Volume - 3 // Chapter - 68

2389 Words
*Sea monsters in a human form. *Gills on its neck like their nose used to breathe. *Long arms and feet, so shiny to be reflected through the light nor perhaps it was way slippery when touching it. *Moves like a tidal surge, scouring through the enemies. And eagers to kill anyone who stands in its way. That was the very first thing Levi Furiman spotting in. As he consciously observing all sorts of behavior and actions given by them against him. For the first 15 minutes of the encounter, Levi began adamantly fighting straight simultaneously and without stopping. Knowing the fact that every time he took down at least one, another set of enemies had been spurring out, the same vicious and horrifying to deal as the other. Levi left nothing to choose but to attacked the nearest one as soon as it was necessary could. With only his dagger, far smaller than the usual. All movements and tactics he valiantly remembered for certain moments are performed very well, intuitively squeezing all important steps like dancing on a stage while carrying some dangerous weapon in front of the audience and taking actions like swordplay by the eyes of the public. All sorts of things Levi suddenly mesmerized, was nothing but a play in the dark. Unconsciously deriving his steps, pushing forward like he was the one charging, thinking only the movements of the enemy he chose to deal with and predicting all of it like the future they had are already seeing through by the Eye of the Supreme Awakening he possessing to. "Got you!" Levi caught up with another form of the monster at the moment, by slicing its nape on the back and swiftly evading another set of monsters which is surprisingly standing on its back seconds after the first one stumbled to the ground. It was his 9th monster he took down during that time. Not knowing for the others, which is seemingly idled throughout the forest, consciously watching the steps and movements created by the Supreme Awakening Possessor who slowly decapitating the numbers of the monsters gathered for the entire time. They knew the Supreme Awakening Possessor itself couldn't last for too long on fighting against them all at once. Not to mention his movements suddenly went dull and utter whenever they start to switch their fighting stance and momentum of the fight very prudent and unwary that his senses couldn't manage to cope up very quickly. They certainly believed the desires they'd made would unravel if they ended the fight hastily and without hassle as what they resolved. Levi seemed unhappy about the situation he just made in, thinking about the limits he certainly reached in due time. Aside from being restless on dealing with the monsters one at a time, the System Notification itself started to appear needlessly, regardless of how busy he made throughout it. . ~~System Notification ... Opened. [Possessor's status] Awakening Status: 9% / 100% Eye Status: 12% / 100% Activated: Right (Active) / Left (Injured) Stages: Supreme Race Possessed: Jewish-Enochian Magic Status: Unavailable Mana pool: Inapplicable Other Status: Body Status: Active Fatigue: 30% / 100% Mental Status: Stable Emotional Status: Normal Physical Status: Stable Psychological Status: Stable Intellectual Status: Stable . ~System Notification... Opened. Warning: Uncertain number of enemies approaching. Location: West Distance: Undefined . Levi is simply wary about it, even without the help of the System, by only just sensing the monsters' dark presence viciously emitting throughout his surroundings. He also managed to determined which directions are much stronger emission than the others, allowing him to tackle the least amount of presence that makes him creating a massive opening on escaping. 'The System points out the strongest presence, even though I consciously felt at least all of it. But why?' His mind initially mumbled for a second, thinking for the best reason to come up with. While constantly evading all of the charging attacks and magic spells ferociously launching towards him, with a tremendous force hardly believed it existed. It was 5 monsters simultaneously attacking against him this time, all of which emitted the same dark presence as the ones he hardly took down through. 'What kind of monsters are these by the way? I sincerely believed I don't have a thing to remembered that this one exists in the world where I lived in. How is this possible?' 'Not to mention, all of their powers and presence are surprisingly equal and completely impossible to compared with another.' 'Aside from that, their movements and attacks are way too refined to deal with, that making a simple nor even a slight mistake could be a game over to fought against them.' As the monsters keeping their pace advantageous that space and momentum are on their side against Levi. Levi himself fully aware of the consequences of losing the fight, on the other hand, began more attentive and slowly man-handled the 5 current monsters whose taking their place battling towards him. He forcefully stepping upward, leaping mid-air and taking his entire body to bait nonchalantly, allowing the entire monsters watching from the dark to startled out and reacted recklessly, yet accordingly to be enacted from it. At least 20 monsters from the ground couldn't help but nod upwards from where they stood in, as they saw how high Levi Furiman does leaping forth towards it. With a single tick of a second, knowing that wasting time would be an absolute disgrace, and completely missed out on an opportunity. The monsters hiding in from the dark had suddenly made their move, very repulsive than what they'd planned from the start. !To make fun of any Humans they saw throughout the night! Some monsters who follow right in completely didn't waste their time bothering on it, simply watching the aftermath of the recklessness given by their kind against the lone enemy. With greater hopes for the night to end up winning by their side, and successfully capturing the said human who audaciously fighting forth against their might beforehand. /Massive set of arrows and amount of magic spells horrendously threw up in the air./ /Winds suddenly spread out in the middle. Leaves, barks, roots, and other things lighter than a log are completely wiped out and falling away in a very random direction./ !Bang! /Loud, inaudible explosion heard into the air./ /Trees and other things under the range of 30 meters in the vicinity had instantly burnt out and stumbled away from its previous existence./ !Swooooosh! /Huge, cloud of smoke constantly appearing afterward./ /Dust, pebbles, and grounds surprisingly dug out from the middle./ In a matter of seconds, everything from the battlefield began desolated. To the point that everything from the range of the explosions had unlikely in a catastrophic state and instantly wiping out away from it. All of it was made by monsters that were seemingly unknown by the likes of the ordinary. Ordinarily, the actions and reckless decisions they'd been made would be enormous devastation for the eyes of an ordinary human being. For the side of the People and Adventurers who having their possessions granted by the Balancer of Race, it would scarcely believable for the minds of their heads to be put up on each other's memories, especially the aftermath of the explosions that happened just recently. It was all nothing but similar from the side of the High-ranking Adventurers and People who came up from high nobility, as most of them could handle it with an enormous amount of magic presence to be able to on par with that caliber, the same as on how to negate, nor deflecting it. Nonetheless, the trauma receiving from it would likely be seen from their faces entirely and eerily. That was the first thing the monsters thinking up from the aftermath of the explosion. Everyone from the side of the monsters adamantly saw most of the forest with clarity on their eyes, completely shattered into pieces and in a specific area, the flowers that gracefully bloom from the dark hasn't been seen entirely and the entire ground itself had been formed into a wide, circling fire horrifying burning on the inside. As if all of their minds utterly thinking the same thing; "The Reckless Human that we fought... was not dead on the spot!" One monster unlikely overjoyed itself having on part of destroying the entire places. Other monsters harshly do the same thing as they think it should be. Not all monsters had felt ecstatic, nor being glad at the moment. As they first noticed something odd and uneasy is happening throughout their senses, utterly misconstruing their thoughts very slowly and began realizing the reality in a blink of an eye. About the concept of the Enemy, they're facing with. "His corpse... are not here..." "Maybe it went incinerated right from the explosion we'd made! hahahahaha... yeah!" "If so, then why none of us would be able to sense it?" "True... If he's completely dead, and his body would instantly turn into ashes... then his remains would be filled with 'magic essence' or something like that around it." "You're right, about that... Why even none of us couldn't say it either way?" "I don't know... Maybe he's just an ordinary human compared with others..." "If that's the case, we're just wasting our time having along with this whole pathetic place." "Yeah ... We better search it this place for the better good ... At least we can assure it before we leave!" And so, a new plan had been settled by the minds of the Monsters. Ruthlessly not giving a single spare of sympathy towards the lives of others prudently and relentlessly. As if they had not done toying up against the lone enemy that giving them a very hard time to deal with. Spreading across the forest, departing on a random place, seeking forth to the enemy that sensing its presence would be seemed pointless to rely on. Searching it personally would be likely helped and the best way to find what they'd resolved. In which most of the monsters already used their magic spells on leaping forth through the trees, swinging vines to fly high across the other, concealing their presence by hiding through the bushes, and using the ground to hear the sound from its beneath. All sorts of methods had been used just to seek the corpse of Levi Furiman that was initially believed to be dead. Not knowing the fact that the one they're looking for, was already hiding from a random place and ready to take revenge to fight once more against all of them. . . . On the other hand; 15 minutes as it's estimated before the explosion. The side of the Church Pastor and other beings' perspective had seemingly been rowdy, moments after the others finally made up their entrances all by themselves. With a hard, shocking gesture made on their faces seeing some unique yet vicious forms of monsters in its name. Misho Santa as well as Pista Rambutan couldn't cope with their uneasy vibes throughout the moment, as the two were the only ones being adamant and disoriented towards the happenings they proudly come with. Instantly regretting their decisions afterward. "What... what is that kind of mons...monster?" Pista nervously asked, instantly went out to Nascondra's sleeves with terror and fear towards it. As he subconsciously pointed his finger towards one of the monsters that the Church Pastor reluctantly sealed. "Oh? That's the kind of monsters that the Sea Dragon usually made up before... Surprisingly respawning up here... Hehehehehehe!" She casually replied without realizing what she said entirely. Knowing the fact that the ones she'd mentioning of, was the ones that made them losing before. "AaaaahhhAaaaahhhh!!!!" She began restlessly and agitated on her own as the result, started to eat up by the insanity of the past that devouring her into pieces, slowly losing her mind and consciousness began uncontrollably. Pista, Ais, and Yaka couldn't leave idled any longer but to helped Nascondra with immediate actions, simply surrounding her with positive thoughts and lots of reasons to live to cheer herself up against the bitter past she once dragging in. The eyes of Lylia the Entity, however, are unlikely to be neutral towards other's feelings. Especially coming from the other Strongest Races, simply nodded neutrally in front of the Church Pastor, utterly wary for the reasons about her sudden insanity while consciously prepare for the surprise actions coming from the enemies. As she is fully aware of the limits of the Church Pastor's trap spells that wouldn't last any longer, she adamantly believed the certain possibilities of the monsters to be uncaged from being restraint anytime soon. That preparatory precaution would be a must for the likes of their situation. "This is bad... the Sigils... are started to break!" Lylia quickly warns the others regarding their unprecedented situation, as she was the first one noticing the movements of the stronger monsters surprisingly went moving with their brute force trying to undo the trap spell created by the Church Pastor itself. The Church Pastor on the other, calmly noticing it and trying not to lose focus on his own. Generally setting up another set of trap spells unto the air and spreading across the forest through the place that he specifically putting in. "That would be pointless, the monsters already knew how to negate it... We need to have a new plan as quickly as possible, or we could just run away from them instead." Lylia solemnly placing the odds on dealing with the right decisions that are seemingly crucial to decide. Yaka has its plan on her own for starters, as she couldn't help staring at the monsters that slowly negating the spells and wanting to scour everyone they could saw. The three people left at the corner, completely stunned and horrified all of a sudden, already on a deadlock to what they stood in, as they finally noticed the monsters that went petrified moments ago, had started to move of their own volition. Utterly worn out through their senses and fears on their mind had started to rise once more. All minds that they think about it at the moment, Was on how they were miraculously able to escape away from it. . . ***To be Continued***
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