Volume - 3 // Chapter - 70

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For the time being; The confrontation between the Sea Monsters and The Church Pastor, adding with the forces of Entities and Demi-beings had been concluded in a one-sided victory. Though some of them receive mild up to heavy bruises coming from their bodies, it was nothing but worth having knowing the lives they had were scarcely sparred and remained fine against the formidable forces coming from the enemies. "Seems they're dead completely, not a single trace of magic essence I've felt around them all this time." Yaka left assuring from the aftermath of the battle, simply couldn't imagine the sudden blanked-out of the monsters moments after she closed her eyes from a direct order. "Not just that, the entire vicinity around us didn't emit some vicious magic essence nor Awakening presence within a certain radius. Couldn't this be the enemies we're looking for had done something in a moment? Nascondra seemed perplexed that she couldn't assure to the situation that recently ended, still wanting to find out the roots of everything that happens entirely. "Precisely, it is just an utter diversion given by them. We knew what exactly they're wanting for." Pastor Ozril simply agreeing to Nascondra's direct speculation. !They want the Supreme Awakening Possessor's head! As soon as Lylia the Entity started to spoil her thoughts through them once more, the attention coming from the people began focusing on her as the result. Knowing the fact that none of them had been keeping in mind the sole purpose of having along through the night is the same reason why the enemies started attacking. Pastor Ozril went thoughtless about it, thinking only his retrieval for disobeying his orders completely and splendidly. Lylia left nodded as what she heard for his resolve. Misho, Pista, and Nascondra went out silent as the night coming from them began serenely to the point that the cold winds blowing through their skins had gone harmonious and vibrant throughout their surroundings. Yaka and Ais on the other hand are felt different compared to them, as their eyes and bodies were already passed out ready to take a slumber as what they're felt from it preferably. Utterly declining for moving around completely and completely stumbled through the ground unwantedly. The Church Pastor simply noticing it, strongly changing his mind excluding some of them who didn't want to continue anymore. "Seems like some of us couldn't hold in at this point, you guys can go back to the Church and take some rest. It was a good night to fight alongside these strong people though." He felt gratified towards their efforts, nonetheless of some orders, they didn't follow beforehand. By doing that, the team began to form into half. One will remain fighting. The other will retreat and take some rest for tomorrow's business. Pastor Ozril, Lylia, Misho Santa decided to fight once again. Yaka, Ais, Nascondra, and Pista Rambutan decided to retreat and take some rest. In a few sets of Objectives coming from the ones decided on attacking, Lylia sincerely felt a massive amount of Awakening presence coming from a North-western direction whereas the loud, immense explosion had occurred all of a sudden. Moments after the team decided to retreat had started to leave. She went restless due to it, knowing for the destination they reached was the same direction of the massive presence she perpetually sensed very repulsively. Misho left silent eventually, unconsciously wary for the happenings he'd undoubtedly participating. Simply asking for the main purpose of them not thinking of stopping the hunt until the goal has finally been reached. "Oh? so you've decided to talk? How intriguing..." Pastor Ozril started being sarcastic once again, generally teasing the Adventurer Knight while constantly running through the dark. "Shut up old man, just tell me where do we heading to?" Misho went out vulgar to the Church Pastor's jesting behavior, began utterly serious for the situations that come anytime soon. "Hahahahaha, calm down... How can we pull up that sleeves if one of our minds couldn't cope to connect in one goal?" He casually responding to him with ease and resonant. "Besides, the one was seriously heading to... Was a solitude of war that has already been started centuries ago." He left resolute towards him with a huge grin smile on his face. . . . At the same time; In the Perspective of Levi Furiman. Countless messages given by the System Notification had been seen dramatically throughout his right eye. By calling so, he gallantly opening it one by one to the place where he secretly hiding. . {Status Warning... Opened} ~ Awakening eyes of the Possessor's body have exceeded its limit. Minimum Usage: 30% --- 100% Actual Usage: 26% --- 100% Time Usage: 1 Hour, 32 Minutes, 1 Second Warning: A certain damage of the Possessor's body is guaranteed and unavoidable. . {Status Warning... Opened} ~ Possessor's damaged body part has been detected. Location: Upper Body. Damage type: Direct Explosion. Condition: Severe Time for self-recovery: 15 days, 14 hours 34 minutes, 10 seconds. Note: Recovery potions and other healing spells are highly recommended to speed up the operation. . {Status Warning... Opened} ~ Possessor's damaged body part has been detected. Location: Left Thigh. Damage type: Impale. Condition: Fatal Time for self-recovery: 20 days, 23 hours 12 minutes, 10 seconds. Note: Recovery potions and other healing spells are highly recommended to speed up the operation. . ~~System Notification ... Opened. [Possessor's status] Awakening Status: 26% / 100% Eye Status: 37% / 100% Activated: Right (Active) / Left (Injured) Stages: Supreme Race Possessed: Jewish-Enochian Magic Status: Unavailable Mana pool: Inapplicable Other Status: Body Status: Active Fatigue: 50% / 100% Mental Status: Stable Emotional Status: Normal Physical Status: Stable Psychological Status: Stable Intellectual Status: Stable . ~~System Notification ... Opened. [Inventory] 1. Grangers Black Raven -- (Unusable) 2. Black Senbonzakura -- (Unusable) 3. Cross-bladed Dagger -- (Released) 4. Unidentified Jewelry (Necklace) -- (Released) 5. . Amid his condition, where medical treatment is badly needed. Levi didn't seem frustrated nor being anguish on what he gets towards the Sea monsters very prudent and relinquish. Regardless of the things he received coming from them, that massive injuries on his body had seemingly begun hindrance whenever he takes to attack directly against them. Standing on a huge tree, utterly concealing his presence away from the enemies and forms of his breathing completely did intervally. His thoughts and actions coming from the fight had gone absolute and resolute to the point that he would suddenly begin to restitute and be volatile for the time being. His eyes instantly went gloom, that opening his left eye being injured was on a desperate and nothing to complain about brassing on it. !Blink! Most of his eyesight coming from the right had been seen conclusively for the entire time, that even his feet couldn't make its usefulness towards it. In other words, even though he can handle opening it in a fortunate way. It still couldn't use it nor can see it completely. However, there is one uncertain thing about the sudden desperate act coming from it. That instantly made his mind blanked out and surprised for a reason. "My Left eye, can possess the Eye of the Awakening as well?" "But how exactly happened?" As his thoughts kept digging for an answer in the meantime. Massive combustion of Magic Aura spurring out from the back of the tree whereas the place he stood in, repulsively finding for some trace of his existence and immensely surging its vile presence far terrifying than other beings. Sniffing like a dog, watching the sky like an owl, as the monster that slowly coming from him began closer and closer. Instantly reacting from everything that moves within his vicinity. Levi initially getting startled for a reason, knowing the distances given by it are much nearer than he anticipated. Soon, began acted on his own by slowly releasing his knife strongly grabbing through his right hand. With that given time, he tries to open his left eye once more. Sadly, not a single thing had been seen through it even if he close his right eye trying to assure it could happen. Only a reddish-dark monster lurking forth towards him. And so, both of his eyes began to open for a while, consciously activating his Eye of the Supreme Awakening. Patiently waiting for an opportunity to attack every single monster who seemingly near and getting approached against him. /Sniff/ /Sniff/ One monster finally reaches through where Levi stood in. Levi on the other, which on a concealed mode, patiently nodding with serenity. The eyes of the Sea monster were gone intimidating, seeing as a confrontation towards him. That causes Levi to be startled and acted firstly before it. !s***h! /Blood hideously spurring through the ground./ /Dead body stumbled and lifeless./ In a spur of a moment, Levi Furiman instantly stabbing the Sea monster's neck, menacingly starring at it being driven with its blood and trying to cover it with its own hands. In addition, Levi conclusively striking its nape with a lethal blow that putting the lives of a Sea monster into its immediate death, without having a second thoughts nor hesitation of killing it. A few minutes after, another started appearing. Unfortunately for the side of the Monster, the death coming from it was utterly inevitable at the hands of Levi. Simply doing the same thing, as what he did to the first one conclusively. And thus, it happened again and again. Until it reaches up to 30 monsters he simultaneously killed throughout the dark, abyssal night. ~ The Sea monsters, whose seemingly far stronger than any other was being unattended for the whole time. Unintentionally noticing the sudden diminish of magic presence surging from its fellow kind. Inclusively being wary through the entire happenings causing by it. Generally began actively all of a sudden since the time the explosion occurred. Utterly putting at risk to the fellow monsters on searching for their bodies completely and assuring. In response to it, other monsters who were seemingly alive and active instantly startled out of fear and trembling through their senses. Leisurely being restless for a reason due to some uncertain events coming from their kind. They simply declining the orders given by their superiors as the result. "These idiots... What a bunch of weaklings gathering through in one place!" "We are the beings that mold through the essence of the Sea Dragon and dwelling against the entire world to hail her name beyond other Dragon! We shall giveth her not a shame because of this one frail human? how Absurd these pathetic ones!" "Shame! what a shame!" "I must deal with this one puny human with all of my strength, gathers forth through the grace of our sacred Sea Dragon!" "Now, tell me where he is! And I shall behead him with my stone ax and his blood with bathe through me." As one, unyielding Sea monster showed its pride and conviction to the other kind with a strong, courageous gesture that easily giving the coward courage. Levi on the other hand stands tall at the back of the tree where all the remaining Sea monsters bravely gathering in. He instantly pertaining himself, without having any second thoughts on his mind and being hesitant towards his actions. Directly walking through the front of the Sea monsters very slowly and precaution, immediately began startled all of a sudden due to his unexpecting appearance that seemingly very uncanny and intimidating. "You! Puny human! are you the one taking care of my kind? You shalt paying for that indiscrete actions in a merciless way! Hahahahahaha!" One foul-mouthed monster intentionally acted in pride against him, menacingly surging its wicked magic aura that spreading insensible across the forest. Proudly strengthening its brute muscles in front of him, trying to intimidate the enemies very harshly. Levi didn't seem attended nor being atrocious towards its existence coming from it. Conclusively nodding all Sea monsters who'd been seen through his right eye, and slowly observing their behaviors and strength with only watching their facial expressions very surprisingly. 'These guys, are strong... Far stronger than those guys I've killed earlier.' Levi simply commending their strength and power, sincerely inclining for taking care of everything and acting accordingly to the point that messing around even a glimpse of mistake is nothing but an inevitable consequence that matters in such time. . . At the same moment; The Church Pastor, along with Lylia the Entity and Misho Santa had finally bought in through the battlefield. Elusively hiding through the branches and prepared almost everything they'd made trying not to draw any unwanted attention against the forces of Sea Monsters. With a glance of their eyes, the three people immediately putting up into their minds as one about the entire catastrophic happenings until recently. Initially began to wrestle through their senses trying not to be startled nor being terrified away from it and consciously observing the whole confrontations occurring to the ground. "This kid... Is he seriously dealing with these powerful Sea monsters all by himself?" Pastor Ozril simply couldn't help being amazed towards Levi Furiman, as he gallantly saw him from afar singlehandedly confronting all the remaining enemies with accordance and ease. "..... Yes, seems like be it." Lylia thinking the same thing, as she couldn't believe the sudden turns of tides happened from below. "It was at least 30 Monsters whose far stronger and powerful compared to what he fought earlier... He must be in danger as what I frankly saw from below... We should help him with haste!" Misho generally went concerned about Levi, simply acted very reckless and selfless to others. Thinking the fact that the danger lies in revealing one's existence was way treacherous and death was utterly inevitable than acting with care and precaution towards the situation. That is what the thoughts of the Church Pastor believe the most, especially when it comes to a time like this. As he resolves, he simply stopped Misho's reckless actions by slapping his nape enough for him to stumbled and went unconscious. Misho went down and lying onto the branches, slowly taking down through the bushes and stupendously placing up the certain amount of sigil traps enough to conceal his appearances not to sense it with the enemies. With the help of Lylia's dimensional Awakening spell, the procedures performing by them had gone well and subdued. In particular, no other Sea Monsters had been seen, felt, nor heard throughout of it decently. However, that wouldn't be the case with Levi on the other hand. As he is consciously wary about the surroundings where he stood in. Unintentionally noticing about a strange, unusual movement happened at his south-eastern part of his senses. Repulsively couldn't handle nodding his head through the said direction due to the absence of focusing the entire aptitude given by the Sea monsters. 'This old man... I already said that I just want to pick up some flowers for tomorrow's breakfast, maybe he couldn't receive those words coming from Lina-san... Guess I should blame her tomorrow morning.' He suddenly went annoyed at the moment, simply felt thrilled of himself eagers on blaming of whoever those people he gave some favor at that evening. Aside from that, he sincerely felt something uncanny magic and Awakening presence alongside the Church Pastor. 'One being stumbled and unconscious, that hiding it in a bush filled with unusual magic spell seemingly allows it from evading the Sea monster's keen senses. The other one is a strong, malignant Awakening presence resembling through the race of the Entity, I guess that should be Lilo-chan.' He suddenly went guessing from them momentarily. Yet, his attention towards the enemies is still intact and thorough nonetheless. 'Old man... Lilo-chan... If you two are aware of my current situation whereas I briefly standing in, You should be wary that these I've faced to... was more frightening than any other.' He seemed insightful for a reason with a soft smile on his face. 'Defeat was all fine and well, it could be able to charge it as an experience. However, ended up dying while losing the fight is a great disgrace and unforgivable.' The thoughts of the Church Pastor surprisingly inclined towards him. . . ***To be Continued***
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