Volume - 4 // Chapter - 117

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As the intense bloodbath between the alliance of the Adventurers Administration and the Entities, one of the 8 strongest Races against the forces for the wicked Sea Monster continues. Tens and numerous counts of Adventurers and Entities had been fall down momentously and heroically. As they sincerely costing their lives battling for freedom and glory towards the insurgency given by the enemies. The High-ranking Personnel, including the Department Heads and other Commandants of the Entity forces, had been blatant to their orders following the pressure of the monsters drastically being wild and uncontrolled. That abruptly being forced to abandon most of the guard post magically creating for a purpose. Knowing for the fact that the forces they made had been weakened and lowered throughout the time being, as the Sea Monsters continuously unwavering their charges and constantly directing through the Adventurers' defenses both sagaciously and planned. As the result, only a few guard posts had been remained still and defended with the assistance granted by the Entities. Who hastily doubling their efforts and strengths roaming throughout the Eastern Forest. "They're still that much enemy to be faced in? Just how many are they to be exact actually?" One flustered and frustrated high-ranking personnel nervously asking while relentlessly fighting to the fullest. In a span of around 50 meters away from one guard post to another; Robert Steel, Sam Smeagel, and Alicia Madrid were the three notable Department Heads who were adamantly putting themselves at risk of filling up the vacant guard post that most of the people horrifyingly abandoned. As in which through the gist of the Entities, ables to maximize their strength and abilities thoroughly. They simply managing on reaching the place at the very least most of the post, that seemingly being invaded nor destroyed. One thing for a certain that is generally prioritized into their minds for the whole time of fighting. !Never let the Monsters land their feet unto the ground! That was the first thing as the plan they began contemplating in the first place. ~ The Chief Department Head, whereas he locates at the utmost front lines of the formation. Retaining the post all by himself, knowing for the other 4 novices that intuitively running away out of terrifying feelings fearfully didn't want to die in such an obnoxious way. Generally battling against the Sea Monsters, with certain techniques and abilities consciously being used skillfully and wisely, that none of the monsters managing to land any single attacks they'd made against him. !Dark Magic! !Dark Blood fall! /Contrastive form of unknown liquid, maliciously raining through the surface./ /Liquid horrendously being denser and solidified./ On a certain amount of distance as by the far the Chief Department Head single-handedly fighting the Sea Monsters in the abyssal of the Darkness. A sudden rainfall, consistently aiming through the stead of the enemies within a short range of its circumference. The Sea Monsters could be laid on their movements as the dark liquid that initially sticking through their bodies had slowly gone denser and heavier, to the point that all of their muscles simply didn't move even for an inch and absurdly being submissive as they started to screech villainously out of their heavy feelings and wild, agonizing pain thoroughly. That dramatically changing the course of the situation between him and the vile monsters. The eye of the Superior Awakening, in which both of the possessor's eyes completely transformed into its Awakening patten resembling their specified race. As what the instances are given by the Chief Department Head. A tremendous amount of both Magic and Awakening essence combining had been surged into one, emitting malignantly throughout the surface and initially rising through the point of its zenith. Luther abruptly deploying one of his trusted blades, generally picking when the battle perpetually heated up as what he bluntly thought from it. A certain kind of weapon far similar to a Chinese long sword, constantly glowing such dark, repulsive mana and Awakening essence infusing altogether as one. !s***h! !s***h! !s***h! /Blood spurring unto the ground./ /Dead, unprofound Sea Monsters dropping lifeless and formless through its stead./ /Strong concentrated dark liquids momentously raining./ In at least a few minutes of action; 40 Sea Monsters had been seen lifeless to the place surrounding by the Chief Department Head. Allowing the thoughts and intuitions given by the Entities, in some of it simply went stopped from passing through, as well as the other Department heads to looked up and amazed towards him. "How... Impressive!" One adamant Entity simply went shook and flabbergasted the way it nods its head for a second. Other Entities abruptly couldn't comment on their own, as the jealousy for their pride starts to kick in very voluptuous and indiscrete. While the majority of the High-ranking Personnel completely stopping as their eyes full of ignorance and curiosity on its consciousness began adamant to praise and couldn't hold being subservient on their resolve. Not knowing for the fact on how the Chief solemnly being annoyed to be praised, that initially caused the other Department heads to run away as much as they possibly could. They prudently knew exactly the kind of attitude given by him in the sense of being praised by the people who seemingly unknowingly through the depths of his consciousness. "You Squirts! Seeing like a show already! Go back to your post and don't die tonight!" Obnoxiously speaking, he simply didn't like being praised, resulting in his anger managing to be left uncontrolled and ascertain to be held compromised. ~ On the contrary; At the very least more than an hour of fighting inside the dense rainforest. Around 230 Sea Monsters out of more than 500 as the Entities firstly concluded, had been killed remorsefully and conclusively. And an astounding 20 out of 35 guard posts had been demolished and invaded on the side of the Alliance forces. 10:22 pm (Still not related to the time on the story, I was just resembling their time when it happened :)) ) The time the Adventurers started to gain their disadvantages throughout the battle by some unexplained situations. Alicia Madrid's ulterior defenses had been destroyed and invaded all of a sudden after she left momentarily for aiding the other guard post her own. Consciously leaving the 4 other Adventurers who unlikely carrying a drastic amount of medical types of equipment and potions as it seemed the most likable on aiding the injuries and wounds throughout the time of battle. The news had been delivered by Malta the Entity, with her Awakening Ability capable of communicating others through her dust and senses which allows spreading across the forest. She's also the one being used as their mode of notification devises, completely usable on their sides to be left alarmed and prepared for the worst-case scenario very thorough and apprehensive. She comes out later, moments after she finished dealing with the Sea Monsters which were located only a few tens of meters away, and noticeably the first one to aid the Adventurers wholeheartedly. She calmly aiding their needs afterward, regardless of their races completely differ and thoughtless towards their own beliefs. The People, who utterly began immobilized due to their injuries and blunt attacks that barely made them survived, absurdly went consolidating their utmost consciences and deliverance to their needs as well, to the point of their consciousness simply didn't bother towards others appearances at the same moment. Generally trusting their beliefs from one another, allowing the stead of Malta to made ease and relieving as the time she single-handedly defending to a base that already been invaded for a certain period. A wild, sickening gust of Awakening essence, readily spurring through the surface as she consciously believed for their steads to be held surrounded. More or less around 50 Sea Monsters had been gathered in accordance to her Awakening presence, solemnly recounting on her head with a huge sharpening glare instinctively waiting for the enemies to get through against her. !Screeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaakkkk! /Loud, deafening noise unyieldingly screeching./ /Frantic, malignant footsteps menacingly moving./ Without hesitation and having a sort second-thoughts for an instant; The Sea Monsters began attacking once more against Malta the Entity. !Entity Awakening Spell! !Lucid Control! /Awakening dust constantly forming into weapons./ /Tens of unified weapons floating mid-air./ In exchange for the Sea Monsters' reckless move towards her; She utterly concluded her selecting counter-attack by making weapons filled with her presence and gone horrendous as she fires it directly to their wicked bodies. That generally causes the Sea Monsters to diminished for a huge amount of number as far as she noticed. 12 Sea monsters had been pierced through their bodies from the Awakening weapons. While others received severe and fatal injuries. "You lot, get out of here!" Malta blatantly nodded; As she truthfully believed the monsters had gone sanity and stronger furthermore. That instantly made her felt restless for the lives of the humans being wasted very, unfortunately, to be imagined. The people on their side, whom already been terrified and immobile for a while. Completely began destitute to their deaths submissively being assured, simply asking for the relentless Entity on leaving their steads instead of being worry and defiant on herself wanting to their lives to be spared. "It's fine, I guess my adventuring days are finally over..." One patiently nodded with his left knee completely breaking and agonizing. "We're grateful that we have finally seen an Entity for the first time before we get killed." One happily facing its death with a grim smile on its face. "My mind telling me I don't wanna die... But my body simply bragging to do it..." One being submissive yet about the things he truthfully believing. "At least our thoughts finally figured for the last time... That not all other races, are monsters for the eyes of the ignorance." One began adamantly as he simply closes his eyes trying to wake up to the world where violence completely didn't exist. Malta was aggressively distraughtful to the hopeless behavior given by them for a second. As she couldn't believe they easily went gullible for the drastic disadvantages undoubtedly taking their place. And aggressively became maddened as she cast her remaining Awakening senses frantically throughout her entire surroundings. Like the ones sincerely sparkling for their worthless and wasteful lives undeniably being important by the gist of other people who'd seemed to rely upon them. Trying to resolve their obnoxious minds, completely devoured by disgrace and depression from the unfair world that they lived both unequally and unjust. ~ By a spur of a moment; Things began unclearly and subdue for some various places that the Sea Monsters initially went obliterated unto. As it goes everything happened all of a sudden, resulting in the flow of their process is made easy and relieving. The forces of the enemies began weakened and stagnant for the first time since they held contact from the start, which the Adventurers completely noticing very thorough towards it. Allowing them to charge voluptuously and austering. Wholeheartedly began grateful and indebted to some unprecedented happenings granted to them. Resulting in a drastic course of the battle table began turned upside down. It was a clean, fair victory by the minds of the Adventurers. Unknowingly blinded for the situation already being compromised throughout the dark stage. That the Entities were abruptly the most known one being alarmed and intimidated towards the sudden appearances coming from the unwanted and uninvited visitors. !The Knightsmen had finally arrived in the shadows of a battle! Ideally, as the battle stupendously continues upfront; The Sea Monsters generally pushing themselves from the west in which they first arrived after the Volunteered Adventurers and most people from the Administration Personnel. And deliberately went through to the east as the situations that everyone currently came in continues up until recently. Furthermore, the march of Knightsmen had been started unknowingly through the east by chance. For the fact that their restless feeling had been sensed dramatically through their thoughts and conscience, and immediately went diving in for the sake of their uneasiness to be held ridden and resolving. As the result, they're the ones fighting against the Sea Monsters from backlines without hesitation nor second thoughts for the time being. That generally making the number of the enemies to be cut by astoundingly half in more than 30 minutes. The Entities moreover, offensively didn't like the sudden appearance given by them; As they had now the ones being restless towards their ulterior existence. For some inappropriate and personal reasons; The Knightsmen race and Entity race were unlikely to be cats and dogs, as their behaviors opposite at the very least every part of sorted things they usually did since then. "We don't remember having some unusual and feral guest out of the jungle!" The Entities unitedly formed just to reprehend the Knightsmen. "Jungle? you say... As far as 'We' remembered, our homeland was a desert, floating bastards!" The Knightsmen simply couldn't humble themselves right away. ..... ..... ..... The loud, mumbling words flying away against each other's faces, allowing the Adventurers and other Administration Personnel to be left annoyed and amazed at the same time. That idling chatters and inappropriate commotion are a thing compared to the wild and brutal fights still occurring at this moment. . Settling on the other side of the Guard post; A calm, serene personality seemingly the one approaching through the gist of the Chief Department Head, with a certain audacity and soft, peculiar aura emission completely resolute as what the Chief bluntly remembering from it. "I don't remember inviting you here..." "Ozril-san." A solemn, maddening gesture with his Awakening senses clearly couldn't stop from emitting. As the Church Pastor surprisingly stepping in. Wearing a white shirt, a gold-plated cross necklace on his neck, plain white-colored pants, and a pair of white shoes. Relatively the opposite as what the Chief Department Head bluntly wearing throughout the entire night of battling. "Don't mind me, this old man seemed just wanted to come along out of his retirement." The Church Pastor abruptly nodded. He slowly observing the entire surroundings afterward, solely began sorrowfully as some of which had been seen the People couldn't last from the battle that seemingly nearer to end. "You done? This time again?" "Shut up... There's nothing from the Church in regards to bragging about." "... Okay, seems like everything is fine in this place... I go strolling some more." As he starts leaving the place, The Chief momentously stopped him for certain questions to ask. "How's Helina?... Is she okay?" The Church Pastor relentlessly paused for a second, remotely began adamantly for the questions randomly threw towards him. "... Go ask her, I'm not in that place to define those kinds of questions, given by some spouse's through the other..." . At the same time; As the moment the Sea Monsters began conclusively to their resorts on attacking against Malta and the disgraced Adventurers. A set of unyielding, familiar Awakening essence tenaciously charging through her stead. Sensing no sign of killing intent against her, rather than a hope and deliverance adding their strength to wrap everything up for once. And significantly attacking through the stead of the Sea Monsters, with a blow of their power intentionally being held on ending towards utter existence. !!?? /Calm, serene vibe had been sensed repeatedly./ The eyes of Malta began to widen and stagnant, the moment the known people started to approached coming from the dark. As she prudently believing it would be some sort of reunion, it is worth remembering since the time she finally woke up once again. . . ***To be Continued***
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