newsmakers and reporters are seemingly ready and prepared for their questions to be untold. The first one to appear is the Adventurer Knights High-ranking Personnel. The 5 Strongest Adventurers to be held in the same Department, astoundingly sitting in line in front of the public. Sincerely taking full responsibility for everything that happened a night ago. As the 5 pleasant Adventurers proudly forming their line together, People and the press suddenly left noticing the absence of someone that was greatly important than these 5 appearing this morning. "Where's the Department Head of the Adventurer Knights?" One audacious reporter kindly asked without fear and hesitation. As some others couldn't be held on asking his whereabouts due to their uneasy feeling that everyone else felt about it. "The Chief is out of his mission." Misho Santa bluntly responded to what the reporter simply asked for, with his eyes already gloom, darkened to their sensible core and his mind blacked out that answering all the people's insecure questions had went predicted already into his thoughts. They were startled and surprised by the precipitate response coming from Misho Santa, simply didn't satisfy with his answer and wanting to ask even more as to what they resolve. Another High-ranking Personnel hastily answered the other reporter with certain rectified words and clarity towards it. Allowing their thoughts and minds to divert to what Misho stated momentarily. The three simply left nodded all the time, casually responding to the people's questions and curiosities. All the topics they'd discussed, was in regards to the recent incident, and the information about the monsters and their current status as well. Especially to the recent quest remarks showed by them in front of the public. . *****Adventure Quest***** **Adventurers Administration Selection Quest** World: Althea Kingdom: Saint Haven Location: Prairie Town --- Willow Village Quest Rank: Classified Quest Status / Location: Expedition Number of Participants: As many as possible Adventurer Rank required: A and up Quest Rewards: To be Developed Instructions: *Exterminate all unidentified Sea Monsters : (Incomplete) (0) *Retrieve the selective territory : (Incomplete) (0) . Knowing the fact that the public also has a right for knowing all pieces of information gathered by the Administration, shall be allowed to be seen by anyone else completely. Nathalia Condor, one of the High-ranking receptionists of the Village Administration, solemnly stepping right in front of them. Bluntly showing the quest that they currently faced, without utter hesitation and kindness towards the people. People and other passersby began stagnant and mindless to the sudden revelation that they finally revealed on their ignorant consciousness. Simply began astounded yet frightened for the problems that nobody else believed it would suddenly happen. Even for the minds of Margons, the corrupted reporter has known nothing about it, not until that night when he first came in. ~ [Earlier that night] After the brave Adventurers and High-ranking Personnel solemnly responded to the thoughtless Margons at the moment. "Sea... Sea Monster?" He was utterly shocked, surprisingly went trembling down through the core. As he certainly heard some words that were seemingly unbelievable for the corrupted minds him at first. Knowing the fact about the exact distance from where he stood and the Sea itself was several hundreds of kilometers away from it. Not to mention, most other kingdoms and Towns repulsively nearer than it, suspiciously hadn't been heard any sorts of report and incident involved by the said destructive monsters completely, not even his few 'Ears' he secretly heard from the dark could be managed to be sensed. "Are... Are you kidding me? Don't frighten me light that! You worthless scum! All of you guys dealing with some odd jobs on killing monsters... And yet you tried to threaten me by telling me some false information that is already part of my expertise? Don't joke with me or I'll make you lot's life miserable!!" Margons absurdly didn't like the situation he was currently in, badly didn't want to believe what is everyone saw that even them hardly believed it was already happening. But then, they consciously don't want to argue with him whether who is right and who is wrong at the moment, knowing it would be their Dejà Vu on contradicting the Corrupted Reporter's thoughts trying to do it correctly in their own volition. As what they resolve, in one simple response given by them. One High-ranking personnel gravely requested to take the bag filled with the corpse of their fellow Adventurer on putting in front of Margons in one solemn purpose. To see the disturbing autopsy on how they died against the vicious and merciless Sea Monsters. Margons instantly didn't like what they did to him at some point, quickly covering his nose out of the stinky, disturbing smell that the corpse's slowly rotting. "You maniac barbarians! You ready dare challenging me! How could you all show up some corpse just placing right in front of ----" As he kept mumbling for his complaint pretty horrendous to what the people expecting? Morgans suddenly felt odd and unusual towards the corpse's current appearance. "The smell ... A metallic weapon covered with a sea of rust... How corrosive is this.." He went stagnant and intrigued the longer he sniffed right through the corpse. As soon as he slowly opened the bag, his mind suddenly got snapped out of insanity, maddened down through his gut, and instantly vomited the moment he saw the dead Adventurer's body lying through the bag. /Neck horrendously being cut on its left part./ /Pale, slimy body began slender and softer./ /Blood spurring out with rust and saltwater./ /Organs had been seen disturbingly./ /Entire body completely covered with rust and extensive smell of a dead fish are scattering./ "Wha...What is this thing? ... How could this happened?" He left vile and terrified, obnoxiously rattled, and went out of his consciousness, yet still managed to asked the details of the said enemies they bravely fought and defended thoroughly. "As what we said already, that monster we fought was the Sea monsters. Like the ones we'd told according to some source." One High-ranking Personnel auspiciously responded towards Margons' despicable curiosities. Hence, Margons himself knows he won't want to dig further about their information regarding what he saw that turning his gut upside down. Moreover, he simply wanted to ask about their situations on taking their conditions shown in public, for the better good not just for the peoples' close-minded thinking but for the Others personal awareness towards the upcoming disaster happened not too long started this evening. It was the thoughts and sincere action given by the Corrupted Newsmaker to the people and the Administration's High-ranking Personnel. And so, they did. With a wholehearted conviction and justified actions towards their integrity and pride for the fallen. ~ Present moment. Margons, who sits on the corner left of the Administration Ground Building, sipping some sweet tea along with his fellow reporters. He simply being adamant knowing for his deeds began truce and coherent like he unusually does, secretly being selective to the people's sudden approach and questions momentarily. That evading some serious and crucial information might damaging his name and nobility in a single snap of mistake. 'Dammit, if I only knew about this in the first place... This will never be happening.' 'That damn Chief Department Head, I swear I'll make you pay for these!' He went anxious and wrath towards a certain person, continually cursing his name into his mind, that killing it would be likely the only thing he didn't make at any rate. As he kept mumbling and left isolated on his chair for at least several minutes, other people and his fellow workmates generally noticing his odd behavior and absent-mindedness respectively. He went himself away from it due to his cause, unexpectedly reaching towards the place where the Department Heads sitting. "Oh! If it's Margons the talking Parrot! How's life this day?" One notable Department head simply greeted the Corrupted newsmaker whose getting an uneasy feeling because of him. It was the Chief Department Head that was the one approaching him. Margons tried to evade his eyesight on looking at him, slowly rerouting his direction on where he was heading into. Luther already noticing his intentions and actions, by seeing only his response after he greeted him seconds prior. Astoundingly dragging him away from the crowd and held isolated completely like he supposedly wanted to do. Furthermore, they went to the Adventurer Knights Department Head's room, where the room itself had been seen vacant and seemingly unoccupied since the absence of Robert Steel. By using his 'Shadow Step' spell, Luther and Margons physical presence and appearances hadn't been seen thoroughly through naked eyes, as well as the Awakening senses due to his unknown unique ability. "What do you want from me this time? You shitty corporate bastard." He gravely asked with a vulgar expression towards him. Luther simply laughed while nodding as what he unravels, sarcastically jesting at Margons that left him felt distraught and anguished already. "Come on, don't be so gloom like that... I must be glad you didn't turn the plan so disastrous as what I genuinely expecting on you... Hahahahaha." Luther gratefully commending the Corrupted Newsmaker's work on making things happen per what he's planned extensively. "You did a thing, that anyone else normally doing it." Luther despicably telling to Margons very bluntly, simply adding his thoughts on it with clarity and conviction. And yet, the way he delivers his speech to him was quite sarcastic and seemingly teasing. Allowing Margons to irritate and scolds them pretty harshly towards him. Margons seemed thankful for the trust given by the Chief Department Head. Although he didn't much except for the outcome of their deceiving actions involved in the aftermath of the incident. The Chief Department Head wanting to hide the entire incident from the eyes and ears of the public. Margons thought differently than Luther on the other, absurdly trying on dethroning the integrity and work that the Administration hardly attained. By telling lies and acting the worst possible alibis to make them mortified. It was all started when Margons was completely convinced that the enemies the Administration fought were a march of Sea Monsters, that even for him is an absolute disastrous if they left disregarded and belittled. In his corrupted thoughts and unfair problems already concluded on his mind. He didn't see it coming, thinking it would be a small-scale monster appearing to the nearest villages and waiting for immediate help coming from the higher position. That giving his best opportunity on destroying their names through lies and unfair commentary. And yet, all things had been diverted in a blink of an eye. Knowing the fact how deadly the Monsters and Magic creatures that everyone will be facing, Margons and Luther finally went up putting their minds as one. !Making the entire incident to be held in public, while the information given by the Administration would be unlikely limited and specified.! And so it goes as what they'd planned from the start. With the help and efforts given by the Adventurers Personnel, they are gladly being used as a sacrificial thing towards one goal. . The press conference and subjugation have been concluded peacefully, for at least 2 hours of continuous asking and considerably meaningful event that they held as carefully as if their lives depending on it. Nathalia Condor, along with the Administration receptionist who had been seen vivacious yet tired and worn out after the sudden event, still couldn't be managed on stopping the daily work especially at an hour like this morning. It was past 9 am to be exact, a lot of people and Adventurers started to accommodate themselves, taking the quest and mission they valiantly desired accordingly. Not to mention, it is the only day of the week that a lot of high-ranking quests can avail and readily posted thoroughly to the Bulletin Board. * 50 B Class * 35 BB Class * 20 BBB Class * 10 A-Class * 1 AA Class * 1 Classified (Sea Monster Quest) All of which, can be gratefully acceptable. However, it will be depending on the number of participants as well as the value of strength to the one's physical and Awakening abilities they had already. In other words; Only the Adventurers higher than 'B' are allowed on dealing with the quest, it is due to their safety and higher probability of surviving from the inside of a dungeon. As the crowd slowly being rampant and rowdy, that most people gathering around had been wild and went uncontrolled for some obnoxious reasons. Cassandra Smith, along with the Church Attendants relentlessly having their spare moments on adventuring. Knowing that the Church Pastor simply agreeing on letting them do what they wanted to do this time around. But then, some of them didn't seem happy nor glad about it. Thinking of someone who still didn't manage to come alongside them throughout the week. Not until he finally wakes up, bringing some hope and oblivious actions given shortly. . . ***To be Continued***
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