Volume - 1 // Chapter - 27

2263 Words
~System Notification ~System Notification ~System Notification ~System Notification ~System Notification As Levi flamboyantly relaxing in a hot bath alone. A long, constant noise had kept popping out into his head. It was his System Notifications that wanted its turn for the possessor's attention. Due to that, instead of wasting time enjoying the serene, silent nighttime bath. Levi now seemingly irritated, couldn't be helped but to open all the messages that continuously popping up inside his head. 'Dammit... what is this right now?' He carefully opened all the messages, one by one. Apparently; Like the first one, he opened it. He made his eyes widened, astonished and unexpected. __________________________________________ ~~System Notification ... Opened. [Possessor's Identification --- Modified] Name: Levi Furiman Age: 14 Race: Human Birthdate: April 21, 2016 Birthplace: Davao City // Earth Wield: Supreme // Incomplete Possessor's Race: Jewish-Enochian Skill: Unspecified Talent: Unspecified Power: Unknown Credibility: None ___________________________________________ "What ... in the world is this?" He was shocked and startled out inside the bathroom. He kept his mind focused, thinking he was hallucinated for the battles he made recently. At first, knowing the fact that he lived in a world that was seemingly civilized and futuristic. To be able to recognize the sudden frame that is known for video games and amusement for many people. He felt perplexed, disbelieved as the result. "I cant' believe this, is this a game after all? to be achieved this kind of identification that only existed in video games?" Levi flustered, completely went out of his mind after a sudden revelation that the system notification was given to him. "If this is just a game? I want to log out and wake up! I don't want this game to play with!" He felt frustration, regret, and desperation. But then, he realized something. That made him mesmerizing, trying to figure out the situation he made for the past month and the time he transferred into another world. "I still remembered the last time I went to the dungeon, along with my friends and comrades back in my world." He tried to go back in time. "That day..." "That dungeon..." "That monsters..." "THAT THING!" As he kept remembering the time when all his sufferings and agony made started. He made his mind once more to continue the journey that somebody nor somewhat given to him. Instead of complaining about what they've done to him. He seemed grateful, full of perseverance and determination in his heart and mind. Willing to complete all the challenges and trials taking his own life sacrificing, for him to become stronger, and returning to the world where he once living in. "This is not just a game to be made fun of to played with at all..." "THIS IS A GAME OF LIFE, THAT DYING IS NEVER BE AN OPTION TO DO MAKE THE THINGS RIGHT!" A loud, despicable uproar, shouting for confidence and determination for his eagerness to survive will be satisfied. As he was done opening the first one. He continued opening the next system notification, which made his eyes widened even more. ___________________________________________ ~~System Notification ... Opened. [Achievements] Missions Completed: None Dungeon Cleared: 2 Gate Closed: 1 Quest Completed: 1 Raid Completed: None Nest Completed: None Kingdom Retrieved / Invaded: None ___________________________________________ "Woah... looks like everything I'd done will be recorded... Amazing." Levi nodded. Then, started opening the next one. ___________________________________________ ~~System Notification ... Opened. [Inventory] 1. Grangers Black Raven -- (Unusable) 2. Black Senbonzakura -- (Unusable) 3. Cross-bladed Dagger -- (Active) 4. 5. ___________________________________________ Levi seemed frustrated even more, as he saw his inventory. Empty and nothing but the only weapon he has had usable. "On that will be it, Understandable..." He felt down on himself, yet reasonable at the same time. "What do I expect anyways... coming here in this world that already have anything? Do I looked like a God or something?" He flustered. "Of course not, I came here nothing... I leave here everything..." He muttered. After that, he went into the fourth one. ___________________________________________ ~~System Notification ... Opened. [Possessor's status] Awakening Status: 0% / 100% Eye Status: 10% / 100% Activated: Right (Active) / Left (Inactive) Stages: Supreme Race Possessed: Jewish-Enochian Magic Status: Unavailable Mana pool: Inapplicable Other Status: Body Status: Active Fatigue: 2% / 100% Mental Status: Stable Emotional Status: Normal Physical Status: Normal Psychological Status: Stable Intellectual Status: Stable ___________________________________________ "Woah, It seems this information that the system gave was very rational, to the point that everything around by appearances and identity will be known in a matter of observation." The first one he noticed after the System notification valiantly giving him a cinch of almost everything. He felt ecstatic afterward. But what made him surprising the most. Is the last one that the System Notification is given him the most. ___________________________________________ ~~System Notification ... Opened. [Possessor's preferences] Level: 2 Experience: 3% / 100% Monicker: Unidentified. Rank: Unidentified. Class: Unidentified Job-Description: Unidentified Guild: Unidentified Affiliations: Unidentified ___________________________________________ "So this one will be the one recognizing to be called. 'Video Games' ". Levi began seriously when he noticed the final notification. As he knew the world he went in is not just the game to be playable with. But rather the game will be played against time, fate, and life eventually. "Okay, that should be everything. I must take this one seriously, like the last time the Unknown being kept telling me about these." Levi still kept muttering on his mind. {If you still thinking that this world and power you have in are like a game, then you'd easily telling to me that your life will be playable with.} {Remember, you're not the only one living in this world having that kind of power.} A soft, solemn reminder made by the Unknown being to Levi Furiman before taking his departure. "I must win this, no matter what." And so, Levi kept himself reminded after it. Approximately 15 minutes after his deep idle and not doing anything but kept thinking on his head. Levi Furiman finally woke up, ready on taking his move once more. By doing his actions on closing the gates of all dungeons spurring out throughout the Village. That putting the livelihood and troubles to the villagers and Adventurers into inconveniences. As he kept wondering about 2 things after he noticed something inside the System notifications. The first one was; "~Dungeon Cleared: 2 " He muttered. He suddenly remembered the last time he recklessly putting himself inside the dungeon, as well as the last words that Gwaco telling him regarding a break. "Every time the Wielder of a Supreme Awakener enters the dungeon. The Dungeon itself will be transforming into a Break." He nodded. He quickly dressing inside his room while analyzing the problem he mindlessly went in. "If what the Dungeon boss said on me was true, then those dungeons I went in before was already turning out into a break... F**k, how idiotic mind I have to know it too late." He blames himself as the result. He later thinks about when, where, and how many dungeons he entered afterward. /Levi seemed panicked, couldn't think properly when he thinks of a plan hastily./ A few minutes had passed. He finally remembered all of it. "I got 2 Dungeons on the North-eastern part of the Church, 1 on the East-North-East, and Another one of the North. That should be 4 of them." He concluded his intuition. As soon as he finished planning up for raiding the remaining dungeons that he went to a few weeks ago. As well as he kept dressing, ready for battle. (By the way::: Levi wears Black Shirt, Black Pants, Black Shoes, And a black Bandana that putting on his right wrist.) Levi Furiman wanting to depart from the church to finishing up the messes he made until tomorrow morning. .. Back at the Church Hall. While the tensions between the two Department heads are over, with the help of the Church Pastor. The 4 Administration Personnel felt another set of unknown terrifying Awakening aura that exaggeratedly spreading throughout their senses. "That again..." Robert frightened. "How could this thing evenly existed?" Sam frustrated. Misho couldn't hold himself but to felt petrified for the sudden happenings it made. Among those 4 who couldn't manage their senses but to tremble. The Awakening Auras they emitted are staggering and uncontrolled. Only Pista Rambutan was the one able to calm himself somehow. Knowing the fact that the serene yet terrifying Awakening aura emitted from out of nowhere, was the same one he felt during the recent dungeon break. On the other hand, The Church Pastor nonchalantly watching the tremors and frightening feelings that the 4 made, suddenly laughed and teased for no reason. However, he noticed the Awakening aura of a certain person that seemingly calmed and didn't flinched. "So you'd seemed already knew to the person that spreading its Aura like telling to us how strong and superior he was, do you?" Pastor Ozril valiantly asked. He was pointed out to Pista Rambutan. Pista was surprised and startled, asking back for a credible reason for his intuition. But then, all question has to be a reasonable explanation. The Church Pastor gladly answering it as the result. "Noticed the Aura that your Superiors and Comrade emitted, and started comparing it with yours... You already know the result with that..." However, the Church Pastor didn't eventually direct his answer towards him. Apparently; Pista insisted on waring through it. As he also wanted to know the behaviors and existence of the Supreme Awakening that none of this world would believe about it. "So it's true that the one we felt since we arrived into this place, was the one we wanted to meddle for? Is that what you meant?" He seriously asked. "Precisely. Since you guys didn't know the persona and identity of this young man, I will not be allowed to you guys handling him. Not on my watch..." Pastor Ozril exaggeratedly responded. The other 3 finally getting up to their senses, as the unwanted, frightening aura they felt was slowly dispersed into nothing. Misho, Sam, and Robert began activating their Awakening aura. By dealing with the Church Pastor whenever things might go wrong between them. "Out of our respect to you, Please lending us a hand on ending this disaster that no one, even for him wanted to exist in," Pista begged. "It's true since we were barely able to read the 'Book of the Awakening', we need to figure it out on how to cope with him somehow," Misho added. "Don't be selfish, Church elder of the Willow Village. That's not what the teachings are supposed to learn with others, right?" Sam teasing. Robert left remained silent, didn't add to what the other 3 utterly provoked to the Church Pastor on the other hand. He left nothing but to become more observant, trying to prompt his move differently than the others. As what he aware of his surroundings. The Atmosphere inside the room they went into had suddenly changed. So sudden that even his Awakening Possessing, whereas the Knightsmen Race. Couldn't be managed to sense it, but rather it takes him some counts of seconds before he noticed. 'Something's wrong, yet nobody but me was the only one sensing it... What just happened before the air and pressure began denser.' Robert nodded. He then tried to ask the three to halt their actions against the Church Pastor, before the unexpected outcome will happen. Unfortunately. It was already late for him to stopped them from it. As he saw Sam Smeagel already taking his move against the Church Pastor. By using a small, sharp bone claw resembling his main weapon. Sam Smeagel viciously attacking the Church Pastor by provoking a strike yet the killing intent itself hasn't seen worse nor forceful. By doing so, the Church Pastor had seemed flustered by his actions, having a second thought on whether he's evading nor attacking as the result. Misho and Pista on the other hand, already taking on their own. But rather, they tried to stop the Department Head's irrational action. With their quick reflexes, they're able to restraint his movements. However, only the lower part of the Chief's body can hold to its pale, sweaty hands that made their grip weakened. 'Sh*t... He gets away!' Pista startled. 'I can't hold him anymore...' Misho trembled. Luckily. The attack and action made by the Department head had already stopped and deflected against the Church Pastor from out of nowhere. /A small, eerie shadow hurriedly deflecting the Department head's attack mid-air./ !Bang! /Meddling sound exploded inside the room./ Everyone stopped from their movements for a while, after a certain person finally getting his appearance towards the 4 Administration Personnel all of a sudden. The Church Pastor left nothing but to felt annoyed by him, unexpectedly scold him instead of being grateful for appearing and saving his life for the last second. "How long do you taking the bath? Levi Furiman." Pastor Ozril absurdly asked. "Gomen, Gomen.. hehehehe..." Levi casually replied. Eventually, Pastor Ozril noticed the apparel that the young man wearing, thinking for something that had already been answered inside his head. "You'd seemed dressed... what kind of funeral do you attend?" Pastor Ozril teasingly asked. "Shut up... I just want a quick walk until morning!" Levi exasperatedly answered. "Oh... By the way, Your hand... Is bleeding..." Pastor Ozril began to worry about him unnoticed. Levi became upset as the result, as he already suffered a wound that atrociously needed medication. . . ***To be Continued***
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