Chapter Two-1

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Chapter Two Good Bitch Looking back on it, I suppose that was the only way that I could have allowed myself to come home. Perhaps a strong subconscious part of me wanted to return, but I could never openly admit such. And at the time, I sure didn’t act like I wanted to go back. As the hood cut off all light and a cloth gag tightened around on the outside, I fought for all I was worth. None of it did any good as my arms and legs were held tight, then strapped together. A double set of strong, male arms picked me up with hardly any effort and deposited me in the back seat of a car. I Mmmpphed and Oomphed through the gag, flailed and kicked. Then my head bumped up against flesh. A pair of hands drew me up onto a firm thigh. “Shhh. Shh. It’s all right. Just let it go. Let it all go; the responsibility. The worry. The stress. You’ve made your last decision for quite a while. Just leave everything to me.” It was Lady Eleanor. Her hands stroked my brow in an attempt to ease my panic. I did stop struggling, but my body still trembled. Were they going to use me just for tonight then send me back to the Leather Heel? A part of me clung to hope that it would soon all be over. Another part knew better. John Q had said not to expect anyone to come rescue me. Not from a place where SM play wasn’t really play. And this all happened with the excuse of watching out for my roommate, Malina. But part of me knew better. SM. Once in the blood, it stayed. Now, I was going to get more than my share. I could just as easily stop what was going to happen to me as I could apply the brakes on the car that sped us through the night. We wound up in an underground garage. Eleanor’s clenched hands on my shoulder and head communicated that I should remain still until the garage door closed. Once it did, things moved fast. The car door whooshed open and another pair of strong hands slid me along the leather seat, feet first, then lifted me up to stand uncertainly in my high heels. “I didn’t think this one was coming,” said a male voice. “She almost didn’t make it.” “She’s here now,” Lady Eleanor said. “Let’s get her with the others.” “There’s no time to prep her.” “Then present her as is,” Eleanor replied. The male voice started to respond but Eleanor cut him off. “Just take care of it! I have to get ready myself.” Eleanor patted me once on the ass and I was lifted up, thrown over a wide, male shoulder. With methodical, careful steps we climbed a long set of stairs, my carrier’s boots echoing off the walls from bare concrete underneath, then softly crunching on carpet. I sensed a rise in temperature as we left behind the cold garage even though a draft still blew across my bare legs. Around me I heard faint stirrings, quiet conversations that faded away along with the draft. Everything around us got still and quiet. He lowered his shoulder and I gently slid off, onto a low, wooden bench. I rubbed shoulders with someone on either side. “A late arrival, ladies,” the male voice said. “Make good and play nice.” “Wha...What’s with the hood?” the one on my left said. Tremulous. I could feel her shakes. “Why is she gagged?” “As for the hood you know that everyone is blindfolded whenever they’re transported on the circuit. As for the gag she probably just got lucky. If you don’t want one stop asking questions.” “Yes, sir,” said the scared one. Things went quiet a moment, then the woman on my right gasped. “What about you, Red?” the male voice said. “Anything else you want to know before I shove a p***s gag down your throat?” “N- No, Lord Byron. No, sir!” Malina! “Good, ‘cause you weren’t getting an answer anyway.” “Lord pl – uullggg!” Malina loved to give head and, although the dildo wasn’t the real thing, she got a real mouthful. Probably a training head harness, with all kinds of buckles, D-rings and straps that wound about her head, split down in front of her eyes to a big, black panel that completely covered the mouth. The dildo itself wouldn’t actually go down her throat, but it would sure feel like it. Malina half-coughed once or twice, and whined deep in her throat. Then, by the way her body rubbed once more against mine, I could tell Lord Byron pulled Malina’s head back by her long hair to make sure everything was tight. “Let the training begin,” he said. His boots strode out of the room. Malina softly ‘eerr’ed and ‘ugg’ed a couple of times while she tried to get used to the gag. Something I well knew. I don’t know how many times John Q or someone else crammed something like that past my lips and teeth. My crotch warmed at the memory, at how I had no choice but to take it. All I had now was a simple cloth gag, soaked through the hood with my saliva. It wasn’t the same thing and I suddenly felt very jealous of Malina, at how she found the courage to fulfill this fantasy of hers, and how I never really could. I wanted to tell her she was lucky, that even though things seemed bad now, the payoff, the orgasm... Oh, the orgasm... “My name’s Naomi.” It was the other girl, the scared one. “I know we’re not supposed to talk to each other, but I can’t help it! Everything’s going to be all right, isn’t it? I mean, this is all just play acting, right? I gave them the password back at that sleazy club, but I didn’t think...I mean they just tied me up right away. Where are we? They’re going to let us go, aren’t they?” Little Naomi sure knew how to trip herself. Question followed question followed with half-baked self reassurances that were anything but. She probably had SM fantasies most of her life and now was finding the reality not quite what she had imagined, even though she tried to make it that way. Her flood of words just kept on and on until all I wanted to do was just slap the b***h. Shut up! You wanted this. Now you got it. Don’t bother me with juvenile whinings. I’ve already got enough problems. Shut the f**k up! She did, but not because of anything I did. Someone came into the room. “You’ve gotten off to a flying start.” It was a different man this time. “You were told to stay quiet, and here you are, just running like a motor mouth.” “I’m sorry, sir!” Naomi said. “Sorry! I just couldn’t help—” “I don’t care what you can’t help. Open up.” “Oh, no! Not one of those ballgags. They taste so yukky.” “ ‘They taste so yukky’ ” the man mimicked. “Then maybe you’ll learn your lesson. Now open up! Goddamn it, I’m not going to tell you again! Fine. Have it your way.” A hand slapped on bare flesh and Naomi cried out. By the sound and wind generated from such a fast move I guessed the man connected with one of Naomi’s t**s. Then he quickly did so again. “Oww! Owwww! Oh, god, n—” That was all the man needed. Next thing Naomi was just as gagged as Malina. I think she ‘humphed’ a couple of times, tears probably at the edge of spilling out. The man didn’t give her enough time for that. “On your feet. Move! You’re first up tonight.” Sounds of small feet half-walking, half-struggling to keep up with him padded out of the room and down the hall. A distant door opened and deep, languorous music floated through, then was cut off. I was alone with Malina. If only the damned hood was off, she could tell it was me. Even if we couldn’t talk we might still communicate somehow. I could find out what had made her decide to do this, and why now? But my hood and gag were securely in place and, as it eventually turned out in the coming days that was the best thing – especially for me. Naomi’s screams, muffled by the distance and intervening walls and doors, filtered back. Clearer still was the frustrated tone of Naomi’s master for the evening. The counterpoint between the two only got sharper; his shouted commands, the more strident screams. The whip cracks quickened. Then a door slammed open and a combination of long and short strides quickly treaded down the hall, then in to where Malina and I knelt. “That scene’s turning into a real bust,” Lord Byron said. He did not sound happy. At all. Lady Eleanor was right behind him and pulled me to my feet. “I told Apollo that that little thing had the wrong idea about all this. Her head’s in the clouds. Or more like up her ass. Along with his.” She grabbed the front of my hood, pinching it outward. “You hold still!” Snip snip. Snip snip. Lady Eleanor cut two small slits in the hood, right on eye level, like she had done this before. A pair of very shiny, medical scissors flashed across my vision. In spite of the fact that they had blunt ends had I known those were so close to my eyes I would have jerked back and maybe caused an accident. But Eleanor was so fast, so professional, that it was all over in a heartbeat. The scissors withdrew and Eleanor busied herself elsewhere in the room while my attention was drawn to Lord Byron and Malina. He squatted down, his manner now calm, supportive. “That little thing you hear screaming out there doesn’t really know what she’s gotten into. But you could barely hold yourself back at the Leather Heel, right Red?” Malina’s light blue eyes got wide behind her disheveled, long red hair. Around the heavy gag all she could say was “Gurgl”. “That’s my girl,” Lord Byron said. He patted her leather-strapped face. He stood up and I got a good look at him. Wavy hair that was once probably all dark but now sprinkled with gray. A somewhat craggy, yet handsome face and sloping shoulders. He wore cowboy boots with dark brown, stovepipe leather pants that contoured to every bit of his legs, crotch and waist. Yet, in spite of their tightness they didn’t bind him when he moved. A white, cotton shirt opened partway down the chest to hint at pecs for which John Q would have worshiped. But this man was definitely not gay. Not the way he pulled Malina to her feet and fondled her t**s, then her p***y as he checked her full leather body harness. Whatever clothes Malina must have had when they took her back at the Leather Heel were now most likely long gone. Given the attitude that came off all the doms around here, chances were she wouldn’t see anything like them again, not until she either “earned” a skimpy thong and lacy bra or they (whoever ‘they’ were) allowed her to run screaming out into the night, back to the real world. But the way Lord Byron tightened up a strap here, pinched a n****e there, along with the distinct bulge in his pants told me that Malina could expect a long, long interest from this man, clothes or no clothes. He must have felt my eyes on him, because he looked over at me. “Aren’t you the mystery date tonight?” he said, then turned to Eleanor. “You’re not taking her out like that?” He motioned to my clothes. “No time,” Eleanor said. “Anyway, I’ve got an idea for later.” She stepped out from the corner carrying a long metal pole. At the top hung a posture collar with three straps and buckles to secure it around a neck. There was a hand grip in the middle of the pole that Eleanor used to hoist the top end up to the back of my neck. At the bottom on a small swivel a spreader bar stretched out, a pair of leather cuffs set flush against the ends. “Help me get this control yoke on her. I really haven’t had a chance to orient her.” “What? Not yet?” Lord Byron said. “You better lock her down good. You don’t want a freak out scene. Not tonight.” Lord Byron wrapped the collar around my neck, then held me still by the shoulders as Eleanor unstrapped and spread my legs wide apart. My business skirt, not designed for this, rode up my thighs. Lord Byron patted an exposed thigh. “Not bad. In fact, pretty good. You said she came in at the last minute? Lucky for you.” “You didn’t do so bad, yourself.” Eleanor didn’t look up from her chore as she secured my ankles to the spreader bar. “You’ve got a piece of ripe p***y. I can smell her from here. Do her right, or someone might snatch her away.”
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