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“I believe you are already familiar with some of the facilities here in Hanneau. We have our event hall where we held the reception of your wedding. Next to it is the public dining area. At the back are most of the guestrooms. Then our prized koi pond. And of course, that one smoking from the back of the lodge is our pride, hot spring.”   Reina is listening intently while Kiyoko takes her on a tour in Hanneau. She tried to get up early, but by the time she did, Kiyoko was already waiting for her in the entryway of their house.   She peeks around the establishment and notices that it looks much huge than it did on the outside. It is elongated, with most of the rooms resting on the back of the lodge. On the other hand, all the amenities are on the front for easy access.  She never realized that Hanneau was this huge during the few times that her family visited.    “Normally, guests check-in around noon. But they mostly come around two in the afternoon. People you see around this time are those who stayed the night here.”   “I see,” Reina nods her head as her mind continues to process everything that Kiyoko was trying to tell her.   “Breakfast is served from seven-thirty to nine in the morning. Lunch is longer from eleven to one in the afternoon. While for dinner, it’s seven to nine in the evening. Though most of the guests opt to dine in their rooms around that time so we also offer room service.”   Reina makes a mental note of what Kiyoko said that was significant. Given the number of things to remember in such a short period of time, the small notebook and pen she carried came in helpful.  She tends to be easily flustered. Especially when there are a lot of people around her, causing her to forget so many things.   Since Mitsuei finally allowed her to work and help in the business, the least she could do is not ruin things for him and Hanneau.   “Pardon me, Mrs. Sou. I must have rambled for a long time without catching a breather. If you have questions, please feel free to ask me. Don’t hold back.”   As they go around the place, Reina notices a few stares flying in her direction. Strange looks that already speak without her trying to figure out what’s on their minds.    Growing up, she is used to people staring at her with displeasure. But as she aged, the people in town eventually got used to her presence. They probably got tired of making others’ lives miserable and most of those who prejudiced them are the elderly. Most youngsters today have already embraced the new system.   Despite this, there are still others who are opposed to the changes. Even with the government's efforts to promote peace, hate and anger continue to spread.   “Hey, isn’t that a foreigner?” What is she doing in such a traditional place?”   “Probably off to steal our jobs, too.”   “But doesn’t she look weird standing here? Those eyes seem so out-of-place.”   Reina can hear whispers from her back. She is aware that they are the women they just met in the hallway a few seconds ago.    She may be used to people’s opinions about her and her appearance, but she is still in awe about how they could keep a straight face when they faced her earlier in spite of the bad things they collected about her in their heads.   “Is there some sort of problem, dear guests?”   Reina jolts in surprise when Kiyoko puts one hand over her shoulders. The smile on her face isn't matching the tone of her voice just now. Without asking, she knows Kiyoko is upset. Something she isn’t used to seeing since knowing her.    Kiyoko is the gentlest soul she has ever met. She smiles all the time. Her words are always polite. Even the tone of her voice is really kind. So comes out as a surprise for her to hear Kiyoko sound grim.    The said guests didn’t comment any further. They abruptly left probably taking a hint from Kiyoko’s tone.    “Please pay no mind to them, Mrs. Sou.”   Reina lifts her lips to a smile. She shakes her head, trying to dismiss the subject. The worried look on Kiyoko’s face is enough to comfort her. Moreover, hearing how she was willing to stand up for her already made her feel better.   “Are you and the other workers also living here? I can’t help but notice a staff-only room that is oddly large.”   “Ah, yes. It is the room just right next to the reception area. Hanneau barely closes. We are mostly busy during the holidays. So, lodging is available for some of us. But for people like me who live nearby, going to and from work is no issue.”   ”Oh, sounds convenient. No doubt you can get here in a jiffy.”   Kiyoko's chuckles resounded in delight. “Shall we go ahead, Mrs. Sou?”   “I can’t help but notice you repeatedly calling me Mrs. Sou. You can address me by my given name, Kiyoko.”   “Oh my. I prefer not to. You are the owner’s wife and I must address you with the same respect as his.”   Reina pouts, unsatisfied with the response. She has a feeling that Kiyoko won’t ever yield to her wishes. Still, it just sounds too formal. “I still can’t get used to being addressed as a Sou.”   Kiyoko giggles, gesturing Reina to follow her to their next destination. “Then, the more reasons I should call you Mrs. Sou. In due time, you will be used to it.”   The day went on with Kiyoko showing her the rooms and facilities present in the establishment. The entire inn has a total of twelve rooms, with two being a family room enough for four to six persons. The remaining ten rooms are good enough for at least two persons.    Reina knew Hanneau is a wonderful place. A place of refuge. Peaceful and relaxing.    The breeze and the cool temperature surrounding the mountains make the place even more glorious. No wonder visitors still flock to the lodge although it is located in a hardly accessible area.    And since she was still learning the ropes, she went around with Kiyoko attending to guests, helping clean rooms, and delivering meals to guests.   Compared to everyone else, Reina wasn’t as helpful. She got flustered when she met something she was not familiar with. She also got nervous around people who gave her glaring looks.    In a way, she understands that every person coming to Hanneau is exhausted and stressed. They all want to lessen their problems and stress even for a short while.  But for her, that doesn’t justify someone’s unjust behavior.    And now that she’s lying on her bed, she suddenly feels tired. She felt she wasn’t helpful enough, but all her energy seemed drained. The anxiety was taxing for her. After all, it’s completely different from teaching.    But what really struck her today wasn’t the job nor the strangers giving her wrinkled looks. It was the conversation she had with all the other workers in the lodge during the break.   Apparently, their marriage has left everyone especially the workers appalled.   "When Mr. Sou announced your marriage, we were taken aback. He has been asked to marry the daughters of merchants and politicians for years, but he always tends to decline."   “Despite being aloof, the owner is popular. I mean, who wouldn’t want to snag a handsome and rich man?”   “Mrs. Sou must be something for the owner to have finally put down the wall he built around himself. Even to us, for years, we all have served him, but he never showed any emotions nor shares his opinions with us.”   “Right! The owner must love you strongly for him to forget whatever was holding him back. And looking at you missus, I can tell our boss will be happy this time. He’d finally get the taste of what a real family is.”   “So young lady. How did the owner tell you he loves you?”   “Oh yes! Tell us, missus!”   “I’m interested to know how you were able to melt our stern-looking boss’ heart.”   Reina presses her eyes firmly upon remembering the conversation she had with a few of the workers. They seem excited about knowing Mitsuei’s love life. Well, she can’t picture him sharing or opening such a topic to others. He doesn’t seem like the type to open up even when asked.    That exchange left an impression on Reina in many ways. Was Mitsuei that difficult that even his workers are having a hard time reading him? But he seems different when facing her parents. Who is the real Sou Mitsuei anyway?   They lived together, but one thing is for sure, she hasn't known a thing about him yet. And they were supposed in a relationship for almost a year already.    And she was taken aback by the worker's question. They were cautious around him, but she never expected them to be so interested in his personal affairs.   Still, thinking if they had a normal relationship like any family, perhaps the current situation will be different. Rather, if he truly loves a woman, he would treat her nothing like he did to her.  Perhaps he will smile at her all the time. Not the usual furrowed expression he has whenever they face each other.    ‘Come on, Reina. It’s bad to keep longing for more when you already had enough. You got what you need already. Don’t ask for something outrageous.’   ‘But aren’t we married? Is it bad to want to get along?’   ‘Get along for what exactly?’   Reina trails off from her train of thoughts when she heard a soft knock on her bedroom door. She hadn't expected anyone to come into her room at ten o'clock in the evening when everyone should have gone to bed.   She stands on her feet and swiftly makes her way to the door. Only to have opened it to an unexpected visitor.    “Mister Mitsuei?”
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