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“Sou Mitsuei!” Reina bolts on her bed when she heard a loud voice coming from a close distance. It was so close that she felt her ears ring from the intensity. And considering how much voice they have been creating. It has to be her family from Haran who recklessly barged into their residence. She finally mustered up the courage to inform them regarding her pregnancy, days after Doctor Yuuma visited. “Ugh!” Reina throws her head back, stretching her neck in hopes that the pain in her head and ears will come to a stop. “They didn’t waste time coming.” The loud yell calling her husband must be her father. She can detect annoyance in his voice. While in the background, she can hear Helen and Maya’s voices restraining the men of her family.  After a brief silence, she can hear heavy footsteps approaching from the end of the hallway.  ‘Mitsuei!’ Realizing the whole situation, she hurriedly steps off her bed to clean herself up. It would raise suspicion to her family if they were to see her exit a different room than her husband’s. Couples, especially newlywed ones are supposed to be sharing the same bed! Reina immediately grabbed the robe sitting on the chair near her vanity to cover herself. She wants to meet Mitsuei halfway so they can greet their visitors together. Just like a normal couple should.  Her swift exit from her room perfectly timed to Mitsuei’s pacing. And just like her, he appears to have woken up from all terrible noise. “Good - morning,” Reina stutters on her greeting, battling either to call him by his name or not. “Reina. Good morning,” Mitsuei greets back nonchalantly. Mitsuei said nothing more and only proceeded to walk towards the source of so much noise.  Reina can barely catch up to his long strides. Aside from his long legs, his pacing was also too much for her to follow. Walking behind him has some perks, though. Reina can freely examine him without fear of being caught. She has complete freedom to inspect him without fear of being discovered. Reina can see why he intimidates so many people, especially strangers. His broad shoulders and towering stature are enough to terrify anyone he encounters. Upon their arrival in the living room, the noise came to a halt. Poor Kiyoko already looks tired first thing in the morning. She did her best holding the fort before they all woke up. “Good morning, everyone. Neither of us expected you all to arrive this early. I’m afraid we haven’t prepared any meals yet.” Reina remains amazed how Mitsuei still appears so calm in front of her family. Especially with her father shouting in annoyance. Perhaps his experience with war and battle gave him enough courage to fear no one even if they are one's in-laws. However, what more surprised her and everyone in the room is what Mitsuei said next. “And yelling first thing in the morning could have surprised anyone. Reina could have fallen on the floor out of shock since she has been too jumpy these past few days.” “I don’t like your tone, young man,” Ryouta sneers at Mitsuei, even ignoring Helen’s strong grip on his arm. Reina shakes her head in frustration, slowly getting irritated by the situation brewing inside the house. Her father is becoming unreasonable again. “And you could have informed us sooner. Who waits until nighttime to send a messenger bearing such important news?” Haru adds with a snarl. Reina firmly presses her eyes shut, hoping she can entirely cancel all the nasty remarks and noise. Her headache even got much worse. Her ears also won’t stop ringing. The whole thing makes her dizzy and she can almost throw up.  Unable to hide her growing annoyance anymore, Reina yells, “Enough, please! I was the one who decided to send the messenger at nightfall!”  Reina gasps, covering her mouth as soon as she realized the heavy words that came from her mouth. Her words and tone didn’t come out the way she wished it to be. It only made her emotions evident to everyone present.  All attending people in the room shot their eyes at her. They all have the same dumbfounded expression on their faces, failing to utter a single word. It sure was a surprise to them, considering Reina rarely raises her voice, much so angered. Her usual composed and gentle self is nowhere to be seen. “See? Now you lot got our new mother mad.” Among the astonished people, Helen recovered first and beamed at Reina. She gives Reina a warm hug as a greeting before approaching Mitsuei with the same intention. “Isn’t it inappropriate that the new parents got yelled at first thing in the morning without even responding to their greeting?” Maya teases, nudging Haru who is standing beside her. Miki on the other was oblivious of the ruckus and jumps on Reina with an embrace. Despite the initial confrontation, Reina and Mitsuei were eventually able to soothe and settle their visitors. Kiyoko immediately brought Akari over to the Sou residence to get the meals ready for everyone. They weren’t able to prepare anything since it was too early when the Asai family showed up. Instead, they brought the ingredients to the house to prepare while the rest of the family munched on snacks and drank tea. They didn’t need to wait long though. Akari was quick with her hands. No movements wasted.  Kiyoko also didn’t waste time serving everyone their food. Kiyoko and Akari left to attend to their tasks in Hanneau as soon as they saw the family's satisfied faces. “So when are you due, Reina?” “Oh, doctor Yuuma said it should be on the last month of winter. Most probably on the fourteenth, mother.” Reina clears her throat, almost choking on her lies. She averts her eyes in hopes no one can see through her, only to land her eyes on Maya who gestures a zip on her mouth. Truth is, Yuuma told them that she is due to give birth in the middle of the second month of winter. Around December. Such a delicate time to have a child. But then, he also mentioned that there is a high chance that she will give birth in the next month given it is her first child. “Oh, my! This couple sure is healthy to be blessed with a baby right after the ceremony,” Helen giggles, clearly delighted by the news while she digs in her meal. So unlike Ryouta and Haru who only seemed to frown ever since coming in the house. And Reina isn’t taking their reactions really well. She is growing more and more annoyed watching them obviously expressing their disagreement.  ‘Can’t we all just celebrate in peace?!’ Reina screams behind her head.  Kayomi breaks through the awkward environment, asking permission to bring little Miki to the lodge. She wanted to show her around Hanneau and feed the koi fishes with her. Maya volunteered to watch over the kids. Truth be told, she was also excited about the thought of having an exclusive tour of the famous inn. Despite Helen’s best efforts to smile and lighten the mood, the air around them remained terrible.  Reina sighs in frustration. “Can’t we all just settle this once and for all? We are all family now. And to be honest, I don’t understand why you must hate my husband. He never treated me with disrespect and I believe it is the same with all of you.” “Sweetheart, ignore your father and brother. They are just in shock since we heard the news last night. Maybe they haven’t imagined you being a mother yet,” Helen responds casually, holding Reina by the hand. Helen constantly pushes Ryouta and Haru with her elbows on both sides, hoping both men would snap out of their odd behavior. Haru finally resigns with a deep, heavy sigh. He turns his head towards the new parents, still a little unhappy about the events that took place. “Forgive me. I just can’t believe my little sister is going to be a mother now. Not that I didn’t expect it, but still.” Satisfied, Helen shifts to her side. She glares at Ryouta. A familiar glare that may easily convince anyone to give up. Reina swore she heard him grit his teeth before finally giving up his stubbornness. “You’re right. I apologize, too.” Reina’s eyes lit up in happiness after hearing her family’s words. Now since they're all in the same family, there are even more reasons for them to get along. Especially when there will be a new family member shortly. “Mister Mitsuei may have an advantage when it comes to parenting, but don’t be so confident. And I hope both of you are prepared,” Haru mutters, talking from personal experience. “Well, I don’t think anything is impossible if the both of us cooperate.” Reina feels her heart flutter when Mitsuei took her hand. He stares at her with a gentle smile.  Fumbling, she turns her gaze at her husband in awe. Until now, he is still consistent with his act that sometimes she finds herself almost believing him. He never falters even with time. “Of - of course. I know you will never leave me alone on this.” Mitsuei grins at her like he normally should in front of others. She is unsure whether his smile intends to express happiness or amusement at her charade. Or is her facial expression clearly showing her lies? “Indeed. Remember the child doesn’t only belong to their mother alone. You must keep in mind that the child is also yours. Thus, you must be as greatly involved as the mother is.” Ryouta emphasizes, making Reina flinch in her seat. Suddenly, she feels guilty about lying and pushing most of her burden to Mitsuei. However, that feeling didn’t last long in her heart and mind. The hand still holding her tightened its grip. As if pulling her out of her daze. “Naturally.” Mitsuei smiles at Reina. A seemingly genuine smile. “Regardless of the situation, I do plan on raising our kids together.”
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