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Cherry blossoms scatter on the floor. The bitter-sweet scent it gives off overwhelms the entire event hall. Then, the sound of musical instruments echoes throughout the room. The joined melody of string and woodwind instruments creates a good feeling. A feeling fitting for the occasion. Spring, perfect time for Reina and Mitsuei’s wedding. After the meeting at Asai's residence in Haran, much to everyone’s surprise, Mitsuei requests for the ceremony to be done immediately. Reina can’t even argue with his hastiness since she knows exactly the reason behind it. If the process is to take longer, her condition will eventually be obvious. That will only defeat the purpose of their marriage for convenience if her condition is discovered. “Congratulations on the new husband and wife! I never thought you could be this extravagant, my friend.” Mitsuei and Reina shift their head to the voice that came from behind them. They were just going around, meeting and greeting the guests, when a familiar face appeared before them. “Yuuma.” Mitsuei acknowledges with a slight nod. “I’m surprised you could attend.” “Well, your invitation came as a surprise to me so I especially came to witness it,” Yuuma smiles, waving excitedly at the pretty bride. “I’m happy you could make it, Doctor Yuuma. You seem to be busy with the construction of your clinic,” Reina greets in response. Yuuma is the doctor that has been friends with Mitsuei since they joined the military together. After he retired shortly after Mitsuei, Yuuma decided to travel the country and learn more about medicine. He recently arrived in Moulen to reside and build his clinic. “Mrs. Sou, do you mind if I borrow your husband for a bit?” Yuuma asks, winking playfully at Reina. “Of course, doctor. Kayomi and I will go around more to check on the guests.” Reina sheepishly replies before walking off in the little girl’s direction. Mitsuei observes his new wife disappear in the crowd. The white silk that she is wearing complements her blue eyes. She looks like an angel that descended from above. And the smile plastered on her face only makes her shine brighter. “No wonder you wanted to rush the engagement.” “How is she?”Mitsuei asks, completely ignoring Yuuma’s prior statement. Yuuma sighs, then gestures Mitsuei to move to a more isolated location. When Yuuma arrived in Moulen, he first visited the person with whom he is well acquainted. He went to Hanneau two weeks ago, finding out that his aloof friend was getting married to his second wife. But the surprise hasn't ended there. Mitsuei requests the good doctor to on his wife to be. Not because she is sick or with an illness. Reina seems to be already pregnant with a child. “Well, according to my findings, she is already six weeks pregnant. You need to make sure that she rest properly. I noticed she is anemic. You also need to make sure that she eats her nutrients. The first phase of pregnancy is usually the delicate part, so extra precautions. If anything happens, contact me immediately.” Mitsuei nods in agreement, mentally taking note of Yuuma’s advice. Although he already has his child, he is still ignorant about the whole process. His first wife didn’t want him near her, especially during her pregnancy. He was only kept informed of her condition from time to time. Yuuma breathes an exasperated sigh. “You never fail to baffle me, Mitsuei. But you didn’t me strike as someone impatient. You should have been more careful with the i*********e if you plan to delay the ceremony.” Before proceeding with Reina’s medical check-up, Mitsuei had Yuuma swear secrecy. Of course, his ethics as a professional doctor are enough to prove confidentiality, but still, Mitsuei wants to make sure. Reina’s reputation is at stake. However, Mitsuei hasn’t been completely true to his friend. He had left out the truth about the baby’s paternity. He just let Yuuma believe that the child is his. After all, he wishes that Reina’s name remains clean. “Thank you, Yuuma,” Mitsuei responds, clearly dismissing Yuuma’s words. He takes his leave, walking off towards his young bride. Yuuma shakes his head in disbelief. He is still the same unsociable man. It is even astounding as to why he started a business in the service industry. He hates having to do with strangers. But then, looking at Mitsuei now, he seems to be enjoying himself. His facial expression is as stern as ever. Still, the atmosphere around him now seems different than usual. Meanwhile, Reina has been sweating profusely since the start of the ceremony. They had a parade to the shrine in the middle of the warm weather. Once the priest concluded the ceremony, they moved to Hanneau’s hall for the reception. The bride and groom only invited a few people. Family and a few close friends. The people who came to witness the ceremony earlier were busybodies who weren't even related to the couple. All they wanted to do was observe and will eventually spread rumors throughout the town. Though, they have been restricted from entering Hanneau since it’s completely closed off for the occasion. “Why don’t we sit for a while,” Kayomi invites Reina, tugging the back of her clothes. Reina turns to Kayomi with a gentle smile. “Sure.” Kayomi leads Reina back to her seat for a brief break. The little girl grows weary as she notices the beads of sweat forming on Reina’s forehead. It is currently spring season, with summer close by, the temperature is still somewhat low. The hall is also well-ventilated. “Do you feel unwell? You look terrible.” Kayomi frantically pulls a handkerchief off her pockets. The color on Reina’s face is even slowly fading away. She gives the cloth to Reina and rushes to get her water. Reina isn’t looking well by a minute and it’s making her worry relentlessly. “What is the matter?” Kayomi abruptly turns her head to the familiar baritone voice. Her father is swiftly approaching in their way. The wrinkled temples on his face told her that he is also getting concerned. Reina raises her hand. She wants to signal them that there is nothing to worry about. “I’m fine. I just felt a little dizzy earlier but I’m okay now.” Mitsuei doesn’t seem to be convinced. He takes a good look at her before shifting his attention to the audience before them. Shortly, he calls for Kiyoko from a distance and gives her some sort of instructions before returning to Reina’s side. She didn’t catch on to the words he told Kiyoko because the sound from and crowd is crushing her hearing. And before she knows it, Mitsuei takes her in his arms, pulling her to him in an embrace. “Mis -- Mitsuei, what are you doing?” Reina whispers with pure embarrassment. She looks around her and they are starting to call everyone’s attention. “I left Kiyoko in charge of the gathering. You need to rest” Reina wants to disagree, however, she can already see her mother and father drawing near them. Helen’s face is especially flooded with worry. Mitsuei momentarily explains the situation to Reina's family, letting them know that she needed rest. Maya volunteers to further assist Kiyoko with the event together with Haru. Kayomi also chooses to stay and help. Helen and Ryouta then join Mitsuei in taking Reina into one of the nearby rooms in Hanneau. “I’m okay now, please, don’t worry about me,” Reina begs as she takes a seat on the couch inside of the group room in Hanneau. “Mrs. Sou, you need to take plenty of rest. You look pale right now since you most likely lack sleep. Why not take a short nap for now? Don’t worry about the gathering.” Yuuma suggests to Reina, then turns his attention to her parents giving a reassuring smile. Yuuma noticed Reina’s condition beforehand and followed them as they exited the hall. Reina does indeed look pale, tired from the entire ceremony and preparations in the past few days. He talks to Mitsuei for a while, giving him instructions regarding her condition. They have been whispering by the corner, so their conversation must be about her pregnancy. It’s a good thing that the doctor is understanding. “How do you feel now?” Helen asks pulling Reina off from her thoughts. Reina smiles softly in an attempt to console her parents’ worries. “I feel better now. A nap will surely fix this.” Helen pulls her lips upwards, looking relieved. She brushes her hands across Reina’s cheeks, gently pinching them. Reina had been hands-on in preparing for the ceremony. She went days and nights planning on the event with Mitsuei helping on a few occasions. “Hmph! If that husband of yours didn’t rush things like this, you should be in perfect condition now.” “Ryou.” Helen lightly elbows Ryouta who is standing behind her. She, herself, doesn’t understand the rush but there is no use in complaining. It was both decided by the new husband and wife, so they have no place to argue. Fortunately, Mitsuei has lots of connections to make things work in a short period. It might have been hard on Reina at some point, but she at least had a lot of people assisting her. And everything turned out well in the end. Soon after, Yuuma calls everyone’s attention asking to give Reina some time to sleep in the room. Helen gives Reina a light peck on the forehead before heading out with her father. Before leaving, Mitsuei helped Reina settle on one of the beds in the family room. As soon as he made sure that she was fine, he then exited the place, giving her all the comfort. “Sou Mitsue.” Mitsuei turns to his side, seeing Reina’s parents waiting for him outside the room. “Our daughter will be in your care from now on. Do not disappoint me.” The old Asai’s words didn’t have any hint of gratitude. It was more of a threat than a reminder. “Of course, father, mother. Rest assured I will be true to my words since I don't intend to disappoint you.”
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