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“Now, what do we do?” Reina sinks her face into the hallows of her hands. Mitsuei’s question constantly rings in her ears that she thought her mind might explode. She should have been more careful of her words.  “I am sorry. I shouldn’t have decided abruptly. I completely forgot and simply went with the flow,” Reina mumbles, unable to figure out things herself.  Incidentally, when her mother said about staying with her until birth, she immediately said ‘yes’. She got overexcited of the thought that someone more knowledgeable about pregnancy would be with her during the entire process.  However, in the end, she forgot to consider the situation with Mitsuei. And it was too late to take back her words.  ‘Perfect! Then I am hoping that Mister Mitsuei will give me that room,’ Helen points to the first room from the foyer. The moment Helen takes claim on a room, Reina realizes that she has done something terrible. She was too ecstatic earlier that she disregarded the setup she is in.  With fear in her eyes, she turns to Mitsuei. She hopes that he could come up with reasons to dismiss the suggestion made. But he only looks at her with baffled eyes. He appears as lost as she is.  ‘Are you sure, mother? Isn’t it supposed to be busy these days because of winter?’ Reina tries to turn things around. ‘Oh, don’t worry. I am not much help in preparing for the winter. And you know how extra your brother and father are during this season. Would you believe that they finished wrapping the crops? Individually.’ ‘Oh, wow. Amazing as always.’ Reina response in a monotone voice. She is losing the best reason for her mother not to continue with her plan. ‘How about Maya? Won’t she have a hard time with both helping in the fields and at home as well?’ Helen lets out an exasperated breath before taking Reina’s hands once more.  ‘Sweetheart, stop worrying about everything. That is not good for your health and the baby. They will all be fine at home. Isn’t that right, darling?’ Helen smiles at Ryouta. ‘Of course. And you should know that your condition is a priority. Your mother may not be a doctor, but she knows a lot of things,’ Ryouta agrees, sipping his tea. The concern on her parents’ faces overrode her troubled mind. She didn't have the heart to deny them anymore because they wanted to help in any way they could. Mitsuei must have felt the same way, too. After all, he didn’t argue with them and just accepted the suggestion without any complaint. “Well, nothing can be changed now. We need to make a decision before your mother comes,” Mitsuei lets out a sigh. He was also shocked to hear Reina give consent right away after Helen’s suggestion. Clearly, she did not get the chance to think of the consequences that come after. He had proven it right the moment Reina looked back at him with wide eyes. ‘Hah! What a disaster,’ Mitsuei mutters to himself.  He has been trying to come up with solutions, but he only sees one that might not give them away. And that is sharing his room with Reina. But then he fears that Reina will disagree with his suggestion.  Again, Mitsuei breaths out heavily. He knows that there is no other way. That is if, Reina convinces her mother to stay in the same room as Helen. “Reina.” Reina raises her head, looking pitiful while drenched in the consequences of her own doings. She didn’t respond to Mitsuei. She stares back at him with a puzzled look on her face. Looking back at Mitsuei’s serious face, Reina cannot help but straighten her back. She feels a sudden chill on her back, somehow aware of what is coming next. Perhaps, they have had the same thing in mind.  “For this matter, I can only think of a few solutions. One, you and I sleep in the master’s bedroom. Similar to any husband and wife. Or, you negotiate with your mother on staying in the same room as hers.” Reina looks down on her lap. She thought of the same thing as Mitsuei did. She was trying to compose other solutions, but she kept on hitting the dead end. “Honestly, those were the same things in my mind.” Reina sighs in defeat. “Then, I guess neither of us has a choice.” “What do you suggest?” Reina bites her lower lip, sheepishly staring at Mitsuei. The words she means to say surely take up all the encouragement she has inside. Mitsuei may have been kind enough to care for her as a husband should despite the nature of their relationship, but she is never bold with her requests or demands. But she has no choice. Except if she can convince her mother. But by the looks of it, Helen will push her back to her husband’s room.  “I know this is bold of me. But I see no other option that could not compromise our efforts.” Reina mumbles, still embarrassed of the implication of her words. “I guess sharing a room with you will fix this. That is if you agree with me. I won’t force this idea on you if you are not comfortable.” Mitsuei laughs, looking at her wide-eyed. “I should be the one asking you that, Reina.” Perhaps he is right. But who would want a woman who is in her last phase of pregnancy? The bump on her abdomen is so big that she hasn’t seen her toenails for months. Moreover, Mitsuei never desired her before. She the garbage his brother had thrown. And nothing about her is seductive. That aside, she has faith in him. He could have coerced her without her agreement if he were a horrible person. Or maybe use her secret to his advantage. But she never felt like that around him. All she feels is his sincerity in helping her. “I’m home!!!” Both Reina and Mitsuei turn their attention to the foyer. Kayomi’s shrilling voice echoes throughout the house, disrupting the awkward silence between the supposed married couple. “You won’t believe how it is starting to freeze out---. Oh my, what is going on?” Kayomi questions, taking notice of their gloomy faces the moment she walks in. “Kayomi, welcome back,” Reina greets, trying to pose a smile. That false grin and anxious look will not persuade Kayomi. Reina has lived with them for a long time now and, she is familiar with her habits. Aside from the bad acting skills, she has certain habits that give herself away. Her eyes, in particular, cannot lie. “What is the matter now?” Kayomi asks when no one answered. Reina whimpers, seemingly wanting to cry. She is very troubled by the matter but, at the same time, completely embarrassed by her own suggestion.  She recounts the entire scenario to Kayomi, leaving no unsaid details. After all, Kayomi also resides in this house. She needs to know that may happen in the next few weeks.  She is even getting antsier, considering she had lied about the baby’s due date. She only hopes that the baby can hold off for a long time. Plus, she has prepared herself neither physically nor mentally.  By the end of her narration, Reina is expecting Kayomi to be horrified by the things she told her. However, she is appalled that the young lady howled until she can't catch her breath.  “Kayomi, calm down, please. Reina is really disturbed by this,” Mitsuei rebukes the still cackling girl. Kayomi took a few minutes to calm herself before ultimately doing so. Kayomi must be amused by this, as seen by the small tears that form in her eyes. To which she had not anticipated.  “Forgive me. I didn’t mean to insult anyone. I just didn’t anticipate such a story when I saw dull faces earlier.” Kayomi apologizes. “But Reina, I don’t think this is a problem at all. I mean, both of you are legally married.” Reina’s eyes lit up. She obviously forgot that part.  ‘Perhaps there is nothing to be shy about. I mean, we are supposed to share a room from the beginning.’ ‘Or not. Even with the legitimate ceremony, it doesn’t mean our feelings for each other are also legitimate.’ ‘Oh no! Make up your mind, Reina.’ Reina feels silly for conversing with herself. She may look nuts in from of Mitsuei and Kayomi. Meanwhile, Mitsuei can’t deny that he is amused seeing the constant changes in Reina’s facial expression. It is obvious to say that she probably is talking inside her head. As panic is evident on her face, he is convinced that a decision must be made. He wants her to finally settle down and rest.  “Reina,” Mitsuei calls her attention. “I have no problem sharing my room with you. However, if you are not comfortable with the idea, perhaps we can try to talk to your mother once she comes here.” Reina sighs, finally composing herself. It is more shameful that Mitsuei takes matters seriously when she is here, acting like a crazy person.  “I am afraid that I won’t be having some peace of mind if we wait. So, if it is alright with you, I don’t mind sharing -- sharing a room with you.” Mitsuei smiles in delight. Reina must be nervous. It might even take a lot of effort for her to say those words. That slight stutter hardly escaped his ears. “Alright, problem solved!” Kayomi squeals in excitement. She knows something will change from here on out. She only hopes that either of them realizes how futile hiding their feelings are. Mitsuei clears his throat. All of this is to protect their secret. However, he cannot help but get excited by the prospect of sleeping close to her. He wonders how his mornings will be different from now on. He shakes his head, trying to keep his act together. He suddenly feels guilty of thinking that way when Reina here is distressed.  ”So, when shall we transfer your stuff?”
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