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“I can see it!” Helen has been yelling in joy for the last couple of minutes since Reina showed progress in childbirth. She can finally see the head of the baby coming out.  Mitsuei and Kayomi both have the same look of relief across their faces. Neither of them said a word but the heavy sigh they released is enough to express happiness. “Good job, sweetheart. Now, once more time.” Helen encourages Reina, delighted that she can withstand the pain now. “I want you to push again, one more time.” “Okay ----fuuh!---- okay, mother.”  Reina releases another deep long breath, nodding her head constantly to acknowledge her mother’s instructions. She feels like rejoicing after hearing the improvement. It’s like her efforts are finally paying off.  Mitsuei releases a breath that he realized he has been holding in. The longer this process takes place, the longer he has been paranoid.  He didn’t want anything wrong with Reina and the baby.  “You are doing great, sweetheart.” Helen giggles, cheering on Reina to lighten the room’s mood. “Now, I want you to push again. This time, push harder. Is that clear?” “Yes. Yes, mother,” Panting, Reina manages to respond.  Reina blows some steam before glancing at Mitsuei to her side. She then gazes back at her mother who is relentlessly trying her best to make this childbirth easy for her. Now that she got the hang of it, she is confident that she will be able to deliver this baby successfully. After gathering all her strength, Reina inhales a huge breath then growls for one more strong push. She can feel it. The baby is slowly moving. Only a few more pushes, then she and the baby can finally relax. Reina can push again, not missing the timing she came up with. She recites the mantra her mother taught her over and over until she feels ready to give her all in one strong push.  If not for this pregnancy, she wouldn’t discover the super strength she has until now. “Oh, Reina. I wish I could do this all instead of you suffering like this.” Hearing Mitsuei’s declaration, Kayomi can’t help but twist into a disgusted look. A thought that had never crossed her mind suddenly pops into her head.  “Eww. Father, we are in an alarming situation yet you still manage to joke like that?”  Mitsuei face falls into a frown as he turns his attention to Kayomi. Of course, he knew it was an absurd idea, but he at least want to make the room to be a little bit livelier. And it somehow worked. Helen bursts into a hearty laugh, looking at him and back to Kayomi. Even Reina can’t stop herself from chuckling seeing Kayomi’s nauseated expression. He dismisses the idea and shifts his gaze to Reina. He plants a kiss on her sweaty forehead once again. He doesn’t have the slightest idea of the time. But all he knows is they have been like this on what feels like forever. As he glances at the closed doors behind them, he notices a small light passing through to the cracks.  Has Reina been using her strength for over ten hours now? He remembered it wasn’t even close to dinnertime when Reina started her labor.  He feels his stomach growling in hunger, but none of that is a concern. And it might be the same for everyone present in the room, so it seems. “Again, Reina. I can only see the baby’s forehead,” Helen utters, panting from following Reina’s rhythm.  “What?! Just the tip from such a long time?!” Reina exclaims in surprise.  She has been using her force for what feels like an eternity yet, they only see the tip of the baby’s head. How long does she have to continue like this? Never again in her life will she ever think of having another baby. This will be the first and last time she will experience this extreme turnover of emotions.  “I know this is hard, sweetheart. But you need to push. Aren’t you excited to see if it is a boy or girl? Can you tell me which you like?” Helen asks, trying to converse with Reina to divert her from the pain and frustration. “Nnnn… Ahhh!” Reina screams as she makes an effort to bring her baby to the world.  She grunts both in pain and frustration. She does another push, completely ignoring the sudden surge of pain that creeps through her entire body.  “I don’t know! I will love them all the same,” Reina pants as she manages another strong push. Her breathing is becoming heavier as time passes.  “You can do it, Reina!” Kayomi cheers, tears swelling on her beautiful orbs. “I’m excited to meet my younger brother or sister.” Huge lumps of tears fall from Reina’s eyes. Hearing both Mitsuei and Kayomi wanting to meet the baby so bad gives her happiness. She is moved to tears. She feels like she is gaining more strength just from hearing them welcome the baby like that.  She is just glad that she is in the middle of childbirth that she manages to cover up her intense emotions inside. “You can do it, Reina. I’m already shaking in excitement. I’m looking forward to what our baby looks like,” Mitsuei whispers, praying to all the Gods he knows to keep his wife and child safe. During his time on the battlefield, he learned not to fear anything. He does not even back down to any form of challenges, especially when his father is on the constant lookout. He even hardened himself too much that he no longer felt any emotions.  He was neither sad nor happy. Just a living being with a hollow body. But something happened when he saw those misty blue eyes that night on the bridge.  He felt fear for the first time in many years. And subsequently, anger. Anger for the woman who wanted to end her life just because of some pathetic man. And he loathes his brother for what he did to Reina. He didn’t expect him to grow into the laid-back, irresponsible man that he is now.  And up til now, he didn't regret not ever tellingTomohisa of his child with Reina. Having her around made life less dreary. He loves to hear her sing to her unborn child. He loves seeing her dote on her daffodils. Even how she works hard in Hanneau made him respect her more.  At first, he thought it was out of pure pity and good-heartedness that he insist on helping by marrying her. But as time went by, he realize it was more than that. And what made him realize his feelings was seeing that foreign military officer approach Reina.  He knew for a fact that the man was only trying to make an acquaintance in his current assignment. But can’t help but get threatened by Leonard’s presence. His only relation to Reina may only be their foreign blood, but even a small thing like that can develop into romance.  And he has not been too confident that he will be able to keep Reina by his side when she finds a man she truly loves. Their relationship started with a good intention to help. Although he has been trying his best to show his real feelings, he is just unsure whether he passed it properly or not. Reina has not been showing any signs of having the same feelings. He may not be vocal about his feelings, but he has been anticipating the baby’s arrival. He is so excited that he invited Reina to shop for things even though they have no idea yet of the baby’s gender. He got the necessary items right away after Yuuma told him about the crib. He even got a little carried away, enough to buy a pregnancy and childbirth book for himself. He had to wait a long time for the merchant to acquire one for him. He wanted to keep it a secret, so he panicked when he found Reina in his study, trying to reach for the highly noticeable book. Aside from his primary concern for her safety, he was scared to get discovered. She might have told him that he is overstepping his boundaries.  “We have the baby! The baby is here!”  Helen screams in joy as she pulls the baby out of Reina. Kayomi instantly runs to her side with a clean sheet to cover the newly born babe. “Reina, Father! I have a little brother!” Kayomi beams excitedly as she helps Helen cover the still bloody baby. Reina feels herself stiffen for a minute before bursting into a loud sob. Finally, both she and the baby managed to succeed.  Filled with overwhelming joy, Mitsuei gives Reina a peck on the lips. He is so delighted that he forgot to mind his manners. Reina, on the other hand, didn’t notice such a gesture. For her, it felt almost natural.  “Congratulations to both of you. We have a healthy baby boy.”  Helen walks towards the couple, handing the now clean baby to Mitsuei.  “No, mother. I --- I can’t,” Mitsuei stutters in response.  “What nonsense? Here, take your child.” Honestly, Mitsuei does not know about carrying a newborn baby. Aside from the information he got from the book, he didn’t have hands-on experience when handling a baby.  He's nervous. The baby is small and weak. One minor blunder could cost the baby's life. However, Helen insists on giving him the baby. She didn’t budge despite the reluctance written all over his face.  Still full of doubt, Mitsuei slowly takes the baby from Helen. He is shaking from head to toe.  “Relax, Mitsuei,” Helen advises, tapping him on the shoulders. “Steady yourself but don’t be stiff.” Mitsuei nods his head slowly, in long intervals. It is as if he is calming himself instead of the baby. “Was I this small too when I was born?” Kayomi appears from his back, peeking through her father’s shoulder. “But do babies usually cry when they are born?” Helen stills as she stares at Mitsuei with wide eyes. Something is wrong with the baby!
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