Volume - 2 // Chapter - 43

2281 Words
~System Notification ~System Notification ~System Notification . ~~System Notification ... Opened. [Possessor's status] Awakening Status: 1% / 100% Eye Status: 5% / 100% Activated: Right (Active) / Left (Unstable) Stages: Supreme Race Possessed: Jewish-Enochian Magic Status: Unavailable Mana pool: Inapplicable Other Status: Body Status: Active Fatigue: 1% / 100% Mental Status: Stable Emotional Status: Normal Physical Status: Unstable Psychological Status: Unstable Intellectual Status: Stable . ~~System Notification ... Opened. [Possessor's preferences] Level: 13 Experience: 25% / 100% Monicker: Unidentified. Rank: Unidentified. Class: Unidentified Job-Description: Unidentified Guild: Unidentified Affiliations: Unidentified . ~~System Notification ... Opened. [Inventory] 1. Grangers Black Raven -- (Unusable) 2. Black Senbonzakura -- (Unusable) 3. Cross-bladed Dagger -- (Active) 4. Unidentified Jewelry (Necklace) -- (Released) 5. . As soon as he finally regained his physical body and consciousness as well, the first thing he immediately saw in his eyes was the System Notification, surprisingly opened all by itself without ordering to do it. "Woah, I felt updated..." He felt perplexed and astonished, as he instantly noticed his status was timely updating and constantly changing. As a matter of fact; He noticed several changes in his system status, also his physical appearance as well. At first hand, the first one he noticed was his 'Character Preferences'. Though he intentionally focused his attention on it, knowing the fact that the importance of gaining levels in the world he lives in is a must and essential to earn, as what the Unknown Being told to him earlier. {Listen, you can't make progress if your levels are low and downgrading... You must earn it to the fullest and train harder for the better future you live in.} "Level 13? the last time I saw my level was at level 10. I guess this 'game' is much harder than I imagined." He left stunned, thinking about the hardships he must make in the future. Then, the second one he noticed was the 4th item that essentially enlisted to the System Notification. Whereas all that he knew about it was only 3 items/weapons he already had recently. "Unknown Jewelry? What in the world is this?" He left mumbling for a second. !Released! The Jewelry was already activated and gone out of his storage Inventory. Out of his curiosity, Levi simply checking the place where the Necklace putting in. He taps his body all around, thinking that the thing he wanted to seek was already there. !Tap! As he taps his chest, there was something hard pounding on it. Causing Levi to cough out of his pain. "There it is... Wait, what?" However, as he finally managed to find the necklace. He seemed shocked, couldn't hold his heart from trembling, and tears on his eyes went dropping all of a sudden. "My Grandma's ... Necklace... " Mixed emotions, as what he felt at the moment. After the grasp, the memento of his beloved Grandmother, thinking that sobbing all day wasn't enough for him to calm down. !Cry! !Cry! Desperately crying out loud, wanting sympathy for what he had done just to feel agony and pain emotionally. Making other people around him and the whole church too alarmed as well. The Medical Knights, who patiently taking their rest for a while. Couldn't hold themselves awake due to a sudden noise ramming on their ears completely. !!?? Instead of being annoyed and irritated by the noise made by Levi Furiman, they went sorrowful as well. As they saw him nonchalantly crying on his bed, grabbing a silver-colored necklace, grind with a bluish-dark-colored stone that was carved with a light-colored Jewish-Enochian sigil, Like not having a plan on taking it away from others. !Door opens! The moment they heard the loud noise coming from a certain room. Pastor Ozril, together with Helina Booluck rushes in towards the room as quickly as they possibly could. "What's going on? what happened?" The first thing she asked her subordinates about was their recent situation. Sadly, the Medical Knights couldn't respond to her questions thoroughly. Knowing that they also didn't know the conditions happened by Levi Furiman since then. 'They're hopeless, it is an utter regret that I left the kid around unguarded and unwatched.' She suddenly blames herself out of her conscience. She also couldn't help but glare doubtfully at the Church Pastor, thinking the fact that the custody of the young Supreme Awakener is right in his hands. However; On the side of the Church Pastor; He thoughtfully predicted Levi's reaction at some point, knowing that the things and belongings he essentially has are adamantly important and irreplaceable to change permanently. As he thinks the only way for him on keeping in touch with the world he once living in is the ones where the world had been made from. As the result, he left nothing but to see him gracefully. Not showing any signs of sorrowful gesture towards him eventually. "It seems like you already know what's happening... Right?" Helina simply asked with curiosity. "Yeah... Sort of..." Pastor Ozril quickly replied. . . . From the perspective of the Adventurers, after they received the Quest for the first time in weeks given by the Administration. Inside the Dungeon. People and other Adventurers are now having a hard time, finishing up a quest that they valiantly picked. "What... Kind... of monsters are these?" One Adventurer simply went frustrated. Other Adventurers couldn't hold their defenses and stronghold as well, As the Monsters and magic creatures were the ones having a huge gap of strength and powers on dealing damages for the whole time. Traps, mechanisms, other weapons forged with magic crystals spurring around the dungeon. Were the ones adding up the burden that the Adventurers felt since the first contact against the Magic creatures? Not only that, most of the monsters and enemies had astoundingly knowledgeable for dealing with charging attacks and range combat against the Adventurers. Causing some of them to have mild, to fatal injuries after receiving. Mild bruises, severe body scratches, impaling the motor parts of the body due to the traps set up everywhere. All sorts of injuries they receive are scattering to their bodies everywhere, knowing the fact that the dungeon they're in is an understatement and underestimate. Magics and Awakening powers they used against the magic creatures weren't good enough to take them down, and to push to the end as well. As far as they concern; One of the party members courageously asked their leader about the quest she desired to pick in. . *****Adventure Quest***** **Village Weekly Quest** World: Althea Kingdom: Saint Haven Location: Prairie Town --- Willow Village Quest Rank: D Quest Status / Location: Dungeon Number of Participants: 15 Quest Rewards: 60 Gold, 80 Silver, 10 Bronze Instructions: *Destroy the nest made by Goblins : (Incomplete) (0) *Retrieve all resources stolen by the Goblins: (Incomplete) (0) . !Goblins! Everyone seemed startled and terrified as to what they saw to the quest they'd chosen. How could a goblin be so strong, enough for them to fight the fullest and seriousness? As what they made confused and frustrated towards their feelings. The party leader, along with their strongest party members had finally noticed the behaviors and actions given by the Goblins against them. !!?? Eyes went blue like they're having a consciousness. Physical appearances are nothing much like an ordinary human. Movements and behaviors are very similar to the Adventurers and humans as well. Minds and tactics they made, are nothing but the surprise for the eyes of the enemies. Those are the ones they initially observed to the Magic creatures and monsters they held in in a dungeon. As what they've to resolve; One Adventurer with a possessor of Entity race, nonchalantly charging in against the Goblins without having a plan and recklessly wanting to try out his intuition towards them. !Bang! A short dagger slashes forth towards the Goblin he desired to kill. However, his attack went deflecting in a blink of an eye. Thus, with that opening. He immediately activates his Eye of the Awakening, simply glaring at the goblins' eyes as soon as he gets in contact with it. He tried to enter the goblin's mind, trying to gain information about the condition they made to make that kind of strong magic creature in a due time. Unfortunately, in an unprecedented moment. Two other magic creatures started intimidating the Adventurer, allowing him to stepped back and didn't manage to gain important things as the result. "Tsk... How did they know it?" He went maddened to the happenings out of his surprise. "I see, so that's how it is..." The Party leader simply concluded her thoughts and intuitions she made to the situations they'd encountered. As they aggressively observing the movements made by the enemies. A strong, vicious magic aura surging through the entire surroundings. Like imitating something to be ready for the upcoming battle. "There it is..." Another Adventurer firmly observing the situation they'd in. !Dungeon Boss! A Darkish-blue colored Homo-Goblin maliciously appearing the place in front of the pale, knee-trembling Adventurers who being terrified all this time. "So strong, I can feel it." The Party leader also recognize the strength and power that the Dungeon Boss emitted to them. To make sure that her intuitions made true towards it. She tried to launch a ranged attack against it, by firing an arrow filled with Awakening aura on its tip. !Bang! A burst of Awakening's presence surging throughout their surroundings as well tried to tie up the magic aura made by the Dungeon boss and the Awakening aura made by the Raid Party leader. And thus, the battle between the strongest had now commenced. . . . [The second part of Sam Smeagel and Pista Rambutan's unknown and unvalidated Misadventures] As for their continuation. In a harsh, dense rainforest. Both Sam and Pista went out running relentlessly and began restless, as when the time Pista Rambutan accidentally stepping a trap mine filled with magic aura able to explode astonishingly throughout the jungle on the middle of their walking. Resulting in the magical beast and other wild monsters lurking around the dense forest being alarmed all of a sudden. "As I told you, this is way suicidal to believed with!" Pista nonchalantly complaining about the decisions made by Sam Smeagel, already panting while thoroughly running. "For the sake of peace! Don't judge my decisions already... Just wait and believed!" Sam went annoyed, already done to his comrade's complaint. Aside from that, one of the worst disadvantages for the Knightsmen Race, as well as the people possessing the power through it, was that; *They cannot sense any sort of magic aura or other magic-related spells nor items putting by the enemies or their allies as well.* That would be the best reason, why Pista Rambutan was always prone to a kind of scenario like this. As the argument and another nonsensical muddling between continues. Pista couldn't help himself, continuously stepping up the traps coming from everywhere. Resulting from the surrounding places and other beings to alarmed as well. Not knowing the fact that the movements he'd made were far opposite and disordered compared to what Sam Smeagel did all along, allowing the traps to trigger in no time. "Follow my footsteps, Stupid i***t!" "Like I didn't copy you, you dumbass Monkey!" "What did you say? Just keep running!" "Of course that was what I did..." Pista felt hopeless because every time he moved. Another set of traps had been activated. If he stopped moving, the wild magic creatures and other terrifying beasts will be mauling at him instead. He was the only one who is in a hot seated condition, couldn't think himself properly, and easily rattles out in a tight situation. He felt down and distraught on himself as the result, didn't show any sort of enthusiasm anymore, and left nothing on his head but to follow the path where the Department head heading is. Thinking that he might be a burden to be taken by the side of the Department Head. "Yo, dumbass... You good?" Sam Smeagel simply asked with concern. "....." He was left isolated for some obvious reason. "Yeah, you're not good... I see" Sam immediately understands what Pista Rambutan felt at the moment. He knows the frustrations and anxieties he made since the time he forced him to have in. Knowing the possibilities of having some unfortunate trouble and happenings occurring alongside him. He simply asked Pista to calm his mind as the result, trying not to blame himself to make a burden during the conquest they'd made. With that, a few seconds later. Sam noticed he haven't stepped the traps and mines ever since. Thinking for all he had said on him was enough to gain progress and made himself at ease in times of crisis. He felt relieved for him as the result. "We're almost there, hang on!" Sam valiantly telling to the anxious Pista Rambutan for the updates of their travel. ".....Oh...." Pista left idled at some point, couldn't be made replied to him responsively. As the two constantly keeping their pace running on a dense, mossy forest. Sam whom relatively wary of the surroundings they held in, along with the power of his Awakening Race. He instantly remembered the place where they went as well as what the Demi-beings ordered them to do, by putting up his senses to its desired limit. He knows the trail path he followed was by far the safest and fastest path he chose. And thus, his instincts and intuitions made true. As the place where they wanted to reach in, had finally arrived at the place where they want to hold in. . . ***To be Continued***
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