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Reina wipes the remaining sweat that rolled down her pale cheeks.  Hanneau has met with another busy day. Guests come in one after the other. All of the workers, including her, has barely enough time to prepare the guestrooms. Numerous walk-ins rather than reservations. She sets the soiled sheets on the laundry basket and takes a deep heavy breath. She was just done cleaning one room yet she needs to prepare it for the incoming guests waiting to be registered at the reception desk. “Done with the laundry?” Reina abruptly turns her head in surprise. Someone was peeking their head through the slightly open door she earlier left. “You scared me, Kayomi.” The smiling young girl is also carrying a mountain of sheets folded neatly. Judging from the seams and dirt all over it, it was something that should be replaced permanently.  ‘Seriously? Just because you’re paying for your stay, it doesn’t mean that you have the right to soil every linen.’ If one thing she learned from working in Hanneau is discovering the worse side of humans. The pathetic side of a lot of them. “Aren’t you a little bit jumpy these days, Reina?” Kayomi giggles in amusement after seeing Reina’s face turn white as a sheet. As confusing and awkward as it seems, she suggested that she remains to call her by her given name. It would be even more awkward if Kayomi addressed her as a mother since she is just half of her age.  “These people want to get their money’s worth,” Reina replies shifting her gaze to the linens on Kayomi’s hands. Kayomi nods her head in acknowledgment before heading towards the designated area for the torn linens.  “Apparently, a huge celebration happening Moulen is causing this big crowd.” “Oh, I never heard of such a thing,” Reina tilts her head in confusion.  For years she has lived in Haran and Moulen, there has never been a festival. That aside, the officials in their village weren’t that lively to consider organizing such a celebration. But perhaps since things are gradually changing, such an event can also happen.  “Make sure you don’t overwork yourself, okay? We don’t want to end the day with father scolding us at home, do we?” Kayomi teases Reina with a meaningful smile.  Unbeknown to her newfound family, Kayomi has been constantly yet silently observing her parents. Their actions and odd behavior towards each other. Their facial expressions. Even the tone of their voices changes when they converse.  All of this is entertaining for Kayomi. And she knew something was wrong when Reina suddenly told her that she was leaving for Haran one day.  Even way before Reina went to Haran with Rio, she can already sense the tension between her father and Reina. Still to this day, she didn’t what happened for them to act like that. She only guessed it was something to do with Reina doing chores at home since she noticed that her father’s face wrinkles whenever Reina touches the dishes or the rag at home. Moreover, when Reina held herself in her bedroom for days, her father seemed relentless in asking her about Reina. He can just do it himself, yet he opted to have her as the mediator.  Reina laughs awkwardly as she takes some fresh sheets for the next room that she would be cleaning. She is unsure as to what Kayomi was implying with that smile, but somehow she can tell that the young lady was aware of her previous issue with Mitsuei in the library.  “Well, of course. I don’t want to give more headaches to your father. If I bother him any further, maybe he’ll grow to hate me and throw me out of the house.” Kayomi’s face fell into a frown when she turned her head towards Reina. Obviously, she looks annoyed by Reina’s remarks. “You are and never will be hated, Reina. Father may look grumpy all the time but he doesn’t consider you a bother or troublesome.” “Forgive me. That was careless of me. I know he will never evict me from the house. After all, my baby is practically a Sou also.” Kayomi is on a verge of banging her head on the nearest wall. She sighs in frustration. When will either of them realize that the other is showing care in their way?  It might be amusing. Even so, Kayomi wishes they see each other in a different light. “I’m sorry, Kayomi,” Reina adds, still feeling guilty of her thoughtlessness. “I apologize if I offended your family by disparaging their charity to me and my unborn child. I'm just fed up with myself because I can't seem to get things right. Even when I'm trying my hardest, I make mistakes.” “Oh, don’t fret, Reina. Just having your presence is doing plenty enough. The workers started to get more cheerful having you around. You don’t have to push yourself. Take your time. Remember, you only started a few days ago.” Reina lowers her head, thinking of the words Kayomi has been showering her. She didn’t respond and stayed quiet. She didn’t want to say something wrong again to Kayomi.  Both of them immediately proceeded into getting their work done. Fortunately, their assigned rooms were just adjacent to each other. Reina can accessibly reach Kayomi if she has concerns. She has been working already for more than a week. She can say that she is gradually learning. She can even perform specific tasks on her own now such as cleaning or preparing the guestrooms, or delivering whatever is requested by the guests to their designated rooms.  However, despite her efforts into contributing to the workforce, there is one area that she isn’t well suited to. The reception.  People tend to give her obvious and unpleasant reactions as soon as they spotted her manning the receiving desk. Some were subtle enough to hide their displeasure. But some people barely have a hold of their tongues, not even considering the feelings of the people they are screaming at or scolding without reason.  She should be used to glares or evident displeasure flung towards her by now. Growing up with prejudice should have hardened her heart already, but working in Hanneau proved it wrong.  As she continues her days in the lodge, she grows weary. Was it the right choice to insist on working in Hanneau? Was her presence a hindrance to the family business? Or maybe her presence in Hanneau could bring devastation to the business? With those things in mind, Reina continuously cleaned each room in the hallway that she was assigned to do. She had been on it for hours since aside from the rooms, there were lots of things left undone.  Hanneau only has seven employees that already include Kiyoko as the manager. Truthfully, the number of employees was enough to manage a lodge with twelve guestrooms and few amenities. However, for a bustling day like this, manpower is surely insufficient. And thus, days like this make Kayomi more eager on helping out. Reina had become so engrossed in her chores that she had lost track of time. She only noticed that it was way past lunchtime when her stomach started to growl.  It was a hectic day and none of them probably had time to eat anything before things in Hanneau had finally calmed down.  Perhaps that was why the room designated for the staff was suddenly noisy with chattered noises.  As she was about to approach the room, she heard Mitsuei’s baritone voice. “Silence! So you’re telling me that none of you lot knows where is right now? I don’t remember the inn being so huge having lots of employees that you all fail to look out for each other.” The hand that was going to open the door freezes in mid-flight. Mitsuei's unexpected loud voice nearly ripped her heart out of her chest, yet the room soon fell silent. There isn't a peep or any respiration to be heard. “We are sorry, boss. Everyone got occupied with their assigned tasks that we failed terribly in noticing the time.” From the silence, Reina heard Kiyoko’s apologetic voice.  “I do not expect excuses as a response.” “We will look for her right away, boss!” And before Reina can react, the door before her flung open with the male workers almost bumping into her.  Reina leaps to her feet when one of the workers grabs her shoulders tightly, while the other sighs with relief. She can hear them murmuring their happiness under their breath upon seeing her. The rest of the workers standing behind them all had the same reaction. The quiet room is now filled with sighs of relief accompanied by smiles on their faces.  This not only puzzled Reina, but it also put her in an awkward position. Were they on the lookout for her the whole time? Were they chastised because of her? But before she could voice out her questions, Mitsuei’s towering built stood behind the male workers, forcefully clearing his throat. “We are sorry, boss. We were just too happy to see your wife finally here.” Ken, one of the male cleaners, gives an uneasy smile before returning his gaze to Mitsuei. The accompanying younger man, Sora, pulled him away from Reina with the same awkward laugh. Mitsuei's visage isn't particularly cheerful, as evidenced by his pursed lips and narrowed eyes. His mouth twitches, as if he had a lot to say but has decided to keep them to himself. The eyes that she thought were piercing her soul gradually closed with a heavy breath. Mitsuei takes small strides towards her as the workers moved aside like the parted sea.  “I take it that you haven’t eaten anything yet, correct?” Mitsuei inquires. Reina shakes her head, still enamored by the face looking down at her. Mitsuei groans in frustration, massaging his temples in an attempt to relax. “You know a pregnant woman shouldn’t be skipping meals, right? You will put yourself and the baby in jeopardy,” Mitsuei breathes out in frustration.  Surprisingly, the room became silent again. Pairs of eyes widen in their direction. “What?!”
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