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Mitsuei grabs the railing on his side as he catches his breath. He turns around, and Reina stands a few steps away from him. She is also taking a break from their morning routine.  They had an early walk around the Hanneau and its surrounding forest. Kayomi even introduced to them her favorite spot when she joined them earlier. She had to leave quickly, though, because she needed to get ready for her day at school. He takes a deep breath as she wipes the sweat off his messy face. He realizes that his hair has gotten long when strands fell odd despite his hair tied in a knot. He should probably get a haircut soon. “Well, well. Kiyoko wasn’t joking when she said you gained some weight.” Mitsuei shifts his gaze to the voice coming from his front gate. Yuuma stands there with his usual bag and hat over his head. He almost forgot Reina’s regular check-up today. He used to put significant dates on his calendar. But nowadays, he tends to overlook them. “Good morning to you, too,” Mitsuei yells back sarcastically. Yuuma responds with a laugh. He moves his gaze to Reina, removing his hat and bowing slightly to the missus. Looking at her, pregnancy seemed to have become a part of her now. She appears to be beaming, even with a disheveled bun and sweat running down her face. Even her smile appears to be even more sincere than before.  Reina instantly greeted as soon as she stood in front of him. The doctor smiles in delight as the missus timidly hides her perspiring face. Her sweat, on the other hand, makes her stand out even more. Yuuma said she was beaming, but a closer inspection reveals that her cheeks are reddening like rosebuds. Her eyes twinkle as well. She is one of the few pregnant women that looks stunning despite her growing tummy. “Is something on her face, Yuuma?” Mitsuei asks, brows raised. Yuuma smirks at the sudden interrogation. He was too engrossed at studying the missus that he has forgotten about the husband. And that husband stands in front of him, looking like he is ready to beat the life out of him. “No need to intimidate me, my friend. I am merely in awe as to how in love your wife must be to shine like that. The sun can’t compete with her,” Yuuma replies, gently tapping Mitsuei on the back. “Since when did you become a poet?”  “And when have you become the possessive type?” Yuuma retorts with a grin.  The hint of threat behind his words didn’t manage to escape him. He has known Mitsuei for years, and it is the first time he has shown such tendencies. And to think that he loathes people for looking at him as a violent person.  Mitsuie had married once, but he was never like this. Although the circumstances were different, he was not the kind to respond violently to such gestures. It's as if he doesn't want anyone to look at his wife. “Stop glaring at me like that. I am telling the truth when I said Reina is falling in love with you all over again. Look at how glowing she is when she is with you,” Yuuma further adds.  Mitsuei instinctively looks at the tip of Yuuma's fingers. He's pointing at Reina, who is engrossed in a conversation with Kiyoko in the foyer. He does not notice anything new about her. That is how she has always been; smiling from ear to ear. On a sunny day, blue eyes sparkle like the sea. Her cheeks, too. For various reasons, her cheeks also turn rosy to bright red. Yuuma shakes his head in disbelief. Mitsuei doesn’t seem to see what he sees.  “My friend, in times like this, I can tell that you are inexperienced.” Mitsuei’s face furrow with confusion. Inexperienced in what exactly? Yuuma didn’t say any further. He pats Mitsuei on the shoulders before going inside the house.  Mitsuei follows behind him but still with a questioning look. He keeps staring at Reina the entire time he is walking, drilling holes on her face. She might have noticed him as she looked back at him and grinned.  “Please allow me some time for a bath. I stink of sweat, and I do not look presentable at the moment,” Reina sheepishly smiles.  “Then, I shall wait at the sunroom like the usual,” Yuuma responds, looking back at Mitsuei still seems taken aback. “Accompany me, will you?” Mitsuei snaps out of confusion when he hears Kiyoko beside him, clearing her throat. She has been calling out to him for a while now with a towel in her hand. But the owner seems enchanted by something that he fails to notice her call. After hastily washing his face, he guides the laughing Yuuma to the sunroom. He didn’t quit his yapping until they finally reached the room. He continuously teased him like there was no tomorrow. “Hah!” Yuuma grunts, catching his breath. “I’m glad I have kept you entertained,” Mitsuei utters in contempt. “Oh, I’m only kidding with you.” Yuuma waves his hand in dismissal. “ Anyway, what happened to you? I am glad you have gained some shape since you were a bit lean, to begin with. But I did not imagine you would be eager to gain muscles.” Mitsuei stares at Yuuma with reluctance. He isn’t sure if it would be alright to share this much information. But if it is necessary to Reina’s well-being, then he must. “Well, Reina and I have been indulging ourselves with midnight snacks. I think for a few weeks now. And not just that, I seem to have taken a liking to whatever she eats, too. Is that even normal?” Yuuma stills for a moment. Something like that is beyond his expectation.  He only visits the Sou family once every two or three months, so he doesn’t know what is exactly happening in the household. But his stoic friend getting sympathetic over his wife’s pregnancy did not come to mind. Ever.  “Nothing wrong with that. After all, she might get lonely eating alone, won’t she?” Yuuma replies, hiding his shock. “Yes, she seems to be pretty sensitive about a lot of things nowadays.” ‘Amazing,’ Yuuma exclaims at the back of his head. Not too long ago, Mitsuei used to appear concerned about the pregnancy, but he always kept a straight face. He always managed to keep his stern and serious demeanor.  Yet now, he openly shows his real emotions. Not only with words, but also in his expression.  “You changed a lot,” Yuuma grins at Mitsuei. “You love speaking in riddles, do you?”  Yuuma heartily laughs, drowning the entire room with the resounding noise. He didn’t hold back even when Kiyoko came inside the room to bring them a warm breakfast.  Following the middle-aged lady is little Kayomi. She is skipping excitedly while carrying her bag, probably heading to school in a few minutes. Yuuma doesn’t have to guess who the little lady was talking to behind the walls adjacent to the room. The low, soft voice comes from the very mistress of the household. And the object of his friend’s sudden obsession.  “Shiro is here to pick you up,” Reina gladly announces as she slowly walks in front of the open sunroom. Behind the missus, stands a young boy whom Yuuma met the first time. He may look unfamiliar, but the boy seems to be used to living in these regions by the looks of it. He has dressed appropriately for the season, and it seems that he is also attending the same school as the young Sou. The boy greets everyone along with his bright smile. Noticing a stranger in the room, Shiro stares at Yuuma and slightly bows before introducing himself.  Reina exchanges a few words with Kayomi and her friend before finally excusing themselves. Prior to doing so, Mitsuei rises to his feet and approaches the young man. “You can be persistent. I remember you live at the foot of the mountains. Yet here you are, going all the way up here to pick up our little girl every morning.” “It’s no big deal, Mr. Sou. The distance is not that far anyway,” Shiro answers without a hint of intimidation.  “Is that so? And pray to tell me why you keep doing this?” Mitsuei inquires with an alarming tone.  “Hmm? Nothing in particular. Her school is in the same direction as my workplace, so I thought, why not go together? She will feel safe in this manner. You think so too, Mrs. Sou?" Shiro turns to Reina, trying to avoid the piercing eyes from the head of the household. “Yes. I appreciate you doing that, Shiro. I feel relieved every day knowing Kayomi is safe with you.” Despite Reina’s delight in the boy’s innocent gesture, Yuuma sees that Mitsuei neither appreciates nor is happy with the proposition. In fact, he looks like he hates the idea.  “Excuse me? Did I miss the part where I agreed on this?” Mitsuei raises a brow, looking ready to counterattack. “Come on, now. You kids will be late, so better hurry up.” Reina pushes the kids to leave as she stands between them and Mitsuei. The displeasure on her husband’s face is evident that it scared Shiro. She knew that he was afraid somehow. When he turned in her direction, his eyes were shaking. Like he was trembling inside. Well, she can understand the feeling. She felt the same way during her first few encounters with Mitsuei. As if the rumors about him were not enough, he seems to have a habit of taunting the people he meets with a hard stare. And she fell victim to that. Miserably.  “Alright, now.” Yuuma interrupts, calling the remaining people’s attention. “Why don’t we start with the check-up?” “Splendid idea, Doctor Yuuma,” Reina agrees instantly, pulling Mitsuei back inside the room. Yuuma scoffs at his friend being driven by his wife. "You have such a supportive husband, Mrs. Sou." “And I could not ask for more.”
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