Volume - 4 // Chapter - 91

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. . . [A few moments ago] Before Malta, Nascondra and other Entities noticing the wild, offensive force of dark magic essence suppressing them. Tisa, notably the only Knightsmen having along throughout the entire time. In which the very first person who noticing other than Malta the Entity, in a difference of only 30 seconds after Malta conclusively felt the eerie, repulsive presence coming into it. As her location was placing at the sole upfront of the formation occurred. She began dormant into her stead, consciously wary to the wild, wicked presence constantly splicing through her senses. "This breeze... So stingy..." She held herself withdrawing, knowing that the more she pushed through the place where the repulsive essence occurred, the denser and heavier she breathes as what she felt coming from it. By getting alarmed at first into the front lines, she continually unravels to the things that very seemed cautious even for the enemies' sides as well. "Everyone... Fall back!" She bluntly ordered to her fellow Strongest Races, even though she believed she doesn't have a place in ordering someone who didn't relate to her bloodline. The Entities who heard her voice very well didn't see the following and left irritated on her at first, thinking for them having to insult their strength and might against the other Strongest Race that audaciously ordering them around without ulterior guidelines through their superiors. "Don't order us around, you filthy Knightsmen..." "You don't have the rights to obtain positions on ordering other Strongest Races! You made us belittled!" "If you do have concerns in your own... Please focusing it on yourself! Don't let others be bothered because of it!" The crowd of fighting Entities began inaudible and rampant as the result, allowing Tisa to felt humiliate and embarrassed furthermore. But then, not all Entities had their lopsided minds and convictions. As some of them decided on following her orders very instinctively, without utter complaints nor mumbling in their mouths out of jealousy. And others completely withdrawing on their own, even without telling nor ordering around given by Tisa the Knightsmen and Malta the Entity. As for them, they also felt the same aura at the very last moment beforehand, causing their very own senses on deciding to fall back as quickly as they possibly can. !!!??? /Wind, undeniably stronger and more frightening to the breeze./ /Branches swinging maliciously./ /Atmosphere horrendously began denser./ "Those monsters are much stronger." Tisa adamantly compared. "How can we be able to fight those kinds of monsters hidden in the shadows?" One Entity fighter solemnly nodded. "Just stay on your ropes, trying not to lose it!" One veteran Entity simply boosting their morals each one of them for the upcoming monsters vengefully lurking through the trees. As the Entities discerningly prepared for the monster approach, Malta began moving as the time frame of the situation began connected. "So this woman finally made upon its move once again... How intriguing." "This makes me fired up! Let's go!" "Hehehe... Come on, you filthy monsters.." The moral and war cry of the Entities had been sharpened to the extent, tremendously ready for the upcoming wave of the Sea Monsters anytime at this point. ~ In the response of the Sea Monsters afterward. A rain packed with stones and boulders, hideously flying away towards them. With a certain force capable of breaking the bones of an ordinary Adventurer, Tisa conclusively worried for the results of its impact, which blatantly causes severe injuries and more or less an inevitable death. "Get back! Cover yourselves!" Tisa suddenly yelled and ordered indiscriminately against them once again. Her depths of desperation had been held foreseen as what she worriedly trying to protect others with all her will and strength towards it. The Entities, in which most of them couldn't react hastily unlike the Knightsmen nor Demi-being's quick reaction in the sense of being in grave situations. Didn't notice the incoming Boulders that flies auspiciously against them, generally couldn't be made on casting some sort of spell at evenly manages on protecting themselves after all. !Bang! !Bang! !Boom! /Loud, unyielding explosion rumbling through the ground floor./ /Blood spurring horrifyingly./ /Constant scream of agony had been heard dramatically./ In a spur of a moment; Everything had changed on the side of the Entities. As Malta being unfortunate on saving at the very least every single one of her kind during the approaching attack against the Sea Monsters. Out of 30 Entities being gathered at the center of the explosion. Only 9 survived but were severely injured nor at the state of a critical condition moreover. Malta couldn't be helped but to grieved her kind, seeing their faces formless and breathless at the same time, would instantly shatter her entire consciousness in such an insane manner. Tisa on the other only managed of saving at least 3 out of 9 survivors during the explosion. Hence, her body began numb, and her mind generally putting in a state of being a shock, that mindlessly didn't know what happened just yet. While Nascondra on the same time frame, lately realizing the entirety of the situation began to succumb and horrifying. Utterly being maddened, slowly driven with rage and insanity against the Sea Monsters. Other Entities were generally hiding through the woods before the explosion, whom seemingly unscratched and unharmed during and after the Explosion suddenly went stunned and terrified to what they'd seen all of a sudden. As they consciously saw a lot of blood cloaking through the flood, countless rocks and boulders pounding off to the bodies, and most disturbingly; Bodies inadequately deforming and other body parts had been dismembered almost everywhere through the floor. Everyone's mind had been blanked and rumbled in the sense of being shocked and grieving at the same time, quickly rushing through the place where their loved ones and comrades who had been held were being faced with the unfortunate fate. Much more unfortunate than that; Malta unwittingly halted their reckless actions, simply not because of the risk of having another set of huge boulders raining forth towards them. But because of the Sea Monsters repulsively monitoring every single movement they'd made and using it to fight against them. That was what Malta utterly concluded to the behavior and actions hinting by the Sea Monsters towards them. 'So that was all true after I gathered those pieces of information that Robert-san gave on me... Just how frightening are these monsters is.' Her mind slowly adjunctive and getting obnoxious, still trying to forget her kindreds demises that made fully regret towards her incompetent leadership as what she resolves. As she kept hiding through the bushes, waiting for an opportunity to avenge against the unpredicted monsters at the moment. Soft, casual footsteps walking through the ground zero. Impatiently enacting like everything doesn't seem to happen and her eyes constantly glaring in a straightforward direction towards nothingness, and refutably stopping at the center. It was Nascondra, who genuinely stepping right through for the first time since then, holding a huge bouquet of wildflowers putting to the stead of the dead Entities throughout the surfaces. And humbly praying for their souls in the middle of the field without hesitating and knowing for the dangers of the Sea Monsters vicious intent of killing. !!?? /A huge, boulder with a size of a water tank had been fall down into Nascondra./ "Huh?" Nascondra finally realized the approaching boulder, moments after its shadows start shading her. Knowing that it was already late for her to respond nor running away due to the boulder's sized into it that hardly evading. She left guard wide open, bluntly facing her head up into the sky and closely waiting for the boulder to pound her very existence. !!??? !s***h! /A strong, clean cut of the boulder horizontally slashing through mid-air./ /Boulder spontaneously cut into halves./ /Boulder astoundingly pounded in opposite direction./ In a spur of a moment, moments after Nascondra gratefully accepting her fate by losing up hope for living. A sudden grim of light audaciously blinking through her deep, senile abyss. Hopefully wanting her to live and asking her to rise far soaring than what she could have. "Come on... Don't be so mean like that... You want us to cry till death aren't you?" A strong, mouthful scolding had been heard with clarity into Nascondra's big, clumsy ears at the moment. It was Tisa the Knightsmen, who were the ones valiantly deflecting the huge boulder and held protecting Nascondra like the ones giving her second chances at living. Nascondra felt glad, couldn't hold her eyes to tear very slowly and prudently. Simply went apologizing to Tisa for wasting her life so careless and worthless. But then, as the two started to mingle in the middle of a battle. Another set of boulders had been sent flying away towards them. This time, it was far larger and stronger to deflect as what Tisa adamantly noticing on the approach. !Bang! !Bang! !Boom! /Ground tremendously rumbling./ /Constant wave of intensities had been formed immersively./ /Dust, a cloud of smoke depriving aftermath./ In 20 seconds after the Sea monsters maliciously throwing all of their boulders throughout the surroundings. None of the remaining Entities nor surviving people had been stuttered to the boulders also includes the debris surprisingly deflecting unto it as well. Knowing how prepared and mentally wary the minds of Malta the Entity, unforgettably trying not to cause everyone in danger once and for all. She began destitute, spreading all of her Awakening Pores and dust vertically towards the trees, consciously build into a form of barricade leaving the ground and surfaces empty, as the rain full of boulders supposedly aiming only to the field and nothing had seen mobilized as what she hardly afraid into it. Moreover, as she finally figuring out where the Sea monsters hideously hiding throughout the time. She truthfully believed the enemies are now on her target and being spotted all over the place they tried on hiding. !Entity Awakening Spell! !Lucid control! !Full-stronghold! /Malta's units, abilities, and spell already cast began controllable all of a sudden./ With her grasp and senses, audaciously determined on switching the pace into defensive. Malta horrifyingly forming some of her dust and objects into solid, auspiciously turning into sharp, immense weaponry specifically ordering into her favor. More than 20 Silver-colored weapons such as swords, spears, lances, arrows, any sort of sharp edgy weapons had been formed sophisticatedly into the air, generally floating with ascertain amount of weight and density throughout its atmosphere. And maliciously pointing out into its tip against the Sea Monsters and an absolute killing intent and obnoxious appearance towards it. !Swing! !Swosh! !Clang! Unlike the last one, this time Malta's entire senses and conviction had finally made up to the point of insanity. Solemnly itching for vengeance and delivering death-assuring attacks against the locked-on Sea Monsters, in which she utterly believed they'll stand in the branches and leaving no trace on escaping her wrath. "Find them! .... And pierce then to death!" A wild, uproar of command given by her to the Awakening weapons, constantly fighting back all by herself against the enemies with imprudence and carelessness. /Trees poorly flying away./ /Branches destroyed undeniably./ /Winds surging murderously./ The Sea Monsters finally show up into their very own existence once and for all. *Sea monsters in a human form. *Gills on its neck like their nose used to breathe. *Long arms and feet, so shiny to be reflected through the light nor perhaps it was way slippery when touching it. *Moves like a tidal surge, scouring through the enemies. And eagers to kill anyone who stands in its way. (The same Sea Monsters as Levi Furiman tenaciously fought long before.) That was the first thing Malta sees into it after she obliterated some part of the forest that the Sea Monsters generally hiding. Consciously began wary as much as she can knowing the last one standing amongst her band was nothing but utterly herself. !Screeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaakkkk! The Sea Monsters abruptly charging forth into Malta, with absolute menace emitting through their appearances, and went wild as insane as what she ever imagined. Malta began startled and alarmed the way the Sea Monsters appearing towards her, secretly dragging some of her pores filled with Awakening essence and solemnly forming it into a weapon capable of dealing against the monsters one at a time. Sharp, short-edged sword placing on her right hand. Long, sharp tip lance grabbing on her left hand. All of which, had been made through her gist of Awakening essence in a short amount of time. The Sea Monsters However had been seen as advantageous on their resolve. Knowing for their numbers is far resilient and decisive to be concluded. It was seemed reluctant, gathering at least 3 of their kind out of 15 Sea monsters who remained standing after the rampage. And charging through against Malta, with simultaneous attack and direct approach into it. /Weapons crossed voluptuously./ /Constant stance of melee attacks virtuously acquitted./ Malta, with her brief experience in dealing with frontal attacks that allows her on gaining advantages against her enemies. Striking through the body of the monsters with precision and speed, causing the 2 sea monsters to stumbled down and be left unregarded. Knowing the fact on how instinctive and persuasive the Sea monsters are, allowing to allocate those fallen kinds and left subtle for a distance. Malta disgracefully couldn't land a final blow against them, as she consciously noticing the synchronization of the monster's movements, far unique and distinctive than any other monsters as what she adamantly remembered. She left nauseous, slowly felt dizzy due to the auspicious and synchronized movements that couldn't make focusing only one single enemy at a time. Until she finally loses control and went stumbled, quickly regaining her consciousness in such an unfortunate way. But then, in such an unprecedented moment. Something unexpected happens that made the entirety of the fight turned into upside down. . . ***To be Continued***
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