Volume - 5 // Chapter - 128

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At some unexpecting moment; During the effects of the Entity spell channeling through Levi to be held unconscious for the very least a week. And the unprecedented appearances have been given by the Unknown Being since then. Levi surprisingly realizing a certain kind of thing that the Unknowing Being sincerely trying to mesmerized on his forgetful memories. Moments during the fight against the Monster that Pista Rambutan possessing right into. His mind instantly went inclusive, as he slowly remembering all of his previous experience consciously wary of living in the world where he currently takes in. As by far his previous encounter on facing up against the Unknown Being. In which particular to his words and wisdom, seemingly involutional and worth remembering into the minds of a rookie's ulterior curiosity. As he thoroughly began seclusive, continuously evading at the very least all of the monster's attacks landing through towards his body, as well as he calmly placing his mind on blanked for a purpose. That the Monster possessing in Pista's body began frantic and exasperated furthermore. Allows the monster to screech once more, initially trying to create another set of reinforcements on dealing damages not just for the Supreme Awakening Possessor, but for the Adventurers also. The Specialized Adventurers moreover, has it seen victorious in the meantime. As they valiantly putting their lives at risk fighting up against the Sea Monsters, in the sense of their positions currently under siege for the depths of death obnoxiously wanting to survive against its insurgencies for a couple of hours ago. Out of 17 Adventurers, in the sense of both Levi and Pista are not included at the moment. 7 Adventurers submissively wanting to continue the mission in accordance to the task sincerely wanting to fulfill. Whereas the remaining people began reclined and utterly decisive to their decision, clearly didn't want to pertain themselves anymore to the battle that undeniably making their lives at risk the longer they pertain themselves very reckless even more. Misho repulsively understood their pertinence and an intuitive response given by their thoughts half-heartedly, as he seemed disappointed and distraught towards their selfish attitude putting the situation at risk and unresolved. Only Cassandra Smith, Gen Slasher, Lito Matthysse, Lanie Springger, Sino Siprovic, and Cheney Xiu were the only ones voluntarily wanting to continue. Along with their conclusive hearts and dedication, sincerely wanting the problem to put things out on its end by such means of their lives to be worth in danger. "Let's go, Levi-kid is in there!" Misho adamantly leading the squad once again, as he is thoughtfully wary for their location that frankly being manageable to be sensed as what his Awakening presence consciously prudent towards it. Allowing the other Adventurer to be left amazed towards him. . . [A few hours before Levi's sudden awakening from Lylia's enchanted Awakening Spell.] The Unknown Being, who seemingly putting itself at rest for a moment. After a long period of obscure idleness towards the worn and severed Levi Furiman, in which he had seen hanging out with his feet entangling through the rope where a vicious, malignant force of flames that he created as well wrapping up nonchalantly throughout the whole 3 hours of doing absolutely nothing. "Why am I ended up placing this kind of punishment?" Levi seemed frustrated, mind full of despair and anguish thoughts sincerely wanting to unveil an answer coming from the Unknown Being at the moment. It was all due to a certain "Phone Game" that the Unknown Being abruptly losing on almost several occasions against Levi. That results in Levi receiving unjust and unfair punishments all of a sudden. Completely remorseful and unforgivable for the thoughts intuitively taking his place coming from it. (Phone Clicking) "Because 'You' suck... I told you not to push 'That' tower... and you insist to do it, and we lost for that in such a one-sided way!" The Unknown Being abruptly elaborating the mistakes without failing the details, while constantly focusing on his own business continuously playing the phone that slowly being rotten to the point of its screen cases already creaking and breaking in such a horrendous way. "Was that the reason for it? How insensitive you are! You didn't even reveal your entire 'Appearances' either! Just who are you anyway and how secretive you are!" Levi abruptly being annoyed and exasperate all of a sudden, not knowing for the boundaries of his words that already passing through to the point of obnoxiousness in the side of the Unknown Being. Allowing the Unknown Being to caught up his attention as the result. "........ If I have shown my face in front of the person, who seemingly so indiscrete and Imprudent on keeping such promises for an instant... How much more for the consequences for you to accomplice with that?" The Unknown Being gallantly went unwarranted, as he seemed very observant and conscious about the novice Supreme Awakening Possessor. Hence, The unknown Being didn't seem maddened and furious towards Levi's uncontrolled gullibly, as he has prudently seen his ulterior heart and intentions being anguish only to the things he unimaginably unexpecting throughout the entire happenings. In which he left grinning for a smile on his face afterward, sincerely likable for the attitudes and behavior completely being pure and unstained for the cruel life that he faced very roughly. He jestingly left those thoughts out in one slide as the result, preferable wanting for him to be cautious regarding his current conditions that he absurdly has in. "Did you trying to crisp me out in one place? How mean was that! (Sob) (Sob)" Levi initially complaining about his reasonable understatement at first hand; Knowing for the fact how strong and malignant were the flames slowly tarnishing into his skin for a second, he seemed adamant and stagnant the longer he felt the flames around it. And generally allowing for the Unknown Being to had noticed about him. "So you finally aware of the flames that constantly change significantly and its temperatures tenaciously rising back and forth, aren't you?" The Unknown Being solemnly nodded. "Yeah, what is that supposed to mean?" Levi lately realizing from it, sincerely asking to have himself at risk accordingly. "Training! Lmao! Burn yourself, young boy Hahahahahahaha!" The Unknown Being jestingly held back once again, utterly hitting the spot where Levi went out wild and furious. "Are you kidding me!!" He left bragging out as the result. ~ "No, technically the reason for that is to test how capable you are in terms of using a contract spell by your method of ability, without taking the assistance of others and a kind." The Unknown Being suddenly began solemnly once more, as the atmosphere conclusively went rising also to the air pressuring throughout the entire surroundings dramatically began denser; As by far, things are firstly being held through Levi's ulterior consciousness in a spur of a moment. 'He's now being serious, I can feel it!' He left stuttered and flustered as the result, consciously trying to hold the insane amount of pressure that the Unknown Being emitted for the first 10 seconds of being solemn and serene. "Co. Contract Spell? what do you mean by... that?" He instantly went out remorseful, trying to diverge his mind even for a little as he slowly began relentlessly the more he genuinely sensing the mystical and unexplainable essence unimaginably being existed as what he thoroughly felt coming from it. Successfully speaking, Levi gradually made it. Henceforth, the Unknown Being seemed downtrodden and disbelieve for Levi's response given by him. "Noroi no Kaiho! Dammit... What are you, an Old man? completely forgotten about everything that you had in? How frightening and disgusting you are already." Levi utterly went apologetic unto him, even if he doesn't fault what he knows unwantedly. However, the consciousness of his unreliable memory had instantly went flickered all of a sudden, the moment the Unknown Being thoroughly being blunt from responding. Regarding the things that Levi Furiman gradually putting his life on the line of being dying, recklessly comprehending as in which he tries to forget about its very existence spurring relentlessly on his utter memories. "And what about it? Was that the point on me hanging around upside down?" ".... Yeah! I guess?" "You're so mean..." Levi continually complaining as what he knows the only thing for him could work indecisively. The Unknowing Being, however, silently being sundered from the mumbling thoughts given by Levi for more than a minute, as it seemed very observant and tedious to the course of the process currently occurring to the flames he implanted towards Levi's upside down appearances. *The flame significantly went blue all of a sudden, after a few minutes of being a reddish color as by far the Unknown Being thoroughly sees upon it. Ideally, Levi himself normally noticing about it as well. Intuitively became curious at the same time being maddened, knowing that the temperature of the flames obscurely began changing and suddenly went rising to the point of his shoulder and head drastically went red and nearly burned as what had he felt coming from it. Allowing the Unknown Being to dropped the procedure and quickly removing his entangled foot hanging through the fire as fast as he could. Immediately casting a mixed spell from a Providence and Cosmic Abilities to create an astounding force of healing prowess, suitable for treating at the very least every single injury that Levi could hardly imagine that the Unknown Being casually implanting. 'Amazing, I barely felt the flames after he treated my burned shoulder for a second... Just how strong and reliant he is, was he a human to a certain form of the extent... I don't know what he is... But for me... He seemed human, by looking only his intentions insanely pure and undoubted!' His thoughts generally acquitted, like the things he never felt before had been experienced to the kind of good things very completely, as what the Unknown Being did wholeheartedly to him at first. But then, his genuine impression blatantly amusing had gone horrendous right for an instant. As Levi bluntly noticing a piece of familiar objects, relatively using for a source on creating fire by such means of his traumatic experience gradually mesmerized only a few seconds ago. "Wait... Just where did you get that log all of a sudden, I don't remember you bought that here!" Levi nervously asking with his sweat unusually the same size as a marble, hopefully trying to pertain his intuition to be held false due to the sudden uncanning action given by The Unknown Being at the same moment. "Oh, this? (Pointing a huge chunk of log) Good thing you noticed... Let's redo it again!" The Unknown Being casually nodding with a clear thought in its voice. Allowing Levi to felt downtrodden and distraught as the result. "I'm not a guinea pig! so please give me a break!" The Unknown Being sarcastically laughs, abruptly contemplating the solemn gestures constantly mumbling through Levi's face throughout the entire time, which truthfully makes him amused and delighted to be teased worthy enough to have it. "No, the truth is, I already concluded how ready you are to be able on using those kinds of perilous abilities. On the contrary, the fact that the flame stipulated turning into a blue for a minute prior, doesn't mean you can't control the utmost extent of a contract spell that you unthinkably give." "Following those color changes, the blue itself was utterly the actual measurement for the Supreme Awakening Possessor capable of using the contracts by such ordeals." "However, the fact that you seemed hurt real bad during the constant changes of the flames, gradually being concluded that the possessor itself can able to dwell, but couldn't control the austering procedure." "In other words, you know how to use it... But you cannot control the power that the ability wields upon it." That was the first thing the Unknown Being sagaciously elaborating to Levi's ulterior consciousness, which undeniably didn't catch up very unlikely as he couldn't understand most of the sayings that He thought towards him. Aside from it, the Unknown Being had gone satiric to the people trying to refrain his words back and forth, making Levi to felt sorrow and pitiful at the moment. But then, in some graceful happen; The Unknown Being was in his mood without knowing for the reason, continually spilling the hints and techniques regarding the Contract Spells indiscriminately. That Levi generally being grateful apart from it; And thus, he genuinely testing it right away; initially trying to remove the monster that horrifyingly possessing through the body of Pista Rambutan, who slowly turning into a Sea Dragon Follower and momentarily powering up the more it fed up the fight against the Supreme Awakening Possessor. . [Present Occurrence] Time: 9:37 Misho Santa, along with other valiant Adventurers finally reached the place where Levi Furiman and Pista Rambutan fighting into. Blood relentlessly shedding through the ground had astoundingly disturbing and sickening to be held, as most of the Sea Monsters unthinkably adding to the fight that Levi oppressingly fought in. The further the light of the Moon deliberately illuminates the entirety of the surroundings, the more horrendous and inhumane are the things that they unlikely wanting to see. Lanie and Cheney were the first people indefinitely vomiting very obnoxiously because of it, allowing their deep senses to distort and immobile as what they had felt coming from it. (Vomit) (Cough) "I can't, believe that this happening!" Cheney utterly went gloom and lethargic at the moment. Whereas Lanie on the other, constantly began defenseless as the 3 other Adventurers sincerely trying to calm her down around the tree where they currently placed. Pista, in which in monstrous form, abruptly being notified for the strange and familiar form of prey had gone remorseful on their steads. Consciously gone frantic and desperately charging forth towards it in a blink of an eye. !Screeeeeeeeeeek! . ~System Notification Message Translation: Die! . Levi, who already suffers a vast amount of injuries throughout his body, significantly couldn't be laid on stopping from his convictions bragging on winning. In just a millisecond after the System Notification justifiably appearing on his right eye; He thoroughly charges through the place where Misho Santa and other Adventurers are held, seemingly being unknowing of the situation that they currently had completely. Knowing how fast the pace from both Pista and Levi's ulterior movements hardly able to be seen in their naked eyes. They initially went out gullible, utterly went stuttered and haphazard for the thoughts on how could they react from the charges given by them. !Step! /Awakening Essence bursted nonchalantly./ /Constant form of heavy breathing had been heard dramatically./ By a slim tick of a second beforehand; Levi Furiman firstly arrives in their stead, blatantly waiting for the arrival of the possessed monster for a certain impact to occur. !Bang! /Loud, deafening noise of a collision exploding stupendously./ /Wild, malignant forms of Auras and essence emerging spontaneously./ Misho and other Adventurers lately taking their reactions that the fight already took place right in the middle of their eyes. As Misho adamantly catching up most of the Awakening and Magic essence that horrendously surging through in a random place, allowing others to lose their minds hardly able to defy it by themselves at the moment. In the sense, a sudden spur of words hardly able to hear was by far the first thing he noticed at some point. His mind intuitively being flustered, as he couldn't hold himself thinking straight given by the unprecedented happenings that he regretfully involving throughout the battle. . . ***To be Continued***
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