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Bustling and chattering noises. Hands are all over the table. The environment in the Asai residence is the same as always. And this is something that Reina misses terribly.    Since living in Hanneau, her daily life has been nothing but serenity. It was only good for a couple of days, but Reina grew tired of the pin-drop silence. She is so used to living in a noisy house that she can't seem to adapt to the quiet box she now calls home.   “Did you properly tell your husband about you going here?” Ryouta inquires after the plates cleared the table.   Reina almost choked in her drink after hearing her father’s remarks. He blurted it out casually as if she had been causing trouble since she was a child.    “Of course, father. Rio wouldn’t be with me here if I didn’t inform him accordingly.”   “My dear daughter, you can’t blame us. You have been rebellious in the past few months that either of us is afraid that you’re giving Mister Mitsuei a hard time,” Helen giggles, teasing Reina more.   Reina presses her lips together, clearly unable to deny the fact behind her mother’s words. Just a few days ago she was reprimanded by the said husband for doing something unnecessary.    It has been awkward between them since. Well, it’s not as if there had been any changes in their relationship after the wedding. They both avoid looking at each other.    It has been so awkward that Reina didn’t know how to face him any longer. Even before she left for today, she had to pass the information through Kayomi. Good thing the young lass didn't question her.   “Tell me, have you fought with him already only a few months after you got married?” Ryouta presses the topic further.    Ryouta appears to be sure that Reina argued with her husband, which explains her quick return. Reina would not concede to such ideas, even though they are somewhat correct. It's not like they fought. More likely, Mitsuei has been irritated with her, and she is unsure how to break the awkwardness between them.   “Father, are you telling me I can no longer visit home because I got married?”    Helen gently nudges her spouse and says, "Come on, enough now. And Ryou, please stop bullying our little girl. If she runs away from her new home, Rio surely won't accompany her.”   Reina lets out a sigh of relief when Helen finally ends what Ryouta was trying to imply. She was starting to feel alarmed that they’d eventually find her out. She always gets found out every time she lies.    “Your father may say otherwise, but he has been restless since you moved to Hanneau. I bet he is more worried than I am,” Helen adds while making fun of her now ashamed husband.   “I was not!”    Reina grins as she watches how her parents treat each other. They've been close for years, despite having a lot of things to worry about when they were younger. She desired to have the same type of connection that they did when she grew up. However, given how her marriage began, this would be a challenging assignment.   “Oh, I know you are.” Helen ignores Ryouta’s violent denial. “Anyway, it is getting dark now. Are you staying the night?”   Reina decided to stay for dinner before going back to Hanneau. Every minute that passes by is bothering her. She may have told Kayomi about going to Haran, but she didn’t inform them of her staying late.   Aside from the fact that Rio fell asleep, she wasn’t ready yet to return. Just the thought of stepping again into that silent household is enough to make her feel lonely. So lonely that she is even considering staying for the night. Perhaps that would be better than venturing in the dark.   Rio was highly apologetic when she woke up shortly before sundown. She became frantic for causing her trouble despite being her companion.    Reina didn’t mind as she loves the environment in Haran, especially since her family is also here. And if Reina has to point it out, Rio looked like she was more afraid of being scolded when they go home.    “Aunt Reina! Aunt Reina!”   Reina turns her head abruptly, following the voice calling her name excitedly. Miki is hoping towards their direction, her eyes beaming with enthusiasm.    “What is it, Miki?”    However, before Miki could answer Reina’s inquiry, Rio bursts into the dining room, looking completely worried.    “Mrs. Sou, your husband is here. He will surely scold me,” Rio mutters, trembling in fear.   Reina immediately gets on her feet after hearing Rio. The young lady looks troubled. She knows she's partly to blame as to why they had to stay late.    "Don't be concerned; he won't."   As much as Reina wants to reassure Rio, she is also afraid. After all, it is unexpected of him to fetch her himself. He could have sent someone else like a worker in the lodge, but he probably is too agitated that he came personally.   From the back of her head, Reina can hear her father sigh. She can tell that her parents are also standing on their feet. Their footsteps are nearing her little by little.    “Forgive me. I didn’t mean to create trouble for you, Mrs. Sou.”   Rio looks at Reina with misty eyes. She smiles gently at her to soothe both of their worries. If Mitsuei is mad, she is sure that he wouldn’t explode in front of her parents. Somehow, she is relieved knowing she is at her childhood home.   Helen and Ryouta pat the troubled young girl in an attempt to calm her down. Tears are starting to form on the edge of her eyes that they can’t help but want to protect her.    Rio tugs the hem of Reina’s shirt. Her forehead is starting to form beads of sweat. Reina can’t help but smile at the sight of her relying on her. Just moments ago, she was so closed off that she can’t hold a conversation with her. It feels like she trusts her so much right now.   Reina, defeated by fear, walks behind her parents. They appear ready to welcome her husband by the foyer. Rio is following on her feet, still anxious about what is about to happen.   “Mistuei Sou.”   Reina can hear her father’s stern acknowledgment. It appears that he still has some qualms over his daughter marrying Mitsuei.    Miki runs toward the front door, holding both her grandparents' hands. She keeps jumping up and down from the excitement of having a visitor. Reina can even hear her invite Mitsuei to come inside their home.    Reina clenches her hands to a fist. She is getting nervous as she nears the foyer. She has no idea how he appears right now.    Is he in a bad mood?    Is he mad?    Is he annoyed?    Questions she wouldn't be able to answer if she didn't confront him.   “Ah, Mis - Mitsuei. I’m sorry if I wasn’t able to tell you about staying for dinner,” Reina finds herself stuttering. If she wavers now, her family will suspect.   The best course is to apologize right away. After all, it is partly her fault. She could have woken up Rio if she did intend to go home before sunset. She holds her breath as she waits for his response.    However, instead of anger, Mitsuei offers his hand to her with a gentle and loving smile.    “I got worried that you aren’t back yet when dark fell so I came here to fetch you.”   Reina can’t believe what she is seeing. Though she expects him not to criticize her in front of her family, she never believed he’d still maintain his facade. It’s just as if nothing is wrong. She can even barely detect anger from him.    ‘I almost believed it,’ Reina mutters to herself before taking Mitsuei’s hand.   “I apologize for coming here without notice, mother, father.” Mitsuei bows his head to Reina’s parents. He then turns to Miki and tousles her hair. “We will visit again next time. It will be dangerous by the forest if we stay a little bit longer.”   “We are also capable of sending them home ourselves.”   Helen elbows Ryouta subtly. He sounds stern that he is aiming to intimidate the man.    “We are sorry to trouble you. We are overjoyed that Reina came for a visit that we forgot the time. Anyway, you do not need to worry on occasions like this since we can send her back safely.”   “No problem, mother. I also want to see for myself her safety.”   “I understand.” Helen smiles brightly. Despite his looks, he is a loving person. “Then it’d be best for you to go now and rest. And be safe.”   Reina is so taken aback that she is unable to respond or participate in the brief conversation. Helen shoves her towards Mitsuei and tells her to depart with her husband immediately.   She can’t help but comply, leaving a peck on the cheeks to her parents and a quick goodbye to the others before departing from the foyer.    Reina finally snapped back to her senses when she noticed that Mitsuei was alone. Neither is there a driver nor a carriage. Just two individual horses waiting for their arrival.   Mitsuei walks toward one of the horses with her hand still in his grasps. She figured she would be riding with him again. Yet another awkward journey.   “Please forgive me, Mr. Sou. I swear it will never happen again.”   Rio pops out from Reina’s back with her entire upper body bent down halfway to the ground. She must have been ashamed to have messed up on her job only a few weeks after her assignment. The guilt is eating Reina as minutes pass by.   “No, it’s my fault. Don’t blame Rio, please,” Reina instantly counters Rio’s statement. If someone is to be blamed, it should be all her.   Despite Reina’s efforts to redirect the faults to her, Mitsuei only sighs, kneading his forehead perhaps from the stress of dealing with her.   “More importantly, we need to go home for now.”
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