Volume - 5 // Chapter - 122

2380 Words
. ~System Notification A new weapon had been acquired, would you like to store it? (Yes) (No) (Undecided) . Moments after the confrontation had been started. An unusual, unprecedented occurrence happened by the side of Levi Furiman. Right after he draws the dagger given by Gen Slasher right through his left hand. His arms constantly began to numb, dramatically shaking like the weapon itself has its own life to be comprehended. 'This... weapon... I can't... control it!' Levi is completely frustrated, full of anguish thoughts, and questions regarding the strange, peculiar actions taken by the weapon. The more he grabbed thoroughly, the intense pressure constantly went back into his stead. Moreover, he couldn't hold himself much longer as he forcedly grabbing it with both of his arms. Continually resisting the stubborn weapon from its new ownership. 'Come on... Do... something!' A wild, irritated facial gesture was given by him as the things he went through began much absurd than what he thoroughly anticipated. Masahi Bakerou, in which he fought alongside him since the battle started. Instantly began adamant and worried for the young Adventurer's bothering situations. On the contrary as what he thoughtfully guessing on his age by glancing prudently on his very own appearances. 'He's probably 14, more or less... how could be a very young boy granting to fight in this cruel mission? How pity to be thinking.' 'Just what are the thoughts the Administration thinking about this situation? A joke? How worthless are they!' With a distance of only 5 meters away from each other, Masahi simply didn't hesitate to come over to Levi. As he saw directly on his eyes about the problems that he was currently unresolved, abruptly wanting for some assistance and taking his place for a second to be settled pretty much relentless on his situation. "That cursed dagger seems like it didn't tame." A gentle scolding words frankly admitting through Levi for a moment. As he continually defending their places all by himself, adamantly fighting the Sea Monsters horrendously charging through against them. Moreover, he seemed involutional and remorseful, in which he carries the burden of others indirectly and relentlessly as the battle against the monsters completely takes in. Huge, bulk of swords swinging mercilessly, perpetually dealing up some direct contact towards the monsters' body that allows them to create space and distances momentously. "Why are you protecting me? The post you recently took in had been infiltrated at any moment." A loud, obnoxious concern was given by Levi a moment after. His numbness is still intact and trembling senses had been felt throughout his body. The more he couldn't let his hand dropped from grabbing the weapon very thoroughly. While consciously being concerned about the surroundings that generally focusing on fighting against the Sea Monsters, whereas he left himself being isolated all of a sudden. . ~System Notification A new weapon had been acquired, would you like to store it? (Yes) (No) (Undecided) . The System messages had been seen repeated very surprising as by far the things Levi thinking about; !The black, bladed dagger could be able to store inside the System Inventory?! It was the first thing Levi consciously thought from it, seemingly couldn't define any longer regarding the said weapon that completely being suspicious and uncanning. Knowing for the fact on the situation that already been wild and horrendous, as the battle in the bamboo forest slowly getting absurd and horrific between each other's might. (Yes) Levi utterly didn't hesitate while conclusively answering it, yet the flustered and frustrated mind slowly being rotten as the certain consequences for brimming some things that he unthinkably decided would causing himself a drastic course of inevitable punishments towards it. He tried to refrain from his words for an instant, thinking for the obscene action could be managed to be revoked accordingly at first hand. By some unfortunate fate; It was already late for him to take it back again. As the System Notification proudly releasing a strange, yet familiar kind of message far similar to an RPG game as what Levi Furiman seeing on it for the first time. 'Wait? ... What is happening?... Is this some kind of a game? I've never thought about it at first, but by seeing this once, completely made myself convincing about what is happening!' 'These people, are just like some NPC's (Non-Player Character)** that only existing on this world, and the Unknown being that always dragging me up for some dangers that unlikely calling a life-threatening oblivion.' . ~System Notification System Acquired: Granted Item Type: Weapon Item Description: Dagger Item Name: Black Dragon Corrosive Dagger Item Wielders: Contractors, Assassins, Fighters, Hunters. Description: The Blade was created from a place between the dark and the desert, magically being made to unravel the problems by using violence and dealing order throughout the place where it belongs by the blood of the wielder's enemies bathing up in this weapon. Item level Required: 450 Item Classification: Supreme Awakening Possessors with the races of Darkness, Astral, Knightsmen, Jewish-Enochian. . A lot of mixed emotions had been seen on his face furthermore, the longer his mind continuously focusing only on the item definition is given by the System Notification. And utterly went ignoring for the entire surroundings that horrifying being frantic completely. And due to that, Masahi Bakerou began to receive severely from the damages taken away by the Sea Monsters. A huge scratch on his right wrist, abruptly couldn't be handled on dodging the sharp, malignant claws scrawling randomly against him. Several counts of wounds and mild laceration had been seen mortifyingly throughout his body, critically being submissive from being defensive as he slowly closing down on his eyes and left off-guarded all of a sudden. Levi completely went gullible and selfish for the first time in his life, abruptly seeing the person who remarkably protecting him from putting his stead on being restless throughout the entire time. Without having a short complaint nor obnoxious temperament on his stand towards him, that instantly wept his eyes away from getting downtrodden. "Old man, bear with us!" Levi shouted with a certain deliverance on his worries. "Don't die in this place! Old man!" He continually shouted until his voice was slowly disrupted. Masahi still unresponded and dull nonetheless, slowly went up being cold and lips already dried out and pale. Not to mention on eyes that completely began dull and dread as he breathe generally began slowly and nearly stopping. Leaving only a few words that didn't want for him to forget for the rest of his life. That resulting in Levi getting frantic and restless even more. A loud, horrendous screech instantly went deafening but the least nearer towards them. With his vocal cord intentionally wanting to broke out just to gain sympathy and assistance given by the others. . {Status Warning... Opened} ~ Possessor's damaged body parts have been detected. Location: Throat Damage type: Vocal disruption Time for self-recovery: 1 day, 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds. Type of recovery: Resting . The System Notification initially taking upon its actions accordingly, knowing for the fact on how strong and relentless Levi did use on his vocal cords out of desperation just to gain attention, especially on the healing towards the dying Masahi Bakerou right on his stead. That instantly allows the people to noticed even from the gist of their distances, seemingly far away from themselves. Lanie Springger was the first one to arrived a minute after, whereas undeniably the nearest person having along to their positions. Her eyes blatantly gloom, instantly went stunned and thoughts full of shock and terrified the moment she saw the two completely covered with blood for a second prior. Her wrists full of both Awakening and Magic essence drastically sticking through on her shoulder had gone extensively and momentously transferring through Masahi's ulterior body. Whereas both physically and spiritually injured all this time. A mixed color of black, yellow, and green spots of light had been glowing dramatically while the procedure is under process. Solemnly getting her place overpressure trying to close the wounds from opening very repulsive and comprehended. But then, in such cruel happenings. She couldn't manage to treat the dead bodies' wounds naturally. As she hopelessly admitting for the lives having in such person, was nothing to be lived alongside them anymore. And utterly asking for the situations that they recently held in, with her eyes completely adamant and distraught against themselves. /Sob/ /Sob/ Levi didn't seem attended and gone losing on his mind once again, abruptly staring at the person full of regrets and sorrowful who thoughtfully protecting him until the very last moment of his life. His thoughts solemnly began to rumble, unthinkably undermining under his deep sorrowful expression coming from it. By staring only through the dead body, completely promising for it to fulfill what's his dying request given by him, and wholeheartedly delivering it with a shallow, narrow smile on his face. 'So you already realize it from the start? I didn't expect that one coming to you after all' 'Now I truly understand, These people are not NPC's or something you could define in accordance to the modern world technologies... These people are just like us, living in their own accord and doing what they want just like the life that I believed a long time ago... I've been transferred into this world by nearly 3 months since the time I came in... In which along with a newly acquired power granted by the Balancer of Race unto me... This time for a certain! I want to help them, with all of my heart fighting alongside those people worthy to protect... I do my best, without being drying. Not even for once to be living!' With a short conclusive thought straightened forward into his mind for a second, Levi sharply nodding the black dagger given by Gen Slasher once again. This time, he grabbed it with his right hand very gently and humbly as he resolved towards it. Lanie, whose prudently being alarmed and sorrowful from treating undefiable through Masahi Bakerou's lifeless body. She consciously began stagnantly and terrified the moment she noticed Levi Furiman picking up the nonchalant weapon once again. Abruptly asking about his absurd reconsideration in which regards to being cursed as what the heresy said according to some legends. That instantly went out irritated and annoyed by the ears of frustrated and desperate Levi coming by them. Utterly didn't change his thoughts remorsefully as his fate was deliberately betting from the said weapon. Knowing for the fact of how destitute his situation is, wielding absolutely nothing aside from the new weapon he recently acquired. Not to mention the System Notification which is completely recognizing the mentioned weapon by putting on its description that seemingly only through the Possessors of the Supreme Awakening could be able to attain. And none of the people surrounding him could be understood what he meant sagaciously. !!?? !Blink! /Blade glowing dark menacingly./ /Chains utterly moving and firstly went through on the wielder's wrist./ For a moment after he consciously placing the dagger on his left, he felt surprised and adamant as he prudently noticed the sudden course of density given by the said weapon. 'It went lightly? Unlike the first one, I grabbed on the left?' Moreover, the black chains tailing up the dagger began moving as well, as it goes attaching very horrendous and malignant the deeper it goes throughout his elbow. And the forces between the Awakening Insignias, in which according to the rule in terms restricting the Possessors to hold any forms of weapons. Another set of problems had been occurred by some obnoxious happening between the dagger and his penalty ability right onto the ground. . . A few minutes later; Other Adventurers started arriving through the place where Lanie and Levi take in. Most of it is having their concerns of the matter taking by to the said place. In the sense of their intuitions bluntly made true; Blood and wicked bodies of the Sea Monsters significantly dropping through the ground, breathless and formless to be seen in their naked eyes. In which one of their fellow Adventurers had been throw down as well, genuinely being laid through the laps of Lanie Springger, who was consciously being apprehended and distraught throughout the entire time. "Lanie, what's happening?" "Masahi-san dies!" "Impossible! How could this be?" "I don't know, all I came as what I remember was something like this." Cassandra redundantly stepping in, simply asking far opposite to the conversation that they held in. While continually defending their positions from the Sea Monsters, whose ranting their senses charging through with a wild killing intent viciously spreading throughout the surroundings. "Levi-kun... Where is he?" She asked beckoning and nervously towards Lanie. (Point forward) "Over...There!" Lanie blatantly responded, completely stuttered and thoughts full of confusions as the things she had seen only through the book had completely been sawed clearly for the first time in her life; Regardless of how educated and intelligent she is, her curiosity and intriguing behavior are being the ones remotely controlling throughout her consciousness. As soon as Cassandra finally got the response given by Lanie for a second. She couldn't help but nod hastily and imprudent. As if the number of worries and concerns having by her are much immeasurable to be held concluded. But then, that was the first thing she could pry longer about it; As they thoroughly seeing the wild, holistic course of forceful enactions given by Levi Furiman. Who tenaciously being apprehended on his own, dramatically uncontrolled to the prowess he possessed and constantly screeching in agony by the gist of the things he recklessly pertaining. All in which they had seen in their naked eye, about him ferociously trying to drop the Black dagger into his right arm, that the chain itself had constantly sticking throughout his wrist abruptly didn't want to separate in. Whereas few of them on the other hand had been felt the most sinister form of Awakening essence, gradually bothering through their deep senses. The same situation happened, where nobody trying to take their steads wanting to help Levi Furiman with his unknown personal problem. . . ***To be Continued***
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